Summer Skin Challenge Essentials

We're so glad you've decided to join us for our Summer Skin Challenge! This resource is one handy place to find everything you need to know!

It's summertime and we're ready to enjoy the sun and the fun, but what if we constantly feel the need to cover up, hide, and avoid showing our skin? What if we're constantly worried about exposure to the outside world and wishing we looked and felt differently? Look no further. 

First, your body is epic. It tells a story of you and your experiences, and we just love it. We want to help you love it too! Second, we have this tendency to OVERDO it. So before you have drastic surgeries, start overhauling your whole diet, and bench press 500 pounds, how about we discuss some small and simple steps to start you on your journey? Are you in?

 Summer Skin Challenge items (and other favorites for summer!)
What you will do:
  • Take one scoop of Inner Beauty Collagen with water, Ningxia, or a smoothie.
  • Apply Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil all over the skin, focusing on any trouble spots on the legs, arms, belly, etc. This will be even more effective if done after dry brushing and/or showering. Optional - up your skin care by adding Cypress and Grapefruit to the massage oil.
  • Drink NingXia Red daily!
  • Move your body for at least 15 minutes each day.
That's it. There's no more to it. Literally will take minutes, and you will not believe the results! Include the family of all ages, invite friends, and share the fun. The only thing better than getting amazing results is watching people you care about do the same!

I've put together this Summer Skin Challenge Wishlist - just one click to get them all!

We definitely recommend ordering these favorites on your Loyalty Rewards order. I mean, is there anything better than your favorite, healthy products showing up on your doorstep each month? What about getting free products and product credits just for ordering things you're already using? Sounds like a winning situation to us! Which is why we love ordering using the Loyalty Rewards. We ditch conventional, toxic products for safe, clean Young Living versions, save money, save time, create a natural home, and get freebies all at the same time! 

To set up a Loyalty order, search for the products on the ‘Essentials' list, then click ‘Add to Loyalty Order.' You can manage your subscriptions by going to ‘My Account' and ‘Loyalty Order'. You can edit your order each month to reflect what you need (hello easy button!), change the order date and shipping options. Just make sure to order 50 PV minimum each month in order to maintain and increase your percentage back in points! Every time you hit a qualifying PV threshold (100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV and 300 PV), you will automatically add free oils or products to your order!

Inner Beauty Collagen

Whether you're wanting to up your hair & skin game, feeling that postpartum hair and skin slump or needing a little extra boost after being under the weather, Inner Beauty Collagen is your new best friend!  Grab yourself some and add a scoop to your water, NingXia Red, and/or smoothies daily.

So much more about this supplement on the Inner Beauty Collagen Supplement Spotlight blog post.

Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil

Young Living's massage oils may just be one of the most amazing and overlooked product lines. Cel-Lite Magic is one of our most favorites! We love applying this magical blend topically to areas like the legs, abdomen, arms and other areas where we want smooth, toned skin!
Learn more about this magic massage oil in the Cel-Lite Magic Spotlight blog post.

Cypress Essential Oil

Nickname: The Chill Pill

Description: When our inside health needs attention, our body starts speaking to us. If your body is saying that you need to breathe easy and release irritations, Blue Cypress may be the chill factor you’re looking for. Just as it’s cool, smooth color suggests, this oil helps to calm agitation. From the initial roots of stress and maintaining a robust respiratory system all the way out to our skin, Blue Cypress helps soothe our body, mind, and emotions.

  • Create an at-home spa. Take time for self-care with a DIY massage oil - a dab of V-6 carrier and a few drops of Blue Cypress. This is especially great for tired legs that have been standing or walking all day!
  • Nourish with nature. Add a drop of this crisp evergreen oil to your moisturizer to refine your complexion.
  • Diffuse away the blues. Pair Blue Cypress with Peace & Calming, Tangerine, Cedarwood or Geranium to calm the mind and support the emotions. Blue Cypress is a key ingredient in multiple emotionally supportive oils like Release and Sara!

Grapefruit Essential Oil

A natural cross of the pomelo and the sweet orange, grapefruit likely originated in Jamaica before spreading to America and throughout citrus-growing areas. Today this evergreen tree is cultivated in the United States, South Africa, Brazil, and Israel.

Grapefruit essential oil has a zesty, uplifting aroma that refreshes the air when diffused. It also provides cleansing action, making it a popular addition to skin care and home cleaning products.

Add Grapefruit to your favorite roller blends for some happy citrus zest! To a 10 mL roller bottle, add the following essential oils with a carrier oil of your choice. (Note: do not apply citrus oils to skin that will be directly exposed to the sunlight within 2 hours.)
  • Keep Calm & Carry On: 20 drops Stress Away, 15 drops each Grapefruit & Lavender
  • Liquid Sunshine: 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops each Tangerine & Lemon, 10 drops Bergamot
  • Flower Garden: 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops Ylang Ylang, 10 drops Bergamot
  • Golden Hour: 20 drops Grapefruit, 15 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce or Idaho Blue Spruce, 10 drops Germanium or Joy
Make these lovely Citrus Rind Diffusers (recipe via Hello Glow). Hollow out the fruit. In a small bowl mix the sea salt and essential oils well. Fill fruit rinds with the sea salt and oil mixture. Replace every 3-4 days.
Grapefruit Cedarwood:
  • 1 Grapefruit
  • 15 drops Cedarwood (gift with purchase this month)
  • 5 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • 3 drops Sage essential oil
  • 1.5 cups coarse sea salt
  • Fresh sage leaves for garnish (optional)
Lemon Rosemary:
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup coarse sea salt
  • 15 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • Fresh rosemary for garnish (optional)
Rosemary Lime Mint:
  • 1 lime
  • 1 cup coarse sea salt
  • 10 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 drops Lime essential oil
  • 5 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Fresh rosemary for garnish (optional)
Winter skin needing a little love? Whip up this Grapefruit Salt Scrub:
Make this Grapefruit Lip Scrub for soft, happy lips:
  • 10 drops Grapefruit
  • 5 drops Vanilla (optional)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
    Whip coconut oil with a mixer, then add in sugar and essential oils and mix again. Store in a glass jar. Apply nightly to lips in a circular motion. Wipe off with a drop towel.
Whip up this DIY Toning Oil to use after hitting the gym to work on your resolutions. To a 2 or 4 oz pump or dropper bottle, add:
  • 10 drops each Rosemary, Grapefruit, Fennel, Juniper
  • 5 drops each Geranium, Cypress
  • Fill with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
    Massage onto problem areas as desired.
Spice up your Thieves Cleaner with a fresh, crisp recipe. To a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 1-2 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 20 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • 15 drops each Tangerine & Lemon essential oil
  • 15 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Fill the rest with filtered water
Bring a little light to your winter body butter by combining Winter Nights essential oil blend and Grapefruit in this DIY Whipped Body Butter recipe.
  • 1/2 cup unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 20 drops Grapefruit essential oil
  • 15 drops Winter Nights essential oil blend
    Melt together coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter, then add in Vitamin E oil and whisk.
    Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 - 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved.
    Add in essential oils, then place in a glass jar.
Diffuse this happy citrus oil to bring a little bit of sunshine to your home:
  • Herb Garden: Grapefruit, Lemon, Basil
  • Spring Breeze: Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Valor
  • Cozy Home: Grapefruit, Lavender, Vanilla
  • Keep Calm: Grapefruit, Stress Away, Bergamot

NingXia Red

It's no secret that we are crazy about NingXia Red. Use this incredible supplement for 30 consecutive days and you'll see why! 

Honestly, we're better people when we drink it. Sound a little far-fetched? Think about it. Do cars run better when fueled by the right gas? Yep. Yet we often expect our bodies to run on second-rate, processed, non-fuel. We get worn out, our digestive systems get tired, our cells get dirty, and we need something we can assimilate quickly and easily to go to work. NingXia gives our bodies the boost that we need!

Learn more about NingXia Red:

Want to try the essentials for April (Inner Beauty Collagen, Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil, Cypress essential oil, 15mL, Grapefruit Vitality essential oil, 5mL, and NingXia Red Combo Pack (two bottles, 30 packets), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

Q: What if I don't have Inner Beauty Collagen or Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil?
A: Grab some today! But while you're waiting, drink your Ningxia, use some oils, and learn with us!

Q: How much collagen should I tak
A: One scoop per day is recommended with water or other liquid.

Q: What if I already have a different Young Living massage oi
A: This particular blend of oils is supportive to the lymphatic system and the skin. You won't see the same results with a different blend although there will still be benefits.

Q: What if I want to make my own massage oil?
A: Grab a bottle of V6 or other carrier oil, add at least 30 drops of grapefruit, cypress, juniper, cedarwood, and clary sage oils and shake.

Q: What if I'm gluten fre
A: Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil does contain a small amount of wheat germ oil. While most gluten sensitive people do fine with this oil topically, in order to avoid, follow the DIY recipe above and replace the V6 with almond oil, jojoba, or another carrier of your choice.

Q: What should I mix my collagen wit
A: Water, coffee, juice, Ningxia, in a smoothie - your options are pretty endless! You can check out the Inner Beauty Collagen resource below for ideas.

Q: Can I use Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil internall
A: It is not recommended for internal use.

Q: Can I use these products if pregnant or nursin
A: We consider these not only safe but incredibly beneficial for pregnant and nursing mothers, but do what is comfortable for you based on your research. The very small amount of highly diluted clary sage in the massage oil is considered safe.

Q: If I want to add dry brushing, where should I grab a dry brush? 
A: Amazon and most stores that carry beauty supplies have dry brushes available.

Q: How should I move each day? 
A: Totally your choice. We highly recommend walking, rebound trampolines, or other exercise that gets the body pumping and moving!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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