How to Use Nov's Gifts with Purchase - 2023

How to use November's
Gifts with Purchase

Settle into the season of gratitude with us this month! We are excited to create cozy homes that welcome gatherings, give our immune systems an upgrade to handle all the season brings, and fill our spaces with all the lovely holiday goodies!

Settle into a season of gratitude with some of our absolute favorite fall and winter essentials for free! Inner DefenseR.C.Gratitude (a favorite for holiday diffusing!), Grapefruit VitalityCitrus Fresh, and One Heart!

NOTE: If you're looking for any DIY supplies, check out the DIY Supplies List blog post for the exact items we use and recommend.

And don't forget to round up your order with the 'Dollar Up' option to donate to the Young Living Foundation. A few cents can go a long way!

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Grapefruit Vitality Essential Oil

A natural cross of the pomelo and the sweet orange, grapefruit likely originated in Jamaica before spreading to America and throughout citrus-growing areas. Today this evergreen tree is cultivated in the United States, South Africa, Brazil, and Israel.

Grapefruit essential oil has a zesty, uplifting aroma that refreshes the air when diffused. It also provides cleansing action, making it a popular addition to skin care and home cleaning products. 

NOTE: Grapefruit Vitality is the exact same oil as Grapefruit essential oil blend, simply labeled differently so it can be ingested. That means you can use Grapefruit Vitality the same way you would use Grapefruit essential oil blend - in the diffuser and in all your favorite roller blends as well.

Add Grapefruit to your favorite roller blends for some happy citrus zest! To a 10 mL roller bottle, add the following essential oils with a carrier oil of your choice. (Note: do not apply citrus oils to skin that will be directly exposed to the sunlight within 2 hours.)

  • Keep Calm & Carry On: 20 drops Stress Away, 15 drops each Grapefruit & Lavender
  • Liquid Sunshine: 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops each Tangerine & Lemon, 10 drops Bergamot
  • Flower Garden: 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops Ylang Ylang, 10 drops Bergamot
  • Golden Hour: 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce or Idaho Blue Spruce, 10 drops Germanium or Joy
Make these lovely Citrus Rind Diffusers (recipe via Hello Glow). Hollow out the fruit. In a small bowl mix the sea salt and essential oils well. Fill fruit rinds with the sea salt and oil mixture. Replace every 3-4 days.
Grapefruit Cedarwood:
  • 1 Grapefruit
  • 15 drops Cedarwood (gift with purchase this month)
  • 5 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • 3 drops Sage essential oil
  • 1.5 cups coarse sea salt
  • Fresh sage leaves for garnish (optional)
Lemon Rosemary:
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup coarse sea salt
  • 15 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • Fresh rosemary for garnish (optional)
Rosemary Lime Mint:
  • 1 lime
  • 1 cup coarse sea salt
  • 10 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 drops Lime essential oil
  • 5 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Fresh rosemary for garnish (optional)
Winter skin needing a little love? Whip up this Grapefruit Salt Scrub:
Make this Grapefruit Lip Scrub for soft, happy lips:
  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • 5 drops Vanilla (optional)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
    Whip coconut oil with a mixer, then add in sugar and essential oils and mix again. Store in a glass jar. Apply nightly to lips in a circular motion. Wipe off with a drop towel.
Whip up this DIY Toning Oil to use after hitting the gym to work on your resolutions. To a 2 or 4 oz pump or dropper bottle, add:
  • 10 drops each Rosemary, Grapefruit, Fennel, Juniper
  • 5 drops each Geranium, Cypress
  • Fill with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
    Massage onto problem areas as desired.
Spice up your Thieves Cleaner with a fresh, crisp recipe. To a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 1-2 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 20 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • 15 drops each Tangerine & Lemon essential oil
  • 15 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Fill the rest with filtered water
Bring a little light to your winter body butter by combining Winter Nights essential oil blend and Grapefruit in this DIY Whipped Body Butter recipe.
  • 1/2 cup unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 20 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • 15 drops Winter Nights essential oil blend
    Melt together coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter, then add in Vitamin E oil and whisk.
    Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 - 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved.
    Add in essential oils, then place in a glass jar.
Diffuse this happy citrus oil to bring a little bit of sunshine to your home:
  • Herb Garden: Grapefruit, Lemon, Basil
  • Spring Breeze: Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Valor
  • Cozy Home: Grapefruit, Lavender, Vanilla
  • Keep Calm: Grapefruit, Stress Away, Bergamot
See the Grapefruit Essential Oil Spotlight for TONS more ways to use this oil!

Inner Defense

Inner Defense are liquid softgels, which dissolve easily to reinforce your system's defenses, create unfriendly terrain for yeast/fungus, promote healthy respiratory function, and contain potent essential oils like oregano, thyme, and Thieves which are rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol for immune support. In short, these powerhouse capsules provide a defense for your body!

  • Take 1 softgel each morning for maintenance. Take with food, especially healthy fat. For best results, use Life 9 supplement 8 hours after using Inner Defense.
  • Take 1 softgel 3−5 times daily for more acute needs. (Pro tip: for younger children, use a needle to poke a hole in the capsule and rub it along their spine, bottom of the feet!) 
Read all about why you need this supplement to support your immune system as the seasons change on this blog post. You can find more about other incredible, oil-infused supplements from Young Living, check out this Young Living Oil-Infused Supplement blog post.

Gratitude Essential Oil Blend

Gratitude essential oil blend contains nine essential oils and has a spiritual aroma that promotes gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation, helping foster a positive attitude and attracting all that is good in your life.

Gratitude is a blend of:
  • Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Coriander, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver, and Geranium
  • Many of these oils are incredibly grounding and high in sesquiterpenes, a constituent that is specifically supportive of calming brain waves to focused or meditative states. Use this beautiful blend to invite a posture of gratitude into your heart!
Use this blend as a part of your daily Gratitude Protocol
  • Drop 2-5 drops on the crown of your head in the morning and/or evening and say or write down three to five things for which you are thankful.
  • Commit to this practice daily and keep a journal of how you feel and how your emotions shift.
Make a perfume roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 10-15 drops each of Gratitude, Tangerine, and Hope
  • Fill with a carrier oil
Make a festive room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 10 drops Gratitude
  • 5 drops each Cinnamon Bark and Tangerine
  • a splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Add 20 drops of Gratitude to your Thieves Household Cleaner for a festive twist.

Use this incredible oil blend to make DIY Beeswax Candles to fill your home with the warmth of the season.
Use Gratitude blend during meditation, yoga, or personal spiritual practice while you uplift and elevate your feelings of gratitude. Apply 1-3 drops topically behind the ears, over the heart, on wrists, back of neck, and base of spine.

Diffuse these blends - perfect of the season.
  • Thankful Heart: 4 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Tangerine + 2 drops Frankincense
  • Enlightened: 4 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Joy
  • Meditation Space: 3 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce + 3 drops Sacred Frankincense or Sacred Sandalwood
  • Visionary: 3 drops Gratitude + 3 drops Valor + 2 drops Lime
Check out all of these amazing ways to use Gratitude on this blog post.

One Heart Essential Oil Blend

One heart is a lovely blend of Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Lime, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Ocotea and Valor that encourages a bright outlook on life and opens your heart to love and service for others. Use this blend to help encourage unity and connection with your community and create a calming, uplifting environment.

