MightyZyme Supplement Spotlight - Aug 2021


Supplement Spotlight

Enzymes are crucial to our health and digestion, and in an ideal world our foods would be rich in natural enzymes. Unfortunately the average diet and even the soil quality. Without these little workers, we are not assimilating the nutrients that we need, and we all know that growing bodies need those nutrients!

Why are enzymes important? Enzymes...
  • help your cells communicate well with each other.
  • are protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant and animal cells. All cells require enzymes to survive and function.
  • help keep cell growth, life and death under control (this is so important!).
  • are need for more than 4,000 biochemical reactions in the body.
  • are responsible for every chemical reaction in our bodies.
  • allow our cells to build up and break down molecules in our bodies!
Enzymes affect every body system
  • Digestion - Enzymes break down food so the body can digest it.
  • Metabolism - Enzymes help properly metabolize the food so the body can use the nutrients from the food.
  • Respiration - Enzymes assist in getting oxygen to where it is needed.
  • Nutrient absorption and transportation - Enzymes help the nutrient get to where they are needed.
  • Detoxification - Enzymes keep toxic sludge from building up in the body.
  • Muscle Movement - Enzymes assist in helping the brain communicate with the muscles.
  • Hormone Production - Enzymes assist in helping the body produce hormones that in turn keep the body functioning.
  • Cell Repair - Enzymes assist in repairing cells which can lead to youthful skin.
  • Cell Division - Enzymes help keep cell division at a normal, healthy rate.

MightyZymes to the rescue!

These are all the things we want for ourselves and our kids' growing bodies. KidScents MightyZyme contains enzymes that naturally occur in the body that support and assist the digestive needs of growing bodies and the normal digestion of foods.

Areas of health that enzymes can support:
  • Gut health and digestion
  • Focus and attention
  • Mood and disposition
  • Energy levels
Chewable and newly formulated for better flavor and with folate instead of folic acid, these enzymes can be key to the digestive and immune system as well as helping to support a healthy gut (which has great impact on focus and brain function). Adding MightyZymes to your kid's routine is a great way to support their overall health.

To Use
  • Take 1 tablet, three times a day prior to or with meals.
  • For relief of occasional symptoms including fullness, pressure, bloating, stuffed feeling (commonly referred to as gas), pain and/or minor cramping that may occur after eating.
  • MightlyZyme aren't just for kids! If you are looking for a chewable enzyme, this is for you too.

Join us this month as we use MightyZyme this month and beyond to support overall health and wellness and feed our children (and ourselves!) 

Want to try MightyZyme, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Little Oiler Diffuser Recipes - Aug 2021

Little Oiler Diffuser
Recipes for August

This collection of diffuser blends has some of our favorites fo rate little oilers in our lives. From sleepy time blends to immune support to focused blends for school time, these oils are essential for our children and families!

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell divine - all at the same time! Join us this month as we diffuse these favorite blends to care for ourselves this month.

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in August. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend


Imagine a cool, dark room... twinkle lights in the corner.... white noise playing... and the scent of Lavender, Patchouli and Tangerine lulling you towards dream land. That's exactly what this blend evokes.

This combination is perfect for setting the stage for great sleep. Peace & Calming contains the beloved blue tansy, an oil that specifically helps calm the central nervous system.

Whether you are homeschooling, virtual schooling or in person schooling, this blend is a great one for school and work time for the adults too!

Rosemary is helpful for promoting focus, citrus oils are uplifting and help promote creativity. Try this soothing blend the next time you work, school or create.

Snuggle up with your little ones with this blend creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere. 

KidPower for calm, brave feelings
Frankincense for grounding and emotional connection
Tangerine for a little playfulness

These oils are wonderful for supporting the emotions and connecting with those you love.

Herbaceous, deep and clean, this combination of oils helps to open the airways and support the entire respiratory system. Lemon is a natural mucolytic and makes a green addition to this blend.

Diffuse at bedtime or anytime you need a little extra support.

We want the energy in our homes to be calm, loving, playful and inviting, and this combination of oils brings all those feelings.

The grounding vibes of Sacred Mountain, the woodsiness of Patchouli and the brightness of Tangerine and Lime pair perfectly for a great everyday blend. Plus, Sacred Mountain helps to release fear of the unknown, making it a powerful emotional toolbar all of us - especially our kids!

It's almost that time of year again! We want to start supporting our bodies before the winter months, and this blend is perfect for that.

Add these oils to the diffuser at bedtime, before and after school, camps and play dates to purify the air and support the immune and respiratory systems.

KidPower is a fan favorite with its vanilla creamsicle scent, so pairing it with Lavender creates a perfect calm and confident aroma.

Whether you need some help calming down to focus or settling into sleep, this combination will quickly become a favorite.

Whenever you need to find that inner magic (or help someone you love find it), this blend is perfect.

Citrus oils for creativity, Stress Away to connect to your calm center, and Joy for bringing out the inner love and light that we all carry! This blend is wonderful any time of the day, but we especially love it in the mornings.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use August's Gifts with Purchase - 2021

How to use your August
Gifts with Purchase

Do you ever see the monthly freebies Young Living so generously offers us, and wonder, "But what would I do with that?" Well, we've got you covered with these simple tips and DIYs for how to use the freebies.

Creating a natural home has never been easier. August's Gift with Purchase is all about a clean, green, natural home, and these simple tips, tricks and DIYs will have you (and your new one oasis) covered. Each item this month has been hand picked to elevate your home with plant-based, powerhouse products that you can feel good about for the whole family.

Be sure to tag me @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas so I can celebrate with you!

Thieves Dish Soap

When no way becomes hooray! Turn a hated chore into a pleasant experience with plant-based Thieves Dish Soap - now in an exclusive 16-oz size (not available for sale)
  • Add 1 tablespoon Thieves Dish Soap and a few drops of Lemon essential oil to a sink full of warm water before doing dishes.
  • Your dishes will be shiny and clean, and your task will be much more enjoyable.
Scrub up stone surfaces with this simple DIY. In a glass spray bottle, add:
  • 2 tablespoons of Thieves Dish Soap
  • 10 drops of Lavender
  • Fill with water, and clean!
Make a Stain Stick
  • 30 mL roller bottle (or empty 15 ml bottle with a roller ball for a half recipe)
  • fill just under half with Thieves Dish Soap
  • Add 10 drops Lemon essential oil
  • fill remainder with Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Use to spot treat any stains before washing
Give your scalp some TLC with this DIY Clarifying Shampoo & Scalp Treatment. Use an empty Thieves Dish Soap Bottle (or other squeeze bottle to allow you to target the scalp) and add:
  • Fill 1/3 with Thieves Dish Soap
  • Fill 1/3 with Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Tea Tree
  • 10 drops Rosemary
  • fill with water and gently invert to mix well
  • To use, simply wash per usual or to target the scalp or needed areas, use the dish soap to apply to desired areas, then gently massage in well. Let sit for a few minutes before rinsing. 
Pre-treat stains on laundry with Thieves Dish Soap. Simply add the dish soap directly to the stain rub gently and let sit.

Lushious Lemon 
Essential Oil BLEND

This take on one of our tried and true oils is a new favorite for sure! Lemon meets Lemon Myrtle, Ylang Ylang, Spearmint, and Eucalyptus Globulus for a perfect mix that is bright, fresh, and clean.

Place Lushious Lemon infused cotton balls in the refrigerator, bathroom drawer, or trash can. This method (or diffusing) is better and more versatile than any candle.

