Roots Essential Oil Blend

Roots essential oil blend combines precious grounding oils, including Sacred Frankincense, Grand Fir, Cistus, Myrrh, Balm of Gilead, and Angelica. Used throughout history, these ancient oils now come together to create a sense of nourishment and stability as you work to strengthen your own personal foundation.

Just a Drop of Roots Blend

  • Combines precious oils from revered aromatics mentioned in some of the earliest writing
  • Has a grounding, earthy aroma that creates a sense of nourishment and stability
  • Pairs well with Wings essential oil blend to create a runway to attain new level within yourself
  • Benefit from the grounding, rich earth tones of Myrrh, Cistus, and Angelica; the fresh, woodsy notes of Sacred Frankincense and Grand Fir; and the soothing essence of the Balm of Gilead
The roots blend was formulated to remind us that our roots run deep and are steeped in the history, knowledge, and strength that the company's founders established more than 25 years ago. Grounded in the strength of our legacy, we have the foundation of wisdom that frees us to spread our wings and look to the future horizon.


Originally formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, Roots essential oil blend carries the gentle, grounding notes of Sacred Frankincense and Myrrh and the sweet, soothing scents of Angelica and Cistus. Also featured in this rich, earthy blend is Idaho Grand Fir from our Highland Flats Tree Farm in Naples, Idaho.

Key Ingredients

  • Sacred Frankincense - one of the oldest and most revered oil for its ability to uplift the spirit
  • Idaho Grand Fir - has a refreshing aroma that evokes the nostalgia of a freshly cut Christmas tree, supports meditation for an increased sense of spirituality, and promotes the sensation of deeper breathing
  • Cistus - an anointing oil that was used traditionally to nourish the skin
  • Myrrh - used in ancient times as far back as 1.600 BC as a fragrance and in topical balms for spiritual balancing
  • Balm of Gilead - a very rare and ancient oil traditionally used for its antioxidant properties and historically known for its ability to soothe the skin
  • Angelica - known as the "oil of angels" with a very delicate, intoxicating aroma
Key Constituents

Beta phellandrene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, and bornyl acetate

How to Use Roots Blend

Use Roots essential oil blend while working to reconnect with the divine or your inner self or as you work to strengthen your own personal foundation on a daily basis.

  • Use it during meditation, yoga, prayer, or spiritual practice as you work to rediscover and remember your inner strength.
  • Diffuse Roots while you work to feel centered and rebound yourself.
  • Rub Roots on the bottoms of your feet to enjoy the enriching, grounding aroma as part of your wind-down routine.
  • Inhale Roots as you envision the roots of a tree and meditate on your ability to grow and stand tall.
  • Use while you're working on your personal spiritual awareness and building strong foundational roots.
  • Make a Roots & Wings roller with 10-15 drops of each oil blend and a carrier oil of choice.
Join us in using Roots essential oil blend this month and beyond. Want to try Roots, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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