Simplified Fall Collection

Say a big welcome hello to fall with these fan favorites -- Orange Creamsicle, Gingersnap & Cozy Cabin!! While many fall-scented candles and air fresheners contain harmful chemicals that can pollute your home, these blends are made exclusively with good, clean ingredients straight from nature. All the goodness of an autumn candle with none of the toxins! Curl up with these three autumn-inspired essential oil blends (and a free diffuser while supplies last!!!) reminiscent of crisp fall days and all the things that cozy season needs.

Want to stock up on one of these favorites? These fall blends are now available as singles!

Cozy Cabin essential oil blend:
  • Has a woodsy, smoky aroma inspired by a cozy cabin getaway
  • Creates a comforting, tranquil environment for family gatherings
  • Transforms your space into a snug, intimate escape in the mountains
  • Features Hong Kuai essential oil from our farm in Taitung, Taiwan
Gingersnaps essential oil blend:
  • Has a delectable, spicy-sweet scent you can almost taste
  • Brings a homey, cheerful vibe to any space
  • Makes your home smell like a warm, sweet-smelling bakeshop
  • Made with real Madagascar Vanilla oleoresin
Orange Spiced Cider essential oil blend:
  • Has a rich, citrus, cinnamony aroma just like your favorite chilly-weather drink
  • Creates a cozy, uplifting nook for curling up with a good book
  • Transports your senses to a festive fall evening by the fireplace
  • Includes Cassia essential oil for a hint of soft spice
More Details
  • The Simplified by Jacob + Kait Fall Collection Includes a free Dewdrop Diffuser while supplies last!
  • These blends are available in a collection or individually 
  • Blends are avialable on one-time or loyalty orders with no order limits. Get yours while supplies last!
Favorite Ways to Use
  • Diffuse any of these fall-scented essential oil blends to get into the cheerful, sweater-weather spirit.
  • Use these blends in place of unhealthy synthetic-scented candles or multi-oil diffuser blend recipes.
  • Make a room spray by filling a 4-ounce spray bottle with distilled water, a dash of salt, and 30 drops of oil.
  • Create cozy, autumn-inspired bath salts with 5 drops of your chosen blend, 1 tablespoon bath gel, and 1 cup Epsom salt. (Always mix the oil thoroughly into the bath gel before adding to bath water.)
A Few Notes on Fragrance...

If you turn over your favorite good smelling products, you'll often find the word ‘fragrance' in the ingredients. But what is fragrance??

Fragrance chemicals are organic compounds that volatilize, or vaporize into the air, which is why we can smell them. They are added to household and personal care products to give them a scent or to mask the odor of other ingredients. Unfortunately, the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs - think the smell of paint or paint thinner) emitted by fragrance products can contribute to poor indoor air quality and are associated with a variety of adverse health effects. They are pretty much the last thing you want in a product for ambiance and aroma.

But it gets a little bit worse…. Did you know that to protect trade secrets, makers are allowed to withhold fragrance ingredients, so consumers can't rely on labels to know what hazards may lurk inside those festive scented candles (and room sprays.. and wall plugs… and perfumes.. and cosmetics…). This is called the “fragrance loophole” in federal labeling law. Although all other ingredients in your scented household and personal care products must be disclosed on the label by their specific name, this loophole means that ingredients added to provide a pleasant scent, or to mask a bad one, need only be listed under the generic term “fragrance.” 

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports that, while many popular candles and room sprays contain trace amounts of natural essences, they also typically contain a dozen or more potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals, some of which are derived from petroleum. According to the EWG, 

“Exposure to fragrance chemicals can cause headaches; eye, nose, and throat irritation; nausea; forgetfulness; loss of coordination; and other respiratory and/or neurotoxic symptoms. Many fragrance ingredients are respiratory irritants and sensitizers, which can trigger asthma attacks and aggravate sinus conditions.” 

One example of a harmful ingredient (there are many!) when it comes to fragrance, is styrene, an ingredient added to a wide variety of consumer products. A 2011 finding by the National Toxicology Program (endorsed by the Academy's National Research Council) found that styrene is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

We know only that styrene might be an ingredient in any given fragrance because the International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group, publishes an online “Transparency List” of ingredients that perfumers say they use in formulas for consumer products. Styrene is one of the 3,000-odd ingredients on the list.

When you add up the number of products in your bathroom cabinets and under your kitchen sink that contain “fragrance” – and may contain styrene – the total could be many exposures to a substance we now know is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

THIS is why we are so passionate about ditching conventional products and switching to Young Living's clean, effective and safe options! Young Living NEVER uses fragrance in their products - they don't even need to because of the incredible essential oils. All the Young Living products are infused with the highest quality, therapeutic grade essential oils which not only make fragrance unnecessary, they actually improve our health! 

Want to capture these warm notes of fall designed to warm your home and heart, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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