Add some sunshine to your cleaning. Whip up a Lushious Lemon Cleaner. To a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 15 drops Lushious Lemon essential oil blend
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Fill with water and gently invert to mix
  • Use on all surfaces
Upgrade your kitchen & bath scrub with a lemon-y twist. To a glass jar (such as the exclusive amber bottles below), add:
  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 10 drops Lushious Lemon essential oil blend
  • 1-2 tablespoons Thieves Household Cleaner
Whip up a simple mattress & upholstery spray with a lemony twist. To an 8 oz spray bottle, add:
  • 1 teaspoon Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops Lushious Lemon oil blend
  • Fill with water
  • Spray on upholstered surfaces to refresh as desired.
Give your shower a citrus-y boost with a DIY Lushious Lemon Shower Steamers.
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup distilled water
  • 25 drops Lushious Lemon oil blend
  • 1 silicone mold
    Step 1 - Add the baking soda to a glass mixing bowl and add 1/4 cup distilled water to the consistency of damp sand. Add water if needed.
    Step 2 - Add essential oil and continue to stir until well mixed, then scoop into a silicone mold. Use the back of a spoon or your fingers to compress the mixture to ensure there are no air pockets.
    Step 3 - Allow to dry in molds overnight. Once completely dry, remove from the molds and store in a glass jar.
    To use: Place the steamer your shower floor (out of direct water flow) and inhale the bright scent of Lushious Lemon.
Create your own unique bath gel. Simply add Lushious Lemon oil bend to Young Living's Bath and Shower Gel Base for a unique scent that the convenientional stores can't beat.

Diffuse this bright, happy blend in all the rooms in your house (or in your office, car, etc.).

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Create a refreshing linen spray. To an 8 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 20 drops Lemongrass essential oil
  • 10 drops each Lavender & Tangerine (optional
  • Fill with water and spritz over linens, towels, clothes - anything really!
Clean with a citrus-y queen. Enjoy cleaning with this bright scent! After turning on some music, add 3-4 drops to a sink full of dishes, a load of laundry, or an all-purpose cleaner.

Freshen up your laundry game by adding a few drops of Lemongrass to wool dryer balls (about 2 drops per ball) for fresh smelling laundry. Take it a step further and make a simple Laundry Scent Booster. To a glass jar with a lid, add the following:
  • 1 cup epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup sea salt (or more epsom salt)
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 20-30 drops Lemongrass (add in Lavender, Rosemary, Tangerine, Peppermint or other oils as desired)
    Combine all the ingredients well. Let it sit to air dry a bit and then cover.
    To use - add 2-3 tablespoons of the mix directly to the load.
Freshen up any room. Diffuse Lemongrass for a quick way to chase away musty smells, refreshing and renew.
  • Laundry Day Blend: Lemongrass + Lavender + Tangerine + Rosemary
  • Citrus Shine: Lemongrass + Lemon + Tangerine
  • Garden Breeze: Lemongrass + Rosemary + Peppermint
  • Orchard Stroll: Lemongrass + Bergamot + Grapefruit

Thieves Wipes

Get rid of grime. When your travel agenda looks a little more planes and trains and less automobiles, use these wipes to spruce up public spaces with one swipe. Use these convenient wipes to clean:
  • Cell phones, e-readers, tablets, remotes
  • Kids toys and games
  • Glassware or mugs in hotel rooms
  • Car door handles, consoles, and carseats
  • Hands after touching menus, stair railings, anything grimy
Clean up messy fingers with these plant-based wipes or give your work desk a post-lunch pampering with a quick wipe down.

Clean little hands quickly at the end of the school day by stashing Thieves wipes in the car or in their backpacks.

Wipes dried out? Simply mix together 1/2 teaspoon Thieves Household cleaner with 2 tablespoon of water and pour over the wipes as needed.

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

Double up on cleaning and self-care. Clean hands don't have to be dry hands. Show your hands some love with Thieves essential oil blend, tea plant extract, and aloe. Want a little more?
  • Add 10 drops of Cedarwood or Frankincense to each bottle
  • Following washing with Lavender Hand and Body Lotion.
Don't clean up with toxic chemicals. Instead, turn to this Thieves, Lemon, and Orange-infused hand soap for a sudsy, skin-softening dream. Keep on at every sink or gift one to a friend.

Add Thieves Foaming Hand Soap to your next housewarming or host/hostess gift.
  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap + a lovely dish towel tied together with a sprig of rosemary
  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap + fresh flowers from your garden
  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap + a small diffuser + your favorite diffuser blend
  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap + a bamboo dish brush tied together with twine
Pro tip: keep the white plastic top in case you need to travel. Simply remove the pump top and replace the white lid for easy packing.

Amber Dish Soap Bottle

Create your own concoction and use this amber dish soap bottle as the perfect holder for your superstar solution.

Add any of the following to your Thieves Dish Soap for a boost:
  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Lemongrass
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Rosemary
  • Tangerine
  • Any combination you like!
Do it all with dish soap. In this gift with purchase-exclusive amber bottle (not available for sale), combine dish soap with Thieves Household Cleaner, vinegar, and water and scrub on walls to remove spots. For a DIY Spot-Removing Cleaner (16 oz):
  • 1/4 cup Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 2 tablespoons Thieves Dish Soap
  • 1/4 cup white Vinegar
  • 10 drops Lemon essential oil
  • water

Amber Foaming 
Hand Soap Bottle

Class it up with glass. For a fancy feeling in your bathrooms, add your favorite foaming hand soap to this gift with purchase-exclusive amber foaming hand soap bottle (not available for sale). We love the Lushious Lemon Blend or you can make your own. For a DIY Foaming Hand Soap:
  • 2 tablespoons liquid Castile soap (eg Dr. Bronner's unscented)
  • 10-15 drops essential oils (Thieves, Lemongrass, Lushious Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint are some favorites)
  • Fill with distilled water leaving an inch at the top  to ad the lid. Gently invert to mix.
Whip up a DIY blend or fill this amber bottle with Thieves Foaming Hand Soap for a housewarming or host gift that anyone would love.

Desert Mist Diffuser

Infuse your life with amazing aromas with this crowd favorite diffuser. Create your own blends or find lots of favorites in each monthly Diffuser blend blogs. It's easy to search by oil, season or even need.
  • Good Morning Blend: Lemon + Peppermint + Tangerine
  • Mind At Ease Blend: Lavender + Grapefruit + Stress Away + Tangerine
  • Sugar Cookes Blend: Stress Away + Cinnamon Bark or Thieves
  • Zen Place Blend: Patchouli + Lavender + Tangerine + Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • Sweet Dreams Blend: Lavender + Cedarwood + Northern Lights Black Spruce
Dream up new decor. Looking for a little house makeover? Start with this diffuser - its beautiful, elegant design that looks like a Moroccan trellis pattern is the best place to start.

Looking for a thoughtful gift? Share this beautiful diffuser with someone you love.
  • Desert Mist Diffuser + Lavender, Grapefruit + Tangerine essential oils
  • Desert Mist Diffuser + two of your favorite blends pre-made in dropper bottles
  • Desert Mist Diffuser + Thieves, tangerine essential oils
  • Desert Mist Diffuser + Lavender essential oil + an eye mask
Now that you know how to use these Free with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Gift with Purchase! - August 2021

Check out these AWESOME 

Gifts with Purchase in August

Creating a natural home has never been easier! August's gift with purchase is all about clean, green, natural home. You can earn major rewards such as the crowd favorite Lushious Lemon oil blendLemongrassThieves Foaming Hand SoapThieves Wipes, and a Desert Mist Diffuser.

These are perfect for creating an home oasis!

This month you can also qualify for gift with purchase exclusives, including a 16-oz bottle of Thieves Dish Soap and reusable amber bottles for foaming hand soap and dish soap. Each item this month has been handpicked to elevate your home with plant-based, powerhouse products. And you can ship them for free.

For some of our favorite ways to use these oils and products, check out the How to Use August's Gift with Purchase blog.

Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we’d be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, free shipping, delivered to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside!

Freebies During the Month of August

With any order (Subscribe to Save or one time shop order) of 100 PV or more, you will receive FREE SHIPPING. You worry about creating your oasis and let Young Living cover the cost of your deliveries.

190 PV Orders

With any order (Subscribe to Save or Shop) of 190 PV or more, you'll receive a free THIEVES DISH SOAP and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL LUSHIOUS LEMON essential oil blend.


  • When no way becomes hooray! Turn a hated chore into a pleasant experience with plant-based Thieves Dish Soap - now in an exclusive gift with purchase 16-oz size (not available for sale).
  • Scrub up stone surfaces. In a spray bottle, add 2 tablespoons of Thieves Dish Soap and a few drops of Lavender; fill the rest with water. Start using using this fabulous floral cleaner.
  • Say goodbye to summer stains. Pre-treat stains on laundry with a dap of Thieves Dish soap. Simply apply the dish soap directly to the stain, rub gently and let sit. Wash as usual.

