PV Assist is Back!

PV Assist is your vitural best friend/assistant. Its a lifesaver when there's a last minute change with your subscription and works as a security check to make sure you get all those free promo items (like the ones above) you're looking forward to and don't lose out on any points!

PV Assist automatically adds items of your choice to your monthly subscription orders to help meet your PV goal. If an item on your order goes out of sock, PV Assist will add the first item or items from your list to replace it. Once your usual item is back in stock, this helpful feature will revert your order back as usual. EASY BUTTON!

Have to skip an order? No worries! PV Assist won't activate if you hit 'skip' or delete all products in your subscription for the month.

Here's how to set up your PV Assistant:

  • Visit My Account and look under Subscriptions. PV Assist is located next to the "Show All" option.
  • Under PV Assist Summary, activate the feature by clicking the button, which will turn green.
  • Set your PV goal amount to your desired PB order goal.
  • Add products that will least meet your PV goal. When your PV total of products added is the same as your PV goal, you will see a checkbox. (If you need to add more items, you will see an X.)
  • Adjust your replacement product priority. PV Assist will substitute items starting at the top of the list and moving to the bottom, so use the arrows to adjust which items you would be most interested in receiving as replacements for out-of-stock items. Only products available on subscription can be added.
  • There is not limit to how many products you can add to PV Assistant, so its recommended to choose several items over the limit to make sure you always hit your PV goal.
Once you've customized your settings, get ready to kick back, relax, and let the rewards of hitting your PV goal roll in! 

Want to get started? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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