Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in April. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
I am very passionate about helping you achieve the best YOU that you can be!
A little about myself. I live in the Pacific Northwest in Washington State. I am married to a wonderful and supportive man named Sean since 2003 - all wonderful years. We have two smart and sassy daughters, Emmy is 10 and in 4th grade in the Mandarin Immersion program and Lilly is 6 and in kindergarten. I like to paper craft and make my own cards, I like to sew (though don’t have much time for that lately) and I just returned to belly dancing now that Lilly is getting bigger.
I’ve been using essential oils and infused products for since October 2015 and absolutely love this lifestyle and how it makes me and my family feel. I started my oily journey after sitting next to another mom at a play date. We started talking about my infertility issues, and she suggested I try Young Living’s essential oils to support my hormones. After a year of intentionally exercising, eating better, and using oils to support my hormones and emotions, I became pregnant with Lilly, right before my first time attending the International YL Convention in Salt Lake City in 2016. There is so much more to tell about this story, and I’m open and willing to share with you, if you are interested.
So, tell me more about yourself! Tell me about the season of life you are in now. Tell me about your family.
In health, wellness, and abundance!
Jennifer Meckel
Young Living Independent Distributor #3089560
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