LUSHIOUS LEMON essential oil blend, 15 mL

  • From Lemon to Lushious. Take your favorite scent, Lemon, and step it up a notch with the additions of Lemon Myrtle, Ylang Ylang, Spearmint, and Eucalyptus Globulus.
  • Snuff out stinky smells. Place a Lushious Lemon-infused cotton ball in the refrigerator, bathroom drawer, or trash can. This method (or diffusing) is better and more versatile than any candle.
  • Add some sunshine to your cleaning. Whip up a "Lushious Lemon" Cleaner by adding 15 drops of this sunny blend to your diluted Thieves Household Cleaner in a spray bottle.
  • Note: for Subscribe to Save orders only.

250 PV Orders

With any order of 250 PV, you'll receive a free 15 mL LEMONGRASS oil, a box of THIEVES WIPES, free THIEVES DISH SOAP and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL LUSHIOUS LEMON essential oil blend.

LEMONGRASS essential oil, 15 mL

  • Spritz for a total hit. Add Lemongrass to a spray bottle with water and spritz it over linens, towels, and clothes. You'll adore the sweet and citrusy scent over any store-bought air freshener.
  • Clean with a citrusy queen. Enjoy cleaning with a this bright scent. After turning on some music, add 3-4 drops to a sink full of dishes, a load of laundry, or an all purpose cleaner.
  • Freshen up any room. Diffuse Lemongrass for a quick way to chase away musty smells, refreshing and renew.
  • Get rid of grime. When you travel agenda looks a little more plans and trains and less automobiles, use these wipes to spruce up public spaces with one swipe.
  • Fight the sticky! Clean up messy fingers with these plant-based wipes or give your work desk a post-lunch pampering with a quick wipe down.

300 PV Orders

With any order of 300 PV, you'll receive a free THIEVES FOAMING SOAP - 3 PACK, a free 15 mL LEMONGRASS oil, THIEVES DISH SOAP and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL LUSHIOUS LEMON essential oil blend.


  • Double up on cleaning and self-care. Clean hands don't have to be dry hands. Show your hands some love with Thieves essential oil blend, tea plant extract, and aloe.
  • Don't clean up with toxic chemicals. Instead, turn to this Thieves, Lemon, and Orange-infused hand soap for a sudsy, skin-softening dream.

400 PV Orders

With a Subscribe to Save order (previously essential Rewards) of 400 PV, you'll receive a AMBER SOAP BOTTLE & AMBER FOAMING HAND SOAP BOTTLE, a THIEVES FOAMING SOAP - 3 PACK, a free 15 mL LEMONGRASS oil, a box of THIEVES WIPES, a THIEVES DISH SOAP and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL LUSHIOUS LEMON essential oil blend.

  • Create your own concoction. Have a secret family recipe that rids dishes of stuck-on food in no time? Use this amber dish soap bottle as the perfect holder for your superstar solution.
  • Do it al with dish soap. In this gift with purchase-exclusive amber (not available for sale), combine dish soap with Thieves Household Cleaner, vinegar, and water and scrub on walls to remove spots.
  • Note: for Subscribe to Save orders only.
  • Class it up with glass. For a fancy feeling in your bathrooms, add your favorite foaming hand soap to this gift with purchase-exclusive amber foaming hand soap bottle (not available for sale).

  • Suds up with your signature scent. Do you love the smell of Lavender, Peppermint, or Lemon? Add your personal blend to any foaming hand soap and let your creativity shine in this amber bottle.

  • Note: for Subscribe to Save orders only.

500 PV Orders

With a Subscribe to Save order (previously essential Rewards) of 500 PV, you'll receive a free DESERT MIST DIFFUSER, an AMBER SOAP BOTTLE & AMBER FOAMING HAND SOAP BOTTLE, a THIEVES FOAMING SOAP - 3 PACK, a free 15 mL LEMONGRASS oil, a box of THIEVES WIPES, a THIEVES DISH SOAP and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL LUSHIOUS LEMON essential oil blend.

  • Infuse your life with amazing aromas. Whip out your Desert Mist Diffuser and become an expert essential oil blender in no time.
  • Dream up new decor. Looking for a little house makeover? Start with this diffuser - its beautiful, elegant design that looks like a Moroccan trellis pattern is the fabuluous place to start.
  • Note: for Subscribe to Save orders only.

For more details and ways to use these amazing oils, check out this YouTube video from YL Corporate. Then get diffusing with these freebies with these yummy Diffuser Recipes in August. Wonder how to use your gifts with purchase? Check out this post to see all the things.

Want to get the most out of your new oils? Check out these posts on the Lavender Life Blog:
Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use July's Gifts with Purchase - 2021

How to use your July
Gifts with Purchase

Do you ever see the monthly freebies Young Living so generously offers us, and wonder, "But what would I do with that?" Well, we've got you covered with these simple tips and DIYs for how to use the freebies.

The action-packed time of year is here and we have you covered. Create impactful morning and evening routines with July's Gift with PurchaseThese simple DIYs, tips and tricks will have you ready for anything that comes your way.

Be sure to tag us @oilisliving on Instagram when you use these ideas or graphic so we can see!

Gentle Baby
essential oil Blend

Make a Simple Linen Spray
  • 10 drops each Gentle Baby and Lavender
  • Splash of alcohol-free witch hazel
  • Fill a 2 oz glass spray bottle with filtered water
Make a New Mama Roller
This is a lovely gift to help new moms with all the overwhelming feelings and promote bonding with the baby.
  • 20 drops Gentle Baby
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 5 drops Joy
  • Fill a 10 mL roller with a carrier oil of choice
Make a Hello World newborn roller to gift with your New Mama Roller
  • 5 drops Gentle Baby
  • Add carrier of choice in a 10 mL roller bottle
Diffuser Blends: Invite the scent of the ocean breeze or bring a little bit of calm anytime of day with these blends!
  • Seaside: Gentle Baby + Lavender + Spearmint
  • All is Calm: Gentle Baby + Frankincense
  • Mama's Love: Gentle Baby + Tangerine + Lavender

KidScents KidPower
Essential Oil BLEND

Apply KidScents KidPower to wrists, back of neck, over the heart for a creamsicle-scented boost of bravery and calm anytime of day. This is especially great before school, dental and doctor appointments or anything that brings the belly butterflies.

Create a Calm & Collected Roller
  • 30 drops KidPower
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • Fill a 10 mL roller bottle with a carrier of choice
Create a Calm & Collected Linen Spray to help little ones prepare for bedtime
  • 30 drops KidPower
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • A splash of witch hazel
  • Fill a 2 oz glass spray bottle with filtered water
  • Spritz sheets, pajamas, stuffed animals, blankets, etc
Diffuser blends - Invite in a sense of bravery and calm with these diffuser blends.
  • Everyday Magic: KidPower + Tangerine+ Lavender
  • Shine Bright: KidPower + Tangerine + Frankincense

KidScents Unwind

KidScents Unwind is specially formulated for children to help promote a calm and relaxing state, reduce restlessness, and improved focus and mental clarity at home and in the classroom. Magnesium, L-theanine and calming essential oils combine with other natural ingredients to help your little ones sleep soundly.

Empty contents of 1 packet into mouth to dissolve or mix with water and drink before bed.

Create a Bedtime Routine
  • Fill diffusers with SleepyIze or Gentle Baby
  • Take a KidScents Unwind packet
  • Roll on your favorite bedtime oil - SleepyIze, Gentle Baby, Lavender or Tranquil
  • Set the tone with white noise, a cool temperature, and a dark space

KidScents SniffleEase 
Essential Oil Blend

Breathe easily with this simple Chest Rub
  • 20  of SniffleEase
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • Gently melt the coconut oil in a hot water bath
  • Set it aside to cool a while before adding the SniffleEase
  • Rub a little on the chest to support your little's breathing
For children 2 and older, simply add a roller top to the bottle and apply
  • Massage onto feet and chest before bedtime
  • Roll along the chest and spine as desired for opening up the airways
Make relaxing bath salts that are perfect when someone is battling the sniffles!
  • 20 drops of SniffleEase
  • 1/4 cup epsom salts
  • Mix and add to bath water (or a foot bath)
Diffuse this calming blend when the sniffles and stuffiness show up to soothe airways naturally and release discomfort.
  • Breathe Easy: SniffleEase + Frankincense
  • Soothe: SniffleEase + Thieves + Lemon

KidScents SleeyIze 
Essential Oil Blend

Drift off to sleep while diffusing this calming blend of Lavender, Gernanium, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot and other essential oils. Diffuse alone or pair with Lavender, Tangerine, Roman Chamomile or Patchouli.

Set the scene for a calm nighttime routine. For children 2 and over, simply add a roller top to the bottle to apply. Roll along the spine, the forehead or on the bottom of the feet before bed.

Make a Sweet Dreams Linen Spray
  • 30 drops SleeyIze
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • A splash of witch hazel
  • Fill a 2 oz glass spray bottle with filtered water
  • Spray on linens, pajamas, movies, stuffed animals, etc before bed
Make a Sweet Dreams Massage Oil
  • 30 drops SleeyIze
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • Fill a 2 oz dropper bottle with a carrier oil of choice
  • Use to massage arms, legs, and feet before bed
Create a relaxing, spa-like atmoshpere
  • Mix 20 drops of SleepyIze with 1/4 cup epsom salt and add to warm bath water
  • Close the door to let the steam and heat create a cozy environment
  • Turn on the diffuser with SleepyIze or Gentle Baby or other calming blend
  • Follow this relaxing bath with a massage of coconut oil and SleepyIze

KidScents Owie
Essential Oil Blend

Add a roller top and apply Owie directly to the skin to soothe any owies after play. Never stings!

Make an Owie Spray
  • 30 drops KidScents Owie
  • 15 drops Copaiba
  • Fill a 2 oz stainless steel spray bottle with fractionated coconut oil
  • Spray owes as needed
Add a few drops of KidScents Owie to Rose Ointment for a natural remedy for owies. Ditch the OTC cream and grab KidScents Owie instead.

Make your own Owie Cream
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • 2 tbs shea butter
  • 50 drops KidScents Owie
  • 20 drops Copaiba
  • Melt coconut oil and shea butter over warm heat. Allow to slightly cool (but not harden) and the add essential oils.
  • Mix well and allow to harden.
  • Use as desired. Store Owie Cream in the refrigerator for a cool, soothing sensation and to maintain consistency.
Stock your Survival Kit
  • KidScents Owie, SniffleEase, and TummyGize
  • DIY Owie Spray
  • Fun bandages
  • Mineral Sunscreen
  • Insect Repellent
Now that you know how to use these Free with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for July 2021

The July Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

For the month of July, we are focusing on all things personal care to show ourselves some love and help us move towards our health goals. Here are a few items we are using this month and beyond to support our physical, mental and emotional health everyday.

Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo - for beautiful, healthy hair
Frankincense essential oil - for glowing, healthy skin
Valor Bar Soap - to add some zen to your daily routine
C-B-D Beauty Boost - the ultimate in skin
Sulfurzyme Capsules (or Powder) - for happy hair, skin, and nails
Lavender Lip Balm - the best lip balm around

Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo

Healthy hair depends a lot on what and how we cleanse it. The Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo is minty and invigorating and perfect for all hair types. The scent promotes feelings of calm and clarity, and nourishing ingredients promote beautiful, healthy hair.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil has long been known for its incredible grounding and healing properties and carries huge historical and spiritual significance. Frankincense has been used in religious rituals for over 3,000 years. It has been know to enhance immunological function, beautify skin, and increase spiritual awareness. This oil is a must-have for every home because of its versatility. 

Lean more about Frankincense essential oil in my Oil Spotlight of the Month post.

Valor Bar Soap

Love your skin and elevate the everyday with Valor Bar Soap. Ground yourself with nature and the woodsy smell of Valor while you get ready for the day ahead or wind down at the end of the day. The nourishing formula cleanses without drying out the skin and the scent is incredible.

CBD Beauty Boost

Your skin is your largest organ, and the state of your skin can tell you a lot about your body's needs. Your skin is exposed to everything the day brings - heat, cold, sun, wind, environmental toxins, household toxins, and more. So we need to do everything we can to show our skin (and our bodies) some TLC.

CBD Beauty Boost contains a combination of pure, potent CBD, tamanu oil, grapeseed oil, and rose essential oil for a truly luxurious experience.

For more, including a great DIY Beauty Serum, check out the July's Ditch & Switch blog.


If you have skin, hair, nails, or joints (and we hope you do), you are likely not getting enough of this compound. Weak and brittle nails, hair that doesn't grow or isn't healthy, joints that are painful and skin issues can all be giant billboard signs telling you that you need more nutrition in this area. Skin that is ultra sensitive to the topical use of oils can be another telltale sign. This one supplement (capsules or powder) can do so much to help you benefit from everything else you are doing with your oils to increase your health.

To learn more, check out the July Supplement Spotlight post.

Lavender Lip Balm

A daily must have! This is our favorite lip balm, and it doubles as a carrier stick when in a pinch! Apply to lips, cheeks, noses, any part of the skin that needs a little TLC. We like to keep one in our bag, one by the bed and one in the bathroom.

Want to try the essentials for July (Lavender Mint Clarifying ShampooFrankincense essential oilValor Bar SoapC-B-D Beauty BoostSulfurzyme Capsules (or Powder), Lavender Lip Balm), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Frankincense Oil Spotlight - July 2021


July's Oil Spotlight

Frankincense essential oil has long been know for its incredible grounding and healing properties and carries huge historical and spirtual significance. This oil is a must-have for every home because of its versatility.

Frankincense AT A Glance

Frankincense has been used in religious rituals for over 3.000 years. It has been know to enhance immunological function, beautify skin, and increase spiritual awareness.

  • Promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin
  • May help reduce the appearance of uneven skin tones
  • Has a sweet, honey-like and woody fragrance fresh, floral aroma that pairs well with many other oils

Key Constituents

Alpha-pinene, Limonene, Sabinene, Beta-caryophyllene, Alpa-thujene, Incensole


Frankincense is mentioned in one of the oldest know medical records, the Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to the the 16th century BC. It is a very versatile oil that has been used for everything under the sun and was valued even more than gold during ancient times. 

Want a little more? Go to PubMed and search for Frankincense. You can type "frankincense and ___" using whatever issue you'd like to search.

Frankincense & Emotions from Eryn Jones

Frankincense is helpful for releasing feelings of anger, entanglement, and abandonment. This sentiment in feeling form can mean you fell so dependent on or entangled with someone else's opinion or thoughts about you that anything they do makes you angry and triggered. In Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, Dr. Mein says that the alarm point for this is the "ego-point", which is the center of your chest.

If a particular relationship is extra hard, the way out of it is to Surrender and Detach, standing your own power and security. Frankincense can help you get there.

Here's how to use it for releasing stuck emotions related to this:
  • Rub Frankincense over the center of the chest whenever you feel that deep, angry feeling, or when you chest hurts from emotional struggles.
  • Say statement like "I am grounded" or "I stand in my power".
  • Inhale Frankincense until you feel something shift and that burden in your chest gets lighter.

Daily Habits with Frankincense

  • Add Frankincense to your DIY Glow Serum or favorite moisturizer for antioxidant and anti-aging support
  • DIY Glow Up Serum
  • Roll Frankincense along the underneath and around the breasts daily to support overall health.
  • Apply a drop of Frankincense to the crown of the head before meditation or yoga.
  • And a drop of Frankincense Vitality to your daily Ningxia Red to capitalize on the incredible immune and antioxidant effects.
  • Add Frankincense to your wellness roller for immune and antioxidant support
  • DIY Wellness Roller


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the grounding scent of Frankincense this month!

Join us in using Frankincense oil daily to create daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Frankincensebut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

CBD Beauty Serum Ditch and Switch - July 2021

CBD Beauty Serum

July Ditch & Switch

As the gatekeepers of our home we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create healthy habits for ourselves and families! 

Join us as we detox our beauty routine and ditch drugstore (or makeup counter) beauty serums for Young Living's CBD Beauty Boost.

