I had wanted to do liver cleanse for a long long time. First, I know that liver is the only organ that can get rid of excess estrogen. It regulates hormones and hormone production. Second, I have borderline high cholesterol despite my petite size. I know that it comes back to my liver. Liver has many important functions:
- It cleans and filters the blood
- It is in charge of metabolizing fats (will affect hormonal balance), sugars and proteins (affect the immune system)
- It clears toxins from the body
- It breaks down drugs and other chemicals
- It produces enzymes to help digest food, and bile to help emulsify and absorb fats
- It produces and regulates cholesterol
- It regulates hormones and hormone production
- It balances sugars
- and many other major functions
Do you know that liver and colon cleanse will help to clear up 90% of allergies? You need to do colon cleanse first before liver cleanse because clogged colon will make you feel ill when you do liver cleanse due to toxins built up in the liver. To see protocol of colon cleanse, see here https://greathealthstartsfromnow.wordpress.com/2015/10/31/detox-cleansing/
Liver also the only organ that can regenerate itself. Two thirds of the liver removed in surgery can grow back to its original size in as little as A WEEK! Isn’t it amazing? But we have overload our liver with many stuff: chemicals from household products, toiletries, drugs, hormone-injected food, alcohol, etc.
When I saw the protocol, I was thrown back. WHAT? Can only eat vegetables and fruits? Not even fish! Those who know me, know that I don’t like to eat my greens *guilty-as-charged*. My hubby even commented, “Good luck!” when I told him I wanted to do liver cleanse with this protocol. And I can’t even stir fry vegetables. That’s the only thing that I can eat my vegetables. Or deep fried. Well, anything with oil… except salad with the dressing. So I have to live on steamed or boiled vegetables. Colorful vegetables, especially dark green leafy stuff is good. Oh did I tell you that I can’t drink or eat cold or chilled stuff. Great! Hot weather, no cold stuff. Just plain great.
But I was determined. It’s time I take care of my liver. In the past 6 months, I had fallen sick twice! And each time I fell hard. Really hard. It has never happened in the last 3 years, except the recent 6 months. I was hardly sick, and if I was, I would recover in 2-3 days. These 2 times I fell sick, I could take 2 weeks to recover. So when I fell sick again last week, I decided to do liver cleanse. Just to let you know, there’s possibility of sluggishness if you do when you’re unwell. For me, I just wanted to do as soon as possible, before I chickened out. Below is the protocol.
Liver also the only organ that can regenerate itself. Two thirds of the liver removed in surgery can grow back to its original size in as little as A WEEK! Isn’t it amazing? But we have overload our liver with many stuff: chemicals from household products, toiletries, drugs, hormone-injected food, alcohol, etc.
When I saw the protocol, I was thrown back. WHAT? Can only eat vegetables and fruits? Not even fish! Those who know me, know that I don’t like to eat my greens *guilty-as-charged*. My hubby even commented, “Good luck!” when I told him I wanted to do liver cleanse with this protocol. And I can’t even stir fry vegetables. That’s the only thing that I can eat my vegetables. Or deep fried. Well, anything with oil… except salad with the dressing. So I have to live on steamed or boiled vegetables. Colorful vegetables, especially dark green leafy stuff is good. Oh did I tell you that I can’t drink or eat cold or chilled stuff. Great! Hot weather, no cold stuff. Just plain great.
But I was determined. It’s time I take care of my liver. In the past 6 months, I had fallen sick twice! And each time I fell hard. Really hard. It has never happened in the last 3 years, except the recent 6 months. I was hardly sick, and if I was, I would recover in 2-3 days. These 2 times I fell sick, I could take 2 weeks to recover. So when I fell sick again last week, I decided to do liver cleanse. Just to let you know, there’s possibility of sluggishness if you do when you’re unwell. For me, I just wanted to do as soon as possible, before I chickened out. Below is the protocol.

And the diet… oh, the diet… where I have to begin….
First day, I boiled the vegetables together. I ate with mixed rice and my sister upon seeing my meal, she said, “unappetizing!” and walked away. I told her, “then, don’t look.” with a joke. I passed my first day well and I was proud of my accomplishment eating those vegetables. Here’s my first day meal.

When I had to drink the whole bottle of apple juice in the morning, I felt nauseous. But yes, I managed to drink all of them. At 6 pm, when I drank that Epsom salt water, I almost vomited. It tasted terrible. Immediately after I drank plain water, the water tasted sweet!
I gulped down my 8pm epsom salt water. My stomach rumbled. I just had to sleep early, I told myself. At 9.45pm, my girl slept. I was delighted she was cooperative. I went to drink grapefruit juice concoction and it did not taste as terrible as epsom salt. I slept.
On the 7th day morning, after drinking my 6am epsom salt, I passed out stones. For the readers’ sake, I did not post the photo. But if you want, I can send you. I passed more stones as the day passed.
I am glad that I have done the cleansing. My liver has worked hard in the past years and I just give 1 week to help it. There’s other protocol in Inner Transformation by LeAnn Dearduff, however, since JuvaTone is out of stock, I chose this protocol. Also, it’s important not to do heavy tasks because some slight dizziness may happen.
Nausea also may happen, so please pay attention to your body. I was told I might experience nauseous feeling after drinking grapefruit concoction, so I standby Patchouli and Peppermint essential oils, both are great to help to reduce the onset of nausea feeling. I did not have that feeling though. Every individual is different, so please know your body.
Also, I have few piles, and it bled a bit in my 6th day passing motion. But I decided to continue as I was almost at the end of my cleansing. I prepared Lavender in my toilet, just in case. It only happened once though.
Also, for those wondering, I got these for organic apple juice. They’re empty bottles as I only remember to take pic after 6th day. I have total of 6 bottles. I got them in NTUC Fairprice in organic section, of course.

P.s in case u r wondering, liver is part of digestive system!!!
– Antioxidant: Ningxia red! And Longevity caps —> my fav
– Probiotics: Life 5. On empty stomach in the morning to work on the gut. The direction on the bottle says night after meal. My take is, the best time is when you remember. And normally I remember at night.
– Liver support: Juvatone supplement, Juva Powder supplement and JuvaCleanse essential oil
– Multivitamins: Master Formula + super C
– Hormonal needs may need to be addressed
– Emotional needs must be addressed through – stress is a big wicked thing for the liver. Oils like Release, Forgiveness, Harmony, Stress away would be so supportive!
– 2-3 liters of water every day
– Clean up your diet dude!
<bold words are what I am doing now!>
Be kind to your liver because it will help you a lot in the long run!
Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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