Nutmeg Essential Oil Spotlight

This month we're focusing on all the great things we can do for energy and vitality, and Nutmeg and Nutmeg Vitality are two products at the top of the list!
Nutmeg is an essential fall scent. Warm and welcoming, grounding and so good for our immune and adrenal systems! But it is SO much more than that. Nutmeg helps our bodies to manage stress responses naturally - something that everyone needs these days. Plus it is great for focus, energy, and vitality!
Just a Drop of Nutmeg
- Has a warm, spicy aroma
- Offers an energizing and uplifting aroma when diffused or inhaled
- Can be applied topically to open and support the airways
- Can be used to soothe tired muscles following physical activity
- Helps support the body's stress systems and adrenals
- Support cognitive function and the immune system
- Contains antioxidants
- Offers cleansing properties
If there were one oil you could use to support your adrenal system (the stress system!) it would be Nutmeg. This oil is high in the constituents sabinene, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, making it a wonderful option to support the digestive system, to protect the liver, to help maintain healthy circulation and to provide the adrenals with the support they need on a daily basis.
Nutmeg Vitality contains antioxidants, may support cognitive function and the immune system, and offers cleansing properties. In addition, it can be used to add a warm and spicy flavor to soups, fall vegetables, and baked goods. Nutmeg and Nutmeg Vitality are the same essential oil, simply labeled differently for aromatic/topical use and ingestion.
Our adrenals are very small glands that can cause a lot of grief when they aren't well maintained. However, they don't work in isolation. Energy levels and the hormones that are released from our adrenals trace back to commands from our nervous system. They are workers, doing a job. If we do not change the instructions they are receiving, they don't have permission to do anything but exactly what they are doing - trying to help you survive.
The adrenals have to work overtime when we are stuck in Fight or Flight mode. Imagine you were called in to do “temporary” overtime at a job 15 or 30 years ago, but your schedule never went back to normal. I would personally have left the job! But our adrenals are stuck with us. You may have heard that this stress mode is like a bear is chasing you - and it never stops.
Negative emotions are threats that switch on the signal for “danger” in your mind, and your body does not know the difference between these kinds of threats and physical threats - it is all bad and meant to be fought or run from. It doesn't really matter if it is truly threatening, your survival switch is ON and the program is on autopilot.
If you identify with energy or stress issues, you may be ready to reprogram some of those signals. Enter - Nutmeg!
Take a couple minutes as you're falling asleep to inhale Nutmeg and to plant thoughts that will turn off your adrenal threats. Diffuse Nutmeg in your bedroom before you go to sleep, and inhale some directly from the bottle. Apply a couple drops to your mid back.
Think about how you want the next day to go, and imagine waking up really refreshed. Picture something you love to do and imagine working more of that into your day. Imagine yourself setting healthy boundaries around your time, and not being as drained in the areas where you are truly needed. See yourself at peace, and having passion without fear or anxiety. Most of all, let this revolve around you personally choosing peace inside, and not around having to control anyone else's decisions or actions. Remind yourself that the things you are doing are part of a journey, and that you can feel great about who you are becoming without beating yourself up to get there faster.
When you wake up, get yourself going with another Nutmeg pick-me-up by applying it over your mid back again, and inhaling it deeply. Remind yourself that it's okay to expect the best from the day, because that's how you start to CHOOSE the best.
Product Options
Nutmeg is also found in some of our favorite products for energy and vitality:
Note: Nutmeg and Nutmeg Vitality are the same essential oil. Vitality oils are labeled for ingestion but contain the same oil as the non-vitality option.
Daily Habits with Nutmeg
Add Nutmeg to your daily health and stress reduction routines.
Add Nutmeg Vitality to Thieves toothpaste or Thieves Mouthwash to freshen breath.
- Organic castor oil
- 25 drops Nutmeg
- 20 drops Clove
- 20 drops Frankincense
- 20 drops Rosemary
Apply over the lower back every morning and before bed each evening!
Use Nutmeg to soothe sore muscles and support the airways.
- 20 drops Nutmeg
- 15 drops Lemon
- 15 drops Lavender
- 15 drops R.C.
- V-6 Vegetable Complex or carrier of choice
Make this DIY Muscle Balm:
Nutmeg is a warm, spicy scent that plays a crucial role in so many fall and holiday blends, but this oil is great all year long. Use Nutmeg to add some spice to your favorite combinations!
Marshmallow Latte - 4 drops Nutmeg + 3 drops Ylang Ylang + 3 drops Vanilla + 2 drops Cinnamon Bark
Chai Latte - 3 drops Cinnamon Bark + 3 drops Clove + 2 drops Nutmeg + 2 drops Cardamom + 2 drops Vanilla
Morning Stroll - 3 drops Nutmeg + 4 drops Lavender + 3 drops Lemon + 2 drops Peppermint
Join us in using Nutmeg and Nutmeg Vitality essential oil this month and beyond. Want to try Nutmeg essential oil, but don't know where to start, click here to get started. As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend