How to use September's
Gifts with Purchase

This month's free gift includes SO many favorites for the cooler days - the natural immune support of Inner Defense, exclusive cold-weather comforts like Breathe AgainKidScents SniffleEase, and R.C., plus our beloved Thieves essential oil blend. Here are some of our favorite ways to use these fall and winter staples!

NOTE: If you're looking for any DIY supplies, check out the DIY Supplies List blog post for the exact items we use and recommend.

And don't forget to round up your order with the 'Dollar Up' option to donate to the Young Living Foundation. A few cents can go a long way!

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Inner Defense Capsules

Inner Defense is just what the name suggests - a defense and protection from all that today's world can throw at us! This powerhouse blend of essential oil supports the immune and respiratory systems, making it a wonderful addition to your health routine either for daily use or for when your defenses start to go down! 

Key ingredients

  • Clove essential oil - has profound immune support and is a powerful antioxidant
  • Oregano essential oil - high in carvacrol and thymol that support the immune system; also aids digestion, supports muscle and joint health and flexibility
  • Thyme essential oil - rich in thymol, supports the respiratory and immune systems
  • Lemongrass essential oil - supports digestion and proper immune function
  • Lemon essential oil - high in limonene, supports respiration and immune function, cleansing and purifying
  • Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil - known for its support of the respiratory system, also cleanses and purifies and supports immune function
  • Rosemary essential oil - a cleansing and purifying oil, supports the immune and respiratory systems
  • Cinnamon Bark essential oil - provides immune support and antioxidants
Take 1 capsule up to 3 times daily for acute needs. We suggest taking with food and at the very first sign of your defenses going down!

For best results, take with food and take Life 9 probiotic approximately 8 hours after taking Inner Defense. If you forget or cannot take Inner Defense with a meal, have a snack with plenty of healthy fat (nut butter, avocado, etc.).

Parenting hack - For children, use a safety pin or needle to create a small hole in the gelcap, then gently squeeze and apply the contents along the spine or the bottom of the feet!

Breathe Again
Essential Oil Blend

This crowd favorite blend combines Copaiba, Myrtle, and Peppermint with four different types of Eucalyptus (including Eucalyptus Blue) to create a powerful, invigorating combination. It is the perfect companion for respiratory needs and has a sweet, crisp eucalyptus aroma that is wonderful for cleaning and DIYs!

Help support airways with a Breathe Easy Massage Oil (also makes a great roller! Do up to 50 drops plus carrier in a 10mL bottle). To a 4oz pump bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Breathe Again
  • 15 drops each Lavender & Lemon (or more Breathe Again)
  • Carrier of choice
Make this DIY Whipped Body Butter recipe that also supports the airways - great before bedtime.
  •  1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup pure organic shea butter
  • 1/8 cup cocoa butter
  • 1 Tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 25 drops Breathe Again
  • 15 drops Lavender
    Step 1 - Melt together coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter, then add in vitamin E oil and whisk.
    Step 2 - Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 to 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved. Add in essential oils then place in a glass jar.
Make a DIY Mattress & Linen Spray to use every time you make the bed or change the sheets. To an 8 oz glass spray bottle add:
  • 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 30 drops Breathe Again
  • 10 drops each Lavender & Tea Tree
    Fill with distilled water and invert to gently mix.
Make a refreshing room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Breathe Again
  • 10 drops Lemon
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Try these DIY Scented Sachets to bring a crisp, happy aroma to any area of your home, car or even backpack!
  • ½ cup uncooked rice
  • ¼ cup High Quality Epsom Salt
  • 1 cup dried lavender buds or rose petals
  • Muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approximately 5 inches long by 4 inches wide
  • 40-50 drops Breathe Again
    Step 1 - In a medium bowl, mix rice, Epsom salt, flower buds, and essential oil to thoroughly scent the mixture. Spoon mixture into your muslin pouch.
    Step 2 - Place anywhere you want to add a fresh scent. Refresh your pouch every 2-3 weeks by opening it up and adding more drops of essential oil.
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener. To an airtight glass jar add:
  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • 25 drops Breathe Again
  • 10 drops Lemon (optional)
    Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Make an Herbal Deodorizing Spray for pet beds, upholstered surfaces, car upholstery, etc! To a 4 oz glass spray bottle add:
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 20 drops Breathe Again essential oil blend
  • 15 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops each Lemongrass & Lemon essential oil
  • Pinch sea salt or splash of witch hazel
  • Filtered water
    Spray lightly onto surfaces to remove unwanted odors.
Make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster. To a large glass jar with a lid, add:
Add Breathe Again to your Thieves Cleaner for a fresh twist. 
Take a relaxing epsom salt bath with Breathe Again to soothe muscles and open airways. Add 10 drops to 1 cup epsom salt or magnesium flakes and soak in warm water.

