2022 Summer Throwback Recipes
Diffuse it, Roll it, Spray It!

Hello Summer! We are throwing it back a bit with some summer nostalgia... 80s and 90s pop culture anyone? Diffuse it, roll it, spray it - no matter how you use these combinations you're gonna love them! Whip up these blends to take care of you and your's and enjoy a fun-filled summer!

You can use these same recipes as a diffuser blend, a 10 mL roller blend or a 2 oz spray. For diffuser blends, follow the spray recipe or simply add a total of up to 12 drops in most diffusers (up to 20 for the Aria Diffuser). If you want a larger spray bottle, simply double the amounts. To use the sprays, add the number of ingredients to the bottle, invert and mix and spray onto surfaces or skin as desired.

Care Bear - For the little family members who need a little extra care after tumble...

These skin-soothing oils will feel like a big hug after you or someone you love takes a tumble. Using the spray option is great for kids since there is no rubbing involved. You can also leave out the Tea Tree if you don't need the cleansing effect and just want to soothe.

  • Care Bear Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Frankincense, Owie, Tea Tree, & Helichrysum + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier oil of choice
  • Care Bear Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Frankincense, Owie, Tea Tree, & Helichrysum + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Sister Smurf - For glowy, youthful skin...

When it comes to skincare, there isn't much that beats Blue Tansy! This oil is often used in high-end beauty products and is incredible for skincare. Try the Sister Smurf spray with Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol for a lovely summer face mist!

  • Sister Smurf Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Frankincense & Manuka + 10 drops Blue Tansy + 3 droppersful CBD Beauty Boost for best result + jojoba or Argan oil
  • Sister Smurf Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Frankincense & Manuka + 5 drops Blue Tansy + 2 droppersful CBD Beauty Boost for best result + Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol
Rainbow Bright - For bright, happy feelings...

Rainbow Bright was always finding the silver lining, which is how we want to see things as well. Training our minds to find the sunshine is a little easier when we pair it with our sense of smell. Roll and spray these rainbow-inspired oils to help you and yours find the rainbows in the clouds.

  • Rainbow Bright Roller (10 mL) - 15-20 drops each Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Stress Away, Valor, & Lavender + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier oil of choice
  • Rainbow Bright Spray (2 oz) - 7-10 drops each Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Stress Away, Valor, & Lavender + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Beanie Babies - For sweet, sweet sleep...

This blend is wonderful for helping support sleep. Roll onto wrists, chest, and bottom of your feet. Spray onto sheets, pajamas, stuffed animals or lovies.

  • Beanie Babies Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops each Frankincense, Valor, & Tangerine + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice
  • Beanie Babies Spray (2 oz) - 10 drops each Frankincense, Valor, & Tangerine + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Roller Rink - For carefree feelings of fun with friends...

Invite in the lighthearted feeling of a evening soaring around the roller rink with your best friends. Laughter, smiles, carefree feelings... That's what this collection of emotionally supportive oils invokes.

  • Roller Rink Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops each Joy, Tangerine, Valor, & Stress Away + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Roller Rink Spray (2 oz) - 7-10 drops each Joy, Tangerine, Valor, & Stress Away + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Tie Dye - For inviting presence and joy to your everyday...

Sometimes the busy-ness of life can keep us from being fully present with what is happening immediately around us, and we want to use all the tools we have to stay present. Because it has Blue Tansy in it, Peace & Calming is great for this.

This blend of floral, citrus oils is a wonderful daily perfume. roll or spray onto the wrists, neck and check and breathe deeply.

  • Tie Dye Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Peace & Calming, Ylang Ylang, Tangerine, & Joy V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Tie Dye Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Peace & Calming, Ylang Ylang, Tangerine, & Joy + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Mixed Tape - For BIG feelings for adults and kids alike...

One of the oils we turn to when we need a little help with sour moods or tantrums is EndoFlex. This hormone-supporting blend can be so helpful when we are feeling really BIG, complex emotions. Roll onto chest, wrists, back of neck and breathe deeply. Spray onto a blanket, clothing or any comfort item and hold it near the face as you breathe deeply.

  • Mixed Tape Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops EndoFlex + 25 drops Valor + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Mixed Tape Spray (2 oz) - 10-12 drops each EndoFlex & Valor + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Walkman - For sweet relief after be-booping a bit too hard...

These oils are our go-to when we dance a little too hard listening to our mixtapes on our Walkman. Roll or spray these blends to soothe sore muscles and tension wherever you need it.

  • Walkman Roller (10 mL) - 15 drops each Peppermint, Copaiba, Cypress, & PanAway or Wintergreen + 1-2 droppersful Cool Mint CBD Drops + V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Walkman Spray (2 oz) - 7 drops each Peppermint, Copaiba, Cypress, & PanAway or Wintergreen + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Indiana Jones - For summer adventures without the jungle pests...

Whenever you're heading out for an adventure, keep this roller and spray combination handy to deter outdoor pests! Roll or spray all over the body, spray on clothing as needed.

  • Indiana Jones Roller (10 mL) - 20 drops each Citronella, Tea Tree, & Lavender + 15 drops Geranium +  V-6 Vegetable oil or carrier of choice 
  • Indiana Jones Spray (2 oz) - 10 drops each Citronella, Tea Tree, & Lavender + 7 drops Geranium + splash of witch hazel + filtered water
Want to try these blends, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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