  • Ylang Ylang from Ecuador has a sweet, romantic aroma that contains the naturally occurring constituents germacrene and alpha-farnesene.
  • Lemon and Lime have an uplifting, fresh aroma that contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene.
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce is rich and invigorating and contains the naturally occurring constituents bornyl acetate, camphene, alpha pinene.
  • Ocotea from Ecuador is delightfully spicy and contains the naturally occurring constituent beta-caryophyllene.
  • Valor has a woodsy, grounding aroma that contains the naturally occurring constituents alpha pinene, beta pinene, bornyl acetate, and camphene.
Make DIY Scented Sachets to bring a crisp, happy aroma to any area of your home.
  • 1/2 cup uncooked rice
  • 1/4 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 cup dried lavender buds
  • muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approx 5" x 4"
  • 30-40 drops One Heart
    Step 1 - In a medium bowl, mix rice, Epsom Salt, flower buds and essential oil to thoroughly scent the mixture.
    Step 2 - Spoon mixture into your muslin pouch.
    Step 3Place anywhere you want to add a fresh lavender scent.
    Refresh your pouch every 2-3 weeks by opening it up and adding more drops of essential oil.
Make a perfume roller with One Heart and your favorite citrus oil - Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon or Lime. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add 30 drops One Heart and 15-20 drops citrus oil.

Bring a little light to your body butter by combining One Heart and Grapefruit in this DIY Whipped Body Butter recipe:
  • 1/2 cup unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 20 drops Grapefruit
  • 15 drops One Heart
    Step 1 - Melt together coconut oil and shea butter, then add in Vitamin E oil and whisk.
    Step 2Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 to 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved.
    Step 3 - Add in essential oils then place in a glass jar.
Diffuse this uplifting blend to foster connection all month long.
  • Love You Lots - Grapefruit, Lemon, One Heart
  • Open Heart - Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, One Heart
  • Welcome Home - Lavender, Vanilla, One Heart

R.C. Essential Oil Blend

R.C. essential oil blend is a powerful combination of Cypress, Spruce, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. citriodora, E. globulus, and E. radiata) - making it an all time favorite for the winter months! The initials stand for respiratory care, as this oil feels like a deep, cleansing breath no matter the time of year.

Make a DIY Chest Rub:
  • 1 cup solid coconut oil
  • 30 drops R.C. essential oil
  • 20 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
    Mix well and use on the chest, back and neck as desired. Option to whip with a handheld or stand mixer for a fluffier consistency. You can also sub shea butter for some of the coconut oil for a more moisturizing formula. 
Add 15 drops of R.C. to a cup of magnesium flakes or epsom salt for a relaxing bath.

Use R.C. with V-6 for a foot or back massage after your gym routine, outdoor adventure, or yoga practice.

Place drops of R.C. onto cotton rounds or small cloths and place them in inconspicuous areas of your home, office, even car!

Make a DIY Mattress & Linen Spray to use every time you make the bed or change the sheets
  • To an 8 oz glass spray bottle add:
  • 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 20 drops each R.C. & Lavender
  • 10 drops Tea Tree
    Fill with distilled water and invert to gently mix. 
Add R.C. to wool dryer balls and Thieves Laundry Soap for fresh-scented laundry.

Make DIY Scented Sachets to bring a fresh, spa-inspired aroma to any area of your home.
  • ½ cup uncooked rice
  • ¼ cup Epsom salt
  • 1 cup dried lavender buds
  • Muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approximately 5 inches long by 4 inches wide
  • 40 drops R.C. essential oil
    Step 1 - In a medium bowl, mix rice, Epsom salt, flower buds, and essential oil to thoroughly scent the mixture.
    Step 2 - Spoon mixture into your muslin pouch.
    Step 3 - Place anywhere you want to add a fresh lavender scent.
    Step 4 - Refresh your pouch every 2-3 weeks by opening it up and adding more drops of essential oil.
Use R.C. to make DIY Laundry Scent Booster. To a large glass jar with airtight lid, add:
  • 1 1/2 cup salt Epsom Salt
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 30 drops R.C. essential oil blend
  • Optional: 15 drops Thieves essential oil blend
  • Whisk together until all ingredients are well combined.
    To use - add 1-2 Tbl into the washer before adding any laundry. Add laundry and the normal amount of laundry detergent.
Use this purifying blend to make DIY Cleaning Fizzies for yourself or a handmade gift.
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • 4 teaspoons water
  • 40 drops R.C. essential oil (or Thieves or Pine)
  • 3 teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or other carrier
  • Ice cube tray or candy mold
    Step 1 - In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix evenly.
    Step 2 - In a separate bowl, combine water, essential oils or blends, and V-6.
    Step 3 - Pour liquids into the large bowl and mix together until combined.
    Step 4 - Use the mixture to fill an ice cube tray or candy mold about three fourths full. If the mixture expands and spills over the mold, gently repack into the mold.
    Step 5 - Let sit overnight to dry in a room temperature area. When dry, pop tablets out and store in a glass jar.
    To Use - When needed, put a tablet in the toilet bowl, hard-to-clean bottles, or sink full of dishes to help clean and deodorize. Let sit in the bowl, bottle, or sink for 20–30 minutes to fizz and dissolve. Once dissolved, flush or rinse out.
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener. To glass jar add: 
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup salt
  • 40 drops R.C. essential oil (or Thieves or Pine +/- Lemon)
    Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Make an Herbal Deodorizing Spray for pet beds, upholstered surfaces, car upholstery, etc! To a 4 oz glass spray bottle add:
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 20 drops R.C. essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil 
  • 10 drops Tangerine essential oil
  • 5 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Pinch sea salt or splash of witch hazel
  • Filtered water
    Spray lightly onto surfaces to remove unwanted odors. 
Add 5 drops to a large handful of massage oil and apply to the skin to relax tired muscles. Or whip up a DIY Massage Oil:
  • 4 oz pump bottle 
  • 20 drops R.C. essential oil
  • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops Cypress essential oil
  • Carrier of choice, such as Young LIving's V-6 Vegetable Complex
Diffuse this spa-inspired oil blend anytime your lungs need a little TLC or you need a quick trip to the spa! Bonus points for adding R.C. to the diffuser during a bath or shower to allow the steam to help open airways even more.

Breathe Easy - 4 drops each R.C., Thieves, & Peppermint
Relax - 4 drops each R.C., Lavender, & Lemon
Gather Together - 4 drops each R.C., Tangerine, & Lemongrass
Goodnight Moon -  4 drops each R.C., Lavender, & Thieves
2021 - 3 drops each R.C., Pine, Thieves, & Lemon

As one of my favorite blends to support my inner ear health, this blog posts tells you all about this respiratory supporting essential oil blend.

Citrus Fresh Essential Oil Blend

This bright, happy blend of Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint essential oils is the perfect way to add a splash of summer flavor to your day! And since the Vitality oils are the same oil as their non-Vitality counterparts, you can apply and diffuse this oil as you would Citrus Fresh.

Add to diffuser jewelry to provide emotional support thought the day. This is a great practice for kids with school-days or other butterflies.

Make this Summer Citrus Body Polish:
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 10 drops Citrus Fresh
    Combine all ingredients in a metal or glass container, use in the shower to exfoliate & m
Make a Keep Calm & Shine On roller for a daily perfume
  • 20 drops each Grapefruit, Bergamot, Stress Away, & Citrus Fresh
  • Carrier of choice
Make a Unicorn Roller for emotional support
  • 20 drops each Valor, Joy, Citrus Fresh, Patchouli, & Stress Away
  • Carrier of choice
Mix up a refreshing All-Purpose Citrus Cleaner. To a 16-oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 30 drops Citrus Fresh
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • filtered water
Combine with Citronella essential oil and water or alcohol-free witch hazel to make a pleasant-smelling outdoor spray.

Add a drop or two of Citrus Fresh Vitality to your favorite herbal tea for a fresh twist.

Add 1-2 drops to your water bottle, homemade guacamole, and veggie dipAdd Citrus Fresh Vitality to your salad dressings or marinades for a delicious citrus flavor.

Mix up your daily NingXia Red. Add 1-2 drops of Citrus Fresh Vitality essential oil directly to your NingXia or make a spritzer with sparkling water:
  • 2-4 oz NingXia Red
  • Citrus Fresh, Lemon, and/or Orange Vitality (or any Vitality oil) 
  • and lots of ice
Mix up a Superfood NingXia Spritzer:
Cool off after fun in the sun with these Citrus NingXia Popsicles. In a popsicle mold, add equal parts NingXia Red and Lemonade, Citrus Fresh, and top with NingXia Zing to each slot. Do this in layers for a pretty end result!
Diffuse this bright citrus blend to cleanse the air and uplift the spirits.
Citrus Fresh Vitality is the exact same oil as Citrus Fresh essential oil blend, simply labeled differently so it can be ingested. That means you can use Citrus Fresh Vitality the same way you would use Citrus Fresh essential oil blend - in the diffuser and in all your favorite roller blends as well.

Be well Roller: Frankincense, Thieves, Citrus Fresh, Lemon in a carrier oil
Be Happy Roller: Stress Away, Citrus Fresh, Orange, Grapefruit in a carrier oil
Be Calm Roller: Lavender, Citrus Fresh, Orange in a carrier oil
Summer Sunrise - 4 drops Citrus Fresh, 3 drops each Grapefruit & Geranium, 2 drops Orange
Flower Garden - 5 drops Lavender, 4 drops Citrus Fresh, 3 drops Grapefruit
Summer Solstice - 5 drops Citrus Fresh, 3 drops Lime, 3 drops Cassia
Front Porch - 4 drops Rosemary, 3 drops Citrus Fresh, 3 drops Eucalyptus

Now that you know how to use these Free Gifts with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

2022 Holiday Sales Event

2022 Holiday Sales Event

It's the most wonderful time of the year! We are so excited for this year's holiday sale - the new limited-time 
Duet Diffuser, the relaunch of the Simplified Fall Collection, and savings on specially curated, exclusive holiday essentials sure to inspire wellness all year long!! Get your shopping done early, snag your favorites at a discount and give the gift of wellness this year.

New & Seasonal Favorites

Fill your home with the scents of the season with the final drop of the Simplified: Fall Collection and fall/winter essentials like Christmas Spirit, Cassia and Evergreen Essence! These favorites will have you walking in a winter wonderland for sure…

From the moment we wake until we fall asleep, our lives are filled with so many sensations, from the noise of traffic to the internal noise of emails, notifications, and to-do lists. It's overwhelming to have so much vying for your attention!

Enter: The Duet Diffuser. 

The Duet Diffuser puts the power over your sensory experience back in your hands. With its innovative, waterless oil diffusing technology and convenient carrying handle, the Duet Diffuser can go just about anywhere, while the built-in Bluetooth speaker and dual-pump atomizing diffusion help you to take back control over your senses no matter where you are. Watch this short video on how the diffuser works.

The sophisticated, sleek design of this diffuser is luxe and high-end; but the true luxury is its ability to shut out the noise in your world, allowing you to engage with your five senses with intention. Create your scent symphony with the Duet Diffuser before it's gone for good!

While many fall-scented candles and air fresheners contain harmful chemicals that can pollute your home, the Simplified Fall Collection blends are made exclusively with good, clean ingredients straight from nature. All the goodness of an autumn candle with none of the toxins!

  • Cozy Cabin essential oil blend, 10mL
  • Gingersnaps essential oil blend, 10mL
  • Orange Spiced Cider essential oil blend, 10mL

Seasonal Favorites

Cinnamon and Spruce and Orange, oh my! This blend is THE quintessential fall and winter scent and is perfect for diffusing and DIYs!

This sweet cinnamon variety is perfect for all your autumn and winter diffusing, DIYs and crafts. Add a drop to any porous decor, add to Thieves cleaner, and diffuse all season long.

The beloved Lantern Diffuser - in charcoal! This diffuser is perfect for fall and winter decor, with a slight cottage-inspired vibe. 

Kissable lips with a citrusy twist!

This is a crowd favorite for good reason - vanilla and mint galore! 

Favorite Oils & Blends

Vanilla and Peppermint and Spruce, oh my! These seasonal favorites are sure to fill your home with the aromas of the season, and they are the perfect gift for the DIYers on your list.

Sacred Frankincense has a grounding, woodsy aroma that is perfect for the season. This powerhouse oil is also great for immune health and radiant skin! 

Winter Nights essential oil blend combines the cool, inviting scents of Northern Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint, Cedarwood, and Orange. Diffuse this blend all season long or add it to your favorite festive DIYs!

An emotionally supportive blend of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, and Melissa that is perfect for this season of family and gatherings.

Idaho Blue Spruce has a grounding, evergreen aroma that invokes the feeling of a peaceful forest. It is amazing diffused, makes a great cologne, and is wonderful for tired muscles too!.

NLBS is a crowd favorite for good reason. This spruce oil has a darker, earthier scent that is reminiscent of a campfire. NLBS is wonderful diffused and in seasonal DIYs, and is also great for your winter skin! 

A quintessential fall and winter scent, Vanilla feels like a big, warm hug! Diffuse it, use it in your seasonal DIYs, and add to your Thieves Cleaner! 

Patchouli is a must have in your oil arsenal. This earthy oil is great dry skin and blemishes, promotes a feeling of calm, and is a wonderful addition to perfume rollers!

Can you do the holidays without Peppermint?! This crisp, bright oil makes a wonderful addition to Vanilla in the diffuser and DIYs, plus it helps keep bellies happy with all the feasting and indulging of the season!

After a day with your loved ones, wind down for sweet sweet sleep with this calming essential oil blend. 

With this exclusive collection, experience three powerhouse oils that you can use throughout your daily life. This kit includes limited-edition 10 mL bottles of:
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Tea Tree essential oil

Favorite Self Care

Grab some self-care essentials like CBD Beauty Boost and bath bombs for yourself and for the skincare lovers on your list. And don't forget the crowd favorite Vanillamint Collection that only comes around once a year! 

Say hello to silky skin this winter with the Very Merry Vanillamint Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Scrub and Body Butter! This collection is pure luxury without the high price tag. 

  • Pink Himalayan sea salt sourced directly from the Himalayan mountains delivers luxurious exfoliating minerals to your bath for ultimate relaxation
  • Moisturizing ingredients like mango seed and cupuacu seed butters deliver deep, long-lasting moisture for soft, silky skin
Collection includes:
  • Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Scrub, 2 oz.
  • Vanillamint Body Butter, 2 oz.
Our favorite exclusive Winter Nights essential oil blend in a perfectly festive hand lotion! Northern Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint, Cedarwood, and Orange infuse Winter Nights Hand Lotion with wintry scents that are a delight any time of year.

  • Specifically designed to pamper dry skin, including problem areas like elbows, hands, and heels
  • Mango butter, watermelon seed oil, and apple extract help protect the skin's natural moisture barrier and leave skin feeling soft and smooth
HELLO luxe beauty! Each dropper of CBD Beauty Boost contains the essential oils from one full Damask rose and is our favorite skincare product around.

