I know I am a bit late to jump into ART series wagon. But well, better late than never! My T-zone is often oily. If I don’t scrub regularly, there will be whitish stuff comes out when I squeeze my nose. It feels rough too!
I normally DIY my own cleanser and use floral water afterwards. And it really helps my skin to stay smooth and less less whitish stuff!
When my DIY cleanser ran out, I opened up my ART set and started Gentle Cleanser. WOW, my skin feels so smooth and clean! And it brightens my complexion also.
So I did experiment few days back. I just use Gentle Cleanser without floral water (since floral water helps with the clogged pores). And I conclude the experiment today!
No wonder the combi of ART cleanser and floral water make my skin moisturized, light, clean, smooth, and of course with less chemicals on my skin. Other commercial brand will contain “FRAGRANCE” that is mostly synthetically made in the lab to entice consumers. Our Young Living uses fragrance from 100% pure essential oil. Probably some needs to get used to the smell (some will think a bit unpleasant) but to me, chemical-free is the most important in the product!
If you want to know in details about this, you can drop me a message here or email me at deny.sentosa@gmail.com
If you are ready to purchase, you can click here I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones
I normally DIY my own cleanser and use floral water afterwards. And it really helps my skin to stay smooth and less less whitish stuff!
When my DIY cleanser ran out, I opened up my ART set and started Gentle Cleanser. WOW, my skin feels so smooth and clean! And it brightens my complexion also.
So I did experiment few days back. I just use Gentle Cleanser without floral water (since floral water helps with the clogged pores). And I conclude the experiment today!
No wonder the combi of ART cleanser and floral water make my skin moisturized, light, clean, smooth, and of course with less chemicals on my skin. Other commercial brand will contain “FRAGRANCE” that is mostly synthetically made in the lab to entice consumers. Our Young Living uses fragrance from 100% pure essential oil. Probably some needs to get used to the smell (some will think a bit unpleasant) but to me, chemical-free is the most important in the product!
If you want to know in details about this, you can drop me a message here or email me at deny.sentosa@gmail.com
If you are ready to purchase, you can click here I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones

Orang-orang sudah pakai ART series, saya masih sibuk bikin DIY sabun cuci muka. Tetapi karena dari T-zone agak berminyak, kalo dipencet, akan keluar putih-putih lemak. Dan ini sering sekali terjadi. Selain itu kulit muka juga kasar kalau dipegang. Dan kurang cerah rasanya.
Beberapa bulan lalu, saya mencoba floral water untuk toner. Alhasil, T-zone jadi halus, dan lemak putih nya berkurang jauh. Muka juga terasa lebih bersih.
Nah, beberapa minggu lalu, saya mulai memakai ART Cleanser. Wah, abis cuci muka, kerasa bersih sih sih…..
Terus saya penasaran, kalau tanpa floral water, masih kerasa bersih gak sih. Jadi mulailah saya eksperimen. Tidak pakai floral water beberapa hari. Alhasil, muka tetap bersih dari lemak putih. Dan juga lebih halus dibanding tidak memakai ART Cleanser. Tentu saja, kalau kombi dengan floral water, lebih mantap donk hasilnya. Dan yang penting adalah BEBAS KIMIA! BEBAS pewangi buatan. Karena produk lain, memakai pewangi buatan untuk menarik pembeli, sedangkan Young Living memakai wangi dari essential oil yang murni.
Beberapa bulan lalu, saya mencoba floral water untuk toner. Alhasil, T-zone jadi halus, dan lemak putih nya berkurang jauh. Muka juga terasa lebih bersih.
Nah, beberapa minggu lalu, saya mulai memakai ART Cleanser. Wah, abis cuci muka, kerasa bersih sih sih…..
Terus saya penasaran, kalau tanpa floral water, masih kerasa bersih gak sih. Jadi mulailah saya eksperimen. Tidak pakai floral water beberapa hari. Alhasil, muka tetap bersih dari lemak putih. Dan juga lebih halus dibanding tidak memakai ART Cleanser. Tentu saja, kalau kombi dengan floral water, lebih mantap donk hasilnya. Dan yang penting adalah BEBAS KIMIA! BEBAS pewangi buatan. Karena produk lain, memakai pewangi buatan untuk menarik pembeli, sedangkan Young Living memakai wangi dari essential oil yang murni.
Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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Feel free to ask me questions in whatsapp or DM in my instagram . Our group consists of people who care about sustainability, ingredients that do not harm ecosystem and our bodies, holistic wellness in kids and family, as well as self growth. Join us in this journey.
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