- Thieves Household Cleaner (makes about 20 bottles of all purpose cleaner!)
- Thieves Laundry Soap (small bottle that does 64 loads)
- Thieves Foaming Hand Soap refill (this bottle fills 3-4 hand soaps)
- Rinse and use to store non-food items in the home.
- Cut off the zip top (recycle it with plastic bags) and use the clear plastic bag as a gift bag! Add tissue or paper to the bottom, then add items and tie at the top with ribbon.
- Recycle them with plastic grocery bags. (Many food packaging bags can be recycled this way as well. Just check the bottom of the bag!)
- If you change your own oil in your vehicle, the Thieves Foaming Hand Soap bottle makes a great vessel for collecting oil! You can cut off the top if needed. Think of this long bottle as one with a built in funnel of sorts, and you'll find uses for sure.
- When your Thieves Household Cleaner is empty, keep the bottle and add a spray top to use in DIYs, for the garden, or mix up a second bottle of cleaner to keep in the bathroom.
- Use the empty bottles from the Thieves Household Cleaner or Thieves Laundry Soap to pre-dilute them for ease of use.
- Refill empty hand soap bottles and give to friends.
- Recycle any bottles you can't repurpose.
- Use Thieves Hand Sanitizer bottles for travel size shampoo and conditioner! Just wash out and fill with anything for a travel size option.
- Use empty Thieves Mints containers to store supplements on the go.
- Use larger bottles to grow herbs! Take a Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill bottle, and cut off the top. Add some drainage holes to the bottom, plant desired herbs, and place in a sunny spot. You can also use the Thieves Laundry Soap, Thieves Household Cleaner and Thieves Dish Soap bottles.
- Use them as small vases.
- Use to create pre-made diffuser blends.
- Add a dropper top to use for DIY serums or diffuser blends.
- Refill them with the same oil and keep at a different location in the home.
- When bottles are empty, place in some epsom salt (mix them all in a large jar together!) to remove any remaining oil (then use the essential-oil infused epsom salt in your bath or a foot bath). OR place them in a jar of water and use the water in the diffuser.
- Use clean, empty bottles to make a windchime!
- Use the tubes to start seeds/seedlings for your garden.
- Cover in peanut butter and bird seed and hand in front of a window to watch the birds.
- Make spy glasses, telescopes or other creative toys with the cardboard tubes.
- Use the circular ends of tubes to paint interesting shapes.
- Use the tubes to store paint brushes or other small items.
- Gather multiple tubes, then tape onto a wall or a poster board in various arrangements, connecting some to each other, and let toddlers place soft balls through them like a marble maze. Here is an example!
- Compost or recycle the boxes and tubes.
- Use the cardboard as a weed block in garden and flower beds. Simply lay it on the ground, cover with leaves or small mulch and allow it to sit before adding dirt and plants.
- Make a cardboard box tower by taping multiple boxes together, then let your kids paint it!
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend