Essentials for May 2022

Stress-Free Essentials

Stress stored in the body can cause a myriad of issues - both physical and emotional - so anything we can do to release that stress will improve our health. Let go of the stress in your daily life with intentional habits and these favorite products.

CBD Calm Roll-on - the ultimate in calming blend
Davana essential oil - a sweet & uplifting oil
SleepEssence - for restful sleep
Cedarwood essential oil - for calming & relaxing
Stress Away Roll-on - an instant vacation anytime you need it
CortiStop - for stress recovery

CBD Calm Roll-On

The Calm CBD blend is infused with essential oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, and Vetiver that help create a peaceful environment, relax and quiet your mind, and wind down before bed. Roll generously onto the neck, chest and wrists as desired.

Learn more about CBD Calm Roll-on in the May 2022 Ditch & Switch blog post for more tips.

Davana Essential Oil

Davana essential oil has a sweet, fragrant aroma when diffused, beautifies the skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes, and helps support deep emotional needs. 

This is an oil we really want in our arsenal at all times! It makes a wonderful addition to perfume blends and is a great choice for helping support the emotions.

See the May 2022 Davana Oil Spotlight blog post for more about this versatile oil.


SleepEssence combines Lavender, Vetiver, Valerian, and Ruta essential oils with melatonin for a natural way to enable a full night's rest. When we are stressed, our bodies and brains need rest, both physical and mental, and SleepEssence can help us give our bodies what we need.

Learn more about SleepEssence in the May 2021 Supplement Spotlight blog post.


Cedarwood essential oil feels like a walk through a beautiful forest - warm, welcoming and calming to the senses. This oil is great for everything from focus to skincare to sleep and is one we always have on hand when it's time to rest and relax. 

Add Cedarwood to Epsom Salt, pair with Lavender in the diffuser, even us it in a roller before bed.

Learn more about Cedarwood in the Oil of the Month blog post.

Stress Away Roll-on

Stress Away is your vacation in a bottle - convenient and ready to go with you to the grocery store, school, work, or wherever you need to pretend you're in a beach chair sipping something cold and watching the waves.

Roll this blend over your wrists, chest and behind the neck any time you want a quick vacation.


CortiStop is designed to address the way women's bodies react to the cortisol produced when under stress.

CortiStop is an herb and essential oil supplement that helps to naturally balance the stress response by calming the body and lowering cortisol levels. As cortisol declines, strength and energy return, and the body moves back to a state of equilibrium.

For more about why CortiStop, check out the May 2021 Supplement Spotlight blog post.

Want to try the essentials for May (CBD Calm Roll-onDavana essential oilSleepEssenceCedarwood essential oilStress Away Roll-on, and CortiStop), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

SleepEssence Supplement Spotlight - May 2022


Supplement Spotlight

SleepEssence is a wonderful supplement for helping the body relax into its natural, restful sleep rhythm. It contains many sleep-supporting essential oils as well as melatonin to help you fall asleep and sleep well.

Just a Drop of SleepEssence

  • Formulated with Lavender and Valerian essential oils, which help promote restful sleep
  • Supports the body's natural sleep rhythm with melatonin
  • Promotes overall well-being when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle
  • Can be used to help promote rest whenever you need it
Sleep is a critical part of your health, both everyday wellness and when acute needs arise. Getting enough sleep can help reduce inflammation, make it easier to maintain a healthy weight, and improve everything from mental health to memory. Our bodies actually use sleep to repair cellular damage, fight off germs, to balance hormone levels, and reduce inflammation. Sleep is incredibly important!

Sleep Essence is a great way to support sleep, especially if used alongside diffusing and applying oils. The ingredients in SleepEssence help the body relax physically and mentally to find restful sleep.

  • Lavender - calming and relaxing to the mind and body (Lavender Spotlight)
  • Vetiver - high in sesquiterpenes, constituent that help reduce stress on the body
  • Valerian - helps the body relax into sleep more quickly and may improve sleep quality
  • Tangerine - helps relax the mind and body (Tangerine Spotlight)
  • Rue - helps calm the nervous system
  • Melatonin - widely know for its ability to regulate circadian rhythm
SleepEssence can be used anytime you are needing help when it comes to sleep, but as we mentioned earlier, sleep is essential when the body is run down. The body utilizes sleep to perform many immune system tasks to decrease inflammation and produce cells to fight infection.

How to Use SleepEssence

  • Take 1-2 soft gels 30-60 minutes before bedtime

Join us this month and beyond as we focus on getting adequate, high quality sleep - a cornerstone of good health.

Want to try SLEEPESSENCE, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Spiced Golden Milk Latte

Spiced Golden Milk Latte

Turmeric is no stranger to the health scene. Young Living's Golden Turmeric powder is an incredible supplement!

This powerhouses much more easily absorbed by the body, making it a great addition to your daily wellness routine.

Mix up this delicious spiced turmeric latte for a healthy treat anytime of the day.

Spiced Golden Milk Latte

  • 1/2 tsp Golden Turmeric powder
  • 8 oz milk of choice
  • 1 drop Nutmeg Vitality
  • Swish of Cinnamon Bark Vitality (insert a toothpick into the bottle, then swirl it around the milk)
  • Dash of ground cinnamon for garnish
Heat the milk on medium low, then remove and add to a mug. Stir in the Golden Tumeric powder and add essential oils. Stir gently, until the powder is dissolved, then top with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Check out more ways to use Golden Turmeric powder on this blog post then join us this month as we enjoy Golden Turmeric powder to support our physical and emotional health and wellness.

Want to try GOLDEN TURMERIC powder, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Golden Turmeric Supplement Spotlight - April 2022

Golden Turmeric

Supplement Spotlight

Turmeric is no stranger to the health scene. Young Living's Golden Turmeric powder supports the body's natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility, and recovery after physical exertion because of it's incredible powerhouse ingredients - turmeric, Boswellia resin, and ginger work together to support the body's natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility and recovery. 

Product at a Glance

  • Supports the body's natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility, and recovery after physical exertion
  • 24 times more bioavailable than standard turmeric extract - your body absorbs the same amount of curcuminoids from just 300 mg of Golden Turmeric as it does from 1,926 mg of standard turmeric
  • Contains prebiotics to support healthy digestion as well as the gut-brain axis
  • Turmeric contains naturally occurring actives, such as curcuminoids, that help support joint mobility
  • Comes in a delicious Mango Rose flavor with Lime Vitality essential oil to contribute a light citrus taste
  • Is soy and milk free, formulated with gluten free ingredients, vegan friendly, and has no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, or sweeteners

Young Living's Golden Turmeric powder is an excellent source of curcuminoids, which help support the wellness properties in our bodies. Chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic, Western disease. Therefore, anything that can help fight chronic inflammation is of potential importance in preventing and even treating these diseases.

Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essentialoils) that give them specific health-supporting properties.

Inflammation & Emotions
Everyone knows that chronic pain is exhausting both physically and emotionally. The same can be said of chronic inflammation as well. Chronic inflammation from injury, diet or other illnesses are like tiny fires within our bodies, and our systems are running to put out the fires all the time. Our emotions follow suit - running and running and running until we are at empty.

Modern science is researching this connection as well! Studies show that chronic stress is associated with increased inflammation, depression and negative emotions, attention changes and even dampened immune responses. Which is just even more evidence that we need to take small, daily actions to give our bodies all the things it needs to thrive. Learn more here: The Interlay Between Stress, Inflammation, and Emotional Attention: Relevance for Depression

Daily Habits with Golden Turmeric

  • Mix 1/2 teaspoons in 6-8 ounces of water, juice, or milk of choice once dialy
  • Drink at nighttime as part of your wind-down routine
  • Combine with water, ice, 1 drop Cardamon Vitality essential oil, and 2 ounces of NingXia Red for a delicious wellness drink
  • Add to a tree smoothie (it's delicious with the Vanilla Spice Protein Powder)
  • Steep Spiced Turmeric Vitality Tea and add 1/2 tsp of Golden Turmeric for a cozy nighttime drink
  • Start your day with a Golden Milk Latte (full recipe here)

Join us this month as we enjoy Golden Turmeric powder to support our physical and emotional health and wellness.

Want to try GOLDEN TURMERIC powder, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for April 2022

Healthy Lifestyle Essentials

April showers bring may flowers, and we are showering our health with good things this month. Join us as we focus on creating wonderful health habits and improving our health on a daily basis with some incredible products.

Super Vitamin D - sunshine in a bottle
NingXia Red, 2 pack - for energy, vitality & wellness
IlluminEyes - for healthy, happy eyes
Longevity Vitality - a daily antioxidant powerhouse
DiGize Vitality - for happy bellies
Lemon Vitality - for daily wellness

Super Vitamin D

Super Vitamin D is one of our daily supplements for good reason. Most of the US population is deficient in Vitamin D, and it plays a role in so many areas of wellness.

  • Plays a key function in respiratory health
  • Helps boost healthy immune systems
  • Supports mood and hormone regulation with Vitamin D and lemon Balm
  • Helps support bone growth and deathly muscle
  • Supports calcium balance and bone growth

Learn more about the Super Vitamin D in the December 2021 Supplement Spotlight post.

NingXia Red

Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine to enjoy the benefits of this powerful, whole-body supplement. There are MANY reason we love this wolfberry puree (a quick search of this blog will show you).

NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness - plum, arena, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, pure vanilla extract and Lemon, Orange, Tangerine and Yuzu essential oils.

The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. A daily shot of 2-4 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.

Learn more about NingXia Red:


IlluminEyes is an incredible eye health supplement featuring lutein and zeaxanthin that helps reduce eye strain, protects eyes from damaging blue light, and maintains vibrant skin.
Learn more about Thieves Household Cleaner:

  • Protects eyes from damaging blue light
  • Helps protect and maintain proper eye health
  • Helps support vision in low-light settings and reduce eye fatigue and eye strain*
  • May help reduce eye health deterioration common with age
  • Maintains healthy-looking skin
Learn more about IlluminEyes in the Supplement Spotlight from April 2021.

Longevity Vitality

Longevity Vitality essential oil blend is a powerful combination of Thyme, Orange, Clove, and Frankincense. The name tells you that this oil is a must-have.

  • Thyme - provides support to the immune system, contains the antioxidant thymol
  • Orange - high in limonene, a powerful health tool and has a bright, uplifting aroma that cleanses and refreshes, also provides immune and general wellness support
  • Clove - has a warm, stimulating aroma that provides cleansing properties and contains antioxidants and may provide immune and general wellness support.
  • Frankincense - has been know to enhance immunological function and beautify skin.
Learn more about Longevity in the April 2022 Oil Spotlight blog post.

DiGize Vitalty

DiGize Vitality essential oil blend combines Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli, which contain antioxidants and support the digestive system when taken internally.

  • Helps support and cleanse the digestive system
  • May provide immune support
  • Is also great to support the sinuses during the changing seasons

Lemon Vitality

Freshen up from the inside out with this bright, happy, cleansing essential oil. Lemon Vitality essential oil contains antioxidants, provides immune and circulatory support, and can be used to add a fresh flavor to food and beverages. We love to start our days with warm water and with Lemon Vitality essential oil.

  • Has a crisp, zesty, citrus flavor
  • Contains antioxidants and supports the immune system
  • Provides circulatory support
  • Contains cleansing properties
  • Can be used to flavor beverages, as well as sweet and savory dishes.

Want to try the essentials for April (Super Vitamin DNingXia Red, 2 packIlluminEyesLongevity VitalityDiGize VitalityLemon Vitality), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

IlluminEyes Supplement Spotlight - April 2021


Supplement Spotlight

IlluminEyes is a powerful eye health supplement including lutein and zeaxanthin that helps reduce eye strain, protects eyes from damaging blue light, and maintains long term eye health. IlluminEyes can also promote vibrant skin and hair - who doesn't want that?!?! 

Just a Dose of IlluminEyes

  • Protects eyes from damaging blue light
  • Helps support vision in low-light settings
  • Helps reduce eye fatigue and eye strain
  • Increases macular pigment optical density
  • May help reduce eye health deterioration common with age
  • Maintain healthy-looking skin
IlluminEyes contains all the great eye heath vitamins in the AREDS formulations you'll find at the pharmacy. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are key players in the blend, and Vitamins A and C have properties that reduce eye health deterioration commonly related to age. This supplement is an incredible blend of antioxidants and vitamins.

  • Vitamin A, C and E
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin (from Marigold flower)
  • Wolfberry fruit powder
  • Marigold flower extract
  • Acerola cherry extract

How To Use:

Take 1 capsule daily with food

Join us this month and beyond as we give our eyes a little break and add IlluminEyes to our daily health routine.

Want to try ILLUMINEYES, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for March 2022

Spring Refresh Essentials

With its cool breezes and sunshine-filled days, March brings the promise of spring, of renewal and a fresh spirit. After a long winter, we are ready for a little spring refresh ourselves.

Join us as we use these items this month and beyond to freshen our spaces, our spirits and our health!

Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub - for kitchens, baths & beyond
Lushious Lemon essential oil blend - a bright, happy spring blend
Thieves Household Cleaner - for effective, plant-powered cleaning
Thieves Laundry Soap - for fresh, clean laundry with none of the toxins
Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil - a fresh, crisp favorite
DetoxZyme - to freshen and cleanse from the inside out

Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub

We LOVE this all-natural scrub for the kitchen, bath and beyond. Brighten your sink and ditch the sink with this plant-powered favorite. This chlorine-free all-purpose cleaner is safe for use on porcelain, ceramic, copper alloys, fiberglass, Corian, brass, bronze and chrome and is infused with the germ-fighting power of Thieves essential oil.

  • Easily cleans cookware, stove cooktops, countertops, tile, grout, bathtubs, faucets, toilets, backsplashes, barbecue grills, outdoor patio furniture, and exteriors without scratching
  • Removes grease, dirt, grime, residue, and tough stains from most surfaces without harsh chemical smells or residue
  • Formulated without harmful chemicals, synthetic surfactants, phosphates, synthetic perfumes or dyes, gluten-containing ingredients, or artificial colors or fragrances

Learn more about the Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub in the March's Ditch & Switch post.

Lushious Lemon Essential oil blend

This blend of Ylang Ylang, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lemon Myrtle, Lemon, and Spearmint is the perfect springtime blend. With a sweet, citrusy aroma with floral and minty undertones, this premade blend helps neutralize unwanted odors and uplift the spirits. 

Bright and fresh, this blend will brighten any space - diffuse it, add it to DIYs and even clean with it. Happiness in a bottle.

Learn more about Lushious Lemon essential oil blend:

Thieves Household Cleaner 

The real MVP of natural cleaning, this plan-based formula contains only naturally derived ingredients to effectively clean your home without taking synthetic shortcuts or using potentially harsh ingredients.

Effective, economical and safe for kids and pets. That's about all we need to know, but this all-star product just keeps getting better.

  • Ultra-concentrated and non-abrasive, Thieves Household Cleaner is perfect for just about any surface
  • Infused with Young Living's signature Thieves essential oil blend
  • Rinse clean without leaving residue
  • Safe to use around children and pets as directed
  • Provides an effective, deep clean with the power of naturally derived, plant-based ingredients that lift dirt, pet stains, dried-on food, grime, and more
Learn more about Thieves Household Cleaner:

Thieves Laundry Soap

Designed to be powerful and efficient, this concentrated 32-ounce bottle of Thieves Laundry Soap can clean up to 64 loads of clothing, making it an economical favorite. Harnessing the power of stain-fighting enzymes and Thieves essential oil blend, this plant-based formula is straightforward clean with no surprises and not synthetics.

  • Fee from SLS, dyes, petrochemicals, formaldehyde, phosphates, synthetic perfumes, chlorine, and optical brighteners
  • Compatible with high-efficiency washing machines and safe for colors, whites, and delicates
  • Safe and gentle enough to be poured directly onto clothing as a pre-treatment
  • Natural enzymes combat dirt, stains, and strong odors
  • Formulated gentle, plant-based cleaners that are safe for sensitive skin
Read more about the Thieves Laundry Soap:

Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil

Whether you're whipping up some fresh DIYs or needing a little airway support for all the blooming flowers, Eucalyptus Radiata is perfect this time of year.

Try adding it to dryer balls for fresh, crisp laundry or soaking in a tub with Epsom Salt and E. Radiata to soothe sore muscles, or diffuse it and breathe in deeply to open up the airways.

Read more about this Eucalyptus Radiata:


Freshen up from the inside out with this daily enzyme supplement that gently detoxes the system. There is so much in our daily life that can weigh down our systems, and DetoxZyme helps our bodies process it out so we can get the most of our nutrition and keep function well.

Read more about this incredible enzyme in this month's Supplement Spotlight blog.

Want to try the essentials for March (Thieves Kitchen & Bath ScrubLushious Lemon essential oil blendThieves Household CleanerThieves Laundry Soap, and Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for Feb 2022

Essentials for Healthy Hormones

Here are a few products we are using this month as we focus on healthy hormones and intimacy.

