NingXia Gummies

NingXia Red Gummies are a kids (and an adult's!) best friend - especially as we head into the cooler months! All the goodness and nutrition of NingXia Red in a super convenient dosage form!

DIY: NingXia Red Gummies

  • 1/2 cup 100% apple juice (grape or orange would work as well) 
  • 2.5 envelopes gelatin (1.5 oz) 
  • 3 Tbsp honey
  • 1/2 cup NingXia Red
  • 6 drops Orange Vitality oil (Lemon or Lime would be good too)
  • Silicone molds 
  • Optional: a few droppersful of Citrus CBD
Add juice to a small saucepan. Add gelatin, and whisk. Heat on low to medium-low heat, whisking constantly, until no longer grainy and is a thin viscosity (it will start opaque and turn clear).
Remove from heat, and whisk in honey. Whisk until mixture cools a bit; then add NingXia Red and Orange oil. (Waiting until it cools helps protect the essential oil's beneficial properties.)
Use a clean medicine dosing syringe or other small dropper to fill molds. If you have extra mixture, you can put it in a glass pan. Refrigerate 1 hour or until firm.

Want to make these NingXia Gummies, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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