- 10 drops each Thieves, Frankincense, Pine, & Oregano
- Optional: 5-10 drops Geranium
- Carrier of choice
- 10 drops each Lavender, Frankincense, Cedarwood, & Valor
- Optional: 10 drops RutaVaLa
- Carrier of choice
- 10 drops each Lemon, Peppermint, & DiGize
- Carrier of choice
- 10 drops each R.C. or Raven, Lemon, Lavender, & Frankincense
- Optional: 5-10 drops Melrose or Purification
- Carrier of choice

- 20 drops each Peace & Calming
- 10 drops each Lavender & Tangerine
- Optional: 5 drops Patchouli or Vetiver
- Carrier of choice
- 10 drops each Cedarwood, Peppermint, Vetiver, & GeneYus
- Carrier of choice
- 15 drops each Lavender & Roman Chamomile
- 10 drops each Purification or Melrose & Helichrysum
- Carrier of choice
- 20 drops Helichrysum
- 10 drops each Lavender & Frankincense
- Carrier of choice
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend