Supplement Spotlight
Cleansing Trio Kit

The Cleansing Trio Kit contains the products you need to begin improving your health, cleaning your system and eliminating build-up waste, while specifically supporting normal liver function. Each individual supplement is augmented with herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fiber, and essential oils and when used in combination, these supplements will give you new energy and an improved sense of well-being! What a way to start the new year!
The Cleansing Trio includes ComforTone capsules, Essentialzyme tablets, and ICP powder. Cleansing Trio Protocol:
COMFORTONE: Take 1 capsule 3 times daily. Drink at least 64 ounces of distilled water throughout the day for best results.
ESSENTIALZYME: Take 1 dual time-release caplet 1 hour before your largest meal of the day for best results.
ICP: Use 3 times daily. Mix 2 rounded teaspoons with at least 8 oz of juice or water. Drink immediately as this product tends to thicken quickly when added to liquid. Tastes best in carrot juice apple juice, or smoothies.
This supplement combines herbs and essential oils that aid in eliminating waste in the colon, allowing it to function optimally. It promotes consistent and easy bowel movements that can relieve bowel movements that can relieve hemorrhoids, bloating, and other symptoms of constipation.
Comfortone also contains herbs and essential oils that have been shown to soothe the colon along with Psyllium, Bentonite Clay, and Diatomaceous Earth which work as magnets to toxins to then carry them out of the body.
- Comfortone works best paired with ICP and EssentialZyme, which break down and scrub the colon so the Comfortone can move the waste out.
- Comfortone is usually recommended to be used temporarily for cleanses and to get the body functioning normally and then stopped so the body learns to stimulate bowel movements on its own.
EssentialZyme is a bilayered, multienzyme complex caplet specially formulated to support and balance digestive health and to stimulate overall enzyme activity to combat the modern diet. Essentialzyme contains tarragon, peppermint, anise, fennel, and clove essential oils to improve overall enzyme activity, and support healthy pancreatic function.
Why do we need enzymes?? Enzymes are protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells and are required for our cells to function. Enzymes support all systems in the body.
Digestion – enzymes break down food so that the body can digest it.
Metabolism – enzymes help properly metabolize the food so that the body can use the nutrients from the food.
Respiration – enzymes assist in getting oxygen where it is needed.
Nutrient absorption and transportation – enzymes help the nutrients get to where they are needed.
Detoxification – enzymes keep toxic sludge from building up in the body.
Muscle movement – enzymes assist in helping the brain communicate with the muscles.
Hormone production – enzymes assist in helping the body produce hormones that in turn keep the body functioning.
Cell repair – enzymes assist in repairing cells that can lead to youthful skin.
Cell division – enzymes help keep cell division at a normal, healthy rate.
ICP helps keep your colon clean with an advanced mix of fibers that scour out residues. A healthy digestive system is important for the proper functioning of all other systems because the digestive absorbs all the nutrients that are used throughout the body. And we definitely want to make sure we are getting all those nutrients, especially when we are putting so much effort into eating clean, healthy and seasonally!
- ICP provides ingredients such as psyllium, oat bran, and flax and fennel seeds to form a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers.
- Enhanced with a special blend of essential oils, the fibers work to decrease the buildup of wastes, improve nutrient absorption and help maintain a healthy heart.
- ICP provides two grams of dietary fiber, one gram of soluble fiber, and one gram of insoluble fiber per serving.
- ICP works best when paired with Comfortone to get the bowels moving and EssentiaZyme to break down what is caked and hardened in the colon.
Join us this month as we use the Cleansing Trio Kit to gently detox and cleanse and reset for the new year!
Want to try the Cleansing Trio Kit, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.
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Your Oily Girlfriend