Life 9 & MightyPro Supplement Spotlight - March 2021

Supplement Spotlight

Life 9 & MightyPro

While it may seem a bit strange to say, one of the most powerful things we can do for our health is to balance and support our gut! 

Many today consider regularly taking a high quality probiotic to be one of the core pieces to a healthy gut which in turn is a key to brain, immune, skin health and more. Think about it, everything we eat or drink is sent through our digestive system. 

Every. Single. Thing we put into our bodies to give our cells energy passes through this system, so supporting it daily can give us huge benefits!


  • Stress, medications, illness, sugar & processed grain consumption, and modern day chemicals all serve to deplete our natural probiotic stores.
  • Because your immune system starts in your gut, many consider taking a high quality probiotic to be one of the core pieces to overall health!
  • Dr. Mercola talks about the importance of probiotics, and yet many of us struggle to get enough through our diet alone.
  • "Your body contains about 100 trillion bacteria -- more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body. It's now quite clear that the type and quantity of micro-organisms in your gut interact with your body in ways that can either prevent or encourage the development of many diseases. The ideal ratio between the bacteria in your gut is 85% "good" and 15% "bad."

BUT not all probiotics are created equally, and unfortunately, the options at the pharmacy counter are less than desirable. We want a source of good bacteria that can easily be absorbed, is diverse yet doesn’t interact with each other or endogenous bacteria, and is potent enough to make a difference in our health! This is why we love Life 9 and MightyPro from Young Living!


Life 9 is a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains that promotes healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system.

Life 9 is specially designed with delayed-release capsules, a dual-sorbent desiccant, and a special bottle and cap that ensure your Life 9 stays fresh and effective. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, making it easy to use this helpful supplement daily.

Life 9 includes 9 beneficial probiotic strains for full-spectrum gut support:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus

  • Bifidobacterium lactis

  • Lactobacillus plantarum

  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

  • Lactobacillus salivarius

  • Streptococcus thermophilus

  • Bifidobacterium breve

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum

  • Bifidobacterium longum


Highly recommended resource when looking for improved digestive health or combating candida: Inner Transformations Using Essential oils by Dr. Leanne Deardeuff


  • Ideally take Life 9 in the evening, following your meal for best absorption.
  • Store away from heat (i.e. don’t store it in a cabinet over the stove before you open it) and refrigerate after opening.
  • It is considered safe for pregnancy and beneficial for both mom and baby; however we always recommend asking your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement.
  • Life 9 can be taken once a round of antibiotics is complete to support rebuilding of gut flora. If you decide to take while on antibiotics, separate the antibiotic and probiotic by 4 hours or more.

KidScents MightyPro 

KidScents MightyPro is a unique, synergistic blend of prebiotics (from our beloved NingXia wolfberry - a powerhouse herb itself!) and probiotics all in one supplement specially formulated for children. Packaged in easy, one-dose packets that can be taken almost anywhere you go, this supplement features over 8 billion active, live cultures to support digestive and immune health. Featuring a great-tasting formula that can be added to cold food and drinks for easy consumption, MightyPro supports gastrointestinal and immune health and maintains gut health in children, keeping them up and active. That means fewer missed days of school, day care, and playing with friends!


  • Convenient to use, take on the go, and tastes great with no added colors, flavors or artificial sugars.
  • Each packet contains 8 billion live cultures + Ningxia wolfberry fibers (and only those things!) to feed that good bacteria and keep our bellies and immune systems happy! The addition of the wolfberry prebiotic allows for the healthy bacteria to multiply from 1 cell to 35 billion cells in just 12 hours, making this pro/prebiotic combo pack a wonderful nutritional punch!
  • It’s NOT just for little ones! Anyone can use these, especially when traveling with Life 9 is difficult! (Life 9 has to be refrigerated after opening.)


For children 2 years and older, empty contents of 1 packet of MightyPro into the mouth and allow to dissolve. Take 1 packet daily with food to provide optimal conditions for healthy gut bacteria. Can be combined with cold food or drinks. Do not add to warm or hot food or beverages.

Join us this month as we use Life 9 probiotic and MightyPro to support happy digestion and a healthy gut that can have a huge impact on overall health!

Want to try LIFE 9 and KIDSCENTS MIGHTYPRO, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Endoflex - Oil of the Month Feb 2021


Create Healthy Habits and Happy Hormones in February with Endoflex!

Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in February! My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use!

In our modern world, glands like our thyroid and adrenals have to work ever harder to keep us healthy, and we want to support them properly! Endoflex oil blend is a great way to do just that.

WHAT IS ENDOFLEX? Endoflex is a blend of the following oils:

  • Spearmint - A rocket pack for your metabolism while supporting your nervous system to bring beautiful balance.
  • Sage - Commonly used for purification and release of the negativity that wears us down from the inside - physically and emotionally
  • Geranium - Say "I love you" to your hormones, liver, and pancreas with this beautiful, floral oil that is great for the endocrine system.
  • Myrtle - You say "Thyroid?" I say, "Myrtle!" Pair them together and watch the beautiful friendship begin.
  • German Chamomile - Calming to your system and especially supportive of healthy liver function.
  • Nutmeg - The star of adrenal support. Like a car that can't shift into the next gear, when our adrenals are worn out, we will sputter and find no oomph to continue moving forward.
  • Sesame Seed Oil - Rich in Vitamin E and nourishing to the skin and body.

WHAT DOES IT DO? Endoflex supports healthy thyroid function, hormones, metabolism, and adrenals - the entire endocrine system! This oil blend will help all of these pieces of your puzzle come together as you gradually work your way to a place of more energy that comes from within. By providing balance to this body system, Endoflex gives vital support to the pituitary and pineal glands as well as the parathyroid, thymus and adrenal glands. Endoflex essential oil can help support your body's natural metabolic function which could in turn aid in shedding some extra pounds.

This blend is often very beneficial for teens and kids who are developing hormonally because today's environment and habits put early strain on these areas of their health.


  • Add one drop of EndoFlex Vitality to your daily Ningxia Red or drop under your tongue daily for endocrine system support. (This is the best, most effective way to really support your hormones!) I like a drop or two of Endoflex Vitality in my soda water - YUMMY!
  • Dilute in a roller and apply daily over the thyroid (front of the throat), kidneys and adrenals (lower back), and bottom of the feet 1-2 times a day (or more for more acute support!). For a 10mL roller do 40-50 drops Endoflex and fill with a carrier of choice. 
  • Ladies, pair with Progessence Plus for a dynamic duo of hormone support! For the guys, pair with Shutran!

DIFFUSE: Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations for hormone support with Endoflex!

  • Gentle Blossoms: 3 drops Roman Chamomile + 4 drops Endoflex + 2 drops Grapefruit
  • Lovely: 4 drops Endoflex + 4 drops Citrus Fresh + 3 drops Frankincense
  • Love Potion: 4 drops Bergamot + 3 drops Endoflex + 3 drops Vetiver
  • Candy Hearts: 4 drops Endoflex + 3 drops Wintergreen + 3 drops Orange

Want to see more diffuser blends for February? Check out these 9 amazing Diffuser Blends for February that highlight Endoflex (which is FREE this month, by the way!)

Will you join us in using Endoflex oil blend daily to support and balance our endocrine system which basically runs the show?! Let’s create great daily habits that support our overall health!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials - Feb 2021

February 2021 Essentials
What should I order?

February is the month of love, and we want to give our bodies all the TLC and support they need!

Join us this month as we focus on balancing hormones and taking care of ourselves daily so that we can have flourishing relationships with those around us. 

Here are a few essential items we’re using in February!

Progessence Plus

Progessence Plus is our favorite hormone support serum! A blend of USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yam, essential oils and vitamin E, Progessence Plus is made to help women find balance the way nature intended. This crowd favorite serum contains pure frankincense, bergamot, and peppermint essential oils. Wild yams are said to help normalize blood sugar levels, combat weight gain and hair loss, and help reduce the occurrence of hormonal headaches. This incredible combination has so many wonderful benefits! 

Endoflex Essential Oil Blend

Endoflex is a blend of Spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, German Chamomile, Nutmeg and Sesame Oil that supports healthy thyroid function, hormones, metabolism, and adrenals! This oil blend will help all of these pieces of your puzzle come together as you gradually work your way to a place of more energy that comes from within. AND its FREE this month when you grab those everyday items.

Grapefruit Essential Oil

This citrus beauty does so much more than add a burst of flavor to your water or fresh scent to your room! Straight from the cold pressed peels of this lush fruit you will find an oil PACKED with so many wonderful uses. The properties found in grapefruit support health from the inside out as a dietary oil to strengthen metabolism to skin cleansing and revitalizing. It is great for helping curb sugar cravings, supports a healthy metabolism, supports energy and endurance, and boosts skin health and glow!


Thyromin is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and therapeutic-grade essential oils in a perfectly balanced formula that maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature. Being proactive and supporting our thyroid in getting the proper amino acids and minerals is important to support a healthy lifestyle regimen! I've got even more information for you about THYROMIN.

Sensation Hand & Body Lotion

Sensation Hand & Body Lotion is our favorite moisturizing cream that contains several pure essential oils revered by Cleopatra! Ylang Ylang encourages relaxation, and Jasmine enhances feelings of femininity. This is an easy way to turn your daily routine into an indulgent ritual suited for a queen!

NingXia Red

Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine with this powerful, whole-body supplement. This wolfberry puree is infused with essential oils and also contains plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, so it is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness. The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health!

Want to try these essentials (Progessence Plus Serum, Endoflex oil blend, Grapefruit essential oil, ThyrominSensation Hand & Body lotion, and NingXia Red)but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials - Jan 2021

January 2021 Essentials
What should I order?

While we don't need a new year to rest our health, its is a great time to do so! Join us this month as we refresh our homes and reset our health! Here are a few essential items we're using in January!

LEMON essential oil – for the home and our health

SLIQUE ESSENCE blend – combat those sugar cravings

ENVISION essential oil blend – for dreaming and planning (its never too late to make some life goals)

MASTER FORMULA – our favorite multivitamin (transfer your multivitamin to YL brand!)

LIFE 9 PROBIOTIC – for happy bellies (and happy brains too) Want to know more about Life 9?

CLEANSING TRIO – A gentle and effective detox (Check out all the goodness of the Cleansing Trio here)

LEMON Essential Oil:

Versatile, bright and joyful. That's how we would describe this starter kit oil! Lemon essential oil benefits skin and hair as much as its aroma enhances your environment and supports your mood. This best selling oil can be used in so many ways: Mix it with your cleaning products, use it during your nighttime skin care routine, or add a drop to your shampoo & conditioner for a great scent. One of the main ways we are using it this month though, is for a gentle system reset and detox by adding it to our water each morning.


This incredible blend combines Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Spearmint, and Ocotea with stevia extract in a unique blend that supports healthy weight management goals. These ingredients work together to help control hunger, especially when used in conjunction with Slique Tea or the Slique Kit. The pleasant citrus combination of grapefruit, tangerine and lemon essential oils adds a flavorful and uplifting element to any day with the added support of spearmint that may help with digestion. I'm using this blend in my water to support my weight goals, digestion, and overall health.

ENVISION essential oil blend

A blend of Black Spruce, Geranium, Orange, Lavender, Sage and Rose essential oils, the Envision blend stimulates feelings of creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the strength necessary to achieve your dreams. Use Envision to help inspire clarity and vision when creating goals. Add a drop to your palms, rub them together, and hold them to your nose to inhale deeply. As you inhale, remember your goals and set your intention on making them happen.


Master Formula is a full-spectrum, multi-nutrient complex, providing premium vitamins, minerals, and food-based nutriment to support general health and well-being. Collectively, these ingredients provide a premium, synergistic complex to support your body and overall health. This formula also contains gut flora-supporting prebiotics which make your Live 9 Probiotic even more effective! Because it includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other food-based nutriment, Master Formula helps neutralize free radicals in the body – something we definitely need on a daily basis!


SOOO much of our overall health actually starts in the belly, so a good probiotic is a staple for a healthy lifestyle. Life 9 is a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains that promotes healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, making it easy to use this helpful supplement daily.


The Cleansing Trio Kit contains ComforTone capsules, Essentialzume tablets and ICP powder – the products you need to begin improving your health, cleansing your system and eliminating build-up waste, while specifically supporting normal liver function. Each individual supplement is augmented with herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fiber, and essential oils and when used in combination these supplements will give you new energy and an improved sense of well-being! What a way to start the new year!

Want to try these essential (LEMON, SLIQUE ESSENCE, ENVISION, MASTER FORMULA, LIFE 9 PROBIOTIC, CLEANSING TRIO)but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Master Formula - Ditch and Switch Jan 2021

Ditch & Switch

Master Formula

As the gatekeepers of our home, we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products for ourselves and families! Join us as we detox our homes and switch out conventional products for cleaner, greener and better options. For January, lets make an impactful change by switching out conventional multivitamins for MASTER FORMULA.

When it comes to conventional vitamins and supplements, it is incredibly difficult to find options that aren't filled with unnecessary colorings, fillers and binders. Sadly these ingredients are almost always synthetic, wreaking havoc on the body, especially over time, disrupting hormones, causing allergies (often low-level so we barely notice) and gut disruption. And none of us want that for ourselves or our families! Especially when we are trying to do something good – like taking a multivitamin.

Sadly our current foods (even the healthiest, homegrown options!) lack a lot of vitamins and minerals that they used to contain. Whether a result of convention farming practices, long delays in shipment or a depletion of nutrients in the soil, we simply aren't getting quite enough from foods alone. Which is why a high quality multivitamin is essential. In fact, it is one of the most prescribed over the counter supplements in the US!

MASTER FORMULA is a full-spectrum multinutrient complex that provides premium vitamins, minerals, and food based nutrient to support general health and well-being. Not only is it an exceptional formula of necessary vitamins and minerals, it includes antioxidants and essential oils that further increase the absorption of all those wonderfully good things!

Why we love it!

  • Naturally supports general health and well-being for the body.

  • Contains gut flora-supporting prebiotics (SO important for gut health and for absorption of all the vitamins and minerals Master Formula contains)

  • Ingredients help neutralize free radicals in the body

  • Includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other food-based nutriment

  • Prepackaged sachets are convenient to take your vitamins on the go

  • NO synthetic ingredients. NO artificial ingredients. NO unnecessary fillers. AND you can bet that every ingredient used is of the highest quality – because its Young Living.

Who should use Master Formula?

  • Everyone 12 years and older

  • Individuals looking to support general health and well-being

  • Individuals looking for a high quality multivitamin

  • Individuals looking for a full spectrum multivitamin complex

Join us this month as we make this simple swap that can have a huge impact on our overall health.

Want to try MASTER FORMULAbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Cleansing Trio Kit Supplement Spotlight - Jan 2021

Supplement Spotlight

Cleansing Trio Kit

The Cleansing Trio Kit contains the products you need to begin improving your health, cleaning your system and eliminating build-up waste, while specifically supporting normal liver function. Each individual supplement is augmented with herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fiber, and essential oils and when used in combination, these supplements will give you new energy and an improved sense of well-being! What a way to start the new year!

The Cleansing Trio includes ComforTone capsules, Essentialzyme tablets, and ICP powder. Cleansing Trio Protocol:

  • COMFORTONE: Take 1 capsule 3 times daily. Drink at least 64 ounces of distilled water throughout the day for best results.

  • ESSENTIALZYMETake 1 dual time-release caplet 1 hour before your largest meal of the day for best results.

  • ICP: Use 3 times daily. Mix 2 rounded teaspoons with at least 8 oz of juice or water. Drink immediately as this product tends to thicken quickly when added to liquid. Tastes best in carrot juice apple juice, or smoothies.


This supplement combines herbs and essential oils that aid in eliminating waste in the colon, allowing it to function optimally. It promotes consistent and easy bowel movements that can relieve bowel movements that can relieve hemorrhoids, bloating, and other symptoms of constipation. 

Comfortone also contains herbs and essential oils that have been shown to soothe the colon along with Psyllium, Bentonite Clay, and Diatomaceous Earth which work as magnets to toxins to then carry them out of the body.

  • Comfortone works best paired with ICP and EssentialZyme, which break down and scrub the colon so the Comfortone can move the waste out.
  • Comfortone is usually recommended to be used temporarily for cleanses and to get the body functioning normally and then stopped so the body learns to stimulate bowel movements on its own.


EssentialZyme is a bilayered, multienzyme complex caplet specially formulated to support and balance digestive health and to stimulate overall enzyme activity to combat the modern diet. Essentialzyme contains tarragon, peppermint, anise, fennel, and clove essential oils to improve overall enzyme activity, and support healthy pancreatic function.

Why do we need enzymes?? Enzymes are protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells and are required for our cells to function. Enzymes support all systems in the body.

  • Digestion – enzymes break down food so that the body can digest it.

  • Metabolism – enzymes help properly metabolize the food so that the body can use the nutrients from the food.

  • Respiration – enzymes assist in getting oxygen where it is needed.

  • Nutrient absorption and transportation – enzymes help the nutrients get to where they are needed.

  • Detoxification – enzymes keep toxic sludge from building up in the body.

  • Muscle movement – enzymes assist in helping the brain communicate with the muscles.

  • Hormone production – enzymes assist in helping the body produce hormones that in turn keep the body functioning.

  • Cell repair – enzymes assist in repairing cells that can lead to youthful skin.

  • Cell division – enzymes help keep cell division at a normal, healthy rate.


ICP helps keep your colon clean with an advanced mix of fibers that scour out residues. A healthy digestive system is important for the proper functioning of all other systems because the digestive absorbs all the nutrients that are used throughout the body. And we definitely want to make sure we are getting all those nutrients, especially when we are putting so much effort into eating clean, healthy and seasonally!

  • ICP provides ingredients such as psyllium, oat bran, and flax and fennel seeds to form a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers.
  • Enhanced with a special blend of essential oils, the fibers work to decrease the buildup of wastes, improve nutrient absorption and help maintain a healthy heart.
  • ICP provides two grams of dietary fiber, one gram of soluble fiber, and one gram of insoluble fiber per serving.
  • ICP works best when paired with Comfortone to get the bowels moving and EssentiaZyme to break down what is caked and hardened in the colon.
Notice: Using this product without enough liquid may cause choking. Do not use this product if you have difficulty swallowing. This product contains  Aloe Vera (A. barbadensis) leaf. Read and follow directions carefully. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Join us this month as we use the Cleansing Trio Kit to gently detox and cleanse and reset for the new year!

Want to try the Cleansing Trio Kit, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Freebies! - Jan 2021

Freebie Time - January 2021

Every month this generous company loads up up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we'd be buying anyway – toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements, and cleaning supplies, etc. - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, free shipping, delivered to our doorstep and products credits galore.

Freebies During the Month of January

FREE SHIPPING with any order (Essential Rewards or Shopping Order) of 100 PV or more! Start out 2021 right by putting your health first.

190 PV Orders

With any order (ER or Shop) of 190 PV or more, you'll receive a free 5 mL MASTRANTE oil and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is an Essential Rewards order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL ORANGE AND 15 mL TEA TREE!

MASTRANTE essential oil, 5 mL

  • Make a beauty statement – naturally. Infuse your favorite moisturizers with MANSTRANTE to sport naturally glowing skin all year long.

  • Relax and ground. Rejuvenate your day-to-day routine by diffusing MANSTRANTE for a gentle, refreshing aroma that balances and relaxes.

  • Connect with your inner self. Diffuse and/or apply this grounding oil to connect and balance the mind and body. Pairs well with citrus oils and Lavender.

ORANGE essential oil, 15 mL

  • Face the new year boldly. Get your glow on my massaging a little “citrus joy” into your skin.

  • Delight your senses. Bring a little sunshine into the long winter months by diffusing this oil's light, bright aroma. It pairs well with just about anything, but I love ORANGE with Joy, Valor, or Frankincense this time of year.

  • Uplift your spirits. Diffuse or apply ORANGE to support a positive attitude. Make a Happy Roller with 10 drops each of Joy, ORANGE, Bergamot, Valor and Stress Away.

TEA TREE essential oil, 15 mL

  • Hit refresh on your skin. Add TEA TREE to your favorite skin care products, so you can feel your best this month and every month this year.

  • Say goodbye to blemishes. Spot treat any problem areas or oily skin with TEA TREE. Make a simple toner for your T-zone with this roller ball recipe. To a 10 mL roller add 20 drops TEA TREE, 10 drops Lemon, 10 drops Lavender, and fill the rest with witch hazel.

  • Care for cold toes. Treat your feet by massaging a few drops of this popular oil into dry heals.

250 PV Orders

With any order of 250 PV, you'll receive a free 5 ml MANUKA oil, a 5 mL MANSTRANTE oil, and FREE SHIPPING. If your order is an ER order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL ORANGE and 15 mL TEA TREE.

MANUKA essential oil, 5 mL

  • Banish your skin care blues. Get some new-year glow by adding a few drops of MANUKA to your favorite facial cleanser each day.

  • Get your glow on. Make this ultimate Glow Serum. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle, add 10 drops MANUKA, 10 drops Rose (or 10 droppers full of the CBD Beauty Boost), 10 drops Blue Tansy, 10 drops Frankincense, and 10 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood and fill the rest with a carrier oil of your choice. Use daily for glowing youthful skin.

  • Go for the GOALS! Diffuse this oil's warm, calming aroma during your 2021 goal-setting session and daily when you're crushing your goals.

300 PV Orders

With any order of 300 PV, you'll receive a free 15 mL GERANIUM oil, a 5 mL MANUKA oil, a 5 mL MANSTRANTE oil, and FREE SHIPPING. If your order is an Essential Rewards order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL ORANGE AND 15 mL TEA TREE!

GERANIUM essential oil, 15 mL

  • Keep your skin in full bloom. Place some sweet-smelling drops of GERNANIUM in your morning moisturizer for dewy skin all day long.

  • Beat the winter blues. Diffuse this oil's floral aroma during an at-home spa experience for a hint of spring.

  • Make a perfume roller featuring this uplifting oil. GERANIUM pairs well with Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Lemon and White Angelica.

For more details and ways to use these amazing oils, check out this YouTube video from YL Corporate.

Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

More AMAZING Thieves Products to Talk about

More AMAZING Thieves Products !!

If you're loving what you are seeing so far, you'll love this next part. There are actually over 25 Young Living products that use the power of Thieves to safely clean and protect your family.

Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak and Spray 
The Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak is perfect for adding to a sink full of water and soaking all your produce before putting it away. Prepare to be amazed at the dirty residue that lurks in the water after washing, even with organic products from the grocery store.

Take the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray on the go and give apples a quick spray and wipe them down before taking a bit.

Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer

While we are talking about cleaning our produce, let's not forget to clean our hands before touching the food we consume. 
Thieves Hand Sanitizer (we call it "handitizer" in our house) is the perfect size to tuck in to your pockets, purses, or keep on the counter.

Thieves Spray

The Thieves Spray is another great product for taking with you on the go. Just one small spray freshens counters, sinks, door handles, toilets, and more. I love this one personally to spray my mask before entering a public space.

Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Powder

This ultra concentrated plant-based powder tackles even the dirtiest dishes with ease. The Thieves Dishwasher Powder is a great way to push the easy button and start ditching those toxins we talked about.

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Thieves Household Cleaner

Want a Safer Way to Clean?

Thieves® Household Cleaner -

Thieves Household cleaner provides that deep clean we all crave without dangerous ingredients. Wherever you choose to use it, you will feel good knowing this product is safe to use around everyone in your family. Incase you were wondering, the entire plant-based formula contains no soy or animal products. I knew you would get excited over that fact!

So now you're saying - Does Thieves Household Cleaner really work? Watch this quick 4 minute video and see her clean up chicken juice and the toilet all with the same cleaner.

Thieves Household Cleaner is safe to use on various surfaces including: windows, refinished porcelain, glass, granite, stainless steel, copper, cast iron, or varnished wood. However, Thieves cleaner is not intended for cleaning vinyl or soft plastic surfaces.

Pro Tip: do a spot test on desired surfaces. Wait 5 minutes and then be amazed at how gentle it is to clean ALL your surfaces.

As I'm saying - this cleaner can do so much. Check out Young Living's blog on 8 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks with Thieves Household Cleaner

Now Let's Talk Saving Money

Friends don't let friends over spend. PEROID. We can't go any further without me explaining how this is the most cost-effective non-toxic cleaner on the market. Just erase any perceived thoughts that living a toxin-free life needs to be expensive.

Thieves Household Cleaner can and will replace ALL other cleaning products, saving you time and money and space under your sink.

Thieves Household Cleaner is HEAVILY concentrate - meaning that bottle will last MONTHS. Here's an easy dilution chart for your reference as you dive head first into a toxin-free home. (Though it doesn't have to be exact at all - check out this YouTube by Young Living for more information.)

Diluted 1:30, one bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate will make more than 28 - 450mL bottles of cleaner. That is less than $1 per bottle. That is for each bottle of completely natural, non-toxic and very effective cleaning solution for every room in your home.

Here are some quick dilution ratios:
  • Light Degreasing (1:60) - 1 capful cleaner to 4 cups water
  • Medium Degreasing (1:30) - 1 capful cleaner to 2 cups water
  • Heavy Degreasing (1:15) - 1 capful cleaner to 1 cup water
  • Pot & Pans (1:100) - 1/3 capful cleaner to 3 cups water
  • Hand Cleaner (1:1) - 1/2 cup cleaner to 1/2 cup water
  • Floors (1:100) - 1 capful cleaner to 6.5 cups water
  • Walls (1:30) - 1 capful cleaner to 2 cups water
  • Fabric & Carpet (1:40) - 1 capful cleaner to 2 cups water
  • Glass (1:320) - 1 capful cleaner to 5 quarts water
  • Laundry - 1 capful cleaner per load in place of detergent
Who is ready to switch to Thieves Household Cleaner and ditch those toxic cleaners?

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Thieves Dish Soap

Ready to make the switch for the safety of your skin and eating surfaces? We love our Thieves Dish Soap!

Thieves Dish Soap Ingredients
  • Thieves Dish Soap | Young Living Essential OilsDecyl glucoside - Comparable to other Alkyl Polyglucoside Surfactants, decyl glucoside is obtained from 100% renewable vegetable origin. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel assessed the safety of 10 alkyl glucosides including decal glucoside as used in cosmetics and concluded these ingredients are safe in the present practices of use and concentration when formulated, and are non-irritating. Since glucoside hydrolyses in human skin are likely to break down tase ingredients to release their respective fatty acids and glucose, the Panel also reviewed CIR reports on the safety of fatty alcohols and were able to extrapolate data from those previous reports to support safety. Decyl glucoside is a gentle cleanser, delicate enough even for the delicate skin on fruits, such as berries and cherry tomatoes, which is why it used in the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray and Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak too.
  • Sodium Lauroyl lactylate - A salt derived from the Laurie acid ester of lactyl lactate (or milk and coconut oil) and is traditionally used as a food emulsifier, although it is seen in cosmetics and personal care products because of its ability, as a lactylate, to penetrate skin easily, providing "residual moisturizaion", extended fragrance release, and enhanced delivery of actives. Lauric acid is known for its moisturizing abilities, and is also recognized as a acne-fighter, thanks to its antimicrobial properties. Sodium Lauroyl lactylate is used as in ingredient in shapes, face and body washes, and other foaming cleansers.
  • Lauroyl glucoside and caprylyl glucoside - a safer alternative to regular harsh surfactants, which are typically used in cleansers to make the formula foam up. Also a "surfactant (cleanser)," this one is formed in the lab by blending a mixtures of alcohols with some simple sugars. The raw materials come from vegetables or coconut, and the resulting ingredient has a "zero" hazard rating on the Skin Deep Database.
  • Sodium oleate - I honestly had a difficult time finding information on this one that was not extremely scientific and technical and mixed with other ingredients. EWG rates it very low and lists 18 studies showing it to be of low concern on several fronts like estrogenic and mutagenic effects.
  • Sodium sesquicarbonate - An A rating on EWG, this ingredient is a double salt of sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate, and has a needle-like crystal structure. However, the term is also applied to an equimolar mixture of those two salts, with whatever water of hydration the sodium carbonate includes, supplied as a powder.
My favorite aspect of every Young Living product is that instead of the vague "fragrance" that they don't even have to disclose to us, we know that we have the most amazing, cleansing, pure essential oil scents (which also have health benefits!).

Want to try Young Living's Thieves Dish Soap, but don't know how, click here to get stared.

Have you made the swap?
In Health, Wellness, and Abundance

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Common Dish Soaps

Now that we have discussed the ingredients to look out for when washing your clothes, we CANNOT forget the other very important and daily soap we all use. DISH SOAP.

Dish Soap Ingredients
Have you ever looked at the ingredients in your dish soap? If you have, you may have seen these ingredients:
  • Ammonium C12-15 Pareth Sulfate - Evidence of chronic aquatic toxicity, damage to DNA, respiratory effects
  • Lauramidopropylamine Oxide - Evidence of respiratory effects, skin irritation/allergies/damage, damage to vision
  • DMDM Hydantion (aka formaldehyde) - Evidence of cancer, skin irritation/allergies/damage, general systemic or organ effects
  • Sodium Bisulfate - Evidence of damage to vision
  • Methylchoroisonthiazolinone - Evidence of acute aquatic toxicity, skin irrigation/allergies/damage
Personally, these side effects raise lots of red flags for me. When we are exposed to harmful ingredients over may years, it can cause serious wear and tear on our bodies. How much of this dish soap is present on my dishes when I'm serving dinner to my kids?

Not sure where to start? Well, Young Living has a solution for you to try - the all natural Thieves Dish Soap. Your health is worth a try. Read more here.

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Thieves Laundry Soap

Looking for a plant-based laundry soap that's pure and as natural as it gets? Check out the amazing Thieves Laundry Soap from Young Living, which contains the most powerful essential oils on the planet that not only make it smell amazing, but really helps to get things clean. I mean, I use Thieves for cleaning literally everything in my house, and now they've made the best laundry soap I've evert tired.

This little compact bottle does 64 loads of laundry, instead of your typical 32. It's 6x concentrated, so a little goes a long way. I love that its not so cumbersome like those giant jugs of detergent, and doesn't take up a ton of space in my laundry room. 


Stains come out, whites don't get dingy, dirty little people clothes actually come out CLEAN! I can't believe how well it works with only needing to use such a small amount. Like it is bizarre.

Let me walk you through all the ingredients, which is clearly labeled on the bottle - by the way. I didn't need to Google a safety data sheet just to find out.

I've also included each of these ingredients' ratings on the EWG Skin Deep website (this is a database where thousands of products and individual ingredients have been rated for their safety or toxicity). The ratings are on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least toxic and 10 being the most toxic. A score of 1-2 is considered the lowest possible hazard and very safe. Every single one of these ingredients found in their database ranks in that very safe category.

What's in Thieves Laundry Soap
  • Water - Obviously some amount of water is necessary to make a liquid.
  • Decyl glucoside - A plant derived nonionic surfactant (cleaning agent) that biodegrades easily. EWG Score - 1
  • Sodium oleate - Derived from olive oil, and ingredient that helps control suds/foaminess. Biodegradable with a EWG Score - 2
  • Glycerin - Used to stabilize the natural cleaning enzymes. EWG Score - 2
  • Caprylyl glucoside - Another plant-derived surfactant that biodegrades easily. EWG Score - 1
  • Lauryl glucoside - Another plant-derived surfactant that biodegrades easily. EWG Score - 1
  • Sodium chloride - that would be simple table salt. It affects the viscosity/thickness of the liquid.
  • Sodium gluconate - A plant-derived anionic surfactant that biodegrades easily. EWG Score - 1
  • Carboxymethyl cellulose - a plant-derived thickener and stabilizer. EWG Score - 1
  • Alpha-amaylase, Protease, Lipase - These are all natural enzymes, which are very effective at breaking down organic particles that make up the stains and dirtiness on your clothes. Without enzymes, your clothes won't be getting nearly as clean. These enzymes are 100% naturally-derived and are completely biodegradable.
  • Essential Oils - Jade Lemon, Bergamot, Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary essential oils. All beautiful, purer-than-pure Young Living essential oils that were carefully chose for their cleansing and purifying properties. Also, they smell unbelievable DELICIOUS.
What it Doesn't Have
  • Optical brighteners - These are chemical ingredients that are added to most laundry detergents. They reject light in a way that makes the clothes appear brighter and whiter. Its basically an optical illusion, that comes at a price. Optical brighteners can survive the wastewater treatment plants and make their way into lakes and streams, polluting the water and causing harm to algae and fish, where they bioaccumulate. Optical brighteners may also case skin irritation and an allergic response in some people.
  • Sodium laurel sulphate (SLS) - You've probably heard of this ingredient before, as so many companies are now claiming their products are free of this potential carcinogenic ingredient. In my research of ingredients in other supposedly "natural" laundry detergents, I found SLS in MANY of them. They claim that it is plant-derived and therefore safe, but the laws are so loose on what can be considered bio-based, that I don't know if this is trustworthy or not. If you try to avoid SLS in your home, I highly recommend Thieves instead.
  • Artificial fragrance - Of course, the only fragrance in Thieves Laundry Soap is Thieves essential oil and other pure essential oils from Young Living. Synthetic fragrances can contain hundreds of chemical with unknown toxicity and potential carcinogens.
  • Water softeners - I noticed that the Thieves Laundry Soap doesn't contain any mineral-based water softeners. So, if you have a moderately to significantly hard water, you probably want to add a simple water softener like Borax or vinegar to prevent mineral buildup. It's cheap, effective, and totally natural.