Whenever you feel your defenses going down, try this Immune Boost Bath Soak:
Diffuse this bright, crisp oil blend anytime of day to support airways, freshen the air or create a spa-like environment.

Aveda - 4 drops each Breathe Again, Lemon, & Lavender
Autumn Breeze - 5 drops Breathe Again, 3 drops each Cedarwood & Rosemary
Deep Breath - 4 drops each Breathe Again & Lemon, 3 drops Lavender, 2 drops Tea Tree 
Autumn Wreath - 5 drops Breathe Again, 4 drops Vanilla, 2 drops Lemon

KidScents SniffleEase
Essential Oil Blend

When sniffles and stuffiness hamper your little one, reach for the relaxing, quieting aroma of KidScents SniffleEase.  A gentle blend of Eucalyptus, Palo Santo, R.C., and other essential oils, SniffleEase has an aroma that helps ease feelings of discomfort and supports the feeling of normal, clear breathing.

Add a roller top directly to the bottle for easy application! Simply roll on the bottom of the feet, spine, chest and throat as desired.

Use SniffleEase to make a simple DIY Chest Rub:   
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 25 drops SniffleEase
    Mix well. Store in the fridge or a cool place if you would like for the rub to be a solid consistency.
Diffuse this essential oil blend anytime you need to ease the sniffles! It is wonderful alone or you can pair it with a little Lavender - a great idea at bedtime.

You can also use this super gentle blend for any of the DIYs listed for Breathe Again or R.C.!

R.C. essential oil Blend

This eucalyptus blend is herbaceous and gentle - a favorite for children down to age 2! Use this blend to support airways and create a calm, soothing atmosphere. It is also great for cleaning! 

Make a simple Breathe roller. In a 10 mL bottle add 20 drops R.C. and carrier oil. (Optional - add other respiratory oils like Lavender, Lemon or Frankincense. Add a total of up to 50 drops essential oils.)

Help support airways with a Breathe Easy Massage Oil (also makes a great roller)! Do up to 50 drops R.C. plus carrier in a 10mL bottle. To a 4 oz pump bottle, add:
  • 20 drops R.C.
  • 15 drops each Lavender & Lemon
  • Carrier of choice
Try this Revitalizing Sugar Scrub for an at-home spa night:
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 15 drops R.C.
  • 10 drops Lavender
    Combine all ingredients in a metal or glass container, use in the shower to exfoliate & moisturize! 
Give tired muscles some TLC with this RELAX IT Massage Oil. To 4 oz pump bottle, add:
  • 20 drops R.C. essential oil
  • 10 drops Copaiba essential oil
  • Carrier of choice
Take a relaxing epsom salt bath with R.C. to soothe muscles and open airways. Add 10 drops to 1 cup epsom salt or magnesium flakes and soak in warm water.

Whip up a Sweet Dreams Linen Spray. To an 8 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 25 drops each R.C., Tangerine, & Lavender
  • Fill with distilled water and invert to gently mix.
    Spray onto linens, pjs, stuff animals, etc. 
Make this Bedtime Bath Soak for a spa-inspired evening routine.
Try this Wind Down Foot Scrub as a treat for tired feet before bed.
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 10 drops R.C.
  • 5 drops Lavender
    Combine all ingredients in a metal or glass container, use in the shower to exfoliate & moisturize! 
Try this DIY Hand Salve for soothing dry skin (its not just for hands!)
  • ½ cup Organic Olive Oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
  • ½ cup organic arnica oil
  • 1 Tbsp shea butter
  • 2 Tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 3-4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles
  • 40 drops essential oils: Patchouli, Frankincense, Lavender, R.C. alone or in combination
  • Essential oils to add for a masculine scent: Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
    Step 1 - Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil & beeswax and allow it to melt, stirring gently.
    Step 2 - Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils.
    Step 3 - Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into the small containers.
Make this Dry Skin Bath Soak! Adding oatmeal to the bath is helpful for more acute skin needs, especially for children.
Make this nourishing DIY Goat Milk Soap.
Make an ‘After School' spray for backpacks, lunch boxes or other items. To an 8 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 15 drops Thieves
  • 15 drops Tangerine
  • 10 drops R.C.
  • A splash of witch hazel
  • Fill with distilled water
Diffuse this calming, herbaceous blend to support airways and create a spa-like environment:
After School - 4 drops each Thieves, R.C., & Tangerine
At Home Spa - 4 drops each R.C., Lavender, & Lemon
Sweet Dreams - 3 drops R.C., 4 drops Lavender, 4 drops Cedarwood
Aveda - 4 drops R.C., 3 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Lemon, 2 drops Lavender

Thieves essential oil Blend

Cinnamon Bark, Clove, and a dash of Lemon—they're scents of the season, but these good smells do more than brighten up a room. We use this oil blend for SO MANY things, including these recipes:

Make a Daily Wellness Roller to use morning and evening over the lymph nodes, spine, bottom of the feet. Also use this when your defenses start to go down. To a 10 mL roller bottle, add:
  • 25 drops Thieves 
  • 20 drops each Lemon & Frankincense
  • 15 drops Oregano, R.C. (optional)
Add a few drops to your dishwater or dishwasher to eliminate odors and boost cleaning.

