FemiGen Supplement Spotlight

FemiGen is a women's supplement that provides overall reproductive system support through estrogen balance and helps maintain hormone balance during menopause. FemiGen combines whole-food herbs, amino acids, and essential oils known for nourishing the body from development through menopause.

FemiGen at a Glance

  • Supports the female reproductive system with herbs and essential oils
  • Helps maintain balance during menopause
  • Provides relief from common menopause symptoms
  • Formulated with whole-food herbs that nourish the body
FemiGen is a twice-daily supplement that combines whole-food herbs including wild yam, damiana, and dong quai with synergistic amino acids, and clary sage, fennel, ylang ylang, and sage essential oils. FemiGen specifically supports the female reproductive system through estorogen balance and helps maintain the reproductive system from development through menopause.

FemiGen & Emotions

Our hormones play a huge role in both our physical and emotional health, regulating everything from blood pressure to energy levels to mood and cognition. When the hormone balance is off, any one of those things (and more!) can be affected.

Throughout life, from the early years of reproductive health all the way through menopause, our hormones are cycling and balancing each other. Supplements like FemiGen help maintain this balance and reduce symptoms related to low hormone levels. 

How to Use
  • Take 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 capsules with lunch.
Companion Products

Want to try FemiGenbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

1 Comment

  1. Hi Jennifer, I am taking Progessence Plus and was wondering if I can take FemiGen too. I am very low estrogen and have also been taking Dong Quai by itself for a while which has kept the night sweats away. The FemiGen has some interesting ingredients but includes the wild yam and Dong Quai that I've already been taking. I would appreciate your thoughts on this, whether I should keep at it with the P+ and DQ or add Femi to the mix. In an ideal world, I would get get updated panels, but for now I'm just shooting in the dark. :)

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