Clove essential oil has been touted as #1 highest antioxidant (in ORAC scale, it’s almost 400,000 ORAC scale). Antioxidant helps to fight free radicals that we’re exposed to due to environment and diet.
Longevity provides protection to body’s system so we can have long and healthy body. Do you know that Longevity essential oil has 1 million ORAC? It means it’s 2.5x more powerful than Clove essential oil. In Longevity capsule, the ORAC scale is one tenth of its essential oil blend. It’s still powerful enough.
Taken from Young Living website, “Longevity capsule is fat-soluble antioxidants. Longevity capsule protects DHA levels, a nutrient that supports brain function and cardiovascular health, promotes healthy cell regeneration, and supports liver and immune function. “
Now, I have great testimonies regarding this capsule.
– It maintains healthy triglyceride level (as well as cholesterol level)
– It supports healthy liver and immune function (my friend’s red patches on skin were better after taking this)
– It helps to balance hormones
– It helps to maintain healthy joints and muscles
This is one of my favorite supplements and you’re getting it free for July 2016 PROMO!
Longevity provides protection to body’s system so we can have long and healthy body. Do you know that Longevity essential oil has 1 million ORAC? It means it’s 2.5x more powerful than Clove essential oil. In Longevity capsule, the ORAC scale is one tenth of its essential oil blend. It’s still powerful enough.
Taken from Young Living website, “Longevity capsule is fat-soluble antioxidants. Longevity capsule protects DHA levels, a nutrient that supports brain function and cardiovascular health, promotes healthy cell regeneration, and supports liver and immune function. “
Now, I have great testimonies regarding this capsule.
– It maintains healthy triglyceride level (as well as cholesterol level)
– It supports healthy liver and immune function (my friend’s red patches on skin were better after taking this)
– It helps to balance hormones
– It helps to maintain healthy joints and muscles
This is one of my favorite supplements and you’re getting it free for July 2016 PROMO!
Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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Feel free to ask me questions in whatsapp or DM in my instagram . Our group consists of people who care about sustainability, ingredients that do not harm ecosystem and our bodies, holistic wellness in kids and family, as well as self growth. Join us in this journey.
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