Shutran Oil Spotlight - June 2024

Shurtran Spotlight

Shutran is an empowering essential oil blend specially formulated for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence. And when men are feeling more masculine and confident…let's just say they become pretty irresistible! This is one oil you want to have in your daily routine.

Shutran at a Glance

Shutran's inspiring aroma appeals to both men and women, making it a wonderful choice for a cologne. BUT Shutran does not contain any synthetic ingredients like conventional colognes. Instead, it is formulated with pure, hormone-supporting essential oils.

Besides smelling wonderful, Shutran is a powerful emotional tool for releasing blocks and promoting feelings of balance. Because it contains Idaho Blue Spruce and other oils, it is well known for its ability to support healthy hormone levels, especially testosterone!

Key Constituents
*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Alpha-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind
  • Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
  • Camphene - some studies may show that this constituent supports cardiovascular health, may help reduce pain and inflammation, support the body's defenses to fungal infections
Shutran + Testosterone

Shutran was designed specifically for men as a way to naturally support healthy hormone levels. Because it contains Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang, and Nothern Lights Black Spruce, it is an excellent oil for men to help balance and support testosterone levels.

Conifer oils are effective for reaching the pineal gland of the brain, especially Idaho Blue Spruce. This small but extremely important control switch plays a big role in hormone secretion, and regulation of mood, sleep patterns, and sexual development. Because of this and because of its unique constituent profile, Blue Spruce (and Black Spruce too!) is supportive of maintaining healthy testosterone, growth hormone and other hormone levels. This incredible oil doesn't simply ‘replace' testosterone like conventional options. It supports the body's own production of hormones which is a much better way to approach the need.

Key Ingredients

  • Idaho Blue Spruce - You say testosterone, we say Idaho Blue Spruce! This slightly sweet conifer oil is wonderful for providing the body with tools to create healthy testosterone levels.
  • Ylang Ylang - Ylang ylang is a wonderful oil for promoting connection and openness in relationships, making Shutran wonderful for promoting intimacy and also for making it smell divine.
  • Hinoki - Hinoki essential oil has been used historically for refreshing the soul and is used to create a calm ambiance that can help increase intuitive awareness – something essential for true connection and intimacy!
  • Davana - A lesser known, but truly wonderful oil, Davana has an exotic floral aroma that creates an environment of joy and romance.  It was traditionally used by Ayurvedic healers to balance the body and spirit. It also smells divine!
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce - Northern Lights Black Spruce has a grounding, earthy aroma that feels like walking through a beautiful, quiet forest. This oil enhances and uplifts the spirit and promotes feelings of completeness.
Daily Habits with Shutran

Apply to the wrists, neck, and chest as a daily cologne. Add a roller fitment to the top of the bottle for easy application!

Combine with epsom salts and add to warm bath water for a relaxing bath, or to ease muscles after exercise.

Add a few drops to a lightweight carrier oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed, to create a natural beard oil. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle add:
  • 15 drops Shutran
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • Optional: 10 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • Fill with Jojoba or Grapeseed oil
    Apply to beard and skin and gently massage to keep the hair and skin happy and healthy. 
Make a customized cologne roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle add:
  • 25 drops Shutran
  • 10 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • 3 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Fill with carrier of choice 
Make a DIY Massage Oil:
  • To a 2 oz pump bottle add:
  • 10 drops each Shutran, Idaho Blue Spruce, & Ylang ylang 
  • 5 drops each Orange & Sensation
  • Fill with jojoba oil
    Use as massage oil as desired! This is a great combination of oils for fostering emotional connection and intimacy with a spouse.
Make a DIY Pomade:
  • In a double boiler melt: 3 Tbsp shea butter (use refined for less scent) + 2 Tbsp beeswax pellets
  • In a separate bowl combine 2 Tbsp jojoba oil & 1 Tbsp cornstarch
  • Mix well then add in the melted shea butter/beeswax mixture and mix with a hand mixer.
  • Add 3-5  drops each Shutran, Idaho Blue Spruce, Rosemary, Cedarwood
    Mix well. Pomade will thicken as you mix. Transfer to a jar with an airtight lid.
    Store in a cool, dry place and use as desired.
Deeply inhale Shutran and diffuse while you journal, meditate, or visualize different outcomes to past traumatic or difficult experiences.

Apply to the inner thighs before or during intimacy.

Apply topically to desired area, to the bottoms of the feet, or use as needed to support a healthy endocrine system, especially to maintain balanced testosterone.

Apply between large and second toes which is a reflex point for releasing trauma stored in the body. Inhale the oil deeply when performing this exercise.

Want to try Shutran essential oil but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Rosemary Spotlight - May 2024

Rosemary Essential Oil Spotlight

Rosemary has an earthy, sweet, herbaceous scent that is familiar and welcoming, but many people aren't aware that this oil is a powerhouse! Inhaling rosemary can help overcome mental fatigue, improve mental clarity and focus, ease anxiety and enhance analytic ability. Rosemary is a key player in our beloved Thieves blend and has been burned for centuries as incense to ward off sickness. To say we love this oil is an understatement! 

Just a Drop of Rosemary

  • Has a crisp, invigorating, herbal aroma that pairs well with most other oils
  • Promotes shiny, healthy-looking hair
  • Cleansing and purifying
  • Helps create an environment conducive to work or study
  • Supports the immune system and overall wellness 
  • Contains antioxidants

Native to the Mediterranean and Asia, rosemary derives its name from the Latin words “ros” and “marinus,” or “dew of the sea.” An evergreen shrub in the mint family, Rosemary grows abundantly in rocky coastal regions. Rosemary essential oil has an invigorating aroma that can be used to create an environment conducive to work or study. It is often included in soaps, fragrances, shampoos, and household cleaners and is a key ingredient in the Thieves essential oil blend. Rosemary is highly supportive of the immune, respiratory and cardiovascular systems and is often used to support healthy blood pressure. 

Key Constituents
*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Eucalyptol - eucalyptol has a distinctive, fresh aroma that has a calming effect on the user when applied in aromatherapy. Research shows that eucalyptol may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and neuroprotective effects. It may also act as a bronchodilator, supporting airway opening. 
  • Camphor - known for its medicinal aroma, camphor has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for its cleansing properties and was used as a fumigant during the plague era. This constituent may provide antibacterial anti-inflammatory and skin supporting properties. 
  • Alpha-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind.
Rosemary & Emotions

Rosemary can be an incredible health tool when it comes to emotional support! Not only does this herbaceous oil help with mental clarity and focus, it is supportive of the immune system as well. And our immune system is highly linked to our emotional state!

Think about it. When you feel something coming on you are often more easily agitated, feel low energy and even depressed. When we begin to fall below the wellness line it affects us physically, yes, but also spiritually, emotionally, mentally. The opposite is true as well. When we are feeling the negative side of emotions, our immune systems need some support. Feelings of Vulnerable, Exhausted, Unfocused, Uncertain and Run Down are a great time to grab your Rosemary!

One simple way to help with this… keep your bottle of Rosemary beside the bed. When you wake in the morning feeling sluggish, unwilling to start the day, uncertain of what is ahead,  take a deep breath of Rosemary. To promote Clarity, dilute and rub over the throat or over the liver.

Daily Habits with Rosemary & Rosemary Vitality

Note: Rosemary and Rosemary Vitality Essential Oil are the same oil; Rosemary Vitality is labeled for ingestion but is the same product.

Add Rosemary Vitality to your dressings, sauces, marinades and infused oils for cooking! Use 1 drop of Rosemary Vitality to replace 1 teaspoonful of dried herb.

Add Rosemary Vitality and olive oil to an empty vegetable capsule and use as a dietary supplement to support healthy circulation, cleansing and cardiovascular health. 

Make this DIY Adrenal Love Serum to support the endocrine and adrenal systems (stress response!). To a 2 oz dropper bottle add: 
  • 10-20 drops each Rosemary, Clove, & Nutmeg. 
  • Fill with castor oil
    Apply over the lower back daily before bed OR morning and evening.
Use Rosemary in DIY cleaning products for a fresh, sparkling home. Add 20 drops to Thieves Cleaner (option to add 20 drops of Lemon as well).

Use in laundry: on wool dryer balls, add to Thieves Laundry Soap

Use Rosemary to make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster. To a large glass jar with airtight lid, add
  • 1.5 cup salt Epsom Salt
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 30 drops Rosemary (or mix Rosemary and Eucalyptus)
    Whisk together until all ingredients are well combined.
    To use - add 1-2 tbsp into the washer before adding any laundry. Add laundry and the normal amount of laundry detergent.
Make this Freshen Up Thieves Cleaner recipe:
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle  
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each Eucalyptus Radiata & Rosemary 
  • 20 drops Grapefruit
  • Filtered water
Take a relaxing epsom salt bath with Rosemary. Add 20 drops to 1 cup epsom salt and soak in warm water.

Combine 1 drop of Rosemary with 4 drops carrier, dip a cotton ball in the solution and apply to a freshly washed face to help cleanse.

Apply over the heart daily for cardiovascular support.

Add 10-15 drops of Rosemary to your shampoo and conditioner for a healthy scalp and hair. Also try this Rosemary Mint Hair Mask:
  • ¼ cup avocado oil
  • 10 drops Rosemary
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • Optional: 5 drops Cedarwood (great for growth)
    Mix well and apply on hair starting at the ends. Let sit for up to 10 minutes then shampoo and condition as normal.
Add 5 drops to a large handful of massage oil and apply to the skin to relax tired muscles. Or whip up a DIY Massage Oil:
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 20 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops Cypress essential oil
  • Carrier of choice
Give your tired feet some love with this Rosemary Peppermint Foot Scrub
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice 
  • 3 drops Rosemary
  • 2 drops Peppermint (optional)
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the towel and wipe off the scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.

Diffuse Rosemary during work, homework or school times or when feeling overwhelmed or scattered for a refreshing aroma that supports focus and creativity. Pair Rosemary with other crisp oils like Peppermint and Eucalyptus or other respiratory support oils to open airways, with other immune supportive oils like Lemon, Raven, RC, and Frankincense as needed, and with calming oils like Lavender or citrus oils like Lime, Bergamot and Lemon.

  • Crisp Breeze - 3 drops each Rosemary, Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot
  • Aveda - 4 drops each Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Focused - 5 drops Rosemary, 3 drops each Lemon, Tangerine
  • Herbal Remedy - 4 drops Rosemary, 3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Basil, 3 drops Grapefruit
  • Work It - 3 drops each Rosemary, Citrus Fresh, Peppermint, Orange 
  • Happy Hippie - 4 drops each Rosemary, Stress Away, Lemon
Want to try Rosemary essential oil but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Moms, Grads, and Brides Diffuser Blends - May 2024

Moms, Grads, & Brides Diffuser Blends

Bring the feminine energy of warmth, joy, and a spirit of positivity with these inspired blends! Whether you're celebrating a mom, a grad, or a bride, you will find the perfect blend right here!

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time. 

LIFE HACK - You can easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!

To make a 10 mL roller from any recipe - triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) and you're good to go.

To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe - double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, ad a splash of witch hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Button


  • 4 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops each Stress Away & Jade Lemon
  • 2 drops Geranium
Skip the jitters of a big day with this soothing, uplifting blend! Lavender is the ultimate in calming, and when added to Stress Away, it is wonderfully soothing! Jade Lemon brings a bit of citrus brightness, and Geranium adds floral notes. This blend is a wonderful choice for a daily fragrance!

Eternal Love

  • 4 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 3 drops each Rose or Geranium, & Cedarwood
Invite in all the romantic feelings with this blend of floral favorites that is grounded with a bit of Cedarwood! Rose is the quintessential oil for love, symbolizing love and compassion and evoking feelings of tenderness and care. Ylang ylang has been used in weddings for centuries! This slightly sweet oil enhances feelings of intimacy and emotional connection, and when paired with the grounding, comforting strength of Cedarwood, you have a lovely, love-filled blend!

Feminine Energy

  • 4 drops each Jasmine, Neroli, & Vanilla
Bring the feminine energy with floral, uplifting Jasmine, sweet, citrusy Neroli, and comforting, warm Vanilla. This blend smells incredible, guides the emotions towards safe connection, and uplifts the spirits!

Graduation Day

  • 4 drops Grapefruit
  • 3 drops each Northern Lights Black Spruce & Davana 
Settle into all the feelings of a new chapter with this blend! Grapefruit is bright, fresh, and uplifting to the spirits. Northern Lights Black Spruce is woodsy and grounding (which is important for big life events!), and Davana is wonderfully supportive to the emotions. With the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with a big day or event, this blend is a wonderful support tool!

Motherhood Moments

  • 3 drops Joy
  • 4 drops Lemon
  • 3 drops Tangerine
Motherhood is a beautifully full journey of joy, bittersweet moments, and many things in between. Celebrate those moments with this sweet, uplifting blend! Joy is a wonderful, lightly floral blend for the emotions, and when paired with the encouraging scent of citrus, it is so lovely! Tangerine and Lemon are both bright and happy, yet calming to the mind. Try this blend anytime of day!

Cocoon of Comfort

  • 4 drops Vanilla
  • 3 drops Patchouli
  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Grapefruit
This blend is comforting and warm, like a big hug from someone you love! Vanilla is such a comforting oil, reminiscent of a mother's embrace and unconditional love. Patchouli is grounding and nurturing, providing a sense of security and stability, and Lavender is soothing and relaxing. A  bit of Grapefruit rounds out this blend with a bit of brightness!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use May's Gifts with Purchase - 2024

How to use May's
Gifts with Purchase

Hello May! Flowers are blooming, sunshine is shining, and summer is on the horizon. We are welcoming this new month with open arms as we celebrate the graduates, celebrate some of the women in our lives, and hold space for all of the emotions that this season can bring. We are SO excited to receive some feminine favorites for FREE this month!

Ylang ylangPatchouli, and Progessence Plus – oh my – plus Rosemary and Lavender Lip balm (a must have for puffy eyes and sore noses from allergy season!). PLUS a discount on two summer must-haves for Loyalty orders!

NOTE: If you're looking for any DIY supplies, check out the DIY Supplies List blog post for the exact items we use and recommend.

And don't forget to round up your order with the 'Dollar Up' option to donate to the Young Living Foundation. A few cents can go a long way!

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang is THE oil for love and connection! Meaning flower of flowers, Ylang Ylang essential oil has a sweet, romantic aroma and was historically to adorn a newly married couple's bed on the wedding night. Known for reducing stress, some find it beneficial for blood pressure regulation and other symptoms of high stress.

  • This floral, balanced oil promotes openness and connection, encourages confidence and inspires romance. Add Ylang Ylang to a bath soak, a perfume roller or diffuse it all month long.
  • Diffuse Ylang Ylang for emotional support, particularly when battling low self-esteem and confidence. Pair it with citrus oils like Tangerine and Lemon or with grounding oils like Northern Lights Black Spruce.
Diffuse Ylang Ylang at night to remove emotional blocks and set the mood in the bedroom for intimacy. Try this Date Night Blend:
  • 5 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 3 drops Tangerine
Apply to the wrists for a stabilizing, peaceful energy and a lovely perfume.

Add a few drops of unscented body wash or Epsom salts in your bath for a luxurious soak.

Add Ylang Ylang to your daily moisturizer to support radiant skin. Try this DIY Beauty Serum. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle, add:
  • 10 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • 10 drops Geranium
  • Jojoba or argan oil
Add to a shampoo or create a hair spray or mask to promote thick, glossy hair. They this DIY Hair Mask:
  • 1/4 cup avocado oil
  • 10 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 5 drops Cedarwood
    Mix well and apply on hair starting at the ends. Let sit for up to 10 minutes then shampoo and condition as normal.
Apply over the heart to reduce stress and encourage healthy blood pressure.

Try this Don't Worry, Be Happy roller blend. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 10 drops each - Peace & Calming, Joy, Ylang Ylang and Orange
  • fill with carrier oil
  • Roll onto your wrists, heart, and neck as often as desired
Indulge in this DIY Foot Bath Soak for a little TLC.
  • 1/3 cup Epsom salt
  • 4 drops Peppermint
  • 3 drops Thieves
  • 2 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 1 drop each Tea Tree, Elemi, or Frankincense
  • 1-2 tsp AlkaLime
    Step 1 - Combine Epsom salt and essential oils in a small glass container with a lid. 
    Step 2 - Pour the mixture in your bathtub or a foot basin, adding enough warm water to cover your feet.
    Step 3 - Stir the mixture in the water until the salt dissolves. Add AlkaLime and stir until dissolved.
    Step 4 - Soak your feet for 20-30 minutes.
Make this Floral Bath Soak for a little self care and to give tense or tired muscles some TLC:
Winter skin needing a little love? Whip up this Ylang Ylang Salt Scrub:
Make a refreshing room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • splash of witch hazel
  • fill with filtered with water
Whip up this simple DIY Linen Spray to bring a bit of floral whimsey to linens and upholstered surfaces. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • splash of witch hazel
  • 15 drops of Ylang Ylang
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Tangerine
  • filtered water
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener. To a glass jar, add:
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 20 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 20 drops Lemon or Lavender
    Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 m minutes before vacuuming.
Add to your Thieves Cleaner for a fresh, floral twist. Try this Spring Garden Thieves Cleaner. To a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add:
Use Ylang Ylang to make DIY Oil-Infused Shower Melts with a fresh, floral scent.
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup Epsom Salt
  • 30 drops of essential oils of choice
  • water (about 2-3 teaspoons)
  • Silicon mold
    Step 1 - Pour the baking soda and Epsom salt into a mixing bowl.
    Step 2 - Slowly add water, about 2 teaspoons and mix well. If the mixture is not holding, add another teaspoon of water.
    Step 3 - Add essential oils of your choice and mix well.
    Step 4 - Scoop into silicone molds and let sit overnight.
    Step 5 - Remove and store in an airtight container.
    To use, simply place a shower melt on the floor of the shower near the water but not directly in the stream. Enjoy!
Diffuse this fresh, floral oil with citrus or tree oils ours it to add sweet notes to your favorite diffuser blends.
  • Lushious Lemon - 2 drops each Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lemon Myrtle, Spearmint + 1 drop Cinnamon Bark
  • Pretty Woman - 5 drops Stress Away + 3 drops each Ylang Ylang, Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • Citrus Shine - 5 drops Grapefruit + 3 drops Ylang Ylang + 2 drops Eucalyptus
  • Feeling Fine - 6 drops Christmas Spirit + 2 drops Orange + 1 drop Ylang Ylang
  • Marshmallow Latte - 4 drops Stress Away + 3 drops Ylang Ylang + 2 drops Nutmeg + 1 drop Cassia

ProgEssence Plus Serum

Progessence Plus is our favorite hormone support serum! It's is made with natural, bio-identical progesterone from wild yam to help balance hormones, promote well-being and feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance.
A blend of USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yam, essential oils and vitamin E, Progessence Plus is made to help women find balance the way nature intended. This crowd favorite serum contains pure frankincense, bergamot, and peppermint essential oils. Wild yams are said to help normalize blood sugar levels, combat weight gain and hair loss, and help reduce the occurrence of hormonal headaches. This incredible combination has so many wonderful benefits.
Read more about this serum:

Patchouli essential oil

Use Patchouli as a natural alternative to conventional deodorant

Either apply directly, dilute with jojoba oil and apply (this 30 mL roller bottle makes application easy) or apply after using apple cider vinegar to cleanse the area.

Add Patchouli to your skincare routine - it's great for winter skin. Make this Happy Hippie Body Butter.
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup pure organic shea butter
  • 1/8 cup cocoa butter
  • 1 Tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 20 drops Patchouli essential oil
  • 20 drops Tangerine essential oil
  • 20 drops Sacred Mountain essential oil blend
    Whip coconut oil and shea butter with a handheld or stand mixer until light and fluffy, slowly mix in essential oils until combined. Store in a glass jar with an airtight lid.
Whip up a Sweet Dreams Linen Spray. To an 8 oz glass spray bottle add:
  • 25 drops each Patchouli, Tangerine, & Lavender
  • Fill with distilled water and invert to gently mix.
    Spray onto linens, pjs, stuff animals, etc. 
Make a Sweet Dreams sleep roller:
  • 20 drops each Lavender, Stress Away, & Patchouli
  • Fill with carrier oil of choice
    Apply over to the big toe, bottom of the feet, neck and behind ears before bed or more frequently as desired.
Make this Bedtime Bath Soak for a spa-inspired evening routine.
Try this Wind Down Foot Scrub as a treat for tired feet before bed:
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 10 drops Patchouli
  • 5 drops Lavender
    Combine all ingredients in a metal or glass container, use in the shower to exfoliate & moisturize! 
Try this DIY Hand Salve for soothing dry skin (not just hands!)
  • ½ cup Organic Olive Oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
  • ½ cup organic arnica oil
  • Tbsp shea butter
  • 2 Tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 3-4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles
  • 40 drops essential oils: Patchouli, Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood alone or in combination. Essential oils to add for a masculine scent: Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
    Step 1 - Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil & beeswax and allow it to melt, stirring gently.
    Step 2 - Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils.
    Step 3 - Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into the small containers.
Make this Dry Skin Bath Soak! Adding oatmeal to the bath is helpful for more acute skin needs, especially for children.
Make this nourishing DIY Goat Milk Soap:
Add Patchouli to your favorite roller blends for a woodsy aroma that calms & grounds:
Tension Melter - Patchouli + Peppermint
Glow Up - Patchouli, Frankincense, Blue Tansy (a skincare favorite)
It's a Vibe - Patchouli, Jasmine, Bergamot (a great perfume roller)

Make a cozy Autumn room spray with Patchouli and other tree oils. To an 8 oz glass spray bottle add:
  • 25 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 15 drops Patchouli
  • 15 drops Tangerine (optional)
  • 10 drops Cinnamon Bark
  • A splash of witch hazel
  • FIll with distilled water
Diffuse this warm, grounding oil all month long:
Zen Space - 3 drops Patchouli, 4 drops each Sacred Mountain & Tangerine, 2 drops Lime
Autumn Forest - 4 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 3 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Frankincense
Sleep Tight - 3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Valor
Autumn Picnic - 3 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Tangerine, 1 drops Clove, 2 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 2 drops Bergamot
Worry Less - 3 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Valor

Rosemary Essential Oil

An evergreen shrub in the mint family, Rosemary grows abundantly in rocky coastal regions. Rosemary essential oil has an invigorating aroma that can be used to create an environment conducive to work or study. It is often included in soaps, fragrances, shampoos, and household cleaners and is a key ingredient in the Thieves essential oil blend.

Use Rosemary in DIY cleaning products for a fresh, sparkling home.
  • Add 20 drops to Thieves Household Cleaner (optional to add 20 drops of Lemon as well)
  • Add to a room spray (see recipes above)
  • Use in laundry - on wool dryer balls, add Thieves Laundry Soap
  • Add Rosemary to the DIY Mattress & Upholstery Spray recipe above
Use Rosemary to make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster. To a large glass jar with an airtight lid, add:
  • 1.5 cup salt Epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 30 drops Rosemary (or mix Rosemary with Eucalyptus)
    Whisk together until all ingredients are well combined.
    To use - add 1-2 tbsp into the washer before adding any laundry. Add laundry and the normal amount of laundry detergent.
Make this Freshen Up Thieves Cleaner recipe. To a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary essential oil
  • 20 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • filtered water
Take a relaxing Epsom salt bath with Rosemary. Add 20 drops to 1 cup Epsom salt and soak in warm water.

Add Rosemary to your shampoo and conditioner for a healthy scalp and hair. Also try this Rosemary Mint Hair Mask:
  • 1/4 cup avocado oil
  • 10 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops Cedarwood essential oil (optional) - great for hair growth
    Mix well and apply on hair starting at the ends. Let sit for up to 10 minutes then shampoo and condition as normal.
Add 5 drops to a large handful of massage oil and apply to the skin to relax tired muscles

Or whip up a DIY Massage Oil. To a 4 oz pump bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Rosemary essenital oil
  • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops Cypress essential oil
  • A carrier of choice
Give your tired feet some love with this Rosemary Peppermint Foot Scrub.
  • 2 tbsp organic sugar
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 3 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 2 drops Peppermint essential oil (optional)
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the towel and wipe off the scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.
Diffuse Rosemary during work, homework, or school times for a refreshing aroma that supports focus and creativity. Pair Rosemary with other crips oils like Peppermint and Eucalyptus, calming oils like Lavender or citrus oils like Lime, Bergamot and Lemon.
  • Crisp Breeze: Rosemary, Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot
  • Aveda: Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Focused: Rosemary, Lemon, Tangerine
  • Herbal Remedy: Rosemary, Lavender, Basil, Grapefruit

Lavender Lip Balm

A daily must have! This is our favorite lip balm, and it doubles as a carrier stick when in a pinch! Apply to lips, cheeks, noses, any part of the skin that needs a little TLC. We like to keep one in our bag, one by the bed and one in the bathroom.

Now that you know how to use these Free Gifts with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Gift with Purchase! - May 2024

may's gifts with Purchase

Hello, May! Flowers are blooming, sunshine is shining, and summer is on the horizon. We are welcoming this new month with open arms and are SO excited to receive some feminine favorites for FREE this month!

Ylang ylangPatchouli, and Progessence Plus – oh my – plus Rosemary and Lavender Lip balm (a must have for puffy eyes and sore noses from allergy season!). PLUS a discount on two summer must-haves for Loyalty orders!

How Does it Work?

Here's how it works. You order the products you use all the time - household cleaning products, shampoo and bath gel, toothpaste and mouthwash, and all your favorite oils. Each time you hit a specific tier, a free gift is added to your order!! Win win!

Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we'd be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, delivery to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside. Just make sure to order a minimum of 50 PV to get your Loyalty Rewards!

For some of our favorite ways to use these oils and products, check out the May 'How to Use' blog post. Pamper yourself this month with May's Gifts with Purchase. Then get diffusing these Moms, Grads & Brides Diffuser Recipes in May.

Exclusive 15% Off Summer Favorites!

Grab these two items on Loyalty Rewards for an exclusive discount.

  • Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50
    Don't sweat summer fun in the sun with Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50! This sunscreen offers powerful, reef-safe sun protection that's free from harsh chemicals. Free of greasy residue, Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 is great for children and adults, so the whole family can enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Lavaderm After-Sun Spray
    Did you miss a spot with your sunscreen? Use Lavaderm After-Sun Spray to help soothe, cool, and moisturize the itching and pain that comes with that pesky sunburn. It is also amazing for cuts, scrapes, and bites. This is one product that we keep in our first aid kit all year long!

During the month of May

With a Loyalty Rewards order of 100 PV or more, you will a free Lavender Lip Balm.

Lavender Lip Balm locks in moisture for long-lasting hydration while maintaining youthful-looking lips with the antioxidant power of vitamin. Bonus? It is so very soothing to chapped cheeks, noses (hello too many tissues!), and eyes that have been suffering from allergies!

NOTE: for Loyalty orders only.

If you're asking what should I order?! We have you covered!

Create a Loyalty Rewards order with some of these ideas below and get Ylang ylang, Progessence Plus, Patchouli, Rosemary and a Lavender Lip Balm FOR FREE. PLUS at least 30 points (up to 75!) to use as product credits!

  • Mineral Suncreen (15% off on Loyalty orders!!!) – Stock your summer bag now because this incredible sunscreen is a must. It is all natural, safe for all skin types, reef-safe and environmentally friendly, and it WORKS. (Sunscreen Spotlight)
  • LavaDerm After Sun Spray (15% off on Loyalty orders!!!) – Another must-have for your summer bag, this after sun spray is gentle but effective for skin that is sun-kissed and warm and even more healing for skin that has seen a bit too much sun!
  • Lushious Lemon Essential Oil Blend – THE oil blend to diffuse for all things Spring and Summer! (Oil Spotlight)
  • Premium Starter Bundle – the OG for a reason, this kit has everything you need to join us in the Stress Solution challenge this month. It's all our  favorites in one place! (Spotlight)
  • Make a Shift Daily Wellness Kit – everything you need for nutrient-dense health goodness! It is a starter pack of the fan-favorite, super nutritious NingXia Red (daily wellness!) and NingXia Nitro (kick the brain fog) wolfberry drinks, as well two of the most popular citrus oils (Orange and Lime) so you can give your everyday wellness a jumpstart. (Spotlight)

190 PV Orders

With an order of 190 PV or more, you will receive a free 15 mL Patchouli essential oil. If your order is a Loyalty Order, you'll receive a free 15 mL Rosemary essential oil and all of the above.

Free spirits all agree: Patchouli essential oil's rich, earthy, grounding aroma invites peace. Combine it with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to improve the appearance of dry skin. Diffuse it with ylang ylang for a distinctly bougie hippie vibe!

Get down to business with this hardworking herb! Rosemary essential oil features a fresh, invigorating herbal aroma that invites a work- or study-conducive environment. Add it to your hair care products for healthy-looking hair or combine it with massage oils for an after-workout rubdown you won't forget! Plus, it is amazing for the lymphatic system!

For so much more about this powerhouse essential oil, check out the Rosemary Spotlight blog post.

Note: Loyalty Orders only

250 PV Orders

With a 250 PV order or more, you will receive a free 15 mL Progessence Plus Serum and all of the above.

It's all pluses, no minuses! Progessence Plus Serum boasts natural, bioidentical progesterone from wild yams, moisturizing dry, aging skin for a soft, smooth, and comfortable feeling. It is natural progesterone in a bottle – something every woman needs!

Read more about all the benefits of Progessence Plus Serum on this Ditch & Switch blog post. and this Spotlight blog post.

300 PV Orders

With an order of 300 PV or more, you'll receive a free 15 mL Ylang Ylang essential oil and all of the above!

Ylang Ylang's rich, sweet, floral aroma can be used while you inspire self-confidence and romance and uplift your spirit. Add it to your favorite skin and hair care products to support the appearance of healthy-looking skin and hair.

Check out this blog post on how and why to use Ylang Ylang essential oil.

Wonder how to use your Gifts with Purchase? Check out this blog post to see all the ways!

What is Gift with Purchase?
Basically, the best way to order! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones. Each month you'll have new picks for every tier.

Whats a tier?
Basically, the more PV (product volume) you order, the more free products you receive. Order at least 100 PV to qualify for free gifts. Order at least 50 PV to qualify for Loyalty Reward Points. Every time you increase your order volume (up to 300 PV) and qualify for a new tier, you receive free products.

Earn points on products
Not only do you receive free goodies, but if you place a 50 PV+ order each month with Loyalty Rewards program, you'll also earn loyalty points on each purchase, which you can redeem for future products.

Earn exclusive gifts
If all those perks weren't enough, subscribers receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time you reach a benchmark anniversary of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of sequential ordering on the Loyalty Rewards program.

Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Golden Touch 1 Collection Spotlight - March 2024

Golden Touch 1 Collection

The Golden Touch 1 Collection includes seven essential oil blends to support your body inside and out. This carefully selected collection is perfect for supporting a healthy lifestyle regimen, handling the bumps in the road, and keeping your spirits lifted during the winter months and all year long!

Golden Touch 1 Collection at a Glance

  • Includes seven essential oils blends to support the entire body - skin, lungs, liver, hormones, digestion, and more.
  • A great way to get started with a toolkit of natural options
  • Includes one of YL's most popular blends -- Thieves Vitality
  • A versatile collection of oils that can be used for multiple needs

This kit includes everything you need to get a huge jumpstart on your natural wellness cabinet. Tackle skincare needs with Melrose. Give your respiratory system some TLC with Raven and R.C. Soothe digestive needs with DiGize Vitality. Support healthy hormones with EndoFlex. Give your liver some love and support health from the inside out with JuvaFlex Vitality. And top it all off with the immune supporting power of Thieves Vitality!

These oils are ones we reach for over and over, and they are cornerstones of your natural health and wellness routines!

Golden Touch 1 Collection Oils
The oils in this collection are wonderful for everyday use to support the body from different directions!

  • Melrose - Melrose is a combination of four oils: Melaleuca Alternifolia, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Rosemary, and Clove, making it a wonderful cleansing blend for body and mind! This is one oil we reach for when the crud hits, when we have skin needs, when our airways need some support, and even for cleaning! Use Melrose as you would Tea Tree, and enjoy its rich, herbaceous scent diffused with Thieves, Lavender, or Orange.
  • Raven - Raven is the oil blend to reach for when you want to breathe deeply! Raven is a crisp, airway opening blend containing Ravintsara (commonly known as camphor), Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen. This oil is wonderful for respiratory and immune support! Diffuse it, add it to epsom salts when your defenses are going down, make a simple chest rub with Raven and coconut oil, or place a few drops on your shower floor every morning.
  • R.C. -  This gentle eucalyptus blend is formulated for the whole family and is our favorite for happy noses. R.C. stands for “respiratory comfort,” and it gives comfort to your respiratory system indeed! R.C. combines Cypress, Spruce, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. citriodora, E. globulus, and E. radiata) for a respiratory blend that is more herbaceous than Raven.
  • DiGize Vitality - DiGize is your BFF for a happy digestive system. So much of our health is linked to a diverse, well balanced gut, but immune health is especially dependent on a healthy belly. DiGize is our go to for all things digestion! This blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli is so soothing. Roll it over your abdomen whenever digestive discomfort hits, add it to an empty capsule with olive oil and take daily to support a healthy belly, add it to a large glass of water – however you use DiGize, this oil will make a believer out of even the most skeptical!
  • Endoflex Vitality - EndoFlex is your daily dose of happy hormone support! This supports the entire endocrine system – from your thyroid to the adrenals to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. EndoFlex Spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, German Chamomile, and Nutmeg in a sesame seed oil base. These oils specifically support the adrenal system, thyroid, and overall endocrine health. Apply this oil over the front of the throat (thyroid) and lower back (adrenals), diffuse it, even use it along the spine for big emotions and to support tweens and teens as they grow!
  • JuvaFlex Vitality - JuvaFlex is daily support for a happy, healthy liver. The liver is the filtering organ of the body, so it is constantly processing everything we are exposed to on a daily basis. JuvaFlex combines Blue Tansy, Fennel, Geranium, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, and Rosemary essential oils – each of which helps the body process and eliminate toxins, cleansing the system and supporting overall health and vitality. The liver is also where anger is stored in the body, so supporting it well and practicing emotional release can have amazing health benefits. If you're needing support for a specific issue and don't know what else to do, try liver support and cleansing! It can be such a huge part of health.
  • Thieves Vitality - Thieves is the original oil when it comes to all things immune! Thieves is our germ-fighting best friend. This is a legendary blend of purifying essential oils - Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary - that are well known for immune support and cleansing properties. Diffuse it, apply it, ingest it in some hot tea – just get the oil in and around you every day!
Daily Habits with the Golden Touch 1 Collection

Apply Raven topically to enjoy the cooling sensation of Wintergreen and Peppermint essential oils after a long day or tough workout.