Infused with Northern Lights Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Peppermint and Orange essential oils, this unique blend brings the feel of softly falling snow, the peace of crisp midnight air in winter, and the warmth of cozy spaces. 

Gently exfoliate and moisturize winter lips with this plant-based, oil-infused lip scrub!

These aroma rings are like a personal diffuser that fits discreetly on your nose or ear for personal aromatherapy on the go! Each Aroma Ring is individually packaged and ready to use whenever and wherever you need it. Lavender is great for daily use, yoga or anything you need calming, while Aroma Ease is our go-to for travel and motion-induced discomfort.

Beautiful glass rollers for making all your favorite roller blends of the season!


Give your skin (and yourself!) some TLC with these crowd favorite bath bombs! All of the good stuff and none of the toxins.

Relaxing and calming and perfect to break up into individual gifts!

Infused with the beloved Stress Away blend, these are a favorite year round.

The maple scent is a mix of Tahitian tamanu and Vanilla oleoresin from Madagascar that blends with warm notes from Cassia, Nutmeg, and Clove plus a light twist of sweet Lemon - perfect for the cooler weather!

Discounted Kits & Collections

All our favorites - the Mini Aria with festive scents, artisan-made olive wood trees, everything you need for an at home spa, and even favorites for kids!

Freshen up any environment with this collection designed to help you and your family stay comfortable, purify air from stuffy odors, and support healthy airways.

  • DiGize Vitality essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • R.C. essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Thieves essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Aroma Ring with AromaEase
  • Travel zipper pouch
Create a calm and tranquil environment no matter where you are with the Serenity Now Collection!

  • Lavender essential oil, 5 mL
  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Stress Away essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Aroma Ring with Lavender
  • Product information booklet
  • Travel zipper pouch
Keep this collection on hand for essential solutions for your family's daily unknowns! The To The Rescue Collection includes:

  • Deep Relief essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • DiGize Vitality essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • M-Grain essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Stress Away essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Thieves essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Aroma Ring with Lavender
  • Aroma Ring with AromaEase
  • Travel zipper pouch
This handmade olive wood massaging tool was sustainably crafted by local artisans using olive tree branches in Bethlehem. Use it with the included Eucalyptus Globulus and V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to pinpoint pressure points and relieve tired muscles.

The Holy Land Handicraft Cooperative in Bethlehem provides fair-trade wages and stable employment to those in economically unstable circumstances. But as travel restrictions began to take place in 2020, many artisan groups shut down due to the lack of work. Creating and selling unique olive wood products enables these families to stay in their homeland, earn a living, and provide opportunities for their children.

  • Handmade, Artisan Olive wood massaging tool
  • Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 15 mL
  • V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, 2 oz. (exclusive size)
Handcrafted in northern India by women of the Sasha Artisan Network, these decorative trees add a touch of holiday charm to your coffee table or mantlepiece. Put a drop of the included White Angelica on each one to fill the air with the warm, woodsy scents of Myrrh, Northern Lights Black Spruce, and Sacred Sandalwood.

  • Wooden Tree Collection
  • White Angelica essential oil blend, 5 mL
For more than 40 years, the Sasha Artisan Network has been bringing Indian artisans together to create stunning handicrafts like these acacia wooden trees. Sasha was created to build prosperity by providing income-generating opportunities to nearly 100 artisan groups and to promote fair trade as a way of life. Women in these groups live in underserved rural areas of northern India. Members of Sasha now benefit from skills training, consistent work, stable income, financial savings, insurance, and access to health care and education.

Gather around and spread some cheer with the Macaron Diffuser and breathe in the welcoming aromas of Evergreen Essence, Orange, and Cassia! With three different run times to choose from, the beautiful ceramic Macaron Diffuser can operate continuously for two or eight hours or up to sixteen hours intermittently.

  • Macaron Diffuser
  • Evergreen Essence essential oil blend, 15 mL
  • Orange essential oil, 15 mL
  • Cassia essential oil, 15 mL
This limited-edition glass and walnut-stained diffuser comes with built-in Bluetooth speakers for your smartphone, so you can play holiday music while you diffuse. It also features a warm white light and can be set to run for one hour, four hours, or eight hours with an intermittent one-minute-on/one-minute-off mode! Collection includes:

  • Mini Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser
  • Christmas Spirit essential oil blend, 15 mL
  • Peppermint essential oil, 5 mL
  • Vanilla oleoresin, 5 mL
Simplify your holiday prep with a little help from Thieves Household Cleaner and an exclusive 15 mL bottle of Christmas Spirit essential oil blend. Use these festive favorites to mix up a holiday-scented household cleaner in the included amber spray bottle. 

  • Thieves Household Cleaner, 14.4 oz.
  • Christmas Spirit essential oil blend, 15 mL
  • Household cleaner spray bottle
  • Reusable YL dish cloth, 2 pk.
Get your home holiday guest-ready with this collection of fresh and festive scents and natural cleaning necessities -- with a 15% discount versus purchasing individually!

  • Macaron Collection
  • Holiday Home Cleaning Kit
  • Christmas Spirit Foaming Hand Soap
Make the brisk winter air come alive with the Winter Nights Wonderland Collection. Warm hearts and freshen homes when you gift this trio of crisp- and cozy-scented essentials or cozy up your own home with these three favorites!

  • Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap
  • Winter Nights Hand Lotion
  • Winter Nights essential oil blend, 5 mL
Who needs a trip to the spa when you have this incredible facial collection? 

BLOOM Brightening Cream:
  • Features the Sheerlumé Brightening Complex, a combination of premium essential oils that include Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Carrot Seed, Blue Cypress, Davana, Geranium, and Jasmine
  • Brightens the skin and gives a radiant glow while helping restore the appearance of an even skin tone
  • Hydrates the skin and strengthens the moisture barrier
  • Reduces the appearance of dark spots and provides the skin with a smoother texture
  • Contains antioxidants and helps minimize the appearance of future damage
  • Spa headband
  • Jade gua sha stone
  • Facial cleansing pads, 3 pk.
  • Mesh pouch
The snuggly monkey stuffie and SleepyIze Roll-On are the cozy bedtime duo your child needs for a serene night's sleep. The stuffie comes with a removable lavender-vanilla microwavable pouch and a birth certificate for your child to give their cuddly new pal a name.

  • Monkey stuffie
  • SleepyIze Roll-On, 10 mL
  • Birth certificate and instruction card for stuffie
Essence of the Season is a combination of uplifting and festive, seasonal scents that can be used during the holidays or year-round to invoke memories of the special season.

  • Christmas Spirit essential oil
  • Frankincense essential oil
  • Myrrh essential oil
  • Frankincense gum resin
  • Myrrh gum resin
Replace your dryer sheets with ethically sourced, organic, dye-free wool dryer balls in a 100 percent cotton carrying bag. These reusable dryer balls, which reduce your global footprint in a simple yet effective way, cut drying times by 5–10 minutes and can be repurposed as fabric refreshers in your drawers and closets.

  • Wool Dryer Balls
  • Cotton Carrying Bag
  • Lavender essential oil, 5mL
  • Bergamot essential oil, 5mL

Discounted Diffusers

Diffusers for you, and you and you… and everyone on your list! Get one for yourself, and give one to a friend. These are great for neighbor and teacher gifts too!  Add in a bottle of Vanilla and Peppermint and you have the perfect gift! 

Desert Mist Diffuser

The Desert Mist is one of our favorite diffusers! White and gold with a slightly boho vibe, this diffuser fits just about any space.

Ember Diffuser

Made with beautiful terra-cotta clay and sustainable rubberwood, Young Living’s exclusive Ember Diffuser adds a sleek, natural design accent to any home.

Feather the Owl Diffuser

THE most adorable diffuser around, this little owl also works as a humidifier, noise maker and nightlight.

Haven Ceramic Diffuser

This white, ceramic diffuser is the perfect small size for bathrooms, your desk, and hiding in seasonal baskets or decor for fun!

Lucia Diffuser

The Lucia Diffuser hails from the Pearl River Delta of China, a haven for artisans, poets, and painters for hundreds of years. Every Lucia glass cover is handcrafted by a master glassblower trained for years in the art of glasswork, making each Lucia Diffuser a unique work of art that will illuminate the decor of any home.

Lustre Diffuser

The Lustre Diffuser features a handcrafted blown glass cover, two diffusion modes, and eight light options to add a touch of elegance to your decor.


  • U.S. Customers and Brand Partners can start ringing in these holiday specials at 9 a.m. MT, on October 17.
  • This offer is available from October 17 at 9 a.m, MT, through October 24 at 11:59 p.m., MT.
  • Brand Partners and Customers in the U.S. Market may participate. This is NOT available for NFR
  • This offer is available on One-time orders only
  • Discount applies to price and PV
  • No order limits.
Want to get these lovely holiday gifts, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

One by Young Living Collection Spotlight - June 2022

One by Young Living Collection


The One by Young Living Collection features three incredible, complex essential oil blends crafted in collaboration with The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation - One Heart, One Voice, and One Purpose. Each blend supports a Foundation partner, local artisans or cause and every purchase helps expand our impact on the world.

One Heart - Slightly sweet, uplifting and refreshing aroma
  • Encourages a bright outlook on life
  • Opens your heart to love and service for others and encourages unity and connection with community
  • Blend of Lime, Lemon, Jasmine, Geranium, Spruce, and Frankincense as well as other oils
One Voice - Complex bouquet of exquisite floral and grounding, woodsy essential oils
  • Promotes feelings of self-confidence and clarity with its warm, inspiring aroma
  • The encouraging aroma supports you in speaking your own truth and using your voice to help those in need
  • Blend of Spruce, Sandalwood, Fir, Rose, and Frankincense with a bit of citrus and spice
One Purpose - Centering, enlightening and uplifting aroma with a hint of zest and soft floral notes
  • Subtle layers and depth of this blend enhance the connection to your own personal strengths and purpose
  • Represents the power of being united and the strength that comes from supporting each other in our purpose
  • Foster courage and become aware of your own life's purpose and discipline, carrying your purpose forth with you each day
  • Blend of Lime, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Ocotea and other oils.
A portion of the proceeds from these essential oils blends goes to The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation, which supports underprivileged communities.

Key Constituents

  • One Heart - sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, limonene
  • One Voice - alpha-pinene, germacrene D, linalool, benzyl acetate
  • One Purpose - limonene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, gamma-terpinene, germacrene D
One Purpose Essential Oil Blend

This blend's subtle scent layers and depth can enhance your connection to your personal strengths and purpose. One Purpose represents the power of unity and the strength that comes from supporting each other in our purpose. This blend can be used during quiet moments to foster courage and become aware of your life's purpose, along with the discipline it takes to carry that purpose forward each day.

One Purpose essential oil blend celebrates the strength that comes from working together for a higher goal. Specifically, this blend is dedicated to the women of the world who lift themselves and their families out of poverty with their skilled artisanal work. These inspirational and entrepreneurial women work as Young Living partners, making handcrafted, artisanal jewelry and gifts for Young Living.

Since 2017, Young Living orders to these artisan collectives in 10 different countries have provided over 800,000 fair-pay work hours to more than 10,000 artisans who have made nearly 350,000 individual handcrafted items.

Key Ingredients

  • Valor - Valor features Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, Geranium. It was formulated based on historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply aromatic plant extracts to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle.
  • Sacred Frankincense - it is believed that this oils obtained from the resin variety brought to the Christ Child at his birth. It has a grounding, woodsy aroma that enhances meditation and spiritual practices when used aromatically
  • Rose - has a sensual aroma that allures you to its high-frequency notes, creating a peaceful, loving, and nurturing environment at home and setting the mood for romance.
  • Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang - traditionally know for its romantic appeal, has a calming and balancing aroma for a peaceful, happy heart.
  • Ocotea - essential oil was used historically in traditional ritual soothing.
  • Lime - uplifts the senses with its lively, refreshing citrus aroma.
The Heart Behind the Artisans

The One Purpose label came about as a collaborative effort between more than 20 women who are a part of the Mabira Collective in Uganda, with the final design created by Diana Laruni, an aspiring young Uganda artist. While many of these women experience poverty, lack of education, and abuse in their pasts, they have banded together with the unified purpose of providing a better life for their children. The design is a combination of beads representing their handmade jewelry craft, leaves and water representing the earth from which many of their materials are derived, and a circle representing their circle of women coming together with one purpose.

One of the Mabira artisans, Eve, used to live on the edge of subsistence and was only one setback away from having nothing. Sometimes she earned enough to provide one meal a day for her three children, but sometimes they went without. All of that changed when she joined Mabira Collective. She learned how to make beautiful jewelry and for the first time was paid what she deserved.

"I have three children who are my world," Eve says. "Before Mabira, I was only able to think about how I could find food for them each day. Now I look to the future and am working to own a home. Because of my hard work, my children have enough to eat and are enjoying going to school."

For each wholesale purchase of One Purpose, 35% is donated to The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation to support its efforts to protect and empower the world's youth. This mission includes helping women break the poverty cycle and achieve financial independence. The assistance will help them support their families and communities and great the bounds of poverty.

How to Use

  • Diffuse One Purpose at home to enjoy the enlightening, uplifting aroma.
  • Apply any of the blends daily to support your own connection to your unique purpose as you help others find theirs.
  • Use one of these blends in massage, Vita Flex, or reflexology
  • Use it alongside the Feelings Collection.
  • Apply One Voice topically for a personal aroma that promotes feelings of inner self-confidence and clarity.
  • Use One Purpose in your prayer, mediation or spiritual practice to foster courage and become aware of your own life's purpose.
  • One Heart - place 1-3 drops on your chest with these intentions: My heart is full of love, compassion, joy and freedom. One heart together with many.
  • One Voice - place 1-3 drops on your neck with these intentions: I express my truth and value easily through my one voice.
  • One Purpose - place 1-3 drops on the top of your head with these intentions: I focus my life's purpose with courage, strength, and keenest of vision to guide me.

Want to try The One by Young Living Collection, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

2022 Convention Products

2022 Convention Products

It's one of the best times of the year - new product release time! Say hello to collagen, daily greens, summer scents simplified and MORE - so many perfect ways to jump start your health routines and simplify this summer!

Essentail Oils & Blends

Simplified by Jacob & Kait
Summer Collection

Simplified by Jacob & Kait Summer Collection is a new line of essential oil blends created just of the smell of it! Ditch the popular candles and wall plugs and fire up your diffuser. Capture the spirit of summer with three sun-sational blends designed to whisk you away to where the living is easy.

