One by Young Living Collection


The One by Young Living Collection features three incredible, complex essential oil blends crafted in collaboration with The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation - One Heart, One Voice, and One Purpose. Each blend supports a Foundation partner, local artisans or cause and every purchase helps expand our impact on the world.

One Heart - Slightly sweet, uplifting and refreshing aroma
  • Encourages a bright outlook on life
  • Opens your heart to love and service for others and encourages unity and connection with community
  • Blend of Lime, Lemon, Jasmine, Geranium, Spruce, and Frankincense as well as other oils
One Voice - Complex bouquet of exquisite floral and grounding, woodsy essential oils
  • Promotes feelings of self-confidence and clarity with its warm, inspiring aroma
  • The encouraging aroma supports you in speaking your own truth and using your voice to help those in need
  • Blend of Spruce, Sandalwood, Fir, Rose, and Frankincense with a bit of citrus and spice
One Purpose - Centering, enlightening and uplifting aroma with a hint of zest and soft floral notes
  • Subtle layers and depth of this blend enhance the connection to your own personal strengths and purpose
  • Represents the power of being united and the strength that comes from supporting each other in our purpose
  • Foster courage and become aware of your own life's purpose and discipline, carrying your purpose forth with you each day
  • Blend of Lime, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Ocotea and other oils.
A portion of the proceeds from these essential oils blends goes to The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation, which supports underprivileged communities.

Key Constituents

  • One Heart - sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, limonene
  • One Voice - alpha-pinene, germacrene D, linalool, benzyl acetate
  • One Purpose - limonene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, gamma-terpinene, germacrene D
One Purpose Essential Oil Blend

This blend's subtle scent layers and depth can enhance your connection to your personal strengths and purpose. One Purpose represents the power of unity and the strength that comes from supporting each other in our purpose. This blend can be used during quiet moments to foster courage and become aware of your life's purpose, along with the discipline it takes to carry that purpose forward each day.

One Purpose essential oil blend celebrates the strength that comes from working together for a higher goal. Specifically, this blend is dedicated to the women of the world who lift themselves and their families out of poverty with their skilled artisanal work. These inspirational and entrepreneurial women work as Young Living partners, making handcrafted, artisanal jewelry and gifts for Young Living.

Since 2017, Young Living orders to these artisan collectives in 10 different countries have provided over 800,000 fair-pay work hours to more than 10,000 artisans who have made nearly 350,000 individual handcrafted items.

Key Ingredients

  • Valor - Valor features Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, Geranium. It was formulated based on historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply aromatic plant extracts to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle.
  • Sacred Frankincense - it is believed that this oils obtained from the resin variety brought to the Christ Child at his birth. It has a grounding, woodsy aroma that enhances meditation and spiritual practices when used aromatically
  • Rose - has a sensual aroma that allures you to its high-frequency notes, creating a peaceful, loving, and nurturing environment at home and setting the mood for romance.
  • Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang - traditionally know for its romantic appeal, has a calming and balancing aroma for a peaceful, happy heart.
  • Ocotea - essential oil was used historically in traditional ritual soothing.
  • Lime - uplifts the senses with its lively, refreshing citrus aroma.
The Heart Behind the Artisans

The One Purpose label came about as a collaborative effort between more than 20 women who are a part of the Mabira Collective in Uganda, with the final design created by Diana Laruni, an aspiring young Uganda artist. While many of these women experience poverty, lack of education, and abuse in their pasts, they have banded together with the unified purpose of providing a better life for their children. The design is a combination of beads representing their handmade jewelry craft, leaves and water representing the earth from which many of their materials are derived, and a circle representing their circle of women coming together with one purpose.

One of the Mabira artisans, Eve, used to live on the edge of subsistence and was only one setback away from having nothing. Sometimes she earned enough to provide one meal a day for her three children, but sometimes they went without. All of that changed when she joined Mabira Collective. She learned how to make beautiful jewelry and for the first time was paid what she deserved.

"I have three children who are my world," Eve says. "Before Mabira, I was only able to think about how I could find food for them each day. Now I look to the future and am working to own a home. Because of my hard work, my children have enough to eat and are enjoying going to school."

For each wholesale purchase of One Purpose, 35% is donated to The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation to support its efforts to protect and empower the world's youth. This mission includes helping women break the poverty cycle and achieve financial independence. The assistance will help them support their families and communities and great the bounds of poverty.

How to Use

  • Diffuse One Purpose at home to enjoy the enlightening, uplifting aroma.
  • Apply any of the blends daily to support your own connection to your unique purpose as you help others find theirs.
  • Use one of these blends in massage, Vita Flex, or reflexology
  • Use it alongside the Feelings Collection.
  • Apply One Voice topically for a personal aroma that promotes feelings of inner self-confidence and clarity.
  • Use One Purpose in your prayer, mediation or spiritual practice to foster courage and become aware of your own life's purpose.
  • One Heart - place 1-3 drops on your chest with these intentions: My heart is full of love, compassion, joy and freedom. One heart together with many.
  • One Voice - place 1-3 drops on your neck with these intentions: I express my truth and value easily through my one voice.
  • One Purpose - place 1-3 drops on the top of your head with these intentions: I focus my life's purpose with courage, strength, and keenest of vision to guide me.

Want to try The One by Young Living Collection, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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