Drop Raven onto your shower floor and let the oil and the steam open your airways.

Make a steam pot with hot water and a few drops of Raven. Place a towel over your head and breathe deeply to open the airways.

Whip up a DIY Chest Rub:
  • ½ cup solid coconut oil
  • 10-20 drops Raven or R.C.
  • 10 drops Melrose
  • Optional: 10 drops Thieves Vitality
Diffuse R.C. and breathe in the clarifying aroma on stuffy indoor days, after school, while sleeping, or while showering.

Add 3–5 drops of Melrose to your daily moisturizer to reduce the appearance of weather-worn skin.

Dilute and apply Melrose to skin that needs some TLC.

Make a Pavement Spray to use before applying a bandage:
  • 2 oz spray bottle
  • 20 drops Melrose
  • Fractionated coconut oil or other liquid carrier oil
Get a boost of immune support during the cold season by taking a few drops of Thieves Vitality in the morning and evening. Add a drop to a mug of hot tea, place Thieves Vitality in an empty capsule with olive oil, or drop it under your tongue as desired.

Support your body's natural flow of energy with help from EndoFlex Vitality. Place a couple drops in an empty capsule and take daily.

Apply EndoFlex over the throat and lower back morning and evening.

Add JuvaFlex Vitality to your morning smoothie to support your daily wellness routine.

Apply JuvaFlex Vitality over the liver in the morning and evening.

Take DiGize Vitality at breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all-day digestion support.

Make a Digestion Roller (10mL) to use on your belly when needed:
  • 30 drops DiGize
  • 15 drops Raven
  • Carrier of choice
Want to try Golden Touch 1 Collection but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Ylang Ylang Spotlight - Feb 2024

Ylang Ylang Spotlight

Meaning flower of flowers, Ylang Ylang essential oil has a sweet, romantic aroma that makes a lovely addition to perfume rollers and diffuser blends. This floral, balancing oil promotes openness and connection, encourages confidence and inspires romance. 

Ylang ylang also has wonderful moisturizing properties, making it a key ingredient in many luxury skin and hair products. Known for reducing stress, some find ylang ylang beneficial for blood pressure regulation and other symptoms of high stress.

Ylang Ylang at a Glance

  • Has a romantic, sweet, floral aroma
  • Helps create a calming environment when diffused
  • Supports the appearance of healthy skin when applied topically
  • Promotes the appearance of healthy, shiny hair

Originally native to Southeast Asia, ylang ylang is now also grown in Madagascar, the Comoro Islands, and Ecuador. Belonging to the custard apple family, a mature tree can reach a height of up to 39 feet and produce thousands of vibrant, fragrant, yellow-green blooms.  The flowers are picked early in the morning to maximize oil yield and the highest quality oil comes from the first distillation known as ylang ylang complete.

Ylang ylang petals were historically used to adorn a newly married couple's bed on the wedding night to promote feelings of connection and romance. 

Key Constituents
*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Germacrene D
  • (E,E)-Alpha-Farnesene
Daily Habits with Ylang Ylang

Apply to the wrists for a stabilizing, peaceful energy and a lovely perfume

Add a few drops to unscented body wash or epsom salts in your bath for a luxurious soak.

Add ylang ylang to your daily moisturizer to support radiant skin. Try this DIY Beauty Serum:
  • 2 oz glass dropper bottle
  • 10 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • 10 drops Geranium
  • Jojoba or argan oil
Add to shampoo or create a hair spray or mask to promote thick, glossy hair. Try this DIY Hair Mask:
  • ¼ cup avocado oil
  • 10 drops Ylang ylang
  • 5 drops Cedarwood
    Mix well and apply on hair starting at the ends. Let sit for up to 10 minutes then shampoo and condition as normal. 
Apply over the heart to reduce stress and encourage healthy blood pressure. Try this Don't Worry, Be Happy roller blend:
  • 10 drops of each: Peace & Calming, Joy, Ylang Ylang & Orange
  • Fill with carrier oil 
  • Roll onto your wrists, heart, neck as often as desired
Indulge in this DIY Foot Bath Soak for a little TLC:
  • â…“ cup epsom salt
  • 4 drops Peppermint
  • 3 drops Thieves
  • 2 drops Ylang ylang 
  • 1 drops each Tea tree, Elemi or Frankincense
  • 1-2 tsp AlkaLime
    Combine Epsom salt and essential oils in a small glass container with a lid. Pour the mixture into your bathtub or a foot basin, adding enough warm water to cover your feet. Stir the mixture in the water until the salt dissolves. Add AlkaLime and stir until it's dissolved. Soak your feet for 20–30 minutes.
Make this Floral Bath Soak for a little self care and to give tense or tired muscles some TLC: 
Winter skin needing a little love? Whip up this Ylang ylang Salt Scrub:
Make a refreshing room spray:
  • 2 oz glass spray bottle
  • 20 drops Ylang ylang
  • 10 drops Grapefruit 
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Whip up this simple DIY Linen Spray to bring a bit of florah whimsey to linens and upholstered surfaces:
  • 2 oz glass spray bottle
  • Splash witch hazel
  • 15 drops Ylang ylang
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Tangerine
  • Filtered water 
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener
  • To glass jar add: 
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup salt
  • 20 drops Ylang Ylang 
  • 20 drops Lemon or Lavender
  • Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Add to your Thieves Cleaner for a fresh, floral twist. Try this Spring Garden Thieves Cleaner
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle  
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each Lemon, Grapefruit, & Eucalyptus 
  • 20 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Filtered water
Use Ylang ylang to make DIY Oil-Infused Shower Melts with a fresh, floral scent
  • 1 Cup Baking Soda 
  • 1/2 Cup High Quality Epsom Salt  
  • 30 Drops Of Essential Oil(s)
  • Water (about 2-3 teaspoons)
  • Silicone mold 
    Step 1 - Pour the baking soda and epsom salt into a mixing bowl. Slowly add water, about 2 teaspoons, and mix well. If the mixture is not holding, add another teaspoon of water. Add essential oil(s) of your choice and mix well.
    Step 2 - Scoop into silicone molds and let sit overnight. Remove and store in an airtight container.
    To use - simply place a shower melt on the floor of the shower near the water but not directly in the stream. Enjoy!
Diffuse ylang ylang for emotional support, particularly when battling low self-esteem and confidence. Pair it with citrus oils like Tangerine and Lemon or with grounding oils like Northern Lights Black Spruce. Diffuse ylang ylang at night to remove emotional blocks and set the mood in the bedroom for intimacy. 

Date Night - 5 drops Ylang ylang + 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 3 drops Tangerine
Lushious Lemon - 2 drops each Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lemon Myrtle, & Spearmint, 1 drop Cinnamon Bark
Pretty Woman - 4 drops Stress Away, 3 drops each Ylang ylang & Northern Lights Black Spruce
Citrus Shine - 5 drops Grapefruit, 3 drops Ylang Ylang, 2 drops Eucalyptus
Feeling Fine - 6 drops Christmas Spirit + 2 drops Orange + 1 drop Ylang Ylang 
Marshmallow Latte - 4 drops Stress Away, 3 drops Ylang ylang, 2 drops Nutmeg, 1 drop Cassia

Want to try Ylang Ylang essential oil but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Safe Solutions for your Sex Life

Safe Solutions for your Sex Life

When it comes to physical intimacy, there are many things that can help or hinder us in the process. One simple way we can enhance our experience with products that don't harm our health is with Young Living massage oils. Find safe solutions for your sex life right here!

Safe Solutions for your Sex Life

Unfortunately both conventional and organic lubricants contain ingredients that can cause harm long after their use. These ingredients are toxic to vaginal tissue and disrupt the sensitive vagnial microbiome (balance of microorganisms that naturally inhabit the vagina).  Exposure to these ingredients can lead to discomfort, irritation, and increased risk of infection - even from short term exposure. Some lubricant ingredients also have the potential to cause chronic health issues including cancer and reproductive problems from repeated exposure.

Sensation Massage Oil

Sensation is formulated to create a beautiful smell that is profoundly romantic, refreshing, and arousing. It amplifies the excitement of experiencing new heights of self-expression and awareness. This blend is also nourishing and hydrating for the skin. The unique blend of essential oils can encourage and amplify an atmosphere of love, excitement, and affection.

  • Geranium essential oil is commonly used in perfumes for its uplifting aroma, and it can help balance hormones as well.
  • Jasmine essential oil helps you develop a broader perspective with its romantic floral aroma - a very feminine aroma that embraces and exults the sacred masculine - and has been revered for centuries as a symbol of love and purity, harmonizing opposites to promote wholeness.
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance and helps enhance emotional connection.
Relation Massage Oil

Relaxation massage oil can help restore a state of calm and invites tranquility to the mind, body, and spirit. The pure vegetable oils blended with essential oils are moisturizing and nourishing to help soothe all skin types. This calming massage oil combines some of our favorite essential oils from across the globe

  • Lavender helps promote feelings of calm and relaxation.
  • Ylang Ylang has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance and helps enhance emotional connection.
  • Spearmint and Peppermint are energizing and uplifting to the body and mind.
  • Bergamot and Tangerine promote feelings of calm and connection to others.
Using Oils for Intimacy

  • Use your massage oil of choice in place of a personal lubricant for intimacy. There is always the option to further dilute the massage oil with V-6 carrier to test the area(s) or when making the switch.
  • Use Idaho Blue Spruce and Ylang ylang in the diffuser to set the mood for romance. 
  • Use Idaho Blue Spruce to support healthy testosterone levels. Many men choose to use it as a dietary supplement, and you can use it topically as a cologne as well.
  • Apply Goldenrod to the inner thighs for men or women.
  • Use PowerGize as a supplement to support healthy hormones and virility for men.
  • Use FemiGen or other hormone supporting supplements for women to keep hormones balanced.
I've put together a text-based master class with even more information to spice up your connection with your partner just for you. Simply text INTIMACY to (480) 401-1478 for the Sex and Intimacy Master Class.

Want to try (Sensation Massage OilRelaxation Massage OilV-6 Carrier OilIdaho Blue SpruceYlang ylangand Goldenrod), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Regenolone Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

Regenolone Moisturizing Cream Spotlight

Say hello to the best kept secret in glowing, healthy skin! Regenolone Moisturizing Cream is a moisture-rich cream that combines butters, plant extracts, minerals, vitamins, and a special blend of essential oils to balance female hormones and promote healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

Regenolone Moisturizing Cream at a Glance

  • Moisturizes dry skin for skin that feels soft, smooth, and comfortable
  • Absorbs quickly into skin without a greasy feel
  • Creates a cooling sensation on contact with Wintergreen and Peppermint premium essential oils to help comfort dry skin
  • Formulated with skin-supporting minerals and vitamins
  • Formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes
Regenolone Moisturizing Cream combines plant extracts known for their nourishing properties with skin and hormone-loving essential oils to create a soothing, supporting cream you can use daily. Naturally derived ingredients, including wild yam and black and blue cohosh, along with a special blend of premium essential oils work together to invigorate the skin from the inside out!


The endocrine system is involved in every single body process and is essential to overall well being. Many common issues are linked to the endocrine system, which means support for this area is vital! Regenolone can be a wonderful tool for female hormone support because it contains both phytoestrogens and phyto-progesterone.
This moisturizing cream is great for more than just healthy skin! It is a wonderful option for female hormone support. Just take a peek at the ingredients below!

