Sweet, Sweet Sleep Challenge Essentials

I have a question for you. How are you sleeping?
  • Is it restful?
  • Do you toss and turn?
  • Do you wake up ready for the day?
  • Do you worry your way through the night?
  • Are you relying on sleep aids that leave you groggy and affect your health?
Are you ready to truly rest?
  • According to estimates, 50 million to 70 million people in the U.S. have ongoing sleep disorders.
  • Women are 40% more likely to have insomnia than men are. 
  • 40% of people with insomnia may have a diagnosable mental-health condition.
  • 79.4% of adults who take prescription sleep medication experience a residual effect such as oversleeping, feeling groggy, or having a hard time concentrating the next day.
  • 94.8% of adults lose at least an hour of sleep to pain in a given week.
  • 57.8% of middle schoolers and 72.7% of high school students get less than the recommended amount of sleep for their age.
  • 30.8% of parents and guardians say their school-age children are not getting enough sleep with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have mild to severe sleeping problems.
We would love to guide you on a journey of restorative sleep throughout the month of August so you can work, handle back to school schedules, prepare for the holidays, and do all the things you dream of doing from a rested state.

We're going to grab two oils. 
Inexpensive. Simple. Life changing.

Each day you will do the following three things:
  • Diffuse Peace & Calming and Cedarwood Oil every day in your home.
  • Take at least one full minute to slow down and breathe it in.
  • Put your phone in another room before going to bed each night. *
So easy!

Are you ready to join us? Simply click here to add these oils to your cart. If you don't have an account or a diffuser yet, we've popped our favorite kit in this Sleep Well Wellness Box so you can be ready to learn and use oils with us! Make sure you add the code SHAREYL at checkout for a 10% discount if it's your first time to order!

Then text SLEEP to 408-401-1478 for an exclusive text-based Master Class on all things sleep and start getting the rest our bodies and minds need!

We definitely recommend ordering these favorites on your Loyalty Rewards order. I mean, is there anything better than your favorite, healthy products showing up on your doorstep each month? What about getting free products and product credits just for ordering things you're already using? Sounds like a winning situation to us! Which is why we love ordering using the Loyalty Rewards. We ditch conventional, toxic products for safe, clean Young Living versions, save money, save time, create a natural home, and get freebies all at the same time! 

To set up a Loyalty order, search for the products on the ‘Essentials' list, then click ‘Add to Loyalty Order.' You can manage your subscriptions by going to ‘My Account' and ‘Loyalty Order'. You can edit your order each month to reflect what you need (hello easy button!), change the order date and shipping options. Just make sure to order 50 PV minimum each month in order to maintain and increase your percentage back in points! Every time you hit a qualifying PV threshold (100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV and 300 PV), you will automatically add free oils or products to your order!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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