Why we love Young Living's CBD Beauty Boost
  • Infused with rose essential oil
  • Helps reduce the appearance of redness, fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Helps calm and soothe skin
  • Moisturizes skin
  • Boots skin's natural glow
  • Ideal for all skin types
  • Meets Young Living's Seed to Seal quality standards
Love your Skin
Your skin is your largest organ, and the state of your skin can tell you a lot about your body's needs. Your skin is exposed to everything the day brings - heat, cold, sun, wind, environmental toxins, household toxins, and more. So we need to do everything we can to show our skin (and our bodies) some TLC.

Sadly conventional products are chock full of synethic ingredients that wreak havoc on the body, especially over time, disrupting hormones, causing allergies (often low-level so we barely notice), and filling our systems with chemicals that cause damage over time.

Switching from conventional to chemical-laden beauty products is a great, simple step in the right direction. Young Living products contain NO synthetic ingredients. NO hormone disruptors. NO artificial colorings. And you can bet that every ingredient is used is of the highest quality.

Nature's Ultra CBD products are crafted using a blend of high-quality CBD isolate and Young Living essential oils. These world-class ingredients combine to form Young Living's exclusive Smart Spectrum CBD. The Beauty Boos contains a combination of pure, potent CBD, tamanu oil, grapeseed oil, and rose essential for a truly luxurious experience. In fact, its so luxurious that each dropper contains the essential oils from on e full Damask rose.

This blend of CBD, rose essential oil, tamanu oil, and grapeseed oil works to maintain an even tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Just one daily dropper of this Smart Spectrum blend will moisturize your skin and promote a youthful glow. Nature's Ultra CBD Beauty Boost is ideal for all skin types, so no matter what your needs are, CBD Beauty Boost can help!

Key Ingredients
  • CBD - pure potent CBD with 0.0% THC
  • Rose Essential Oil - beautiful, luxurious floral oil that beautifies, soothes, and moisturizes the skin to promote a youthful apperance
  • Tamanu Oil - smooth, nutty oil rich in fatty acids to improve the appearance of the skin and promote an even skin tone
  • Grapeseed Oil - oil rick in omega-6 fatty acids and antioxidants to absorb quickly without leaving the skin feeling oily
To Use
  • Add 1-2 droppers to your hand and apply evenly to your face, neck, chest, or anywhere you could use a moisturizing boos. For best results, shake well before using and mix with your favorite Young Living beauty products.
  • Make a DIY Beauty Serum and use moving and evening.
DIY Glow Up Serum
This is the ultimate in skin care and rivals any of the high-end beauty serums and products, yet it is completely plant-based and natural.
  • 20 drops Frankincense and Myrrh
  • 10 drops Blue Tansy
  • 10 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandal (for dry skin), optional
  • 5 drops Lavender (for oily skin), optional
  • 5 droppersful CBD Beauty Boost
  • Carrier oil of choice (jojoba oil for normal to mixed skin, argan oil for dry skin, hazelnut oil for oily skin)
Join us this month as we overhaul our skincare routine and truly treat ourselves and our skin to the most incredible serum on the market.

Want try CBD Beauty Boost, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

SulfurZyme Supplement Spotlight - July 2021


Supplement Spotlight

What is SulfurZyme?

Sulfurzyme is a unique combination of MSM ( the protein-building compound found in breast milk, fresh fruits and vegetables) and NingXia wolfberry. Together, they create a new concept in balancing the immune system and supporting almost every major function of the body. MSM has the ability to equalize water inside the cells, which is. considerable benefit for those needing join support.

- excerpt from the Essential Oil Desk Reference, Life Science.

If you have skin, hair, nails, or joints (and we hope you do), you are likely not getting enough of this compound. We and brittle nails, hair that doesn't grow or isn't healthy, joints that are painful, and skin issues can all be giant billboard signs telling you that you need more nutrition in this area. Skin that is ultra sensitive to the topical use of oils can be another telltale sign. This one supplement (capsules or powder) can do so much to help you benefit from everything else you are doing with our oils to increase your health.

SulfurZyme at a Glance
Sulfurzyme supports overall wellness by bolstering your joints, aiding your immune system, and supporting normal metabolic function, circulation, and bone, hair, and skin health.

Five Health Benefits of MSM
  1. Helps treat Arthritis Symptoms - As a supplement, its common to pair MSM with glucosamine and other joint supporting ingredients, like chondroitin, in a single formula. Controlling inflammation, and providing sulfur are conventional methods of supporting joints and assisting those suffering from Osteoarthritis conditions. Arthritis Research UK alone references several MSM trials for osteoarthritis.
  2. Makes Skin Healthier - Hair, skin, and nail cells all contain large amounts of keratin, which contains sulfur and needs it to stay strong. Boosting keratin production helps you fight back int he battle against aging, protects you against wrinkles, stretch marks, and sunburns and helps the skin heal faster.
  3. Eases Menstrual Cycle Pain - Menstrual pain is usually caused by the swelling of the Fallopian tubes, the ovaries or the womb as it prepares itself to house an egg. Cramps can cooer either while the lining is constructed or while it is falling away. MSM can reduce the swelling and soothe the pain caused by the inflammation.
  4. Helps Treats IBD - There are studies that prove MSM is an effective treatment against certain inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and Colitis.
  5. Improves the Immune System - MSM helps reduce swelling and sooth inflammations. Oxidative stress can lead to pain and discomfort and can lead to the progression of other diseases. That sulfur in MSM helps fortify the muscle and soothe the stress on the joints leading to better muscular function all around. It also contains antioxidants that help tackle the free radicals that damage you immune system.
"What makes this product different from the other products is the exceptional purity of MSM we use. This pharmaceutical grade MSM in SulfurZyme is light years away from the low-grade material imported from Asia. Unfortunately, a great deal of the MSM sold in the US originates from Asia. I believe that the key ingredient that makes SulfurZyme so effective is the Chinese Wolfberry. With over 18 amino acids and 21 minerals, the wolfberry is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known. Few people realize that in order for us and our pets to properly metabolize the sulfur in MSM, the body requires minerals like molybdenum. When these are missing, MSM does not work as well. This is why wolfberry is so important."
- D. Gary Young, founder of Young Living.


  • Can pregnant and nursing women take this supplement?
  • Most believe it is safe and beneficial for both mother and baby. Please do you own research and make a decision based on what you feel is best as the mother.
  • Can kids or pets take this supplement?
  • Yes! And with great benefit. The powder version is easy to slip into other foods or drinks.
  • What's the difference in the powder and the capsule?
  • The only difference is that the powder contains Stevia as a sweetener to enhance the taste and then each contains the needed other ingredients to stabilize it in each form. Its a preferred method of ingesting for the most part.

Learn More

To Use
  • For the capsules - Take 2 capsules, once daily, one hour before or after meals.
  • For the powder - mix 1/2 teaspoon with juice or distilled water and take twice daily, one hour before or after meals. Keep in a cool dry place. Do not expose to excessive heat or direct sunlight.
  • Use in Unicorn Juice and drink daily as desired.
    • 1-2 oz NingXia Red
    • 1 tsp SulfurZyme powder
    • 2-3 drops Lime Vitality essential oil
    • water

Join us this month as we use SulfurZyme (capsules or powder) this month and beyond to support overall health and wellness and feed our skin and hair with the good things!

Want to try SulfurZyme, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Self Care Summer Diffuser Recipes - July 2021

Self care Summer 
Diffuser Recipes for July

Summer has arrived and we are here for all the self care and self love. This collection of diffuser blends are full of summer favorites - bright citrus and mint and more - that are perfect for anything these summer days may bring.

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell divine - all at the same time! Join us this month as we diffuse these favorite blends to care for ourselves this month.

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in July. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend


Warm summer nights call for citrus and mint! Whether you're spending the holiday with friends or in your own backyard, add these oils to your diffuser for a perfect blend reminiscent of Independence Day picnics surrounded by those you love.

Windows down, your favorite song on the radio... that's what summer road trips are all about. Whether you're hitting the road or hanging in your own backyard, this blend of herbs and citrus is the perfect summer companion - herbaceous and sweet, reminiscent of our favorite summertime ballads.

Breathe deeply, relax your tense muscles and allow your mind to LET. IT. GO. 
That's what this blend is all about. 
Sit and just be present. Allow your thoughts to shift in and out without judgement. And then place them on a cloud and let them float was and you drift off to sleep...

Taking good gentle care of ourselves is a balance in grace and hustle, hard work and rest. Add a little extra charm + confidence to any day with this blend of Valor, Frankincense and Tangerine.

While away the summertime hours with the sun on your face, your favorite people by your side, and this diffuser blend. Stress Away brings the beach feeling, Lemon adds a little freshness and PanAway adds a crisp, minty finish - perfect for a backyard BBQ feeling.

Citrus and Stress Away is our go-to combo for summer and selfceare. Whether you're in the car, on vacation, or at home, this blend is perfect for a low-key summer. Stress Away for instant beach vibes, Lemon for a hint of sunshine and Citrus Fresh for a little extra happy.

Taking time for our mental health is crucial when it comes to true self care - meditation, journaling,  prayer - all of these are practices that help us emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Add this combination of oils to your diffuser to enhance these practices and add a little extra zen to your day!

Add this blend to your diffuser when you're taking care of yourself with a little yoga, doing some meditation, taking a long, hot shower or tidying up your physical space. Raven, Lavender, and Lemon make a great blend that is herbaceous and fresh.

Salt, sand, and citrus... that's what what this blend makes us think of. Sweet summer days relaxing, playing and connecting to that inner child as well as those around us. Add this oils to your diffuser for a beautiful, uplifting blend.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Gift with Purchase! - July 2021

Load up on AWESOME Gift 

with Purchase in July

The action-packed time of year is here! Kick off the busy season with July's gift with purchase. Create impactful morning routines with the inspiring aroma of KidPower and the strength of KidScents Unwind. Pack for new adventures with long-time favorites like SniffleEase and Owie, which will come in handy for unexpected mishaps.

When it comes time to turn in, put everyone's minds at ease with the scents of Gentle Baby and SleepyIze on weary soles and wrists.

Qualify to claim these oils and Young Living will ship them for free!

Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we’d be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, free shipping, delivered to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside!

Freebies During the Month of July

Ship, ship, hooray! FREE SHIPPING with any order (Subscribe to Save or Shop order) of 100 PV or more! Take the stress out of the season and let Young Living cover the cost of your deliveries.

190 PV Orders

With any order (Subscribe to Save or Shop) of 190 PV or more, you'll receive a free 5 mL GENTLE BABY oil blend and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL KIDPOWER essential oil blend.

GENTLE BABY essential oil blend, 5 mL

  • Prepare for peaceful sleep. Find refuge for parents and little darlings by diffusing this combination of Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and other pacifying oils.
  • Make a simple linen spray with this calming blend by adding 10 drops Gentle Baby, 10 drops Lavender (optional) and a splash of witch hazel and filtered water into a 2 oz glass spray bottle.
  • Indulge in heavenly hydration. Dilute one drop of Gentle Baby with one drop of carrier oil to achieve the appearance of baby-smooth skin.

KIDSCENTS KIDPOWER essential oil blend, 15 mL

  • Empower with positivity. Diffuse KidPower before breakfast each morning to begin the day with confidence and courage.
  • Inspire success. Apply KidPower on tiny wrists for an uplifting scent to carry them throughout the day.
  • Calm & Confident Roller - 20 drops KidPower + 15 drops Lavender + carrier oil in a 10 mL roller.

250 PV Orders

With any order of 250 PV, you'll receive a free 15 mL KIDSCENTS UNWIND oil blend, a 5 mL GENTLE BABY oil blend and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL KIDPOWER essential oil blend.


  • Ease overstimulation. Seize serenity at the end of a busy day with the supplement superstars included in Unwind. Magnesium, L-theanine and calming essential oils combine with other natural ingredients to help your little ones sleep soundly.
  • Wish away worries. Use a packet of Unwind as part of a relaxing evening routine.
  • KidScents Unwind is specially formulated for children to help promote a calm and relaxed state, reduce restlessness, and improve focus and mental clarity at home and in the classroom.

300 PV Orders

With any order of 300 PV, you'll receive a free 5 mL KIDSCENTS SNIFFLEASE oil blend, a box of KIDSCENTS UNWIND oil blend, a 5 mL GENTLE BABY oil blend and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL KIDPOWER essential oil blend


  • Say no way to sniffles. Save the day this school season and inspire calm breathing by inhaling the scents of SniffleEase.
  • Reach for relaxation. Breathe the reassuring aromas of SniffleEase essential oil blend to find a moment of calm and comfort.
  • Breathe easily. Make a simple chest rub with 1/4 cup coconut oil and 20 drops of SniffleEase. Or simply add a roller top to the bottle and massage onto feet and chests before bedtime.

400 PV Orders

With any order of 400 PV, you'll receive a free 5 mL KIDSCENTS SLEEPIZE oil blend, a 5 mL KIDSCENTS OWIE essential oil blend, a 5 mL KIDSCENTS SNIFFLEASE oil blend, a box of KIDSCENTS UNWIND oil blend, a 5 mL GENTLE BABY oil blend and FREE SHIPPING! If your order is a Subscribe to Save order, you'll also receive a free 15 mL KIDPOWER essential oil blend.

KIDSCENTS SLEEPYIZE essential oil, 5 mL

  • Banish bedtime wiggles. Diffuse SleepyIze before bed and let the calming aromas of Lavender and Roman Chamomile surround you while you dream.
  • Tend and mend muscles. Kneed 2-3 drops of the predicted SleepyIze blend into weary muscles and feet before bed.

KIDSCENTS OWIE essential oil, 5 mL

  • Kiss carelessness goodbye. When the tears start rolling, reach for Owie's naturally soothing blend of essential oils.
    Tackle roughhousing. Watch over your wounded by diffusing the scents of Balsam Fir, Tea Tree, and Clove infused Owie essential oil blend.
  • Be prepared for anything. Keep a bottle of KidScents Owie in your first aid kit.

For more details and ways to use these amazing oils, check out this YouTube video from YL Corporate. Then get diffusing with these freebies with these yummy Diffuser Recipes in July. Wonder how to use your gifts with purchase? Check out this post to see all the things.

Want to get the most out of your new oils? Check out these posts on the Lavender Life Blog:
Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Rise Above Convention 2021 Foundation Products & Collections

The 2021 Convention
Foundation Products & Collections
What should I order?

The Young Living Foundation works with women-led artisan groups across the globe to bring these beautiful, hand-made items to your home. These women-led groups include artisans who have experienced extreme poverty, disability, displacement, trauma, exploitation, or violence. 

The foundation is committed to helping these resilient women build strong and sustainable enterprises that will lead to more income generating opportunities. With fair and consistent pay, our partner artisans are better able to support their own needs, as well as the needs of their children and families. Click here to learn more about the women whose lives you've helped impact.

You can find all the information about individual products in the 2021 NEW Products blog and how to bundle items and save in the 2021 Product Bundles and Collections blog.

Olive Wood Kitchen Collection

Lime Vitality essential oil, 5 mL
Orange Vitality essential oil, 5 mL
Olive Wood Cutting Board
  • Women of the Holy Land Handicrafts Cooperative in Bethlehem handcrafted these rich, exquisite cutting boards. The boards are made using only pruned olive tree branches from trees up to 2.000 years old, preserving the trees themselves.
  • Over the last year, many artisan groups have closed due to the lack of tourism, and Young Living's order of cutting boards has been described as the artisans as 'blessed'.
  • More than 10 workshops reopened to create these beautiful pieces, reviving the area and it's artisans.

One Heart Earrings Collection

Artisan made, Gold-Finished Brass Loop Earrings

  • These earrings were handcrafted by master artisans of the Amira Art Cooperative in India, using age-old skills passed down from generations, along with ethical and sustainable sourcing practices.

  • 35% of your purchase will go directly to support the Young Living FOundation's efforts to champion education, develop enterprise, and end exploitation.

One Heart essential oil blend, 5 mL

  • One Heart essential oil blend combines Ylang Ylang, Valor, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Ocotea, Lemon and Lime essential oils. 

  • It was created to celebrate, support and shine a light on the incredible efforts of the D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation.

One Voice Collection

One Voice essential oil blend, 5 mL
Sacking Diffuser Bracelets
  • These bracelets were handcrafted with clay and ensigo beads by artisans of the Mabira Collective, a women-led social enterprise in Uganda that provides stable employment, dare care, and education opportunities to women.
  • Mabira also provides health care, helps pay for school fees, and gives women the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead.

Peppermint & Peace Oil Bag Collection

Peppermint essential oil, 5 mL
Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 5 mL
Cork Oil Bag
  • This exquisite bag is made of cork that is 100 percent natural, stain resistant, water repellent, and scratch proof by the women of the Free Women group in Utah, USA.
  • Completely renewable and sustainable, the cork does from the bark of the cork oak tree, which can live up to 200 years. This harvesting process actually supports cork trees' longevity and encourages CO2 absorption.
  • Each bag is lined and has special spots for up to four 5 mL essential bottles or any of Young Living's roll-on bottles.

Woven Trivets

  • Made of sustainable sisal fibers, forest grass, and tea leaf dye, and handcrafted by skilled female artisans of the Azizi Life Collective in Rwanda. The women of Azizi Life Collective survived genocide in the mid-1990s and have now come together to rebuild their lives.
  • Through Azizi Life Collective, these women receive literacy classes and fair-wage incomes that allow them to send their children to school, access proper medical care and nutrition, and become economically independent - some for the first time in their lives. 
  • Proceeds from these trivets will support the Young Living Foundation's efforts to champion education, develop enterprise, and end exploitation.

Young Living Foundation Collection

  • Olive Wood Kitchen Collection
  • One Heart Earrings Collection
  • One Voice Collection
  • Peppermint & Peace Oil Bag Collection
  • Woven Trivets (3 pack)

Want to try the new products released during the 2021 Virtual International Grand Convention, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Rise Above Convention 2021 Bundles & Collections

The 2021 Convention
Bundles & Collections
What should I order?

We know you're as excited as we are about these incredible new products, so make sure to bundle yours for great savings!

You can find all the information about individual products in the 2021 NEW Products blog and all the beautiful artisan items in the Foundation Products & Collections blog.

Divine Destiny Collection

Created to work together synergistically as an aromatic companion to your self-development journey, you can use these oils as you practice spiritual awareness & connection, reflect on divinity, and work to discover the truth of who you are. 
As you open your heart and your mind to experience the Divine Destiny essential oils throughout the day, take note of how they transform and interact with each other and with your body. This collection includes:

Daily Divine - rich, abundant woody-floral aroma with peppery undertones, featuring White Fir, Black Spruce, Juniper, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Palo Santo, Manuka, and Vetiver premium essential oils.

I Am Blessed - balanced, sweet floral-herbal aroma with woodsy undertones, featuring Pine, Goldenrod, Geranium, Valor, Palo Santo, Jasmine, and Patchouli premium essential oils.

I Am Creative - Layered, fresh aroma with citrus top notes and green, woodsy undertones, featuring Juniper, Eucalyptus Radiata, Hinoki, Bergamot, Cypress, Helichrysum, Grapefruit, Tangerine, and Lemongrass premium essential oils.

Young Living Foundation Collection

  • Olive Wood Kitchen Collection
  • One Heart Earrings Collection
  • One Voice Collection
  • Peppermint and Peace Oil Bag Collection
  • Woven Trivets (3 pack)

Lushious Lemon Home Collection - Limited Time Offer

We are beyond thrilled for these new items infused with the Lushious Lemon blend! Bright citrus notes of Lemon Myrtle and Lemon, the fresh floral scent of Ylang Ylang, and cool inviting Spearmint and Eucalyptus Globulus are infused in each of these products.

Lean more about Lushious Lemon Products here.

  • Lushious Lemon Essential Oil Blend
  • Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap
  • Lushious Lemon Hand Lotion
  • Bamboo tray (only available at convention)

Next Level Home Collection 
Limited Time Offer

  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill
  • Thieves Wipes
  • Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub

Finca Botanica Farm - the Collection

Immerse yourself the lushness of the Ecuadorian tropics with Young Living Finca Botanica Farm Collection.

This exclusive collection features four rare and exotic essential oils, respectfully and sustainably cultivated at Young Living's Finca Botanica Farm in Ecuador. The collection includes the following oils in a collector's box with an informational booklet.

Incan Melissa - New Exclusive
  • This oil is distilled from a tropical pollinator-friendly shrub in the verbena family giving it a unique sweet-tart lemony aroma with green undertones similar to Lemon Verbena. 
  • Incan Melissa share an aromatic constituent profile similar to Melissa essential oil and helps neutralize unwanted odors when used aromatically.
Paicotea - New Exclusive
  • This plant grows throughout the Amazon River Basin and is sustainably harvested year-round
  • Paicotea has a fresh, softly spicy aroma reminiscent of, but more delicate than, Ocotea or Cinnamon Bark and compliments citrus and woodsy essential oils to create a warm and comforting scents for do-it-yourself diffuser, bath and body, and home cleaning recipes.
Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang
  • One of D. Gary Young's favorite oils, Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang is softer and more nuanced than Ylang Ylang grown in Madagascar and has not been available since 2013.
  • Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang complements many other essential oils, such as those with citrus, floral, and spicy notes with its rich, romantic, full-bodies floral aroma and helps enhance the appearance of skin and hair when applied topically.
Palo Santo
  • Steam distilled from the heartwood of the Bursar graveolens tree, a South American relative to frankincense and Myrrh, Palo Santo has an earthy, woodsy, warm aroma that is wonderful to diffuse during meditation for a positive, spiritual outlook.
    Finca Home Collection
    Limited Time Offer

  • Finca Botanica Farm Collection (Incan Melissa, Paicotea, Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang, and Palo Santo)
  • Haven Ceramic Diffuser

Next Level Beauty Collection - Limited Time Offer

  • Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo
  • Lavender Mint Clarifying Conditioner
  • Charcoal Bar Soap

Rise Above Collection
Limited Time offer

A 15 % discount on ALL new convention products (excludes Foundation items)

Want to try the new products released during the 2021 Virtual International Grand Convention, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Rise Above Convention 2021 NEW Products

The 2021 Convention
New Products are Here!
What should I order?

Its the most exciting day of the year in the Young Living world... New product launch day!! Check out all the incredible new items below - Lushious Lemon Essential Oil blend, Charcoal Face Mask, Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub, Turmeric Powder, exclusive oil collections AND MORE!

You can find all the information about the beautiful artisan items on this 2021 Foundation Products & Collections blog and options for 2021 Product Bundles and Collections blog.

Golden Turmeric Powder
New Supplement

Oh My Goodness!! This is the one thing I'm most excited about! This will really up our wellness game with this incredible new and long-awaited supplement... Golden Turmeric Powder!

Water never tasted so good! Heres a quick video for you to check it out.

This supplement support the body's natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility, and recovery after physical exertion because if its incredible powerhouse ingredients.
  • Tumeric, Boswellia resin, and ginger work together to support the body's natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility, and recovery.
  • Tapioca fiber is added for probiotics to support healthy digestion as well as the gut brain-axis.
Tumeric is an excellent source of curcuminoids, which help support the wellness properties in our bodies.
  • Scientists now believe that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic, Western disease. This includes heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's and various degenerative conditions. Therefore, anything that can help fight chronic inflammation is of potential importance in preventing and even treating these diseases.
  • Curcumin is strongly anti-inflammatory. In fact, its so powerful that it matches the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects. Learn more here: Article 1Article 2, and Article 3
  • Curcumin is a potential antioxidant that can neutralize free radical due to its chemical structure. In addition, Curcumin boosts the activity of your body's own antioxidant enzymes. Learn more here: Article 4 and Article 5
  • The unique, water-dispersible formula of Golden Turmeric Powder makes it 24 times more bioavailable than standard Tumeric extracts. The body absorbs the same amount of curcuminoids from just 300 mg of Golden Tumeric as it does from 1,926 mg of standard turmeric.
It comes in a delicious Mango Rose flavor with Lime Vitality essential oil to contribute a light citrus taste and is soy and milk free, formulated with gluten free ingredients, vegan friendly, and has no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or sweeteners.