Key Ingredients

“Regenolone is a natural estrogen support cream with plant-based phytoestrogens that soothe the skin and can provide an alternative to conventional estrogen creams. It is chock full of incredible plant-based, hormone supporting ingredients:

  • Pregnenolone - shown to reduce corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in experimental models (CRH is the first step in the production of the stress hormone cortisol); also a precursor hormone from which all other hormones are created and is important for the body's production of progesterone, which blocks cortisol receptors. 
  • Wolfberry seed oil, Shea butter, Aloe vera leaf - source of antioxidants; soothing and moisturizing to the skin; acts as a carrier for the herbs and essential oils in this formula
  • Calendula flower extract - a powerful source of antioxidants that soothes the skin, promotes healing and may help with menstrual pain
  • St. John's Wort - often used for improving low mood; may help improve symptoms of PMS and help with symptoms of menopause
  • Wintergreen essential oil - extremely high in methyl salicylate, an anti-inflammatory constituent that supports healthy blood pressure and blood vessels
  • Peppermint essential oil - contains constituents menthol and menthone which have anti-inflammatory properties and allow for improved absorption of other ingredients
  • Douglas Fir essential oil - contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties; aroma is soothing and grounding
  • Oregano essential oil - has powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial activity; boosts immunity, eases inflammation and promotes feelings of security
  • Vitamin E - a natural antioxidant that minimizes free radical damage within the body, promoting healthy cell function and overall health
  • Wild yam root extract - a natural source of plant-based progesterone that helps regulate blood sugar, raise HDL and lower LDL levels; supports estrogen and progesterone levels; has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe muscle spasms
  • Retinyl palmitate (Vitamin A) - a powerful antioxidant that increases collagen production, treats mild acne and moisturizes the skin
  • Black & blue cohosh root extracts - a phytoestrogens that help counteract the effects of cortisol, stop stress responses, improve bone density, and promote healthy mood
How to Use

Apply a dime-sized amount directly onto skin as needed or desired.

Want to try Regenolone Moisturizing Creambut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Prenolone Plus Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

Prenolone Supplement Spotlight

Hormones play a huge role in our overall health and well being, and Prenolone Plus is a wonderful addition for supporting female hormones! This body cream contains pregnenolone, DHEA, blue and black cohosh and essential oils that nourish the skin and also help maintain healthy hormone levels!

This body cream smells incredible and provides so many wonderful hormone supporting herbs such as St. John's Wort, Wild Yam extract (a key ingredient in Progessence Plus Serum), Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and green tea leaf extract. These herbs and essential oils work synergistically to promote a healthy balance of hormones while also nourishing the skin.

Prenolone Plus at a Glance

  • Specifically designed for women
  • Has a lovely, slightly floral scent that makes a wonderful personal fragrance
  • Moisture-rich cream nourishes and hydrates dry skin
  • Absorbs easily without a greasy feel
  • Made from plant-based, moisturizing ingredients and premium essential oils
Key Ingredients

  • DHEA - a precursor hormone for estradiol and testosterone; has been studied for its potential to increase bone density, decrease body fat, improve sexual function and correct hormonal imbalance.
  • Blue and Black Cohosh - supports the body through painful menstrual cycles and promotes healthy estrogen levels 
  • Pregnenolone - an endogenous precursor hormone that is required for the body to make progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.
  • Ylang ylang - helps balance hormones
  • Clary Sage - a natural phytoestrogen that supports hormone balance
  • Geranium, Bergamot, Fennel, Yarrow, Sage - support healthy hormone levels, calm and relax the mind, support healthy skin.
How to Use

Begin using 1 day after the menstrual cycle ends or as desired. Apply ¼ − ½ teaspoon 1−2 times daily for 21 consecutive days. Discontinue use for 7 days, then repeat. Massage cream thoroughly into soft-tissue areas of the body until absorbed (inner thigh, inside of the forearm). Individual needs may vary.

Want to try Prenolone Plusbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

PD 80-20 Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

PD 80/20 Supplement Spotlight

PD 80/20 is a wonderful targeted support supplement for hormone health! This capsule contains pregnenolone and DHEA – two substances naturally produced by the body that decline with age. Both of these are key for important processes like memory, cardiovascular health, immune health, and more!

PD 80/20 at a Glance

  • Targeted support for Pregnenolone and DHEA
  • Supports endocrine function and healthy hormone levels
  • Supports the body's production of estrogen, DHEA, and progesterone
  • Helps maximize overall health through hormone balance
Our hormone balance is crucial for so many pieces of health, and this combination of pregnenolone and DHEA can be a key tool for many people when it comes to overall  endocrine balance.


The endocrine system is involved in every single body process and is essential to overall well being. Many common issues are linked to the endocrine system, which means support for this area is vital! PD 80/20 is a combination of pregnenolone and DHEA in an 80/20 ratio.

Key Ingredients

Pregnenolone (80%) - Pregnenolone is the key precursor for the body's production of estrogen, DHEA, and progesterone, and it has an impact on mental acuity and memory. “Pregnenolone is a prohormone that serves as a precursor for numerous steroid hormones, including cortisol, progesterone, and DHEA. It has an impact on mental acuity, energy levels and memory as well as many other body processes such as sleep/wake cycles and reproduction. Pregnenolone may also have a role in regulating mood and emotions.” - Supplement Field Guide 

DHEA (20%) - DHEA is involved in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular and immune systems. “DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is often used by athletes to promote muscle growth and strength, but this pro-hormone is also involved in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular and immune systems, improving bone density and cholesterol levels and producing sex hormones. DHEA is one of the most abundant hormones in the human body and is required for more than 150 metabolic functions. The adrenal glands naturally produce DHEA for the body to convert into other hormones. DHEA levels naturally start to decline after the age of 30 which can lead to weight gain, low energy, low libido and higher levels of inflammation.” - Supplement Field Guide

How to Use PD 80/20
  • Start with 1 capsule per day, then increase to 2 capsules per day as needed.
For more hormone support and balance, you can add:
Want to try PD 80/20but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

PowerGize Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

PowerGize Supplement Spotlight

Hormones play a huge role in our overall health & well being - both physical and metal! We want to use all the tools in our toolbox to support hormone balance, and PowerGize is an incredible supplement to add to your wellness routine, especially for the guys! PowerGize helps sustain energy levels, muscle size and strength, and overall vitality!

PowerGize at a Glance

  • Helps maintain balanced energy levels for physical performance and endurance
  • Helps boost stamina and enhance sports performance
  • Sustains energy levels, strength, and vitality when paired with physical activity
  • Helps support healthy muscles, increase muscle size and strength, and enhance muscle tone and the rate of muscle recovery
  • Helps promote mental clarity, concentration, alertness, and a sense of energy and calm
  • Promotes overall well-being and hormonal health
  • Contains Eurycoma longifolia to support healthy testosterone levels in both men and women
PowerGize is infused with Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, and Cassia essential oils and is formulated to help individuals of all ages boost stamina and performance. It's great for athletes, maintaining performance as we age, and parents (because parenting should be an Olympic sport). PowerGize helps sustain energy levels, strength, mental and physical vibrancy, and vitality when used in addition to physical activity. Walking, running, yoga, pilates, dancing, weight lifting, swimming - whatever it is you love to do to stay active!

PowerGize is also formulated with a premium ashwagandha root extract, which is touted for its properties that support immunity, mental clarity, concentration, antioxidant support and alertness. Ashwagandha is a super powerful component of this supplement!

Key Ingredients

  • Ashwagandha root extract - an ancient herb that works as an adaptogen, helping your body manage stress; can boost brain function, lower blood sugar and cortisol levels, and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Eurycoma longifolia - a well-studied herb that supports healthy testosterone levels in both men and women
  • Tribulus terrestris - supports muscle tone, libido and overall hormone balance 
  • Idaho Blue Spruce - high in alpha-pinene; supports balance and grounding, immune system, and helps the body reduce pain signals
  • Cassia - supports the body's response to inflammation; one of the oldest known medicinal herbs (in the cinnamon family, though distinctly different chemical profile)
  • Goldenrod - supports the cardiovascular and vascular systems, allowing healthy blood flow and circulation
  • Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Zinc, Fenugreek - all of these are supportive of muscle and immune health.
To Use:
  • Take 2 capsules daily
Want to try PowerGizebut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

FemiGen Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

That’s a great question Cheryl! I sent you an email!

Grapefruit Essential Oil Spotlight - Nov 2023

Grapefruit Essential

Oil Spotlight

Grapefruit is a bright, happy citrus oil cold pressed from the rind of the fruit. Just the name brings up images of bright citrus and sunny days! This versatile (and inexpensive!) oil is a household staple for everything from cleaning to skincare to emotions. 

Just a Drop of Grapefruit

  • Great for metabolism and cravings
  • Support for energy and endurance
  • Boosts skin health and glow
  • Can help combat jet lag and fatigue
  • Uplifting to the spirits and mood to relieve stress  
  • Supporting the body's digestive and cleansing functions, including the liver
  • Helps encourage feelings of  joy, satisfaction, and playfulness.
  • Has a cleansing effect on the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and the vascular system.

A natural cross of the pomelo and the sweet orange, grapefruit likely originated in Jamaica before spreading to America and throughout citrus-growing areas. Today this evergreen tree is cultivated in the United States, South Africa, Brazil, and Israel. Grapefruit essential oil has a zesty, uplifting aroma that refreshes the air when diffused. It also provides cleansing action, making it a popular addition to skin care and home cleaning products.

Grapefruit & Blood Pressure Medication

Many commonly used prescription blood pressure medications carry a warning about drinking grapefruit juice while taking the medication. So it is often questioned whether it is ok to use and ingest grapefruit oil. The short answer to that question is YES.

The issue with grapefruit juice and blood pressure medications is a compound called DHB which can affect the activity of liver enzymes, therefore affecting how your body metabolizes certain medications (blood pressure + cholesterol meds mostly).  However, DHB is NOT found in grapefruit oil, only in juice. 

Young Living's Grapefruit Essential Oil is cold pressed from the rind of the fruit, giving it a completely different profile and constituents than grapefruit juice. 

Note: This is not designed to diagnose or treat and cannot provide specific individual recommendations. We encourage you to find functional medicine or naturopathic medical providers who are familiar with essential oils + other natural practices.

Key Constituents
Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them sprecic health-supporting properties.

D-limonene - a natural detoxing constituent and appetite suppressant, supports healthy metabolism, helps with cleansing and drainage of the lymphatic glands. Improper lymph drainage is a key component of cellulite production, which is one reason Grapefruit Oil is a good choice for supporting healthy weight. Cellulite is essentially a lymph drainage problem as toxins and fluid accumulate as fat pockets when the lymph system is not working properly.
Adding Grapefruit to your daily routine (along with other healthy habits!) is a great way to boost your metabolism, enhance fat loss, flush out toxins, and to manage your weight.
  • Add 1-2 drops of Grapefruit Vitality to your water and drink first thing in the morning
  • Add 1-2 drops of Grapefruit Vitality to your water and drink a glass after a meal to help with bloating and improve digestion.
  • Make a capsule with Grapefruit, Peppermint, and Lemon Vitality together with olive oil to help with cravings and to jumpstart metabolism.
Grapefruit & Emotions

Grapefruit, like other citrus oils, is a wonderful tool for emotional support! Citrus oils evoke the sense of warm, sunny, carefree days which are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. One major reason for this is because citrus oils contain the constituent Limonene, a compound that is a potent free radical scavenger. Free radicals cause oxidative stress and damage to the body at a cellular level, therefore affecting every body system. Less oxidative stress from free radicals is a key for less negative emotions. 

Limonene is wonderful for boosting the mood and may increase the amount of calming neurotransmitters in the brain. When we are feeling worried, stressed or indecisive we have a difficult time accessing the right side of our brains, and citrus oils are a great tool! Citrus oils are stimulating to the right side of the brain and can help us work through these emotional blocks. 

Bottom line? Whenever you're needing a little emotional pick me up, reach for the bright, happy aroma of Grapefruit! 

Daily Habits with Grapefruit

Note: Grapefruit and Grapefruit Vitality are the same essential oil. Grapefruit Vitality is simply labeled differently for ingestion.

Add Grapefruit to your favorite roller blends for some happy citrus zest! To a 10mL roller bottle add the following essential oils + carrier of choice. (Note: do not apply citrus oils to skin that will be directly exposed to sunlight within 2 hours.)
  • Keep Calm & Carry On - 20 drops Stress Away, 15 drops each Grapefruit, Lavender
  • Liquid Sunshine - 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops each Tangerine, Lemon, 10 drops Bergamot
  • Flower Garden - 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops Ylang Ylang, 10 drops Bergamot
  • Golden Hour - 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce OR Idaho Blue Spruce, 10 drops Geranium or Joy
Add a few drops of Grapefruit Vitality to smoothies, NingXia Red, dressings and marinades and your water each day.

When cooking, add a couple drops of Grapefruit Vitality to a recipe that calls for grapefruit juice or zest 

Make a lovely Citrus Rind Diffuser (recipe via Hello Glow). Hollow out the fruit. In a small bowl mix sea salt and essential oils well. Fill fruit rinds with the salt and oil mixture. Replace every 3-4 days.

Grapefruit Cedarwood:
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 15 drops Cedarwood 
  • 5 drops Grapefruit
  • 3 drops Sage
  • 1&1/2 cups coarse sea salt
  • Fresh sage leaves for garnish (optional)
Lemon Rosemary:
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup coarse sea salt
  • 15 drops Rosemary
  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • Fresh rosemary for garnish (optional)
Winter skin needing a little love? Whip up this Grapefruit Salt Scrub:
Make this Grapefruit Lip Scrub for soft, happy lips:
  • 10 drops Grapefruit 
  • Optional: 5 drops Vanilla
  • ¼ cup White Sugar
  • ¼ cup Coconut Oil
    Whip coconut oil with a mixer, then add in sugar and essential oils and mix again.  Store in a glass jar. Apply nightly to lips in a circular motion. Wipe off with a dry towel.
Whip up this DIY Toning Oil to use after hitting the gym to work on your resolutions:
  • 2 or 4 oz pump or dropper bottle
  • 10 drops each Rosemary, Grapefruit, Fennel, & Juniper
  • 5 drops Geranium & Cypress
  • Fill with V-6 Vegetable Complex
    Massage onto problem areas as desired. 
Spice up your Thieves Cleaner with a fresh, crisp recipe:
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle  
  • 1-2 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 20 drops Grapefruit
  • 15 drops each Tangerine, Lemon 
  • 15 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Fill with filtered water 
Bring a little light to your winter body butter by combining Winter Nights & Grapefruit in this DIY Whipped Body Butter recipe: 
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup pure organic shea butter
  • 1 Tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 20 drops Grapefruit
  • 15 drops Winter Nights
    Step 1 - Melt together coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter, then add in vitamin E oil and whisk.
    Step 2 - Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 to 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved. Add in essential oils then place in a glass jar. 
Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Ditch the toxin-filled scented candles and wall plugs and fill up our diffuser instead. Diffuse this happy citrus oil to bring a little bit of sunshine to your home any time of the year:

  • Herb Garden - 4 drops Grapefruit, 4 drops  Lemon, 3 drops Basil
  • Spring Breeze - 4 drops Grapefruit, 3 drops Ylang ylang, 2 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Valor
  • Cozy Home - 4 drops each Grapefruit, Lavender, Vanilla
  • Keep Calm - 4 drops Grapefruit, 5 drops Stress Away, 3 drops Bergamot
  • Capri Blue - 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 3 drops Orange, 3 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Patchouli
  • Good Vibes - 5 drops Grapefruit, 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Sage
  • Morning Routine - 5 drops Grapefruit, 3 drops Frankincense, 4 drops Idaho Grand Fir
Want to try Grapefruit essential oil but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

En-R-Gee Essential Oil Spotlight - Oct 2023

En-R-Gee Essential Oil Spotlight

En-R-Gee in a bottle! This stimulating blend combines Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Balsam Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper to keep you invigorated and energized throughout your day.

Just a Drop of En-R-Gee

  • Has a lively, inspiring, powerful aroma that's a great way to start the day
  • The spicy-pine aroma hat can give you that natural boost when you need it most
  • Works as an aromatic pick-me-up in the afternoon
  • Helps pull us up from emotional exhaustion
  • Works well with other adrenal supporting oils like Nutmeg
En-R-Gee is a daily favorite for many reasons, but it is especially a favorite during times of stress. (Because stress and energy just might be related…) En-R-Gee has oils that are alerting and stimulating, help the physical body rebalance our adrenals, and help us release emotions that are weighing us down!

En-R-Gee & the Adrenals

The adrenal glands are small organs that sit on top of the kidneys. They maintain and boost our energy, kind of like a car shifting into first, second, and third gear as we go about our day. They also help our body survive during times of stress. Since many of us live in a state of constant stress, they wear down quickly.

Our adrenal glands aren't meant to always be firing. They are there to jump in when needed and not be running the whole show. But excessive caffeine, lack of sleep, emotional stress, demanding schedules, hormonal imbalance, diet, alcohol abuse, and always pushing ourselves to the max can damage the adrenals to cause them to fatigue. This pushes us into a ‘survival mode' both physically and emotionally.

  • Are you in survival mode?
  • Are you only giving yourself the leftovers?
  • Do you put off taking care of your body and mind?
  • Do you only pour out without nourishing yourself?
So many people are in survival mode. Hormones are out of whack and emotions are bottled up. Despite caring for those around them, they feel isolated. En-R-Gee can help us physically restore and nourish our adrenal system, release the emotion of isolation, and help instill a sense of connectedness.

  • Put some En-R-Gee on your wrists and in the diffuser while you journal or internally process. Write about what seems to zap the energy right out of you. Can you pinpoint the roots of what makes you exhausted, overwhelmed, full of dread, or frustrated about your day?
  • Next, start to write about the kind of person you dream of being. The attitudes, the priorities, the joy, whatever it is. Visualize it. 
  • Continue daily, even if you don't get to journal. You can process this internally 24/7, the body knows how to work with whatever you give it!
We use these oils daily and in conjunction with supplements and good health habits. Oils are not a one time "quick fix"! Using them daily and consistently is when you will be able to see support and results!

At a Glance Usage Guide
Want the cliff notes version of which eucalyptus oil to use? We've got you covered!

  • Wanting some respiratory TLC → Any of them!
  • Cleaning and laundry needs → Any variety, though we like Eucalyptus Radiata for its crisp, clean aroma
  • Creating a spa-like atmosphere → Eucalyptus Blue
  • Little ones need some help → SniffleEase or Eucalyptus Blue
  • Soothing muscles and joints → Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Needing a little immune support → Eucalyptus Radiata
En-R-Gee & Emotions

En-R-Gee is also great for the emotion of Exhaustion – for feeling like you just don't have the oomph to do the things you really want to do. En-R-Gee can be a wonderful tool for helping our bodies catch up with what our minds and hearts want to do!

Every single one of the oils in this blend contain stimulating compounds to help energize our cells and wake them up! AND a couple are high in sesquiterpenes, which help with focus and clarity. So if you are a go-getter, need more balance and energy, En-R-Gee can help you stay emotionally on track! 

Key Ingredients

  • Idaho Balsam Fir - This woodsy, grounding oil has an empowering aroma that calms the mind and body to help us focus on what truly matters and work towards our goals
  • Nutmeg, Clove and Black Pepper - These spice oils have an energizing aroma that helps us stay alert and focused, plus these oils are helpful to the adrenal system which is often on overload when we are exhausted! Clove is especially high in antioxidants, which help to decrease physical damage to cells that often leaves us with no energy reserves.
  • Rosemary - This herbaceous oil is soothing to our emotions and stimulating to our minds and bodies so that we can stay on track emotionally and find balance when we need that extra get-up-and-go. Rosemary is also very soothing to the cardiovascular system!
Full Ingredients List

Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) leaf oil, Juniperus osteosperma (Juniper) oil, Cymbopogon flexuosus (Lemongrass) oil, Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) kernel oil, Abies balsamea (Balsam Canada) needle oil, Eugenia caryophyllus (Clove) bud oil, Piper nigrum (Pepper) fruit oil

Key Constituents
Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Alpha-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind.
  • Eucalyptol - eucalyptol has a distinctive, fresh aroma that has a calming effect on the user when applied in aromatherapy. Research shows that eucalyptol may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and neuroprotective effects. It may also act as a bronchodilator, supporting airway opening. 
  • Camphor - known for its medicinal aroma, camphor has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for its cleansing properties and was used as a fumigant during the plague era. This constituent may provide antibacterial anti-inflammatory and skin supporting properties.
Daily Habits with En-R-Gee

Rub En-R-Gee over the adrenals (low-mid back, near the spine) to support them daily. This is an especially great habit during the winter months, and can be SUPER helpful for that extra get-up-and-go.

Try this Adrenal Love Roller:
  • 20 drops each Nutmeg, Rosemary, Clove, En-R-Gee
  • Castor oil or carrier of choice
  • Roll over the adrenals in the morning and evening
Make the Adrenal Love Serum to apply nightly before bed:
  • 20 drops each Nutmeg, Rosemary, Clove, Frankincense, & En-R-Gee
  • Castor oil or carrier of choice
Make this Get Up and Go Roller:
  • 25 drops each Peppermint & Lemon
  • 20 drops En-R-Gee
  • Apply to wrists, neck, bottom of the feet as desired
Try this Go Getter Roller for daily use:
  • 20 drops En-R-Gee
  • 30 drops each Grapefruit, Bergamot, & Tangerine
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of RelaxationMassage Oil
Diffuse En-R-Gee during your morning routine to jump-start your day, while focusing on work or studies, and/or during long drives or late-night study sessions for an invigorating aroma that will help you push through.

Add a couple drops to V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and massage it into temples, bottoms of feet, or the back of the neck before a challenging activity for an exhilarating scent.

Whip up an Energizing Massage Oil:
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 30 drops En-R-Gee
  • 20 drops each Nutmeg, Peppermint, & Copaiba
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of OrthoEase Massage Oil
Make a Soothe-It Roller for tense areas:
  • 20 drops En-R-Gee, Copaiba, Peppermint, & Wintergreen
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of OrthoEase Massage Oil
  • Apply to tense areas to soothe
Add 5 drops to a large handful of massage oil and apply to relax tired muscles. Or whip up a DIY Soothe It Massage Oil:
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 20 drops each Rosemary & En-R-Gee
  • 10 drops each Peppermint & Cypress
  • Carrier oil of choice and/or a few pumps of OrthoEase Massage Oil
Take an invigorating epsom salt bath with En-R-Gee. Add 10 drops to 1 cup epsom salt and soak in warm water.

Give your tired feet some love with this Invigorating Foot Scrub
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice 
  • 3 drops En-R-Gee
  • 2 drops Peppermint (optional)
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the towel and wipe off the scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Ditch the toxin-filled scented candles and wall plugs and fill up our diffuser instead. Diffuse En-R-Gee anytime you need a little boost!

  • Up and At Em - 5 drops Lemon, 4 drops Peppermint, 3 drops En-R-Gee
  • Adrenal Love - 4 drops Nutmeg, 3 drops Rosemary, 4 drops En-R-Gee, 2 drops Frankincense
  • Afternoon Pick Me Up - 5 drops Grapefruit, 3 drops Rosemary, 3 drops En-R-Gee
  • Autumn Breeze - 4 drops Idaho Grand Fir, 3 drops Tangerine, 3 drops En-R-Gee, 2 drops Bergamot
  • I have En-R-Gee on my nightstand and when the alarm goes off, I open it and take a whiff. It helps me wake up every morning! - Kris K.
  • I've had my bottle of En-R-Gee for at least a year and would rarely use it. I recently started applying it on my back and feet and I've noticed I have more energy throughout the day. No afternoon slumps or the need for a nap or extra coffee! - Katie F.
  • En-R-Gee really does give me energy. It also helps motivate me when I don't feel like working. - Wendy S.
  • I don't feel like this oil is talked about enough! I've started applying En-R-Gee to my feet, or inhaling it, when I'm feeling distracted or tired.  It helps me maintain focus and I really do notice a difference in my energy levels.  - Whitney F.
  • I love using En-R-Gee over my adrenals daily with endoflex on my neck. - Sabrina Y.
Want to try En-R-Gee but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Stress Recovery Challenge Essentials for July 2023

Stress Recovery Challenge Essentials

We're so glad you've decided to join us for our Stress Recovery Challenge! This resource is one handy place to find everything you need to know!

Last month we focused on a giant exhale from the emotional and physical stress we've been carrying by supporting our nervous system and creating some practices that help us to let go of thoughts and patterns no longer serving us. This month we are going to move into recovery mode! 

Stress over time takes a huge toll on the body depleting it of needed minerals and nutrients and increasing inflammation. Both of these lead to a long list of diseases, dysfunction, and distress! This month we restore and replenish with the Stress Recovery Challenge!

What you will do:
That's it. There's no more to it.

Literally will take a few minutes out of your day, and you will not believe the results! 
Include the family of all ages, invite friends, and share the fun. The only thing better than getting amazing results is watching people you care about do the same! We're going to walk you through this step by step so simply stay tuned and enjoy!

I've put together this Stress Recovery Wellness Box - just one click to get them all!

We definitely recommend ordering these favorites on your Loyalty Rewards order. I mean, is there anything better than your favorite, healthy products showing up on your doorstep each month? What about getting free products and product credits just for ordering things you're already using? Sounds like a winning situation to us! Which is why we love ordering using the Loyalty Rewards. We ditch conventional, toxic products for safe, clean Young Living versions, save money, save time, create a natural home, and get freebies all at the same time! 

To set up a Loyalty order, search for the products on the ‘Essentials' list, then click ‘Add to Loyalty Order.' You can manage your subscriptions by going to ‘My Account' and ‘Loyalty Order'. You can edit your order each month to reflect what you need (hello easy button!), change the order date and shipping options. Just make sure to order 50 PV minimum each month in order to maintain and increase your percentage back in points! Every time you hit a qualifying PV threshold (100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV and 300 PV), you will automatically add free oils or products to your order!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Peace & Calming Essential Oil Spotlight - July 2023

Peace & Calming Spotlight

Peace and Calming is one of Young Living's most popular blends, and for good reason! Peace and Calming is a unique blend of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy that will surely become a favorite in your family to relax and calm emotions. This oil can signal overtired and overworked body systems that it is a safe space to release stress and defenses and allow blocks in relationships to come down. 

Have trouble sleeping? Try this blend as part of your bedtime routine to create those important rest cycles and rhythms so crucial to our health. Peace & Calming is great to diffuse to create a positive, peaceful atmosphere. This Young Living exclusive is made with five essential oils, including Tangerine and Orange, which contain some of the highest naturally occurring levels of the constituent limonene. This blend also has Ylang Ylang essential oil, another crowd favorite! 

Just a Drop of Peace & Calming

  • Contains Blue Tansy essential oil
  • Has a comforting, fresh, citrus aroma
  • Helps freshen the air when diffused
  • Creates a peaceful environment for yoga and meditation
  • May be supportive to children and animals during an overactive day

Each essential oil in Peace & Calming was carefully selected for its unique benefits:

  • Tangerine - contains esters and aldehydes that are supportive of calming the nervous system and releasing anxious thoughts and nerves
  • Orange - uplifting to the mind, helps bring a sense of joy and peace; commonly used in aromatherapy to help release anxious feelings
  • Ylang ylang - supports relaxation, balances male and female energies to restore confidence and equilibrium
  • Patchouli - high in sesquiterpenes, this oil stimulates the limbic center of the brain to support grounding and centering, helps clarify the thoughts, allowing the mind to relax and release insecurities
  • Blue Tansy - helps cleanse the liver and lymphatic system, combats anger and negative emotions
Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties
  • Sesquiterpenes - known for their ability to calm and focus the mind and central nervous system
  • Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
Peace & Calming & Emotions

Peace and Calming is an incredible tool when it comes to emotional health! The Blue Tansy in this blend is specifically supportive of calming the Central Nervous System! Here are two ways to use this oil blend to shift your thoughts and emotions from counselor Eryn Jones:

  • For when you feel out of control and out of your depth. Balance and healthy boundaries can be the opposite of out of control. Using Peace & Calming on your stomach, focusing on the mantra "I am content" can really help quell strong desires to be in control. Control is something we often seek subconsciously and don't notice until we feel, well "out of it!". Thus out of control. Peace & Calming can be a huge help in this area!
  • For when you feel unwanted or unlovable. Often, feelings of deep unease, instability, and moodiness are born from this deep false belief about ourselves. Just smelling Peace & Calming can help support our hormones too. Often our hormones can get out of whack when we feel deep sadness and unease AND hormones being out of whack can cause these sad feelings and beliefs - everything is connected! Peace & Calming can help both the feelings and hormonal balance!
Daily Habits with Peace & Calming

  • Add a drop to your palms, then breathe with your hands over your nose to promote feelings of courage and confidence
  • Diffuse in all bedrooms at night to promote restful sleep
  • Rub drops on wrists or back of neck to calm anxious thoughts and feelings
  • Help tired children wind down busy bodies and minds after active days
  • Breathe deeply when situations seem overwhelming
  • Apply Peace & Calming to the bottoms of feet at night as part of a bedtime ritual for your whole family
  • Dilute it with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex for a calming back massage before naps or bed
  • Add 4–5 drops to 1 cup of Epsom salt for a centering bath at the start of the day or as part of a calming evening routine
  • Add it to Young Living Bath and Shower Gel Base for a cleanser your entire family will love
  • Combine it with Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend for a bright, invigorating scent that's perfect for mornings before school or practice.

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Our diffusers are running 24/7 with blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the calming scent of Peace & Calming!
  • Calm Seas - Peace & Calming, Lavender
  • Fresh Air - Citrus Fresh, Peace & Calming, Orange
  • Meditation Space - Peace & Calming, Frankincense, Orange
  • Peace, Be Still - Valor, Peace & Calming
  • Fresh Breeze - Bergamot, Peace & Calming, Jade Lemon
  • Holiday - Peace & Calming, Lime, Tangerine, Lavender

Want to try Peace & Calming essential oil, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Summer Throwback Recipes - May 2023

2022 Summer Throwback Recipes
Diffuse it, Roll it, Spray It!

Hello Summer! We are throwing it back a bit with some summer nostalgia... 80s and 90s pop culture anyone? Diffuse it, roll it, spray it - no matter how you use these combinations you're gonna love them! Whip up these blends to take care of you and your's and enjoy a fun-filled summer!

You can use these same recipes as a diffuser blend, a 10 mL roller blend or a 2 oz spray. For diffuser blends, follow the spray recipe or simply add a total of up to 12 drops in most diffusers (up to 20 for the Aria Diffuser). If you want a larger spray bottle, simply double the amounts. To use the sprays, add the number of ingredients to the bottle, invert and mix and spray onto surfaces or skin as desired.

Care Bear - For the little family members who need a little extra care after tumble...

These skin-soothing oils will feel like a big hug after you or someone you love takes a tumble. Using the spray option is great for kids since there is no rubbing involved. You can also leave out the Tea Tree if you don't need the cleansing effect and just want to soothe.

  • Care Bear Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Frankincense, Owie, Tea Tree, & Helichrysum + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier oil of choice
  • Care Bear Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Frankincense, Owie, Tea Tree, & Helichrysum + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Sister Smurf - For glowy, youthful skin...

When it comes to skincare, there isn't much that beats Blue Tansy! This oil is often used in high-end beauty products and is incredible for skincare. Try the Sister Smurf spray with Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol for a lovely summer face mist!

  • Sister Smurf Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Frankincense & Manuka + 10 drops Blue Tansy + 3 droppersful CBD Beauty Boost for best result + jojoba or Argan oil
  • Sister Smurf Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Frankincense & Manuka + 5 drops Blue Tansy + 2 droppersful CBD Beauty Boost for best result + Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol
Rainbow Bright - For bright, happy feelings...

Rainbow Bright was always finding the silver lining, which is how we want to see things as well. Training our minds to find the sunshine is a little easier when we pair it with our sense of smell. Roll and spray these rainbow-inspired oils to help you and yours find the rainbows in the clouds.

  • Rainbow Bright Roller (10 mL) - 15-20 drops each Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Stress Away, Valor, & Lavender + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier oil of choice
  • Rainbow Bright Spray (2 oz) - 7-10 drops each Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Stress Away, Valor, & Lavender + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Beanie Babies - For sweet, sweet sleep...

This blend is wonderful for helping support sleep. Roll onto wrists, chest, and bottom of your feet. Spray onto sheets, pajamas, stuffed animals or lovies.

  • Beanie Babies Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops each Frankincense, Valor, & Tangerine + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice
  • Beanie Babies Spray (2 oz) - 10 drops each Frankincense, Valor, & Tangerine + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Roller Rink - For carefree feelings of fun with friends...

Invite in the lighthearted feeling of a evening soaring around the roller rink with your best friends. Laughter, smiles, carefree feelings... That's what this collection of emotionally supportive oils invokes.

  • Roller Rink Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops each Joy, Tangerine, Valor, & Stress Away + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Roller Rink Spray (2 oz) - 7-10 drops each Joy, Tangerine, Valor, & Stress Away + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Tie Dye - For inviting presence and joy to your everyday...

Sometimes the busy-ness of life can keep us from being fully present with what is happening immediately around us, and we want to use all the tools we have to stay present. Because it has Blue Tansy in it, Peace & Calming is great for this.

This blend of floral, citrus oils is a wonderful daily perfume. roll or spray onto the wrists, neck and check and breathe deeply.

  • Tie Dye Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Peace & Calming, Ylang Ylang, Tangerine, & Joy V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Tie Dye Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Peace & Calming, Ylang Ylang, Tangerine, & Joy + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Mixed Tape - For BIG feelings for adults and kids alike...

One of the oils we turn to when we need a little help with sour moods or tantrums is EndoFlex. This hormone-supporting blend can be so helpful when we are feeling really BIG, complex emotions. Roll onto chest, wrists, back of neck and breathe deeply. Spray onto a blanket, clothing or any comfort item and hold it near the face as you breathe deeply.

  • Mixed Tape Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops EndoFlex + 25 drops Valor + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Mixed Tape Spray (2 oz) - 10-12 drops each EndoFlex & Valor + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Walkman - For sweet relief after be-booping a bit too hard...

These oils are our go-to when we dance a little too hard listening to our mixtapes on our Walkman. Roll or spray these blends to soothe sore muscles and tension wherever you need it.

  • Walkman Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Peppermint, Copaiba, Cypress, & PanAway or Wintergreen + 1-2 droppersful Cool Mint CBD Drops + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Walkman Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Peppermint, Copaiba, Cypress, & PanAway or Wintergreen + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Indiana Jones - For summer adventures without the jungle pests...

Whenever you're heading out for an adventure, keep this roller and spray combination handy to deter outdoor pests! Roll or spray all over the body, spray on clothing as needed.

  • Indiana Jones Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops each Citronella, Tea Tree, & Lavender + 15 drops Geranium +  V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Indiana Jones Spray (2 oz) - 10 drops each Citronella, Tea Tree, & Lavender + 7 drops Geranium + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Want to try these blends, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Mineral Essence Spotlight - May 2023

Mineral Essence Spotlight

Mineral Essence is your daily liquid dose of minerals - an essential part of overall health and vitality. This unique supplement combines the benefits of ionic minerals with Lemon, Cinnamon, and Peppermint essential oils to create a formulation that is quickly and fully absorbed by the body. You get all the great benefits of minerals in a convenient daily dose!

Mineral Essence at a Glance
  • Balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex
  • Enhanced with essential oils
  • Excellent source of magnesium
  • A great addition to your daily multivitamin
  • A popular choice for supplementation during pregnancy

According to two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling: “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Trace minerals are incredibly important for our overall health. The body requires nearly two thirds of all the elements currently known to man in order to support optimal health, cognitive function and overall performance, and keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task. The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals, ideally from the diet, but given current farming practices, it just isn't enough.

Why do we need Minerals?

Traditionally, eating fresh, sprouted grains, fruits, and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil has been the primary supply for a full spectrum of ionic minerals. Unfortunately in today's world, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Decades and decades of vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth's minerals to the surface where they have been washed away. Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields where minerals have been depleted, but man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life.

And just like so many other areas of our health, we can achieve our goals with supplementation! Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils. It contains sixty ionic minerals including iron, zinc, silicon, fluorine, boron, lithium, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, chloride, selenium, thallium, calcium, and potassium as well as peppermint, cinnamon bark and lemon essential oils. The addition of essential oils helps the body absorb all these ionic minerals, making them more bioavailable (and useful!) to our bodies instead of just passing through.

The following deficiencies have been linked to many health issues -- including those that affect our emotional health -- and all of these deficiencies can be improved with Mineral Essence!
  • Iron - affects around 20% women and 50% of pregnant women. Pair with Master Formula for ideal results.
  • Selenium - a key component of thyroid health. Pair with Master Formula for ideal results. 
  • Magnesium - some sources say up to half the population is deficient in magnesium! 1 serving of Mineral Essence provides 80% of our daily magnesium requirements. 
  • Zinc - this mineral is used by more enzymes than any other mineral our bodies need and is used for everything from gut health to DNA repair.
Key Ingredients

  • Calcium - essential for healthy bones and teeth, assists in blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.
  • Chromium - assists in the metabolism of glucose and regulates blood sugar.
  • Cobalt - promotes the formation of red blood cells.
  • Copper - promotes normal red-blood cell formation, connective tissue formation and central nervous system function. By storing and releasing iron, copper contributes to hemoglobin formation.
  • Iodine - required by the thyroid hormone to support metabolism.
  • Iron - important in red blood cell formation, energy and cognitive function.
  • Magnesium - supports nerves and muscles and activates over 100 enzymes.
  • Molybdenum - contributes to growth and development.
  • Phosphorous - works with calcium to contribute to healthy bones and teeth.
  • Potassium - regulates heartbeat, fluid balance, and helps muscles contract.
  • Selenium - an essential component of a key antioxidant enzyme, also necessary for normal growth and development.
  • Sulfur - required for muscle protein and helps with soft, healthy hair.
  • Zinc - found in every fluid, tissue, cell and organ throughout the human body with high concentrates in the brain. Inadequate intake can affect over 200 enzymes involved in digestion, metabolism, reproduction and wound healing.
  • Cinnamon bark essential oil - antiviral, antibacterial and a strong antioxidant. It also contains high levels of phenols – oxygenating compounds which function as catalysts.
  • Lemon essential oil - promotes leukocyte production, which is an important factor in the immune system.
  • Peppermint essential oil - antibacterial and a first-rate support for the immune system, also supports digestion
As with all other Young Living supplements, the addition of essential oils to Mineral Essence is key! The essential oils have their own benefits for the body, but they also enhance the bioavailability of the minerals, making Young Living's Mineral Essence superior to any mineral supplement on the market!

Daily Habits with Mineral Essence
Add Mineral Essence to your daily supplement routine!

Take 5 half-droppers (1 ml each) morning and evening or as needed as a mineral supplement. May be added to 4-8 oz. of distilled/purified water or juice before drinking. We recommend adding to cranberry juice if needed as the supplement has a spicy, mineral flavor. Shake well before using and refrigerate after opening. 

Apply Mineral Essence to the skin or mix with epsom salts in the bath to allow for absorption through the skin! Note, however, that this route of administration will provide less absorption than ingestion.

Use Mineral Essence to promote hair growth and recoverySimply drop Mineral Essence onto the scalp and massage in gently. Let sit for 20-30 minutes, then wash hair with gentle, sulfate-free shampoo.

Add Mineral Essence to your daily NingXia Red for even more robust results.

Make a mineralizing mouthwash:
  • Mix ½ bottle of Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash with ½ bottle of Mineral Essence and shake well.
Try this Golden Mango Sunrise Tonic for daily health and longevity:
  • 2-4 oz NingXia Red
  • 5 half droppersful Mineral Essence
  • ½ tsp Golden Turmeric powder
  • Organic low-sugar lemonade or pineapple juice
  • Mineral or coconut water + ice as desired
Note: This product contains royal jelly, which may cause allergic reactions, especially in those with bee or honey allergies.

Want to try Mineral Essence but don't know where to start, click here to get started..

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Cypress Essential Oil Spotlight - May 2023

Cypress Essential Oil Spotlight

Cypress is one of our favorite conifer oils - deep, woodsy and full of incredible health benefits! Whether you are looking for healthy skin and hair, support for your heart and circulatory system, a companion for yoga and meditation or a deep breath of fresh air, this crisp woodsy oil is what you need. 

Just a Drop of Cypress

  • Has a clean, evergreen aroma
  • Supports healthy circulation and heart health
  • May help to reduce the appearance of blemishes when applied topically
  • Promotes the appearance of healthy-looking hair and skin
  • Is a great companion for dry brushing and lymphatic health
  • Creates a grounding atmosphere when diffused
We love the tree oils and Cypress is no exception! It's in some of our favorite blends like R.C. and Aroma Siez to name a few, and an ingredient in our beloved Raindrop roller! (more on that below) It's calming and grounding and wonderful on the skin.


Cypress has a long history of use as a construction material due to the durability of its wood, and it was used by the Phoenicians and Cretans to build ships and bows and by the Egyptians to build sarcophagi. Its botanical name, Cupressus sempervirens, is derived from the Greek “sempervivum,” or “live forever. The oil is steam distilled from the branches of the plant to produce an incredible essential oil!

Emotional Support with Cypress

Cypress is calming and grounding and wonderful for releasing stored emotions. It helps ease feelings of loss and creates a sense of security. It helps to heal emotional trauma, calms the body, relieves anger and just helps life flow better. This is a great oil to diffuse for any kiddos having trouble with transitions, new schools, big changes. It is helpful when dealing with emotional trauma and anger.

Cypress also helps with these seasonal feelings. Diffuse or wear as perfume for the following:
  • Grief and loss
  • Insecurity in relationships
  • Worry
Cypress also helps the body detox naturally and promotes production of leukocytes (white blood cells) which boosts the body's natural defenses during wintertime. Emotional health is directly affected by how we feel physically and Cypress helps with that.

  • Rub on wrists and feet to keep up energy
  • Take a detox bath with cypress and Epsom salts
  • Take Cypress to a massage with you and you will benefit from even more soothing of your muscles and it will help with the detoxing too.
Lymphathic health and Cypress

Your lymphatic system is a crucial part of your health, yet an often overlooked one! The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It works to protect your body from illness, to maintain body fluid levels, to absorb digestive fats and remove cellular waste.

The lymphatic system works hard to filter out all the things the body experiences. And there are some really simple, really easy health habits you can start today to give this system a boost on the daily! Exercise, hydration, dry brushing, Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil and Cypress can be huge benefits for lymphatic health and circulation in general! Use Cypress alone or with Cel-Lite Magic daily for a gentle massage on the arms and legs.

Product Options
Cypress is a key ingredient in some of our favorite products including Cel-Lite Magic Massage OilEssential Beauty SerumBLOOM essential oil serum and skincare line, and Breathe Again Roll-on
Daily Habits with Cypress

Apply to your wrists, neck, or ear lobes during yoga, meditation, or prayer.

Use with Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil for dry brushing and massage for smooth, silky skin and lymphatic health.

Use with Relaxation Massage Oil for soothing tired, cramping legs and feet at bedtime (a pregnancy favorite!)

Add a few drops to a lightweight carrier oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed, to create a natural beard oil
  • To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle  add:
  • 15 drops Cypress
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • Optional: 10 drops Shutran or Idaho Blue Spruce
  • Fill with Jojoba or Grapeseed oil
  • Apply to beard and skin and gently massage to keep the hair and skin happy and healthy. 
Make a cologne roller:
  • To a 10 mL roller bottle add:
  • 10 drops each Cypress, Bergamot,Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 5 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Fill with carrier of choice
Make a DIY Pomade:
  • 3 Tbsp organic shea butter
  • 2 Tbsp beeswax pellets
  • 2 Tbsp jojoba oil
  • 1 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 3-5 drops each Cypress, Rosemary, and Cedarwood (option to add 2 dots Thyme)
    Step 1 - Melt shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler.
    Step 2 - In a separate bowl, combine jojoba oil and cornstarch. Mix well then add in the melted shea butter/beeswax mixture and mix with a hand mixer.
    Step 3 - Add essential oils and mix well. Pomade will thicken as you mix. Transfer to a jar with an airtight lid. Store in a cool, dry place and use as desired.
Give tired muscles some TLC with a simple bath soak. Mix 1 cup Epsom salt with 10 drops of Cypress and soak as desired. Great additions include Cypress, Peppermint, PanAway. This is also great to do when you're feeling a bit stuffy!

Give your tired feet some love with this Relaxing Foot Scrub
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar 
  • 1 Tbsp Organic Olive Oil 
  • 2 Tbsp Raw Honey 
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice 
  • 3 drops Peppermint
  • 5 drops Cypress
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove towel and wipe off scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.
Make this incredible DIY Hand Salve for soothing dry skin (not just hands!)
  • ½ cup Organic Olive Oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
  • ½ cup organic arnica oil 
  • 1 Tbsp shea butter 
  • 2 Tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil 
  • 3-4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles 
  • 40 drops essential oils: Cypress, Elemi, Frankincense, Lavender, Patchouli alone or in combination
  • Essential oils to add for a masculine scent: Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
    Step 1 - Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil & beeswax and allow it to melt, stirring gently.
    Step 2 - Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into the small containers.
Make this Dry Skin Bath Soak! Adding oatmeal to the bath is helpful for more acute skin needs, especially for children.Make this nourishing DIY Goat Milk Soap:Whip up this DIY Toning Oil to use after hitting the gym:
  • 4 oz pump or dropper bottle
  • 10-20 drops each Rosemary, Grapefruit, Juniper, Cypress
  • Fill with V-6 Vegetable Complex
    Massage onto problem areas as desired. 
Add Cypress to your laundry soap and wool dryer balls for fresh laundry.

Diffuse Cypress alone or with other respiratory supporting oils like Lemon, Raven, or Peppermint and use it to support healthy circulation and muscles. 
  • Man Cave - 5 drops Cypress + 3 drops Tangerine + 4 drops Lemon
  • Fresh & Clean - 6 drops Lushious Lemon + 4 drops Cypress
  • Cabin in the Woods - 3 drops Cypress + 3 drops Pine + 3 drops Cinnamon Bark + 3 drops Orange

Want to try Cypress essential oil, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

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