Golden Touch 1 Collection

The Golden Touch 1 Collection includes seven essential oil blends to support your body inside and out. This carefully selected collection is perfect for supporting a healthy lifestyle regimen, handling the bumps in the road, and keeping your spirits lifted during the winter months and all year long!

Golden Touch 1 Collection at a Glance

  • Includes seven essential oils blends to support the entire body - skin, lungs, liver, hormones, digestion, and more.
  • A great way to get started with a toolkit of natural options
  • Includes one of YL's most popular blends -- Thieves Vitality
  • A versatile collection of oils that can be used for multiple needs

This kit includes everything you need to get a huge jumpstart on your natural wellness cabinet. Tackle skincare needs with Melrose. Give your respiratory system some TLC with Raven and R.C. Soothe digestive needs with DiGize Vitality. Support healthy hormones with EndoFlex. Give your liver some love and support health from the inside out with JuvaFlex Vitality. And top it all off with the immune supporting power of Thieves Vitality!

These oils are ones we reach for over and over, and they are cornerstones of your natural health and wellness routines!

Golden Touch 1 Collection Oils
The oils in this collection are wonderful for everyday use to support the body from different directions!

  • Melrose - Melrose is a combination of four oils: Melaleuca Alternifolia, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Rosemary, and Clove, making it a wonderful cleansing blend for body and mind! This is one oil we reach for when the crud hits, when we have skin needs, when our airways need some support, and even for cleaning! Use Melrose as you would Tea Tree, and enjoy its rich, herbaceous scent diffused with Thieves, Lavender, or Orange.
  • Raven - Raven is the oil blend to reach for when you want to breathe deeply! Raven is a crisp, airway opening blend containing Ravintsara (commonly known as camphor), Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen. This oil is wonderful for respiratory and immune support! Diffuse it, add it to epsom salts when your defenses are going down, make a simple chest rub with Raven and coconut oil, or place a few drops on your shower floor every morning.
  • R.C. -  This gentle eucalyptus blend is formulated for the whole family and is our favorite for happy noses. R.C. stands for “respiratory comfort,” and it gives comfort to your respiratory system indeed! R.C. combines Cypress, Spruce, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. citriodora, E. globulus, and E. radiata) for a respiratory blend that is more herbaceous than Raven.
  • DiGize Vitality - DiGize is your BFF for a happy digestive system. So much of our health is linked to a diverse, well balanced gut, but immune health is especially dependent on a healthy belly. DiGize is our go to for all things digestion! This blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli is so soothing. Roll it over your abdomen whenever digestive discomfort hits, add it to an empty capsule with olive oil and take daily to support a healthy belly, add it to a large glass of water – however you use DiGize, this oil will make a believer out of even the most skeptical!
  • Endoflex Vitality - EndoFlex is your daily dose of happy hormone support! This supports the entire endocrine system – from your thyroid to the adrenals to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. EndoFlex Spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, German Chamomile, and Nutmeg in a sesame seed oil base. These oils specifically support the adrenal system, thyroid, and overall endocrine health. Apply this oil over the front of the throat (thyroid) and lower back (adrenals), diffuse it, even use it along the spine for big emotions and to support tweens and teens as they grow!
  • JuvaFlex Vitality - JuvaFlex is daily support for a happy, healthy liver. The liver is the filtering organ of the body, so it is constantly processing everything we are exposed to on a daily basis. JuvaFlex combines Blue Tansy, Fennel, Geranium, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, and Rosemary essential oils – each of which helps the body process and eliminate toxins, cleansing the system and supporting overall health and vitality. The liver is also where anger is stored in the body, so supporting it well and practicing emotional release can have amazing health benefits. If you're needing support for a specific issue and don't know what else to do, try liver support and cleansing! It can be such a huge part of health.
  • Thieves Vitality - Thieves is the original oil when it comes to all things immune! Thieves is our germ-fighting best friend. This is a legendary blend of purifying essential oils - Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary - that are well known for immune support and cleansing properties. Diffuse it, apply it, ingest it in some hot tea – just get the oil in and around you every day!
Daily Habits with the Golden Touch 1 Collection

Apply Raven topically to enjoy the cooling sensation of Wintergreen and Peppermint essential oils after a long day or tough workout.

Drop Raven onto your shower floor and let the oil and the steam open your airways.

Make a steam pot with hot water and a few drops of Raven. Place a towel over your head and breathe deeply to open the airways.

Whip up a DIY Chest Rub:
  • ½ cup solid coconut oil
  • 10-20 drops Raven or R.C.
  • 10 drops Melrose
  • Optional: 10 drops Thieves Vitality
Diffuse R.C. and breathe in the clarifying aroma on stuffy indoor days, after school, while sleeping, or while showering.

Add 3–5 drops of Melrose to your daily moisturizer to reduce the appearance of weather-worn skin.

Dilute and apply Melrose to skin that needs some TLC.

Make a Pavement Spray to use before applying a bandage:
  • 2 oz spray bottle
  • 20 drops Melrose
  • Fractionated coconut oil or other liquid carrier oil
Get a boost of immune support during the cold season by taking a few drops of Thieves Vitality in the morning and evening. Add a drop to a mug of hot tea, place Thieves Vitality in an empty capsule with olive oil, or drop it under your tongue as desired.

Support your body's natural flow of energy with help from EndoFlex Vitality. Place a couple drops in an empty capsule and take daily.

Apply EndoFlex over the throat and lower back morning and evening.

Add JuvaFlex Vitality to your morning smoothie to support your daily wellness routine.

Apply JuvaFlex Vitality over the liver in the morning and evening.

Take DiGize Vitality at breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all-day digestion support.

Make a Digestion Roller (10mL) to use on your belly when needed:
  • 30 drops DiGize
  • 15 drops Raven
  • Carrier of choice
Want to try Golden Touch 1 Collection but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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