
Oil Spotlight for September

Tangerine essential oil has a sweet citrus scent that can create a happy, contented mindset when diffused. This versatile oil is wonderful for emotions, helps purify the air of odors, promotes healthy hair and skin, and smells wonderful in so many diffuser blends. Taken internally, it offers a fresh, sweet, citrus flavor and can provide digestive, lymphatic, and immune support. This is an oil we definitely want in our homes and in our bodies.

Each month we focus on using an oil everyday to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in September. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Tangerine AT A Glance

  • Contains the constituents limonene, gamma-terpinene, and myrcene
  • Found in Dream Catcher, Joy, and Inner Child essential oil blends, as well as Relaxation Massage Oil
  • Cold pressed from the rind of the fruit, making the oil alkaline (not acidic)
  • Pairs well with most oils and blends
  • Combining Tangerine with White Angelica (we talked about it here) or Feelings Kit oils (and here) can improve your emotional outcome.

Tangerine + Oxidative Stress

Our bodies' cells produce free radicals during normal metabolic processes. However, cells also produce antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals. In general, the body is able to maintain a balance between antioxidants and free radicals. 

Sometimes, and especially in our ever-modernizing world, the balance tips towards excess free radical production. Several things contribute to this, but include inflammatory foods, emotional and mental stress, health conditions, infection, radiation, and environmental toxins. A large body of scientific evidence suggests that long-term oxidative stress contributes to the development of a range of chronic conditions.

Enter Tangerine essential oil (and other citrus oils). Tangerine essential oil contains limonene, a potential free radical scavenger. THIS IS HUGE! We have a powerful tool in our hands for supporting our bodies and upping the antioxidant potential.

Tangerine + Emotions

We just mentioned that Tangerine essential oil contains limonene, a potential free radical scavenger. This is important for our emotional health because less oxidative stress (less free radicals = less 'negative' emotions). Limonene also helps boost the mood and calm the central nervous system, making Tangerine a wonderful oils for soothing the emotions.

Tangerine can help promote feelings of calm and happiness, supporting learning and memory and calming nervousness.

Daily Habits with Tangerine

  • Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to your soles for happy feet and circulation.
  • Add to your car vent diffuser or a cotton ball stashed under the seats for an uplifting scent while you commute 
  • Give a glass of lemonade a twist by adding 1-2 drops of Tangerine Vitality.
  • Add 1-2 drops of Tangerine Vitality to your daily NingXia Red.
  • Add a few drops each of Tangerine and Tea Tree to your daily shampoo and massage into your scalp for a sweet, tingly sensation.
  • Use its cleansing benefits in your morning skin care routine for an added boost.
  • Apply it to your temples before study time or meditation to promote feelings of calm and focus.
Note: Avoid applying to skin that will be directly exposed to sunlight or UV light to prevent risk of photosensitivity.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the soothing scent of Tangerine with us this month!

Join us in using Tangerine essential oil daily to create great daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Tangerinebut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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