Sensation Massage Oil - for a luxurious daily moisturizer
Clary Sage essential oil - for happy hormones
EndoGize - for balanced hormone levels
ProgEssence Plus - for natural, bio-identical progesterone
Super B Tablets - for natural energy & stress relief
Orange essential oil - for happy, citrus vibes

Sensation Massage Oil

Sensation Massage Oil features a blend of essential oils that help to create a beautiful aroma that is profoundly romantic, refreshing, and arousing. The unique blend of Geranium, Jasmine, and Ylang Ylang can encourage and amplify an atmosphere of love, excitement, and affection. This blend is also nourishing and hydrating for the skin.

  • Geranium essential oil is commonly used in perfumes for its uplifting aroma.
  • Jasmine essential oil helps develop a broader perspective with its romantic floral aroma - a very feminine aroma that embraces and exults the sacred masculine - and has been revered for centuries as a symbol of love and purity, harmonizing opposites to promote wholeness.
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance.

Learn more about Sensation Massage Oil (and other massage oils) in the February's Ditch & Switch post.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary Sage essential oil has a floral, soothing aroma that is distinctly feminine! This oil contains the naturally occurring constituent linalyl acetate, which contributes to its calming aroma.

Clary Sage helps support healthy estrogen levels and also promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin, making it a great oil for women.

Learn more about Clary Sage essential oil in February's Oil Spotlight blog post.

EndoGize Supplement

EndoGize is a daily women's hormone support supplement powered by a blend of minerals, Ginger, Myrrh, Cassia, Clary Sage, and Canadian Fleabane essential oils, plus ashwagandha root (a well known herb for hormone balance).

These ingredients work synergistically to create a balancing formula that supports a healthy and endocrine system for women.

Learn more about EndoGize in the February's Supplement Spotlight blog.

ProgEssence Plus Supplement

Progessence Plus Serum is made with natural, bio-identical progesterone from wild yam to help balance hormones, promote well-being and feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance.

Featuring some of Young Living's most-loved premium essential oils (including Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint), this plant-based serum features naturally derived ingredients that supports the skin's natural moisture cycle and help nourish and moisturize skin.

Read more about this serum:

Super B Tablets

Super B is a comprehensive B vitamin supplement that provides all eight B vitamins, as well as bioavailable minerals, to provide the energy you need to feel great on the go. 

Super B feature Orgen-FA, a natural folate source derived from lemon peels, and methylcobalamin, a source of B12 that's easy for your body to absorb. Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.

Super B helps maintain healthy energy levels, support cardiovascular and cognitive function, and eases feelings of everyday stress.

Read more about this incredible vitamin in the April 2021 Supplement Spotlight blog.

Orange Essential Oil

Known as liquid sunshine, Orange essential oil has a sweet and uplifting aroma that brightens any room and cleanses the air when diffused. this happy citrus oil pairs well with just about anything and is a wonderful addition to roller blends and DIYs.

Applied topically, Orange essential oil may reduce the appearance of blemishes, making it a key player in your skincare routine.

Want to try the essentials for February (Sensation Massage OilClary Sage essential oilEndoGizeProgEssence PlusSuper B Tablets, and Orange essential oil), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

ICP Daily Supplement Spotlight - Jan 2022

ICP Daily

Supplement Spotlight

Health starts in the gut, so we want to do everything we can do to have a happy, healthy belly! And having a healthy gut isn't something just for those with gut disorders! It is for US ALL.

Taking daily steps to build, support, detoxify and balance the gut bacteria and intestinal lining is crucial, and one of our favorite, simple ways to do this is with ICP Daily. ICP Daily is a daily prebiotic and fiber drink that is both delicious and easy on the stomach.

Just a Dose of ICP Daily

ICP Daily supports gut health, aids in the body's natural detoxification process, and helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome - all things that are crucial to overall health. This gentle daily formula contains 6 grams of plant-based probiotics, 5 grams of soluble fiber, and a belly-supporting blend of essential oils - Fennel, Anise, Tarragon, Ginger, Lemongrass and Rosemary.

Why we Love ICP Daily
  • Contains 6 grams of plant-based probiotics and 5 grams of soluble fiber
  • Aids in the body's natural detoxification process
  • Helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome
  • Easy on the stomach and well tolerated by those with digestion sensitivity
  • Promotes health postbiotics in the gut
  • Contains D. Gary Young's original ICP essential oil blend of Fennel, Anise, Tarragon, Ginger, Lemongrass, and Rosemary essential oils
  • Helps you feel full longer
  • Supports cardiovascular health and immune systems
Gut Health and Overall Health

Did you know that over 75% of your immune system is in your gut? Sounds so wild, but it is true. This is yet another reason why a healthy, happy belly is of utmost importance!

If you're thinking that you don't feel bad, don't have a dietary sensitivities and feel like your gut is just fine, you could still be experiencing symptoms of gut inflammation and imbalance (dysbiosis). Lots of things in our daily life can result in tiny holes in the gut lining, creating a 'leaky gut.' This is a huge topic of medical study and one for another day, but leaky gut can cause a whole host of symptoms. Some less straightforward symptoms include migraines, brain fog, joint pain, eczema, acne, and emotional instability.

If this is you (and honestly even if it's not) I challenge you to spend a minimum of 40 days eating low-inflammatory foods, moving your body, taking Live 9 and ICP Daily and seeing how these things change! Bonus points for adding 2-4 ounces of NingXia Red each day.

ICP Daily contains powerful ingredients like agave inulin, guar gum, and prickly pear cactus extract that works synergistically (1+1=3) with Fennel, Anise, Tarragon, Ginger, Lemongrass, and Rosemary essential oils to detoxify the gut and promote a healthy environment for bacterial balance. Pairing ICP Daily with Life 9 is ideal. ICP Daily creates a clean, happy home for the diverse bacteria of the Live 9 probiotic.

Plus, the ingredients in ICP Daily provide 6 grams of plant-based probiotics and 5 grams of soluble fiber. Probiotics and fiber are crucial for overall gut health and digestive mobility (ease of things moving through which is definitely what we want) as well as overall cardiovascular and immune system health.

Overall, ICP Daily is an ideal way to maintain a healthy gut microbiome, aid in the body's natural detoxification process, promote healthy postbiotics in the gut, and even help you feel full longer. If that's not a win, I don't know what is!

Daily Habits for Gut Health
  • Avoid inflammatory foods
  • Eat whole, nutrient dense foods
  • Move your body gently first thing in the morning (yoga, sun salutations, stretching)
  • Avoid commercial seed oils (canola oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.)
  • Take a high quality probiotic like Life 9
  • Eat prebiotic foods like garlic, onions, and NingXia wolfberries
  • Take ICP Daily
Gut Health and Emotional Health

It may seem strange to link gut health with emotions, but there is a big reason why the two things are connected.

We've all heard about serotonin, especially since it is one of our 'happy' hormones along with dopamine. Serotonin is the control switch for the body and brain's neurotransmitters. It helps us regulate our emotions from excited and energetic to calm and focused, so when levels are too low, problems can certainly arise.

A lot of serotonin is produced in the brain (this is what we hear about a lot with mental health needs), but a large amount is also produced in the digestive system. So much so that our gut is called the 'second brain.' In fact, almost 90% of the serotonin in our bodies is produced by the peripheral nervous system in the gut. WOW!

So many things impact the gut's ability to produce and maintain adequate levels of serotonin. A few of these include food sensitivities and allergies, acute and chronic illness, flora imbalances, yeast overgrowth, acute and chronic illness, conventional medication and antibiotic use. Some of these things are within our control to change and others we have to simply support and rebuild the gut after experiencing. Acute needs are definitely going to require work, but the real ticket to health is in daily actions.

Often when we crave foods high in sugar or white flour, we are innately trying to regulate low serotonin levels. These foods may give us a quick pick me up, but they also lead to a crash shortly after. But there are many ways we can support the gut (second brain, remember) daily to maintain adequate serotonin (among other important things). Adding ICP Daily to your daily wellness routine is a great way to support your gut.

How To Use ICP Daily

  • Mix 1 scoop in 8 ounces of water or juice daily.
  • Take in the morning 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach.
  • Enjoy with water, NingXia Red, or juice..

Join us as we use ICP Daily this month and beyond to support our gut health, immune system and emotions as we start a new year.

Want to try ICP Daily, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for Dec 2021

December Essentials
What should I order?

The holidays are upon us and the year is winding down, so you will find us cozied up at home with those we love... diffusing oils, making DIYs, gathering with our family and friends.

We are here to give full presence to all that this season brings, and here are a few products we are using to enhance this beautiful time of year.

Vanilla Oleoresin - for a warm, welcoming aroma
Peppermint essential oil - for diffusing, baking, and merry making
NingXia Red Combo Pack - for healthy hearts and minds
Christmas Spirit essential oil blend - for all the cozy, festive feelings!
Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap, 3 pack - for clean, soft, moisturized hands with a scent no store can match
Super Vitamin D - for immune, emotional, bone and muscle health

Vanilla Oleoresin

Vanilla is the quintessential warm, inviting scent, making it a wonderful addition to diffuser blends, DIYs, roller blends and even Thieves Household Cleaner. Young Living's Vanilla is not strictly an extract or an absolute, both of which contain monthly alcohol and do not blend well with essential oils. 

Noticing these flaws in mainstream vanilla extracts and absolutes, the D. Gary Young Research Institute worked to find a vanilla product that would meet the Seed to Seal quality commitment and blend well with essential oils. The result is a first-of-its-kind extraction method that yields a Vanilla oleoresin in fractioned coconut oil that diffuses and blends beautifully with essential oils.

Learn more about Vanilla oleoresin in December's Oil of the Month Spotlight post.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Bring the crisp, sweet scent of candy canes into your home with Peppermint essential oil. Peppermint is a natural cross between water mint and spearmint that has an uplifting, invigorating aroma that creates a focused, bright environment with diffused.

Peppermint is soothing when applied topically, making it great post workout or when your neck and shoulders fell tense. Peppermint Vitality essential oil has a minty, refreshing flavor that supports healthy digestion... and is a perfect addition to any holiday baking.

Note: Peppermint and Peppermint Vitality are the same essential oil.

Want to know more? April's Oil Spotlight blog post gives you all the details!

NingXia Red Antioxidant Drink
Combo Pack

Packets for you, bottles for gifting! Add a shot of NingXia Red to your routine to enjoy the benefits of this powerful, whole-body supplement. There are MANY reasons we love this wolfberry puree (see the list of blog posts for all the ways).

NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness - plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, pure vanilla extract and Lemon, Orange, Tangerine and Yuzu essential oils.

The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. A daily shot of 2-4 ounce helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.

Learn more about NingXia Red:

Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend

This blend of Cinnamon, Spruce and Orange is the most festive blend for the season. Christmas Spirit is a beautiful medley of three oils reminiscent of winter holidays.

essential oil has a bright aroma that is believed to bring joy, peace, and happiness to those who possess it. Cinnamon Bark essential oil is the oil of wealth from he Orient. Black Spruce essential oil has an aromatic influence that brings a feeling of balance and grounding. Diffuse this oil all season long (and beyond!)

Learn more about Christmas Sprit blend (which is free this month with purchase) in December's How to Use blog post and how to use Christmas Spirit in these yummy diffuser recipes.

Winter Nights
Foaming Hand Soap

Bring the brisk winter air into your home with our favorite seasonal hand soap - Winter Nights Foaming Hand soap. Young Living's signature scent Winter Nights Blend features Northern Lights Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Orange, and Peppermint essential oils, which are the perfect combination for the season.

The plant-based formula cleans hands without over-drying and aloe and ginkgo biloba botanicals moisturize the skin, making it feel softer and healthier, which is especially important during the driest seasons.

Super Vitamin D

Who doesn't need a super boos of sunshine? Young Living's plant-based Super Vitamin D is highly absorbable, vegan friendly, and completely synthetic free. Dissolvable in a delicious mixed berry-flavored tablet, Super Vitamin D is a great source of Vitamin D that helps support bone growth and healthy muscle.

Vitamin D plays a key function in respiratory health, and through its innate and adaptive defense mechanisms, it supports the body's respiratory immune system. This dissolvable tablet is made with lemon balm extract and Vitamin D to support mood and hormone regulation. SIGN US UP! This time of year can be hard emotionally, so adding Vitamin D to our supplement routine can make a big impact. 

Learn more about Super Vitamin D in this month's Supplement Spotlight.

Want to try the essentials for December (Vanilla OleoresinPeppermint essential oilNingXia Red Combo PackChristmas Spirit essential oil blendWinter Nights Foaming Hand Soap), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Super Vitamin D Supplement Spotlight - Dec 2021

Super Vitamin D

Supplement Spotlight

Vitamin D is one of those supplements that get a lot of hype, and for good reason - its estimated that between 40-70% of the US population is deficient in Vitamin D! And this vitamin is a powerhouse when it comes to our health. Immune, respiratory, bone and joint, emotions, autoimmune needs - all are supported with healthy Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is Important for:
  • Supporting healthy bones and  helping prevent osteoporosis
  • Regulating the absorption of calcium + Phosphorous (essential for health)
  • Faciliting normal immune function
  • Plays an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression
  • Reduces risk of other diseases
"The Vitamin D Council - a scientist-led group promoting Vitamin D deficiency awareness - suggests Vitamin D treatment might be found helpful in treating or preventing autoimmune disease, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, flu and osteoporosis. However, there have been no definitive clinical trials."
- WebMB

Vitamin D is made in the skin when the skin is exposed to UV-B rays in sunlight. Only a limited number of foods contain Vitamin D, so exposing the skin to sunlight is how we get 70-80% of the Vitamin D our body needs. Unfortunately, sunlight is not always a reliable source of Vitamin D. The season and geographic latitude, use of sunscreen, city smog, skin pigmentation, and a person's age are some of the factors that affect how much Vitamin D is produced in the skin through sunlight.

Why We Love Super Vitamin D

  • Plays a key function in respiratory health
  • Supports the body's respiratory immune system through its innate, adaptive defense mechanisms
  • Helps boos healthy immune systems
  • Supports mood and hormone regulation with Vitamin D and lemon balm
  • Helps support bone growth and healthy muscle
  • Support calcium balance and bone growth
  • Infused with Lemon Balm (Melissa) essential oil
Young Living's Super Vitamin D supports the immune and respiratory system with 250 percent of the daily value of Vitamin D. This highly absorbable, vegan-friendly tablet is made with lemon balm extract and Lime and Melissa premium essential oils, which help increase bioavailability of the Vitamin D and also support mood and hormone regulation.

Vitamin D and Bone Health

When it comes to healthy bones, Calcium is like the nutrient you think of first. But Vitamin D is just as important for keeping bones strong and preventing the bone disease osteoporosis. Vitamin D helps your intestines absorb calcium from the food you eat, so getting enough of both nutrients is an important part of making sure your bones are dense and strong.

Vitamin D and Emotional Health adapted from Eryn Jones

Healthy Vitamin D levels are crucial for emotional health! Having adequate levels of Vitamin D allows your brain to perform its 'executive' function such as reasoning, attention, critical thinking and flexibility. Much like the CEO of a successful company needs support from his or her team to have clear focus and decision making, your brain needs support from supplements, sleep, and nutrition to be able to perform well.

Vitamin D is essential for that!

Healthy Vitamin D levels have also been shown to lower the risk for seasonal blues, can support depressive mental health states and also assists in memory. The reason we are often happier and more at ease during warm months is because we naturally have higher Vitamin D levels from sun exposure. Since we can't always be in the sun and since we need higher levels than previously thought, supplementation is key.

Learn more here:
Achieving Optimal Vitamin D levels

Depending on who you ask, blood levels above 20 ng/mL or 30 ng/mL are considered "sufficient," and there are multiple factors affecting how much Vitamin D an individual may need. However, a generally recognized dosage would be 1.000-4.000 IU (25-100 micrograms) daily. This dose should be enough to ensure optimal blood levels in most people. Other considerations:

How To Use

  • Take 1-2 tablets daily with food
  • Place in mouth and allow to dissolve for 5-10 seconds, then chew for optimal results
  • Note: Each sublingual tablet contains 1.000 IU Vitamin D.

Join us as we use Super Vitamin D this month and beyond to support our immune system and emotions as we head into winter weather and the holiday season.

Want to try Super Vitamin D, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for Nov 2021

November Essentials
What should I order?

November is all about giving and thanks, finding gratitude for what is and hoping what is to come. We want to enjoy this season to the fullest by being completely present in each moment and by taking care of ourselves and our families. Join us this month as we use the following products daily to do just that.

Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil - for emotional centering and yummy diffuser blends
Tangerine essential oil - to add to your water, diffusers and DIYs
NingXia Red Combo Pack - packets for you, bottles for gifting
Gratitude essential oil blend - to use as you foster gratitude during the season
ImmuPro Chewable Tablets - for healthy immune systems
OmegaGize Capsules - for healthy hearts and minds

Idaho Blue Spruce Essential Oil

Idaho Blue Sprue is a crowd favorite tree oil with a woodsy blue slightly sweet smell. The oil is steam distilled from the wood, bark, and needles of the Picea pungens tree, an evergreen species native to the central Rocky Mountains.

Considered a sacred tree by Native American tribes in the Northwest, Idaho Blue Spruce was used tratidially for smudging and purification rites. Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil has a grounding, evergreen aroma that can be used during meditation or prayer to enhance your practice and inspire spiritual connection.

Learn more about Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil in November's Oil of the Month post.

Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine essential oil is a bright, happy citrus oil that pairs well with just about anything. It has a delightfully sweet aroma that can create a happy, contented mindset when diffused.

Tangerine Vitality essential oil offers a fresh, sweet, citrus flavor that can be used to elevate your favorites sauces, marinades and desserts. It may also provide digestive, lymphatic, and immune support when taken as a dietary supplement, making it an incredible oil for this time of year.

Note: Tangerine and Tangerine Vitality are the same essential oil.

Want to know more? September's Oil Spotlight blog post gives you all the details!

NingXia Red
Antioxidant Drink

Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine to enjoy the benefits of this powerful whole-body supplement. There are MANY reasons we love this wolfberry puree (see the list of blog posts for all the ways).

NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness - plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, pure vanilla extract and Lemon, Orange, Tangerine and Yuzu essential oils.

The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. A daily shot of 2-4 ounce helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.

Learn more about NingXia Red:

Gratitude Essential Oil Blend

Gratitude is a practice and an attitude, both of which we want to foster year round, but specially during this season.

Gratitude essential blend has an uplifting aroma that fosters gratitude, thankfulness, and contentment. When you concentrate on things you are grateful for instead of things that bother you, you open yourself up to receiving more of your gifts.

Life flows better when your heart and mind are open with gratitude. One great way to do that is to apply and/or diffuse Gratitude essential oil blend while journaling, during prayer or during meditation.

Enjoy this blend of Grand Fir, Frankincense, Coriander, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver, and Geranium, with us as we focus on gratitude this month and beyond.

Learn more about Gratitude blend (which is free with purchase this month) in November's How to Use blog post and how to use Gratitude in these yummy diffuser recipes.

ImmuPro Tablets

ImmuPro is a power-packed supplement that combines multiple immune support ingredients including naturally derived NingXia wolfberry polysaccharides as well as a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agarics blazei mushroom powders to deliver powerful antioxidant activity to react the damaging effects of oxidative stress from free radicals.

ImmuPro also provides zinc and selenium for proper immune function, along with other chelated minerals that emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body. It also delivers melatonin, which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm. Sleep is essential when the immune system needs to get its defenses going, making ImmuPro a favorite this time of year.

Read more about ImmuPro in this Supplement Spotlight bog post.

OmegaGize Capsules

We have all heard how important fish oil and omegas are for our health, but it can be so difficult to find a clean, sustainable source. Young Living has done that for us.

OmegaGize combines the power of three core daily supplements: omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D3, and CoQ1-(ubiquinone). These 
supplements combine with a proprietary enhancement essential oil blend to create an omega-3, DHA -rich fish oil supplement that can support cardiovascular health and general wellness. Used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health.

Learn more about OmegaGize in this month's Supplement Spotlight.

Want to try the essentials for November (Idaho Blue SpruceTangerineNingXia Red Combo PackGratitudeImmuPro, and OmegaGize), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

NingXia Red Ditch and Switch in Nov 2021

NingXia Red Hostess Gift

November's Ditch & Switch

As the gatekeepers of our home we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create healthy habits for ourselves and families! 

Join us as we share the gift of health and switch a conventional hostess gift of wine to one full of great benefits - NingXia Red

We love loving on our friends and family, and what better way to say thank you for hosting than to give them something special and delicious that can benefit their health in a huge way! Especially during a season where we are consuming more sugar and have a busier schedule, we want to do everything we can to give our bodies the good stuff they need. For more information, check out September's blog on NingXia Red.

Enter the 
NingXia Red Hostess Gift.

Why we Love It

NingXia Red is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that tastes great, gives energy and strengthens the body without harmful stimulates. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike the blood sugar levels and makes a mean cocktail. NingXia Red...

  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
  • Provides energy support
  • Is a HUGE source of antioxidants
  • Supports brain and joint health
  • Supports healthy hormone levels
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Can help curb sugar cravings
Key Ingredients

NingXia Red is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. It contains Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon, and Orange essential oils that enhance the taste and add great health benefits.

Gift Ideas

  • Place a bottle of NingXia Red in a lovely reusable wine gift bag and tie with twine and a sprig of fresh rosemary.
  • Pair a bottle of NingXia Red with a festive dish towel and simple handmade sugar scrub to keep at the kitchen sink.
  • Make a hostess gift basket. The best thing about this is you can scale it however you like! Find a wicker to tin basket with a handle (thrift stores are great for this) and add any of the following:
    • A bottle or two of NingXia Red
    • A fresh rosemary plant in a ceramic or tin pot
    • A festive dish towel or pot holder
    • A Tranquil or Stress Away roller
    • A CBD Calm roller
    • Your favorite DIY roller blend
    • A small diffuser and premade diffuser blend
    • Homemade vanilla extract or an infused olive oil
    • A set of beeswax taper candles or a beeswax jar candle
    • A festive flavor of sparkling water to add to the NingXia Red
    • A set of fun, festive glassware
Check out these amazing DIYs, like NingXia Gummies, Smoothie bowls, and Chia Seed pudding, for more ways to use NingXia Red. And include a instructional card for this NingXia Spritzer.

Take a picture of your NingXia Red hostess gifts and tag us on Instagram @oilisliving so we can see how beautiful they are!

Want to know why we are ditching the wine for NingXia Red (besides all the health benefits)? How about a little wine background...

A few notes on Wine

Did you know that the only thing required to be on a wine label is the percentage of alcohol it contains? And even that doesn't have to be completely accurate. None of the fillers, additives or colorants used in the wine have to be disclosed.

Which sounds a little scary if we're being honest! Let's take a look at exactly what is in convention wines (yes, even the organic ones). You might be surprised.

Additives are added to wine to change the flavor, add coloring, increase sweetness anymore. And they aren't disclosed on the ingredients label either. Some commonly used additives (that are also approved by the FDA) include:
  • Sugars
  • Sulfites
  • Colorings like Mega Purple and Ultra Red
  • Tartaric acid
  • Yeast products
  • Food grade dry ice
  • Acetaldehyde
  • Albumen (egg white)
  • Milk products (pasteurized whole, skim, or half-and-half)
  • Silica gel (colloidal silicon dioxide)
  • Soy flour
  • Defoaming agents (polyoxyethylene 40 monosterarate, silicon dioxide, dimethylpoly-siloxane, sorbitan monosterarate, glyceryl mono-oleate and glyceryl dioleate)
  • The FDA has approved more than 70 additives that can be found in wine
These additives have to be below a certain level, but we know from our experience with household chemicals and cleaners that small exposures over time can be harmful as well. And this list doesn't even account for the pesticides sprayed the grapes themeslves.

With all the additives, the pesticides and even the naturally occurring constituents in grapes that come out during fermentation, it's no wonder wine (especially red wine) is the culprit for headaches. Tannins, sulfites and histamine are likely the instigators here. Tannins spur the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin which at high levels can cause headaches. Sulfites (yep, even in organic wines) can trigger headaches, asthma and allergic reactions. Histamine dilates blood vessels and can cause headaches that way. To make matters worse, some people lack the enzyme that helps metabolize histamine, which may make them more prone to wine headaches. Oy!

It's not all doom and gloom though. And we're not saying you can never have wine, but just like anything else we want to always be aware of what we are putting in our bodies.

Join us this month as we switch out conventional hostess gifts for the gift of health and NingXia Red.

Want to try NingXia Red, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Omegagize Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2021


Supplement Spotlight

We have all heard how wonderful fish oil can be for our health, and many people are supplementing with fish oil. Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to find a high quality fish oil supplement that is free of mercury, sustainably sourced, and contains bioavailable Vitamin D.

Enter OmegaGize. Young Living's OmegaGize is an incredible, sustainably sourced fish oil supplement full of healthy Omegas, Vitamin D, and CoQ10 that supports heart, brain, eye and joint health.