Make this Citrus Spice Thieves Cleaner recipe. To a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add:
Make a refreshing room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Thieves
  • 10 drops Lemon or Grapefruit (optional)
  • Splash organic witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener. To a glass jar, add: 
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup salt
  • 30 drops Thieves
  • 20 drops Lemon (optional)
    Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Add Thieves to an epsom salt bath for a gentle detox or use more in a more concentrated way when your defenses go down.

Give your tired feet some love with this Lemon Herb Foot Scrub:
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 3 drops each Thieves & Lemon
    Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the towel and wipe off the scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.
Whenever you feel your defenses going down, try this Immune Boost Bath Soak:
Try this tingly Thieves Lip Scrub for soft, happy lips:
  • 7 drops Vanilla
  • 5 drops Thieves
  • ¼ cup White Sugar
  • ¼ cup Coconut Oil
    Whip coconut oil with a mixer, then add in sugar and essential oils and mix again.  Store in a glass jar. Apply nightly to lips in a circular motion. Wipe off with a dry towel.
Try these DIY Oil-Infused Shower Melts with Thieves:
  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Cup High Quality Epsom Salt
  • 30 Drops Of Essential Oil(s) (Thieves, Lemon, Raven, Eucalyptus, Peppermint in any combination or alone)
  • Water (about 2-3 teaspoons)
  • Silicone mold
    Step 1Pour the baking soda and epsom salt into a mixing bowl. Slowly add water, about 2 teaspoons, and mix well. If the mixture is not holding, add another teaspoon of water.
    Step 2Add essential oil(s) of your choice and mix well. Scoop into silicone molds and let sit overnight. Remove and store in an airtight container.
    To use - Simply place a shower melt on the floor of the shower near the water but not directly in the stream. Enjoy!
Whip up this Natural Deodorant Spray. To a 4 oz glass mister bottle, add:
  • 3 Tbsp grain alcohol
  • 1 Tbsp witch hazel
  • 1 Tbsp water
  • ½ tsp glycerin
  • 20 drops Thieves (or other essential oil)
  • 10 drops Thieves
    Combine all ingredients and shake well.
    To use - spritz two sprays under arms as desired
Try this soothing Herbal Oatmeal Bath Soak to help soothe and repair dry, itchy, and irritated skin:
  • 1 cup epsom salt
  • 1 cup quick oats
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 5 drops Thieves essential oil
  • 10 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 15 drops Lavender essential oil
    Step 1Grind oats in a food processor or coffee grinder into a fine flour-like texture, then mix all ingredients in a bowl until oils are evenly distributed.
    Step 2Store in a glass jar and use about 1 cup of mixture per bath. You can create a pouch for your mixture using a sock or pantyhose to reduce floating oatmeal flakes in your bath.
Make this simple DIY Lotion Bar and give skin some much-deserved love!
  • ½ cup extra-virgin coconut oil
  • ½ cup beeswax
  • ¼ cup shea butter
  • ¼ cup cocoa butter
  • 10 drops each Lavender & Thieves essential oils OR 20-25 drops oil(s) of choice
  • dried lavender buds and lemon zest for exfoliation (optional)
  • Materials: 16-ounce measuring cup, Medium-sized saucepan, Silicone molds or muffin tin
    Step 1Combine coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter, and cocoa butter in a 16-ounce glass measuring cup. Place in a pot with water that rises halfway up the measuring cup.
    Step 2Bring water to a boil, stirring frequently until ingredients are completely melted, then remove measuring cup from the pot.
    Step 3Add dried lavender and lemon zest, if desired. Add essential oils and stir until completely combined. Immediately pour into molds and let sit overnight.
    Step 4 - Once cooled, remove the lotion from the molds. Store in a cool, dry place.
Diffuse some of these great combinations and enjoy the spicy, supporting aroma of Thieves! 
Snickerdoodle - 4 drops Thieves + 5 drops Stress Away + 3 drops Vanilla
Deep Breathe - 3 drops Peppermint + 4 drops Thieves + 3 drops Frankincense
Well Rested - 4 drops Thieves + 4 drops Lavender + 3 drops Cedarwood
Crisp Breeze - 3 drops each Thieves, Grapefruit, Bergamot + 2 drops Orange

Now that you know how to use these Free Gifts with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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