Moms, Grads, & Brides Diffuser Blends

Bring the feminine energy of warmth, joy, and a spirit of positivity with these inspired blends! Whether you're celebrating a mom, a grad, or a bride, you will find the perfect blend right here!

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time. 

LIFE HACK - You can easily transform these blends into roller recipes and sprays!

To make a 10 mL roller from any recipe - triple the number of drops to make a total of 35-45 total drops, add a carrier of choice (we love V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) and you're good to go.

To make a 2 oz spray from any recipe - double the number of drops to a total of about 25 drops, ad a splash of witch hazel and fill with filtered water. Spray on upholstered surfaces, bedding, rugs, anywhere you want to freshen!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Button


  • 4 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops each Stress Away & Jade Lemon
  • 2 drops Geranium
Skip the jitters of a big day with this soothing, uplifting blend! Lavender is the ultimate in calming, and when added to Stress Away, it is wonderfully soothing! Jade Lemon brings a bit of citrus brightness, and Geranium adds floral notes. This blend is a wonderful choice for a daily fragrance!

Eternal Love

  • 4 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 3 drops each Rose or Geranium, & Cedarwood
Invite in all the romantic feelings with this blend of floral favorites that is grounded with a bit of Cedarwood! Rose is the quintessential oil for love, symbolizing love and compassion and evoking feelings of tenderness and care. Ylang ylang has been used in weddings for centuries! This slightly sweet oil enhances feelings of intimacy and emotional connection, and when paired with the grounding, comforting strength of Cedarwood, you have a lovely, love-filled blend!

Feminine Energy

  • 4 drops each Jasmine, Neroli, & Vanilla
Bring the feminine energy with floral, uplifting Jasmine, sweet, citrusy Neroli, and comforting, warm Vanilla. This blend smells incredible, guides the emotions towards safe connection, and uplifts the spirits!

Graduation Day

  • 4 drops Grapefruit
  • 3 drops each Northern Lights Black Spruce & Davana 
Settle into all the feelings of a new chapter with this blend! Grapefruit is bright, fresh, and uplifting to the spirits. Northern Lights Black Spruce is woodsy and grounding (which is important for big life events!), and Davana is wonderfully supportive to the emotions. With the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with a big day or event, this blend is a wonderful support tool!

Motherhood Moments

  • 3 drops Joy
  • 4 drops Lemon
  • 3 drops Tangerine
Motherhood is a beautifully full journey of joy, bittersweet moments, and many things in between. Celebrate those moments with this sweet, uplifting blend! Joy is a wonderful, lightly floral blend for the emotions, and when paired with the encouraging scent of citrus, it is so lovely! Tangerine and Lemon are both bright and happy, yet calming to the mind. Try this blend anytime of day!

Cocoon of Comfort

  • 4 drops Vanilla
  • 3 drops Patchouli
  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Grapefruit
This blend is comforting and warm, like a big hug from someone you love! Vanilla is such a comforting oil, reminiscent of a mother's embrace and unconditional love. Patchouli is grounding and nurturing, providing a sense of security and stability, and Lavender is soothing and relaxing. A  bit of Grapefruit rounds out this blend with a bit of brightness!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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