Why We Love OmegaGize

  • Supports cardiovascular and skeletal health
  • Supports normal, healthy brain function
  • Supplies critical EPA and DHA nutrients
  • Supports normal immune response and antioxidant levels
  • Promotes normal eye, skin, and joint health
  • Infused with Clove, German Chamomile and Spearmint essential oils
  • Trifecta of Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and CoQ10
OmegaGize combines the power of three core daily supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone) in one capsule. The formula is further enhanced with essential oils to create an incredible omega-3, DHA-rich fish oil supplement. When used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health as well as overall health and wellness.

OmegaGize Sourcing
Sadly, conventional fish oil supplements are full of synethic fillers, artificial colorants and flavors and are irresponsibly sourced. Some even contain levels of Mercury you don't want to be consuming. Not OmegaGize - Young Living's supplements are the purest, cleanest ones around.

The fish oil complex in OmegaGize is derived from some of the cleanest waters on the planet. OmegaGize capsules are rigorously tested to ensure a lack of these pollutants. Even the capsule of OmegaGize is ocean-derived ensuring the best quality and no fishy taste!

"The oil in OmegaGize is produced from carefully selected wild-caught Peruvian and Chilean coastal marine fish oil, one of the cleanest ocean areas in the world. Consisting mainly of anchovy, sardine, mackerel, skipjack, yellowfin, albacore and bigeye fish species. The fish oil used in OmegaGize is in triglycerides form (research shows this is the best form). All of the ingredients used in their products are heavily reviewed and inspected for the highest quality. Their vendors are audited and their ingredients are tested in-house to ensure they only offer the most beneficial products."

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The human body can make most of the types of fats it needs from other fats or raw materials, but that isn't the case for omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential fats, meaning the body can't make them from scratch and must get them from outside sources. Even if your diet is high in wild-caught fish, you still need supplementation.

Omega 3s are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body and affect the function of the cell receptors in these membranes. that means they are vital for all of our cellular functioning and are especially important during pregnancy. Omega 3s provide the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation.

Research has shown that Omega 3s can 
  • Help prevent heart disease and stroke
  • Support a healthy heart and blood pressure
  • support healthy hormone levels (by aiding the body in keeping the cellular receptor sites (where hormones bind) repaired and in optional condition
  • Support auto-immune needs and conditions
  • Support the body's natural response to inflammation
  • support the body's natural response to joint pain
  • Assist the body in hormone productions associated with mood disorders
  • support to those with ADHD and focus needs
  • Support normal brain and nerve function which is important for older individual
Other Key Ingredients

Vitamin D - is an essential supplement for optimal brain health, hormone levels, bone and joint health, and overall well-being. Vitamin D also plays a role in our immunity and general wellness. It can be hard to get enough Vitamin D each day through sun exposure and food alone, so taking supplements can help. And since Vitamin D is fat-soluble, it need to be taken in the presence of fatty acids for proper absorption. OmegaGize has all that covered for us!

Research shows that Vitamin D
  • Supports your immunity
  • Helps regulate mood and fight depression
  • Helps support the body's natural response to inflammation in the body
  • Supports normal growth and development of bones and teeth
CoQ10 - is a powerful antioxidant that supports every cell in the body. We can think of CoQ10 like a battery for our cells, helping with the production and exchange of energy. It is a great addition to OmegaGize because the two work synergistically to improve the health benefits of both supplements.

CoQ10 helps to facilitate the production of ATP, the energy currency within the body. Every cell within the body utilizes ATP to perform its functions, so a lack of CoQ10 could cause a shortage of energy to every cell and system in the body. CoQ10 levels naturally decline with age, making supplementation a great health habit.

Several studies show that CoQ10
  • Helps protect the body from free radical damage
  • Produces energy your body needs for cell growth and maintenance
  • Boost the immune system
Clove essential oil - Cloves have long been used in eastern medicine for its health promoting properties. Clove essential oil is a powerful antioxidant that supports overall heart health

Spearmint essential oil - is high in carvone and limonene, spearmint is wonderful for digestive health and soothing intestinal discomfort.

German Chamomile essential oil - is a powerful antioxidant that supports healthy cholesterol levels, support liver and gallbladder health and supports the body's natural response to inflammation.

Vitamin E (as rice bran oil) - minimizes free radical damage within the body, promoting healthy cell function and overall health.

OmegaGize and Cardiovascular Health
We are always thinking about cholesterol from the diet. Most people don't realize that cholesterol in the body comes from two places: from the diet and from your internal production of cholesterol. Cholesterol is quite important to your body, because cholesterol is one of the major components of cell membranes. It's also the precursor for all the sex hormones. Its not all bad. Its just bad when there's too much and that depends on what kind of cholesterol is out of balance as well.

The primary way that omega-3 fatty acids support heart health is through their ability to reduce triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a type of storage cholesterol in the body. When we eat, our bodies convert any unused calories into triglycerides and store the in fat cells. Later, hormones release the triglycerides for energy between meals. When triglycerides levels become too high, this can cause health problems, so most clinicians will monitor triglyceride levels along with other cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are a simple may to help support healthy triglycerides levels. Omega-3 fatty acids may also modestly raise HDL ('good' or 'protective' cholesterol) levels.

The vast majority of Americans needing support for healthy cholesterol levels are taking a 'statin' prescription drug to lower cholesterol. Here is some food for though on that topic.

"At least 1 in 4 American adults over the age of 40 are currently taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. Soon that number is expected to reach 1 in 3. Statins work by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which is one of the facilitators of your body's production of cholesterol. But statins also impair production of CoQ10, and the resulting depletion can have very severe consequences.

"This is a very important topic," Shulman says. "Many who take statins have the side effects of muscle pain, fatigue and memory loss - to such a point that compliance becomes and issue; people don't want to be on statins anymore. It's been documented and recognized medically that these are real effects and that they're due to the statins. What's actually happening? The way a statin works is that it blocks your body's production of cholesterol."

Besides shutting down your body's ability to produce ubiquinone, statin drugs also shut down the conversion of Vitamin K1 to Vitamin K2, which is critically important in many body function, including heart health.

Imparing these three pathways - the production of cholesterol and CoQ10, and the Vitamin K1 to K2 conversion - has adverse effects on the production of energy and on cardiovascular health. And here's why: when you reduce your ubiquinone levels, the conversion of your food to energy becomes less efficient, which leads to lower energy, fatigue, and muscle pains.

And the longer you're on a statin drug, the more ubiquinone-starved your body becomes and the more severe the side effects become. Recently published papers have also detailed the cardiovascular repercussions of statins. As it turns out, they actually end up causing many of the diseases endpoints the drugs promised to prevent."

OmegaGize and Emotional Health

Several studies have shown the importance of omega-3 fatty acids when it comes to emotional health, especially in females and especially during pregnancy and the surrounding time frame. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for cell growth and development, and they assist with mental clarity - functions that are often 'off' during times of increased emotional need or stress.

Studies have also found that reduced omega-3 status may predispose individuals towards needing mood support as well as other conditions. As always, we want to do all we can to stay able the health line and support our bodies on a daily basis, so supplementing with OmegaGize is a great staring point! If you're needing extra support, we always recommend finding a healthcare provider that you love and trust.

Learn More:
How To Use

  • Take 2-4 capsules 2 times daily.
  • Do no exceed 8 capsules per day.
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

Join us this month as we use OmegaGize this month and beyond to support overall wellness and emotional health!

Want to try OmegaGize, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Cinnamon Bark Oil Spotlight - Oct 2021

Cinnamon Bark

Oil Spotlight for October

Cinnamon Bark essential oil has a warm, spicy aroma that is inviting, especially during the Autumn Season.

Cinnamon Bark cleanses the air, creates a warming sensation on the skin when applied topically, and contains antioxidants that help support the immune system and general wellness. Overall, it is a staple essential oil for every household.

Each month we focus on using an oil everyday to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in October. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Cinnamon Bark AT A Glance

  • Has a warm, spicy, inviting aroma
  • Eliminates orders when used aromatically
  • creates a warming sensation when applied topically
  • Has the highest known ORAC value
  • Strong antioxidant
  • Part of the Botanical Family Lauraceae (Laurel family)
Native to Sri Lanka, Ceylon cinnamon, or true cinnamon, is a tall leafy bush that produces fragrant bark and leaves. A member of the laurel family, it is well know the world over as an aromatic culinary spice. Cinnamon Bark essential oil is steam distilled from the inner bark of the tree and has a warm, spicy aroma that evokes memories of the holidays when diffused.

Cinnamon Bark Vitality contains antioxidants and may provide immune and general wellness support when taken as a dietary supplement.

Note: Cinnamon Bark and Cinnamon Bark Vitality are the same essential oil, simply labeled differently to comply with FDA standards.

Key Constituents - Cinnamaldehyde

Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols. Antioxidants are a huge bolster to health since so much of our modern life can create oxidative stress in the body. In a study that compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon wound up as the clear winner, even outranking "superfoods" like garlic and oregano!

Antioxidants also help support the body's response to inflammation, which plays a role in almost all chronic diseases. Cinnamon can also support healthy cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels - making it a wonderful tool for our health.

Check out these references:

Daily Habits with Cinnamon Bark

Dilute Cinnamon Bark with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and massage it on your feet for a warming massage that supports healthy circulation and tired muscles.

Add Cinnamon Bark to a daily Wellness Roller and use over the spine and lymph nodes daily. To a 10 mL roller, add:
  • 10 drops each Cinnamon Bark, Oregano, Frankincense, Lemon and RC or Raven
  • Fill with a carrier oil of choice
Add a couple drops of Cinnamon Bark to your favorite perfume roller for a warm, spicy undertone:
  • Joy + Tangerine + Cinnamon Bark
  • Jasmine + Neroli + Stress Away + Cinnamon Bark
  • Ylang Ylang + Lavender + Tangerine + Cinnamon Bark
Uses for Cinnamon Bark Vitality
  • Add a drop of Cinnamon Bark Vitality to your daily NingXia Red for an extra boost.
  • Elevate your fruit smoothie or green drink with a drop of Cinnamon Bark Vitality and benefit from its antioxidant properties. 
  • Add some spice to your coffee or tea. Add a drop or two of Cinnamon Bark Vitality to coffee grounds before brewing or add a drop to honey before stirring into warm tea or water. 
  • And you can use Cinnamon Bark Vitality in your baking recipes in place of ground cinnamon.
  • Take Cinnamon Bark Vitality as a dietary supplement to help support a healthy immune system.
Drop Cinnamon Bark oil onto pinecones, garlands, and other seasonal decor to create a simple passive diffuser.

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte:
  • 1 cup organic coconut or almond milk
  • 1.5 tbsp organic pureed pumpkin
  • 1 tbsp organic vanilla extract
  • 2-3 tbsp raw organic honey (optional)
  • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark Vitality essential oil
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup strong coffee or expresso (already brewed)
  • a pinch of cocoa powder
  • coconut whipped cream (optional)
    Combine milk, pureed pumpkin, and raw organic honey in a saucepan over medium heat until the coconut milk is bubbling and steaming. Remove from the heat and stir in vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Pour into the bottom half of a coffee cup, then pour in the coffee or espresso on top. Garnish with a dollop of coconut whip cream and a sprinkle of cacao powder.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the warm, spicy scent of Cinnamon Bark with us this month!

  • Autumn Breeze3 drops Orange, 2 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 1 drop Clove, 1 drop Nutmeg
  • Coffee Shop: 4 drops Stress Away, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Tangerine
  • Pumpkin Spice: 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Orange, 2 drops Nutmeg, 1 drop Ginger
Join us in using Cinnamon Bark essential oil daily to create great daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Cinnamon Bark essential oilbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

AminoWise Supplement Spotlight - Sept 2021


Supplement Spotlight

AminoWise is our favorite supplement for the recovery after workout - think of this as a natural Gatorade! It is wolfberry lemonade-flavored drink mix that contains branched-chain amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals to provide the nutrients you need to optimize your workout recovery.

AminoWise enhances muscle performance, reduces fatigue, and supports muscles during and after exercise using a triple-targed formula that features branched-chain amino acids, premium essential oils, antioxidants, and minerals.

It tastes amazing and contains all the good stuff and none of the bad. Its formulated with branch chain amino acids and contains three key blends that combine to support your muscles during and after exercise, help fight fatigue, and enhance your recovery.

  • Muscle Performance Blend: includes branch-chain amino acids that helps build and repair muscles
  • Recovery Blend: includes NingXia wolfberry powder with Lemon and Lime premium essential oils that help reduce the lactic acid
  • Hydration Blend: features electrolytes that replace vital minerals lost during exercise.
Why we love AminoWise

  • Amino acids and antioxidants help with fatigue and enhance muscle recovery during and after exercise
  • Aids in reducing muscle fatigue by reducing exercise-induced lactic acid
  • Helps support the production of nitric oxide, which can improve vascular blood flow, enhancing recovery and performance
  • Contains branched-chain amino acids, which have been shown to aid in preventing muscle catabolism from excercise
  • Supports hydration by replenishing important minerals lost during exercise
  • Good source of Vitamin E and Zinc
  • No preservatives, synthetic colors, or artificial flavors
  • No added sugar or artificial sweetener
Why are Amino Acids Important?

Amino acids are classified as non-essential amino acids (you produce them on your own), conditionally essential amino acids (can usually be produced by your body), and essential amino acids (EAAs cannot be made by the body so you must get them through diet or supplementation).

Of the EAAs, three are superstars - the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) - leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BACCs make up about 35% of your muscle tissue.

Your ability to maintain, or even build lean body mass, or muscle, is based on the levels of protein synthesis and protein breakdown throughout the day. As we age, protein breakdown tends to accelerate. To slow the protein breakdown you can eat more high quality protein and supplement with EAAs.

Because your level of muscle mass plays a significant role in longevity, anything that increases protein synthesis or decreases protein breakdown can support your quality of life through your lifespan. Since amino acids play such an essential role in building and maintaining lean body mass, they must be a consistent part of a health diet. 

Here is a really informative article for a deeper dive!

To Use
Mix 1 scoop with 8 oz of water and consume during or after exercise or as desired as part of your daily wellness routine
NingXia Red Electrolyte Drink
  • 1 cup water or coconut water
  • 2-4 oz NingXia Red
  • 1 scoop AminoWise
  • 1-2 drops YL Vitality oil of choice (Tangerine, Orange, Lime, Citrus Fresh, Grapefruit)
If you want to take it up a notch, here are some BONUS ingredients you can add to the recipe above that make this drink even more packed with good things:
  • 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 drop YL Peppermint Vitality essential oil
Mix all ingredients in a blender with some ice (or just mix in a blender bottle or mason jar) for one of the most refreshing drinks EVER!

Join us this month as we use AminoWise this month and beyond to support overall health and wellness and feed our bodies and muscles with the good things!

Want to try AminoWise, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for Sept 2021

September Essentials
What should I order?

Ready, Set, Red. September is all about creating great health habits, specifically using our beloved NingXia Red. Join us this month as we use the following products daily to support our health and wellness as we head into the fall and winter.

Tangerine essential oil - to calm, focus & uplift
NingXia Red - for overall health & energy
NingXia Nitro - for energy & mental clarity
AminoWise - for muscle support & recovery
ImmuPower essential oil - to support the immune system
Clove essential oil - antioxidant support & yummy diffuser blends

Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine essential oil has a sweet scent that can create a happy, contented mindset when diffused. This versatile oil is wonderful for the emotions, helps purify the air of odors, promotes healthy hair and skin, and smells wonderful in so many diffuser blends.

Taken internally, it offers a fresh, sweet citrus flavor and can provide digestive, lymphatic, and immune support. This is an oil we definitely want in our homes and in our bodies.

Learn more about Tangerine essential oil in the September's Oil of the Month post.

NingXia Red

Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine with this powerful, whole-body supplement. This wolfberry puree is infused with essential oils and also contain plum, arena  cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts - it is so packed with superfoods to support overall wellness.

The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health.

Want to learn more about the health benefits of NingXia Red, then check out September's Product Spotlight blog.

NingXia Nitro

With ingredients specifically crafted to kick it up a notch, NingXia Nitro is the absolute perfect solution when you've started your day at the crack of dawn and need to rev your energy storage. Or when you're seriously suffering from that afternoon slump, or you simply need to tackle a to-do list a mile long - NingXia Nitro has your back.

Learn more about NingXia Nitro in this month's Ditch and Switch blog post.


AminoWise is our favorite supplement for recovery after workouts - think of this as a natural Gatorade. It is a wolfberry lemonade-flavored drink mix that contains branched-chain amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals to provide the nutrients you need to optimize your workout recovery.

AminoWise enhances muscle performance, reduces fatigue, and supports muscles during and after exercise using a triple-targeted formula that features branched-chain amino acids, premium essential oils, antioxidants, and minerals.

Learn more about AminoWise in September's Supplement Spotlight.

Essential Oil Blend

The name this blend says it all! ImmuPower is a combination of powerful essential oils, including Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Camphor, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin, and Dorado Azul.

This oil blend is a mainstay for you to be supported above the wellness line.

Clove Essential Oil

Clove essential oil has a warm, inviting aroma that is perfect as we head into the cooler months. Diffuse with Tangerine, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Bark, Vanilla and/or Thieves for an incredible blend that supports overall health and wellness.

Clove also provides cleansing properties and can be added to Thieves dental products to maintain oral health. When taken internally, it contains antioxidants and can provide immune and general wellness support.

Want to try the essentials for September (Tangerine essential oilNingXia RedNingXia NitroAminoWiseImmuPower essential oilClove essential oil), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

NingXia Red Product Spotlight - Sept 2021

Lets Learn More

About NingXia Red!

It's no secret that we are crazy about NingXia Red, and here are all there reasons why. NingXia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, arena  and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor.

Besides the great taste, NingXia Red has some amazing health benefits. It has the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals, as documented in the S-ORAC test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories.

Let's talk antioxidants. That word gets thrown around a lot as we discuss wellness, but what does it really mean? Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products), which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.

NingXia Red is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 animo acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E. It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulants. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike the blood sugar levels.

In Short, NingXia Red:
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
  • Energy support
  • HUGE source of antioxidants
  • Support brain and join health
  • Support healthy hormone levels
  • Support healthy blood sugar levels
  • Can help curb sugar cravings
Why do we Love it?
Why are we so huge on our NingXia Red? Because, honestly, we're better people when we drink it. Sound a little far-fetch?

Think about it...
Do cars run better when fueled by the right gas? Why do we expect our bodies to run on second-rate, pressed, non-fuel? We get work out, our digestive systems get tired, our cells get dirty, and we need something we can assimilate quickly and easily to go to work. NingXia Red gives our bodies the boost we need.

Who should use NingXia Red? Everyone!
We love 2 ounces daily for kids and 2-4 ounces daily for adults.

Yummy Recipes:
NingXia Immune Booster - Fill a glass with the following
  • 1/3 full with organic apple juice (or water)
  • 1-2 oz NingXia Red
  • 1 tsp organic elderberry syrup (make your own and infuse it with essential oils!)
NingXia Spritzer - add to a glass and stir:
  • 1 can sparkling water in your favorite flavor
  • 1/3 to 1/2 bottle of kombucha
  • 2-4 oz NingXia Red
  • 1-2 drops citrus vitality oils (Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Lime, etc)

NingXia Lunchbox

Freeze your NingXia packets, then pack in your kid's lunchbox. Doubles as an ice pack! Add in a cute straw and its a fun and healthy lunchtime treat.

Join us as we boost our overall wellness and develop healthy daily habits with NingXia Red everyday this month. 

Want to try NingXia Red, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

KidScents KidPower Oil Spotlight - Aug 2021

KidScents KidPower

August's Oil Spotlight

Sometimes life can be big and scary for children, but they have the power to face all of life's big and little challenges! Sometimes they just need help discovering that power inside themselves.

KidPower is a unique, everyday blend formulated to help inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and positivity at home, at school, or on the playground...

But it's not just for kids! This blend is also amazing for adults and makes a wonderful perfume.

KidPower AT A Glance

  • Aroma inspires feelings of confidence and courage
  • Scent helps ease occasional feelings of doubt, fear, and worry
  • Aroma creates a comforting environment for times of daily stress, occasional anxiousness, or nervousness
  • Blended aroma helps support feelings of emotional balance, well-being and positivity
  • Pre-diluted for delicate skin
  • Recommended for children ages 2 and up


Raising confident, courageous children can be a challenge, especially with all they experience in today's world. And I am grateful to have natural tools in our parenting toolkit, like the KidPower blend.

This blend was created specifically to help arm parents with a unique mix of essential oils designed to promote feelings of courage and confidence. This exclusive blend of some of Young Living's favorite and inspiring essential oils offers a sweet, empowering aroma that will be loved by both children and parents. Diffuse it daily and as needed for an aroma boost to support feelings of positivity and confidence.

Key Ingredients
  • Back Spruce - earthy and grounding to help balance the senses
  • Blue Tansy - has a floral aroma that is uplifting to the senses and calming to the Central Nervous System
  • Frankincense - popular for meditation and promotes a comforting, grounded environment
  • Geranium - promotes peaceful, uplifted feelings
  • Ho Wood - provides a floral, relaxing aroma
  • Orange - has a sweet and energizing aroma, helps to stimulate creativity
  • Vanilla - provides a warm, sweet and comforting scent

Daily Habits with KidPower

  • Apply 2-4 drops directly to wrists, chest, neck or any other area. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive of skin, so you can add a roller fitment directly to the bottle or opt for the roll-on version.
  •  Create an application ritual, and get your kids involved! Grab your KidPower or KidPower Roll-on and place it beside their toothbrush, backpack, or homeschool bin - anywhere they will be able to find and easily use it daily. We love rolling on our oil and repeating a family Motta, a bible verse, or positive affirmation together.
  • Make a roller with KidPower, Vetiver, and Lavender for help calming over excited kids and promote calm, confident focus.
  • Make a simple linen spray with equal parts KidPower and Lavender, a splash of witch hazel and filtered water. Spray on sheets, loves, pajamas, or any other soft surface as desired.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the soothing scent of KidPower with us this month!

Join us in using KidPower essential oil blend daily to create great daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try KidPowerbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for August 2021

The August Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

August is all about the Little Oilers and supporting them well! Here are a few items we are using this month and beyond to support their (and our) physical, mental and emotional health everyday.

KidScents KidPower - to promote calm, confident feelings
KidScents MightyZyme - for happy, healthy bellies & bodies
KidScents Toothpaste - to make brushing a happy habit
KidScents Roll-on Collection - for anything your kids day may hold
Seedlings Calm Essential Oil Blend - for sweet calming vibes
Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream - to heal and protect any skin needs

KidScents KidPower
Essential Oil Blend

Sometimes life can be big and scary for children, but they have the power to face all of life's bit and little challenges. Sometimes they just need help discovering that power inside themselves.

KidPower is a unique, everyday blend formulated to help inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and positivity at home, at school, or on the playground... 

But it's not just for kids. This blend is also amazing for adults and makes a wonderful perfume.

Learn more about KidPower essential oil blend in the August's Oil of the Month post.

KidScents MightyZyme

KidScents MightyZyme chewable tablets contains enzymes that naturally occur in the body that support and assist the digestive needs of growing bodies and the normal digestion of foods.

When taken daily with meals, these little chewable tablets can make a big difference in our kid's overall health.

Lean more about MightyZyme in this month's Supplement Spotlight blog post.

KidScents Toothpaste

Make brushing a joy instead of a chore with KidScents Toothpaste. This advanced formula cleans children's teeth without any of the harsh additives found in most commercial toothpastes.

Flouride and GMO free, this plant-based toothpaste provides a refreshing mint taste infused with 100% pure essential oils while supporting healthy-looking gums and teeth. KidScents Toothpaste is formulated with your children and family in mind.

Learn more in this month's Ditch and Switch blog post.

KidScents Roll-On Collection

Your children go through a lot in a day, and this collection of pre-diluted oils have you covered for anything you need. This collection features six superstar blends to tackle all the ups and downs of your children's days. Each custom blend is ready for easy application and portability in a convenient roller for natural solutions anytime, anywhere.
  • GeneYus - to create an atmosphere of creativity and alertness
  • KidPower - to inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and optimism
  • Owie - naturally soothes minor ouchies and boo boo's
  • SleeyIze - to help little ones settle down at night
  • SniffleEase - for naturally soothing vapors
  • TummyGize - to help comfort tummy troubles

Seedlings Calm
Essential Oil Blend

Dreamland is only a few drops away with Seedlings Calm essential blend. This soothing, gentle scent is formulated with the littlest members of your family in mind, but is soft, relaxing, floral scent is a favorite for the whole family.

Roll-on, diffuse, use in a linen spray. However you choose to use this special blend, it will help the whole family unwind together.

Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream

Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream is made with 100% naturally derived ingredients, including 100% pure essential oils, botanicals, and non-nano zinc oxide. It helps reduce the duration and severity of diaper rash when applied at the first sign of redness.

It soothes on contact, protects delicate skin, and acts as a physical barrier to wetness. The extra gentle, mild formula - developed specially for your infant's tender skin - seals out wetness and helps balance skin moisture while reducing redness.

Don't have littles in diapers? This thick, Lavender-scented cream is a staple in our family's first aid kit.

Want to try the essentials for August (KidScents KidPowerKidScents MightyZymeKidScents ToothpasteKidScents Roll-on CollectionSeedlings Calm Essential Oil BlendSeedlings Diaper Rash Cream), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

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