Orange Creamsicle essential oil blend - 10 mL
  • Has a creamy, citrusy scent with Orange, Bergamot, Vanilla and a hint of mint
  • Creates an invigorating, cheerful environment
  • Transforms your space into a poolside paradise
Seaside essential oil blend, 10 mL
  • Lime, Orange, Cypress, and Sage combine for a cool, breezy aroma with a hint of sweetness
  • Creates a fresh, soothing einvironment
  • Transforms your space into a beachside sanctuary
Tropical Tango essential oil blend, 10 mL
  • Has a sweet, uplifting aroma of Coconut, Orange, and Ylang Ylang
  • Creates a bright, blissful, and enlivening environment
  • Transforms your space into a tropical oasis
Make sure to watch this YouTube all about Simplified by Jacob and Kait Summer Collection.

One Purpose
Essential Oil Blend, 5 mL

One Purpose essential oil blend is a sweet and grounding blend of:

  • Valor - features Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, and Geranium. It was formulated based on historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply aromatic plant extracts to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle.
  • Sacred Frankincense - it is believed that this oil was obtained from the resin variety brought to the Christ Child at his birth. It has a grounding, woodsy aroma that enhances meditation and spiritual practices when used aromatically.
  • Rose - has a sensual aroma that allures you to its high-frequency notes, creating a peaceful, loving, and nurturing environment at home and setting the mood for romance.
  • Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang - traditionally known for its romantic appeal, has a calming and balancing aroma for a peaceful, happy heart.
  • Ocotea - used historically in rational ritual soothing.
  • Lime - uplifts the senses with its lively, refreshing citrus aroma.
Ordering One Purpose contributes 35 % of your purchase to help women break out of poverty. The story of One Purpose Essential Oil Blend is told on this YouTube and read more about the women and children on the One by Young Living Collection Spotlight blog post.

One by Young Living Collection

The One by Young Living Collection features three special essential oil blends crafted in collaboration with The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation - One Heart, One Voice, and One Purpose. Each blend supports a Foundation partner, local artisan or cause and every purchase helps expand our impact on the world.

One Purpose essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Centering, enlightening and uplifting aroma with a hint of zest and soft floral notes
  • Represents the power of being united and the strength comes from supporting each other in our purpose
One Voice essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Complex bouquet of exquisite floral and grounding, woodsy essential oils
  • Promotes feelings of self-confidence and clarity with its warm, inspiring aroma
One Heart essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Slightly sweet, uplifting and refreshing aroma
  • Encourages a bright outlook on life and opens your heart to love and service for others

Roots Essential Oil Blend, 5 mL

Roots essential oil blend combines precious, grounding oils to create a sense of nourishment and stability as you work to strengthen your own personal foundation.

  • Sacred Frankincense - one of the oldest and most revered oils for its ability to uplift the spirit
  • Idaho Grand Fir - has a refreshing aroma that evokes the nostalgia of a freshly cut Christmas tree, supports meditation for an increased sense of spirituality, and promotes the sensation of deeper breathing
  • Cistus - An anointing oil that was used traditionally to nourish the skin
  • Myrrh - used in ancient times as far back as 1.600 BC as a fragrance and in topical balms for spiritual balancing
  • Balm of Gilead - a very rare and ancient oil traditionally used for its antioxidant properties and historically known for its ability to soothe the skin
  • Angelica essential oil - known as the "oil of the angels" with a very delicate intoxicating aroma
Read about the background, key ingredients & constituents, and how to use on the Roots Blend Spotlight blot post.

Wings Essential Oil Blend, 5 mL

Wings essential oil blend is a balance of exotic florals, sweet citrus notes, uplifting woodsy undertones, and rich accents that inspire you to spread your wings. It is a lovely blend of Sandalwood, Spruce, Orange, Myrrh and other incredible oils.

  • Geranium - commonly used in perfumes for its uplifting aroma, may reduce the appearance of blemishes and fine lines when applied topically
  • Lavender - features a tranquil aroma that is soothing to the senses as well as to the skin when applied topically
  • Ylang Ylang - promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin and shiny hair, with a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance
  • Angelica - known as the "oils of the angels" with a very delicate, intoxicating aroma
  • Rose - has alluring, high-frequency notes that create a peaceful, loving, and nurturing environment at home and set the mood for romance
Read about the background, key ingredients & constituents, and how to use on the Wings Blend Spotlight blot post.

Roots & Wings Set

Grab both of these convention exclusive essential oil blends in this collection, for an amazing price.

Pick up the Roots & Wings Set for your self and those you love.

Supplements & Nutrition

Inner Beauty Collagen

Inner Beauty Collagen is an incredible supplement that has been around in International markets, and we are THRILLED to have it in the US now. Made with a highly soluble form of bioavailable Type 1 marine collagen, peach ceramides, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and NO added sugars - Inner Beauty Collagen supports your natural radiance from the inside out.

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in as few as 3 weeks
  • Supports the dermal layer after UV-induced skin damage
  • Contains prebiotic fiber, which supports healthy skin by balancing the gut microbiome
  • Strengthen and supports health hair and nails.
  • Mix it up with these tips and tricks and recipes in the 2022 Convention Recipe Book
Get all the info by watching this YouTube - Ask the Scientist: Inner Beauty Collagen and then read the Inner Beauty Collagen Spotlight blog post.

NingXia Greens

Wellness made simple with NingXia Greens! This mushroom, fruit, and vegetable powder is a one-scoop solution to health and wellness.

  • Pack 2-3 servings of fruit and vegetables in every scoop
  • Delivers a powerful dose of antioxidants, vitamins, mineral, and other important phytonutrients
  • Contains 60+ nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, herbs, algae, and mushrooms
  • Supports a healthy immune system, digestive health, and boost of energy*
  • Features the MultiGreen property oil blend, which includes the powerhouse oil Melissa
  • Mix it up with these tips and tricks and recipes in the 2022 Convention Recipe Book
Make sure to watch these fun YouTubes - Introducing NingXia Greens & NingXia Greens: Superfood, Super Easy. And then read all about it on the NingXia Greens Spotlight blog post.

Power Meal

Power Meal is back and better than ever! This nutrient-dense vegan meal replacement shake - a perfect go-to for those busy go-getters. It contains 20 grams of protein and 11 fruits and vegetables to keep you powering through the day.

  • 20 grams of vegan protein with each serving
  • Contains 11 fruits and vegetables
  • Sweetened naturally with zero added sugar
  • Rich in amino acids
  • Balanced nutrition profile with fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and 17 vitamins and minerals
  • Mix it up with these tips and tricks and recipes in the 2022 Convention Recipe Book
This funny YouTube gives you an idea about Power Meal, a vegan meal-replacement shake. And you'll find more information on the Power Meal Spotlight blog post.

Personal Care Products

BALANCE by Young Living Cleanser

BALANCE by Young Living Cleanser is a gentle, foaming gel that deep cleans pores and reduces surface oils for balanced-looking skin. Previously known as Orange Blossom Facial Wash, BALANCE Cleanser is part of the BALANCE Skin Care Collection, a clinically tested, non-comedogenic, and non-acnegenic system that will help improve oily and blemish-prone skin with noticeable results in as little as 30 days.

  • Light foaming gel cleanser formulated to normal/combination and oily skin
  • Formulated with naturally derived ingredients free of gluten, parabens, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, sulfates, petroleum, and mineral oil

BALANCE by Young Living
Dual-Phase Toner

With gentle, natural derived ingredients, BALANCE by Young Living Dual-Phase Toner reduces the appearance of pores in only 15 minutes, provides an eight-hour magnifying effect, balances the skin's microbiome, and helps minimize theapperance of blemishes.

  • Provides the appearance of brighter, detoxified, anymore clarified complexion after 2 weeks of continued use
  • Preps the skin for moisturizer to maximize the benefits of subsequent products
  • Helps absorb oil and excess sebum throughout the day

BALANCE by Young Living
Mattifying Lotion

BALANCE by Young Living Mattifying Lotion helps absorb excess oil, reduce the appearance of pores and blemishes, and provide an instant magnifying effect that controls shine all day long.

  • Non-greasy formula absorbs easily into normal/combination and oil skin
  • Reduces excess oil and controls shine for clearer-looking skin
  • Strengthens the skin's moisture barrier

New Savvy Minerals 
Liquid Foundation Shades

Young Living is bringing 6 new Liquid Foundation Shades to round out the lineup of incredible colors.

Neutral Shades
  • Neutral 3 (N3)
  • Neutral 5 (N5) - previously named Ivory
  • Neutral 13 (N13)
  • Neutral 16 (N16)
Cool Shades
  • Cool 20 (C20)
  • Cool 22 (C22)
Warm Shades
  • Warm 17 (W17)
  • Warm 10 (W10) - previously named Honey

Bundles & Collections

Daily Nutrition Collection

Get a jump on your health and nutrition regimen with this collection of new favorite supplements.

  • NingXia Greens
  • Power Meal
  • Inner Beauty Collagen
  • YL Vitality Drops + Electrolytes - Lavender Lemonade (FREE!)

Plant-Powered Nutrition Set

Harness the power of plants in your daily routine with this selection of plant-powered favorites.

  • Power Meal
  • NingXia Greens
  • YL Vitality Drops + Energy - Spearmint Tangerine (FREE!)

NingXia Nutrients Set

Give your NingXia game some serious upgrades with this combination of NingXia Green and Vitality Drops.

  • NingXia Red, 2 pk
  • NingXia Greens
  • YL Vitality Drops + Electrolytes - Grapefruit Bergamot (FREE!)

BALANCE by Young Living

The BALANCE Skin Care Collection is a clinically tested, non-comedogenic, and non-acnegenic system that will help improve oily and blemish-prone skin with noticeable results in as little as 30 days.

  • BALANCE by Young Living Cleanser
  • BALANCE by Young Living Dual-Phase Toner
  • BALANCE by Young Living Magnifying Lotion
  • Free magnifying tool (while supplies last)
Meet the BALANCE Skin Care Collection with these fun people on YouTube and read all the details on the BLANCE Skin Care Collection Spotlight blog post.

One Purpose Set

Show your love for the artisans of the Young Living Foundation with this beautiful, handmade diffuser bracelet. Pair it with the One Purpose essential oil blend for an uplifting daily habit that gives back to others across the globe.

  • One Purpose essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Gray chip bracelet

2022 Convention All-In Bundle

Get all of our new favorites in one place - and get Vitality Drops for free

  • Roots essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Wings essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Orange Creamsicle  essential oil blend, 10 mL
  • Seaside  essential oil blend, 10 mL
  • Tropical Tango  essential oil blend, 10 mL
  • NingXia Greens
  • Power Meal
  • Inner Beauty Collagen
  • BALANCE by Young Living Cleanser
  • BALANCE by Young Living Dual-Phase Toner
  • BALANCE by Young Living Mattifying Lotion
  • Free magnifying tool (while supplies last)
  • One purpose essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Gray chip bracelet
  • YL Vitality Drops + Energy - Jade lemon Berry (FREE!)
  • Limited time only


  • Convention attendees will have early access to shop new products on a one-time shop (US) or standard via NFR (Canada) during convention, June 16-19.
  • Ordering will open up to non-attendees on June 20, and products will be available on loyalty/monthly orders beginning July 1.
  • No order limits apply, so snag as many as you want while supplies last!
  • NFR availability for Canadian members and international markets outside Canada will vary (subject to changes, inventory permitting).

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

2021 Holiday Gift Guide

2021 Holiday Gift Guide

It's the season of gifting, and we love to share our love of Young Living with the people on our list. From amazing rollers to luxurious beauty collections to festive home favorites, there are so many ways to give the git of essential oils. So no matter who you're shopping for this season, we have some ideas for you! Check out the 2021 Holiday Launch DIYs to make the most of these amazing items.

Christmas Spirit (or Winter Nights) Foaming Hand Soap

+ a festive oven mix or dish towel
+ fresh rosemary or lavender plant.
Perfect for a homemaker, neighbor or someone who loves to cook.

Under the Mistletoe Lip Balm set + Sweet Maple Bath Bombs
  • Grab a set of lip balm and a package of Sweet Maple Bath Bombs and separate into three gifts - one lip balm and one bath bomb per gift
  • Place in a jar with with confetti. Plus you'll have one bath bomb leftover to pamper yourself.

KidScents Bath Bombs 

+ a par of cozy socks
These adorable bath bombs definitely are not just for kids

Christmas Spirit Foaming Hand Soap
+Christmas Spirit essential oil blend

A trio of citrus oils:
+ Citrus Fresh Vitality + Tangerine Vitality + Grapefruit Vitality
Perfect for diffusing, making rollers or cooking and baking!

Winter Nights Essential Oil Blend
+ AromaGlide Roller Fitments

Very Vanillamint Collection
Place this luxurious salt scrub and body butter in a small basket and pair with cozy socks or slippers.

Sweet Maple Bath Bombs
+ Thieves Vitality or RC essential oil blend to diffuse while soaking
+ A pair of cozy slippers or blanket for after a relaxing bath
+ A good book to read while soaking
Place it all in a basket for an instant self care gift

BLOOM essential oil blend
+ free spritzer bottle
+ jade or rose quartz roller

Christmas Spirit (or Winter Nights) Foaming Hand Soap
+ Thieves Household Cleaner
+ a festive dish towel
add everything to a cute basket and you're set!

Olive Wood Massage set
+ a small cook roller
perfect for the athlete or active individuals!

BLOOM Collection
+ This set is perfect for pampering and already liftable as-is!
+ Includes
  • BLOOM Brighting Cream
  • Spa headband
  • Jade gua sha stone
  • Facial cleansing pads
  • 3 pk, Mesh pouch
Mirah Kit
+  another beauty option that is perfect as-is!
+ Includes
  • Mirah Luminous Cleansing Oil
  • CBD Beauty Boost (AH-MAZ-ING!)
  • Rose quartz roller
  • Silicone cleansing pad

CBD Soothe Roll-on
(300 mg)
+ RC essential oil
+ a small diffuser
A perfect gift for anyone who needs some extra TLC from the winter air or seasonal air changes

CBD Soothe Roll-on (300 mg)
+ an unscented flax seed heatable eye mask

Holiday Home Cleaning Kit
+ Christmas Spirit Foaming Hand Soap
+ Grab a cute basket fill with the included
  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 15 mL Christmas Spray
  • Glass spray bottle
  • Dish cloths
    Decorate with a cute cleaning cloth
Mini Aria Kit + Diffuser Cleaning Kit
Add both of these items to your cart and you'll receive:
  • Mini Aria Diffuser,
  • 15 mL Christmas Spirit
  • 5 mL Peppermint and Vanilla
  • Cleaning brush
  • Squeeze bottle
  • Waffle cloth
  • Mesh bag & instruction card

Macaron Collection + Diffuser Cleaning Kit
Add both of these items to your cart and you'll receive:
  • Macaron Diffuser
  • Evergreen Essence
  • Cassia essential oil 
  • Orange essential oil
  • Cleaning brush
  • Squeeze bottle
  • Waffle cloth
  • Mesh bag & instruction card
Holiday Home Collection
Add this item to your cart and you'll receive:
  • Macaron Collection - Macaron Diffuser, Evergreen Essence, Cassia and Orange oils
  • Holiday Home Cleaning Kit - Thieves Household Cleaner, 15 mL Christmas Spirit oil, Amber glass spray bottle, Reusable YL dish cloth (2 pk)
  • Christmas Spirit Foaming Hand Soap

Gifts for Little Ones

  • Monkey Stuffie & SleepyIze Roller
    + Cozy pajamas or blanket
Citrus Fresh or Tangerine
+ Coloring book, new crayons or pencils for diffusing while you're creating

  • KidScents Bath Bombs

    + a fun bath toy or crayons
Kid Power Roller 
+ Cozy pajamas or blanket

Stocking Stuffers
  • KidScents Bath Bombs
  • Sweet Maple Bath Bombs
  • Lip Balm Trio

'Tis the Season to Give

Create Abundance for Artisans around the World while you get some unique presents for your loved ones. The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation is a great cause to support. Find out how to Make a Worldwide Impact with the D. Gary Young, Young LIving Foundation

Here are all the incredible holiday products for 2021! And don't forget to round up your order with the 'Dollar Up' option to donate to the Young Living Foundation. A few cents can go a long way!

  • Artisan Made Clay Diffuser Ornament
  • YL Foundation Mittens & Beanie
  • YL Foundation Diffuser Bracelet + Geranium Bourbon Collection
  • YL Foundation Wooden Tree Collection

Every customer and member has the opportunity to help in some way, big and small. What will you do today to help another?

Gifts for the DIY-Buyer:
Essential Oil Roll-Ons

From stocking stuffers to teacher gifts, to the guys in your life, we have you covered. Young Living's predicted roll-on blends are perfect for anyone on your list - especially paired with these cute printable gift tags! Here are a few ideas:

  • Tranquil roll-on + cute, cozy slippers
  • Rutavala roll-on + sleep mask
  • Stress Away roll-on + bath bombs, Savvy Minerals lipgloss or Satin Mint Face Scrb
  • Valor roll-on + a gift card to a local coffee shop
  • Deep Relief roll-on + a warm beanie (see the YL Foundation one above) for winter running
  • Peace & Calming roll-on (SleepyIze or SniffleEase) + a soft stuffed animal (see the cute monkey above)
Want to start, but don't know how, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Make a Worldwide Impact with The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation

Making a Wonderful Impact with the
D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation

The opening of the Young Living Academy in Chongon, Ecuador in 2009 marked the genesis of The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation. The Young Living Academy was established in response to Young Living founders Gary and Mary Young, whom, in tandem with building and expanding the Young Living Finca Botanica Farm and Distillery, sought ways to help the surrounding community affected by struggling rural economies, poor education, and under-resourced schools.

"All children should have access to education and the resources necessary to grow into confident, self-reliant leaders who can take control of their own health, provide for their families, and positively change their community."
- D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation

Over the years, the Young Living Foundation has evolved into the primary avenue through which Young Living Essential Oils demonstrates its commitment to helping families and communities worldwide. Today, the Young Living Foundation continues to support partners and programs around the globe. Hear stories from the field right here.

One very simple way that you can make a difference through the Young Living Foundation is by rounding up every order! Use the Dollar Up option when checking out. A handful of pennies can make a big difference when we come together.

There are many ways you can get involved in the work of the Young Living Foundation - one time donations, monthly donations, ordering through Amazon Smile, and much more. Find ways to get involved with this powerful, life changing work. Plus, Young Living covers all the administrative costs so 100% of your donation goes to our parents and projects to provide a direct impact.

Championing Education

Lack of education prevents the economic and social development of some of the most disenfranchised parts of our world. Education can lead to higher income, improved health, gender equality, and can prevent poverty from continuing to the next generation. Ensuring access to quality eduction is how the Young Living Foundation started with the opening of the Young Living Academy in Ecuador in 2009. Learn more.

"Everything I learned at the Young Living Academy motivates me to want to help others, to give my best, to discover what is in me, and to be the best version of myself."
- Ximena Vallejo - Young Living Academy 2020 Graduate

Today, more than 350 children are receiving quality education, and many Academy graduates have continued to pursue higher education at various universities. The growth and success of the Young Living Academy has been made possible by many Young Living brand partners around the world who have donated to the school over the years and stepped in to sponsor individual students. Even today, the majority of the Academy's costs continue to be funded entirely by Young Living brand partners and employees.

Currently by the numbers...
  • 100,445 individuals who received alternative, vocational, or job-readiness education
  • 38 students supported in higher education through our Global Leadership Fund
  • 6,541 students with increased access to basic education
Developing Enterprises

The YL Foundation works to invest in programs that help women living in challenging socioeconomic conditions build marketable skills, start small businesses, and secure fair wages and ethical work. Research consistently shows that women spend up to 90% of their income earnings on things that directly benefit their children and families - prioritizing things like healthier food, safe water, school fees, and medicine. When women thrive economically, their children are empowered and protected. Learn more.

"Because of my hard work, my children have enough to eat and are enjoying going back to school. My son Joram wants to be an engineer. Now my children can dream, and so can I."
Namyalo Eva - Artisan at Mabira Collective

The YL Foundation awards capacity building grants to women-led enterprises that provide fair wages to otherwise disenfranchised groups, and whose unique business models generate both monetary profit as well as sizable social returns.

Currently by the numbers...
  • 809,909 fair-pay hours provided
  • 12,481 dependents supported
  • 9,859 women entrepreneurs and artisans supported
The YL Foundation's unique focus on handcraft stems from this global industry being the second largest employer of women worldwide. They have connected with over 15 women-led artisan groups from around the world to build stronger business models though micro grants and connect artisans to mindful consumers with the Young Living global marketplace.

Ending Exploitation

What's bigger than California's population? The number of human trafficking victims around the world... Slavery exists, and the YL Foundation is out to end it. Learn more.

Examples of forms of exploitation, the Foundation is committed to help eradicate include: domestic servitude, forced labor, child abuse, sex trafficking, forced marriages, debt bondage, and forced street begging.

"I would like to become an expert in social work. Most of all, I want to become a person 
who helps with matters relating to society. Each person has their own dream, and they need others to help them achieve it. Without help from others, I would not be who I am right now."
- Chanmoni - Human Trafficking Survivor

Since 2016, the Young Living Foundation has been committed to helping victims of abuse and survivors of labor and sexual exploitation. Modern slavery is a complex issue, and thus requires a multi-dimensional approach. We partner with programs that tackle prevention, reduce, recovery, reintegration, and policy reform - with the ultimate goal of enabling freedom, healing, and sustainable independence.

Currently by the numbers...
12,551 participants trained on human trafficking prevention and awareness
1,659 survivors returned to family-based care
6.074 provided an aftercare rehabilitation services

Real People, Real Stories

From artisans in historic Bethlehem to Afghan women refugees in Utah, we have discovered heartwarming stories and the bright dreams each artisans has for themselves and their children. Meet some of the amazing artisans and be inspired by their stories of resilience, hope, and triumph. Meet the Artisans.

Every customer and member has the opportunity to help in some way, big and small. What will you do today to help another?

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend