Seiring dengan berjalannya umur, lutut papaku mengalami kerusakan. Tulangnya mulai keropos dan juga engselnya berkurang oli. Setelah operasi untuk membersihkan tulang-tulang pecah di lutut, dia tetap mengalami kesakitan kalau berjalan dan mengandalkan obat-obatan dari dokter (bukan cuman obat kaki, dia banyak minum obat lain seperti pengencer darah, darah tinggi, etc).
Obat-obatan tersebut mengakibatkan kulitnya menjadi sangat tipis. Senggol sedikit, dia bisa lembam. Orang biasa tidak mengalami lembam dengan senggolan begitu. Senggol lebih kencang, kulitnya mengelupas dan berdarah.
Saya sebagai anaknya selalu berusaha untuk mencari solusi. Hanya karena tidak tinggal bareng (diajak tinggal bareng, tidak mau karena masih mau kerja katanya), saya tidak bisa monitor. Kalau dikasih essential oil buat oles, dia akan mengalami rash karena badannya telah dipenuhi obat-obatan dan juga lebih sensitif karena obat-obatan tersebut.
Dikasih suplemen, jarang diminum jika tidak dimonitor. Ketika Young Living mengeluarkan Cool Azul Gel, saya segera beli dan kasih papa saya untuk mencoba (daripada mereka pakai salep dari luar yang mengandung methyl salicylate yang dibuat dalam lab daripada ekstraksi dari alam). Katanya kurang efektif. Akhirnya saya pakai sendiri saja deh dan enak loh spt di review ini
Akhirnya di bulan Juli 2016, Young Living mengeluarkan COOL AZUL PAIN CREAM!!
Langsung borong 2 tub dan langsung kasih ke papa. Minta dia oles.
Setelah 2 bulan pakai, dia komen kalau krim ini bagus, lumayan. Wah, senang sekali melihat dia rajin oles-oles untuk bantu kekuatan kaki dan mobilitasnya. Krim ini berguna untuk meringankan sakit di sendi dan otot, artritis, urat ketarik, keseleo dan juga lembam. Mengandung Wintergreen essential oil (95% komponen wintergreen adalah methyl salicylate alami dan 5% komponen lainnya membuat essential oil ini stabil) yang meringankan sakit sampai ke sendi dan otot yang dalam; Peppermint yang mengandung menthol yang memberikan rasa dingin sehingga sakitnya berkurang.
Sayangnya produk ini hanya tersedia di USA dan hanya bisa dikirim di wilayah USA saja saat itu sehingga saya sering stok.

My dad had been having knee pain from few years back. Due to his age, his bone became brittle and parts of knee caps were broken and lodged inside. He had to undergo minor operation to remove those broken bones. But still, he had difficulty walking due to the pain even though he had recovered from operation.
It pains me to see him like that. I only can take care of him when he’s in town. Essential oils make him break out in rashes in applied location. With dilution, sometimes he still experienced itchiness. His body is full of medicines from doctors (blood pressure, blood thinner, etc) to the point that his skin becomes so thin that a slight bump will cause bruises. Normal people won’t have any effect with that bump. Harder bump will cause his skin to peel and bleed. Sometimes he will not even realize until we point it out to him that he’s bleeding.
When Young Living releases Cool Azul Gel, I eagerly bought and let him try. Unfortunately, he said that it’s not enough. So I use it on myself which proves to be effective. https://greathealthstartsfromnow.wordpress.com/2016/06/02/cool-azul-sports-gel/
So 2016 convention came out with COOL AZUL PAIN CREAM! I immediately bought 2 tubs and let him try. After 2 months trying, he commented that this was a good cream. He uses it regularly and I am happy that it helps him to relieve his minor pains due to arthritis (instead of using those creams with strong synthetic methyl salicylate and not so effective). Some features of Cool Azul Pain Cream are
It pains me to see him like that. I only can take care of him when he’s in town. Essential oils make him break out in rashes in applied location. With dilution, sometimes he still experienced itchiness. His body is full of medicines from doctors (blood pressure, blood thinner, etc) to the point that his skin becomes so thin that a slight bump will cause bruises. Normal people won’t have any effect with that bump. Harder bump will cause his skin to peel and bleed. Sometimes he will not even realize until we point it out to him that he’s bleeding.
When Young Living releases Cool Azul Gel, I eagerly bought and let him try. Unfortunately, he said that it’s not enough. So I use it on myself which proves to be effective. https://greathealthstartsfromnow.wordpress.com/2016/06/02/cool-azul-sports-gel/
So 2016 convention came out with COOL AZUL PAIN CREAM! I immediately bought 2 tubs and let him try. After 2 months trying, he commented that this was a good cream. He uses it regularly and I am happy that it helps him to relieve his minor pains due to arthritis (instead of using those creams with strong synthetic methyl salicylate and not so effective). Some features of Cool Azul Pain Cream are
- cooling relief from minor muscle and joint aches, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains
- Natural methyl salicylate (95%) found in Wintergreen essential oil (the rest of 5 % is making Wintergreen as the whole essential oil) helps alleviate pain deep in muscles and joints.
- Menthol inside Peppermint essential oil provides cooling effect
Unfortunately, this cream can only be ordered and sent to address in USA.
Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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