Want to try the Young Living's Thieves Laundry Soapbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Common Laundry Detergents

Common Laundry Detergents

When we are considering the health of our family, an area to take a closer look are the products we using in the laundry room. I encourage you to consider the list of ingredients in your laundry detergent. Take each ingredient and check its score according to the Environmental Working Group website (

Once you have stopped using your old laundry detergent for even a month and you go back try to breathe that stuff or anything that's been washed in it, you will thank me. If, for some reason, some article of our clothing gets washed in traditional detergents, I have to wash it multiple times to get that out before I'm comfortable with us using it. Being "free and clear" is a great start, but consider that just because you don't smell fragrances there still may be many of these other ingredient lurking around.

Many families suffer from eczema, respiratory issues, cancer, sensory processing disorders, and autoimmune diseases tat can be triggered or worsened by ingredients found in detergents. Your traditional laundry detergent needs to go. It is literally 24/7 exposure though your respiratory system and skin to horrible things your body as to work hard to process. Strain on your organs. Strain on your health.

What Ingredients Should I Avoid?
  • Fragrance: Manufactures combine a number of chemicals to product a fragrance - so you'll believe your clothes are clean because they smell clean - and they don't have to list those chemicals on the label because of trade protection. Some of these chemicals can be very toxic, but we don't really know what we're really being exposed to!
  • Cleaning Agents (surfactants): These are included in the formula to help product to clean better. Examples include chemicals like 
    • quaternium-15 - known to release formaldehyde, a known carcinogen and used to embalm bodies
    • diethanolamine - linked with skin and eye irrational and possibly liver problems
    • nonlphneol ethoxylate or NPE - toxic to nerves, irritating to skin, potential hormone disruptor, toxic to aquatic life
    • linear alkyl benzene sulfates or LAS - irritating to skin and eyes and toxic to aquatic life. Benzene on its own is a carcinogen
    • petroleum distillates - linked to cancer and lung damage.
  • Stabilizers: These chemicals help stabilize the formula, so that it lasts longer on the shelf. Examples include polyalkylene oxide or ethylene oxide, which are linked with eye and lung irritation, and even dermatitis. And yet we wonder why we can't clear up these lingering skin issues.
  • Bleach: Bleach may be used separately or may be included in the detergent itself. It's know to irrigate skin, eyes, and lungs, and when it mixes with wastewater, it can form toxic organic compounds that have been linked with respiratory issues, liver, and kidney damage.
  • 1,4 dioxane: This is a chemical by-product of detergent manufacturing. In independent tests, Women's Voices for Earth found 90 ppm (parts per million) in Tide Free & Gentle and 63 ppm in Regular Tide. They helped increase awareness, and Proctor & Gamble agreed to reformulate to reduce levels below 25 ppm. Future tests should show whether they made good on that promise. Past history is not looking good - I don't have a lot of confidence in the progress being made here.
  • Brighteners: You'll find these in detergents advertising their "brighting" powers. Brighter whites! Brighter colors! What's causing all this brightness? Chemicals that actually remain on the clothes to absorb UV light and help clothes "appear" brighter. We're talking things like naphthotriazolystilbenes (linked with developmental and reproductive effects), benzoxazolyl, diaminostilbene, disulfonate, and more. Since these remain on the clothes, they are likely to come into contact with skin.
  • Phosphates & EDTA: Manufacturers use these to make detergents more effective in hard water, and to help prevent dirt from settling back on clothes when they're washing. These chemicals have long been associated with environmental damage, particularly in our streams and waterways. They cause algae blooms that damage ecosystems. Many detergents have eliminated these, but they're often using ethylene diamine tetraacetic act (EDTA) in its place, which does not readily biodegrade, and has been found to be toxic in animal studies.
Even though it was hard to break away from detergent I had used for years, I knew that switching to Thieves Laundry Soap was right for me. Ask yourself, "is my health work at least TRYING this out for a little while?" I know you can make the commitment. I want you to be the CEO of your health. Read more here.

Want to try the Young Living's Thieves Laundry Soap, but don't know how, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

The Easy Button - Health, Wellness & Abundance at the Best Deal

Who wants to pay full price when you can get the same thing at a discount? Young Living has several options to help you get started and snag the best deal possible. Even if you already have your own Young Living account, there are still some money-saving tricks you need to know!

Good Deal

Head over to and add items to your cart! You will pay the higher amount shown and set up a retail account. You can upgrade to a wholesale membership at any time if you wish to get a 24% discount on all your purchases! 

Better Deal

Go ahead and upgrade that retail account to wholesale OR dive right in with the starter kit of your choice! These starter kits get you that coveted 24% wholesale discount on all your purchases plus access to even MORE membership perks like Essential Rewards and community support. Choose the kit that’s right for you!

Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit $165
  • Includes 12 of the most popular oils, 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier Sachets, Thieves Spray, 2 AromaGlide Roller Fitments, 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. Samples
  • Choice of diffuser: Desert Mist or Dewdrop, Rainstone (add $45)
  • The Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit qualifies for FREE shipping

CBD Regular Strength Premium Starter Kit $165
CBD Extra Strength Premium Starter Kit $250
KidScents Little Oilers Premium Starter Kit $135

Premium Starter Kit with NingXia Red $135

Premium Starter Kit with Thieves $125
  • Includes Thieves 15 ml, Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, 2 Thieves Household Cleaners, 2 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Thieves Sprays, 2 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifiers
  • The Thieves Starter Kit qualifies for FREE shipping

Basic Starter Kit $35 
  • Includes Stress Away 5 ml, AromaGlide Roller Fitment, 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier Sachets, Thieves Mints, 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. Samples
  • The Basic Starter Kit qualifies for FREE shipping when an additional 100 PV is added

Best Deal

Grab a Premium Starter Kit AND say YES to Essential Rewards right away  - Young Living's customizable subscription box program! You will earn 10 spendable points on your starter kit, get FREE shipping on your order, and be THAT much closer to earning your first loyalty gift with Young Living!

Essential Reward Perks

  • Loyalty gifts (FREE oils)
  • Earn points that convert to product credit
  • Completely customizable from month to month
  • Access to exclusive discounted ER bundles
  • Qualifies you to receive $ for referring friends
  • FREE shipping on orders of 100 PV or more
  • Get bonus freebies depending on your monthly order total 

 Let’s get you started! Which one are you leaning towards - GOOD, BETTER, or BEST? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

The Holiday Starter Bundle is Here! - 2020

The Holiday Starter Bundle is Here!

Say hello to the limited time Holiday Starter Bundle! A great starter bundle to share with friends and family OR for your own family as you travel this holiday season (and throughout the year)! It includes nine oils that are perfect for travel - available only for a limited time. Item #35327 Wholesale $150, 100PV

This bundle includes:
  • Lemon 5 mL - So fresh and clean, Lemon is one of my favorites to diffuse! It smells like rays of sunshine and invites in possibilities and creativity. its also a favorite for cleaning and purifying! Lemon pairs well with Peppermint, Thieves, Joy, and other citrus oils.
  • Peppermint 5 mL - Bright, fresh and clean, Peppermint is another quintessential holiday oil! It has a refreshing aroma that helps to sharpen and focus the mind, clear the airways and invite a sense of calm. Is also a favorite for tense muscles and joints! Pair Peppermint with Thieves or Grapefruit in the diffuser for an uplifting holiday blend.
  • Frankincense, 5 mL - the perfect oil for the holiday season. Eartly. Grounding. Inviting. Apply to the back of the neck or crown of the head to calm the brain and though process. Add to your moisturizer for glowing skin. Diffuse with Thieves for a festive holiday blend.
  • Joy 5 mL - Combining Jasmine, Geranium, Rose, Tangerine and other uplifting oils, this blend is perfect for the holiday season! In fact, it is one of Young Living's most popular uplifting blends! Wear as a perfume, diffuse with Frankincense or citrus oils, and invite your mind to see the beauty and joy around you.
  • Lavender 5 mL - Lavender helps create a relaxing, uplifting, sap-like atmosphere any time of the day, but I especially love it at night with frankincense. Lavender is also a favorite for supporting injured skin! Grab a hot pan while baking? Add some coconut oil, Lavender, and Frankincense! 
  • Bergamot 5 mL - Bergamot's effervescent citrus aroma makes it a great addition to your morning routine and to liven up your holiday chores! Bergamot has a primarily tart and uplifting aroma, with sweet and relaxing elements, making it a popular addition to perfumes and diffuser blends! Pair it with Joy, Lavender, Lemon, or Grapefruit.
  • Grapefruit 5 mL - Diffuse this mood-lifting oil with Bergamot, Lemon, and Thieves for a jolt of holiday cheer! Grapefruit is a favorite oil for simple cheer! Grapefruit is a favorite oil for simple DIYs too. Make a room or mask spray to keep things fresh and clean all day long or a sugar scrub to keep or give to a loved one.
  • Peace & Calming 5 mL - Peace & Calming is a gentle, sweet blend of Blue Tansy, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang, and is one of Young Living's most popular blends. It makes a wonderful perfume or an addition to a relaxing epsom salt bath, and its calming, sweet aroma is perfect for sleeping in heavenly peace this season.
  • Sweet Aroma Diffuser - This compact, fresh, and modern diffuser offers big features without taking up precious counter space - making it perfect for holiday travel. Breathe in the sweet aroma of essential oils with two diffusion modes and set a festive mood for your home with 10 different lighting options.
  • Leopard-Print Carrying Case - This adorable case is perfect for taking your diffuser and oils on the go! This zippered carrying case will hold our Sweet Aroma diffuser and has slots for your essential oils as well.
  • Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer 1 oz - Clean your hands naturally without drying them out! This waterless hand sanitizer is infused with Young Living's Thieves essential oil blend, so your hands will be fresh and clean without any chemicals or drying agents.
Check out the amazing products in the Young Living 2020 Holiday Catalog - for a limited time. Don't wait, or you'll. miss out.

Grab this amazing bundle for yourself or a loved one. Click here to get started. 

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Diffuser Recipes - Nov 2020

Check out the November Diffuser List!

It's the Holiday Season and I have a great collection of diffuser recipes for you! Thieves, Orange and Black Spruce are all stars this month (and always!). These always make my home smell amazing while purifying and cleansing the air. 

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.


As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend


As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

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