New Kitchen & Bath

We are beyond thrilled for these new items infused with the Lushious Lemon blend! Bright citrus notes of Lemon Myrtle and Lemon, the fresh floral scent of Ylang Ylang, and cool inviting Spearmint and Eucalyptus Globulus are infused in each of these products.

Lean more about Lushious Lemon Products here.

Lushious Lemon Hand Lotion

  • The Lushious Lemon essential oils combine with Mango butter, watermelon seed oil, and apple extract to hydrate and soften hands in a vegan friendly and cruelty-free formula.
  • The fatty acid and antioxidants-rich creamy formula quickly absorbs into skin to provide immediate, but long-lasting hydration while protecting the skin's natural moisture barrier and leaves skin feeling soft and smooth without the greasy after-feel.

Lushious Lemon Essential Oil Blend

  • Bright citrus notes of Lemon Myrtle and Lemon, the fresh floral, and cool inviting Spearmint and Eucalyptus Globulus premium essential oils combine for an invigorating, uplifting blend when diffused!
  • Inhale this bright, happy blend for an aromatic mid-afternoon pick-me-up. Diffuse to neutralize unwanted orders and fill your space with its cheerful, nuanced aroma.

Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub

Thieves the day with our new favorite in the Thieves line - the Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub. Natural Cleaning just got a major upgrade. Learn more here.

  • This non-scratching, chlorine-free all purpose cleaner removes grease, dirt, grime, residue, and tough stains from most surfaces and leaves NO harsh fumes or harmful residue.
  • Formulated with citric acid to help pesky hard water build-up, nepheline syenite to remove tough stains without scratching, sodium bicarbonate to remove orders, and sodium per carbonate to lift stains and dirt this scrub is safe for use on porcelain, ceramic, copper alloys, fiberglass, Corian, brass, bronze, and chrome.
  • Easily cleans cookware, stove tops, countertops, tile, grout, bathtubs, faucets, toilets, backsplashes, barbecue grills, outdoor patio furniture and exteriors. Plus the phosphate free formula contains only naturally derived ingredients for a cleaner downstream impact. I love that Young Living is clean for our bodies and the environment.

New Oils and Collections

We are firm believers that you can never have too many oils, and these exclusive blends and collections are the perfect way to take care of ourselves during our 'no sweat' stress-free summer.

Rise Above Essential Oil Blend

  • This official 2021 Convention blend contains a powerhouse mix of high frequency oils: Valor, Frankincense, Bergamot, Dorado Azul, Idaho Grand Fir, Cedarwood, Cardamon, Lavender, and Rose.
  • Inspired by D. Gary Young through Mary Young, this blend can help you create an environment where you can transform negative thoughts to positive and motivating intentions. 
  • So often, our old thoughts and patterns can help us rise above and help achieve our true purpose.
Finca Botanica Farm - the Collection

Immerse yourself the lushness of the Ecuadorian tropics with Young Living Finca Botanica Farm Collection.

This exclusive collection features four rare and exotic essential oils, respectfully and sustainably cultivated at Young Living's Finca Botanica Farm in Ecuador. The collection includes the following oils in a collector's box with an informational booklet.

Incan Melissa - New Exclusive
  • This oil is distilled from a tropical pollinator-friendly shrub in the verbena family giving it a unique sweet-tart lemony aroma with green undertones similar to Lemon Verbena. 
  • Incan Melissa share an aromatic constituent profile similar to Melissa essential oil and helps neutralize unwanted odors when used aromatically.
Paicotea - New Exclusive
  • This plant grows throughout the Amazon River Basin and is sustainably harvested year-round
  • Paicotea has a fresh, softly spicy aroma reminiscent of, but more delicate than, Ocotea or Cinnamon Bark and compliments citrus and woodsy essential oils to create a warm and comforting scents for do-it-yourself diffuser, bath and body, and home cleaning recipes.
Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang
  • One of D. Gary Young's favorite oils, Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang is softer and more nuanced than Ylang Ylang grown in Madagascar and has not been available since 2013.
  • Ecuadorian Ylang Ylang complements many other essential oils, such as those with citrus, floral, and spicy notes with its rich, romantic, full-bodies floral aroma and helps enhance the appearance of skin and hair when applied topically.
Palo Santo
  • Steam distilled from the heartwood of the Bursar graveolens tree, a South American relative to frankincense and Myrrh, Palo Santo has an earthy, woodsy, warm aroma that is wonderful to diffuse during meditation for a positive, spiritual outlook.
Divine Destiny Collection

Created to work together synergistically as an aromatic companion to your self-development journey, you can use these oils as you practice spiritual awareness & connection, reflect on divinity, and work to discover the truth of who you are. 
As you open your heart and your mind to experience the Divine Destiny essential oils throughout the day, take note of how they transform and interact with each other and with your body. This collection includes:

Daily Divine - rich, abundant woody-floral aroma with peppery undertones, featuring White Fir, Black Spruce, Juniper, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Palo Santo, Manuka, and Vetiver premium essential oils.

I Am Blessed - balanced, sweet floral-herbal aroma with woodsy undertones, featuring Pine, Goldenrod, Geranium, Valor, Palo Santo, Jasmine, and Patchouli premium essential oils.

I Am Creative - Layered, fresh aroma with citrus top notes and green, woodsy undertones, featuring Juniper, Eucalyptus Radiata, Hinoki, Bergamot, Cypress, Helichrysum, Grapefruit, Tangerine, and Lemongrass premium essential oils.

Self Care and Beauty

Our stress free, no sweat summer just got a major upgrade with newly reformulated shampoos and conditioners, plus the perfect addition to our self care routines - Charcoal Face Mask.

Charcoal Mask

  • Made with Tahitian volcanic black sand to gently exfoliate for softer, glowing skin, activated charcoal and a blend of ethically sourced kaolin clays, this mask will lift dirt and oil, purify pores, detox skin, and help restore the appearance of an even skin tone.
  • The exclusive formula creates a tingling, tightening sensation to let you know the ingredients are hard at work delivering results you can see and heal. This is due to the acidic nature of the naturally derived and ethically sourced AHAs from fruit and the astringent quality of Peppermint essential oil.
  • Made specifically for combination to oily skin and safe for all skin types, this mask is hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested, non-irritating to help control excess oil and shine and promote clear skin. And as we would expect considering YL's commitment to stewardship and sustainability, the formula is cruelty-free. See all about it here.
Lavender Volume Shampoo & Conditioner

  • Created by Founder D. Gary Young, with a blend of eight essential oils - including Lavender, Blue Cypress, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Idaho Blue Spruce, Palmarosa, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang - chosen specifically to address the needs of thin, fine hair. 
  • This shampoo and conditioner work in tandem to build volume from root to tip for thicker, fuller bodied hair to leave hair soft, smooth, and manageable. This formula is suitable for all hair types and created especially for fine or thin hair.
  • Blended with powerful plant-based cleansing agents and botanical extracts, this shampoo and conditioner duo gently cleanses and nourish strands for voluminous, healthy, and naturally beautiful hair and adds volume without silicone ingredients.
  • Both the shampoo and condition are vegan and cruelty-free.
Copaiba Vanilla Moisturizing
Shampoo and Conditioner

  • Created by Founder D. Gary Young, with a blend of ten essential oils - including Copaiba, Blue Cypress, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Sacred Frankincense, Grand Fir, Bergamot, Cardamom, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Sandalwood - chose specially to address the needs of dry and damaged hair, this duo is suitable for all hair types, but ideal for dry and/or damaged hair.
  • Infused with essential oils and blended with powerful plant-based cleansing agents and botanical extracts, this shampoo and conditioner duo gently cleanse and nourish strands for hydrated, healthy, and naturally beautiful hair. 
  • Regular use helps replenish and seal in hair moisture with protective coating, tame fly-aways, prevent frizz and breakage and leave hair soft, smooth, and shiny.
  • Both the shampoo and conditioner are vegan and cruelty-free.
Lavender Mint Clarifying 
Shampoo & Conditioner

  • Infused with three invigorating essential oils, including Lavender, Peppermint, and Spearmint - and blended with powerful plant-based cleansing agents and botanical extracts, this shampoo and conditioner duo gently cleanse the hair and nourish the scalp for healthy naturally beautiful hair.
  • This deep cleaning formula is suitable for all hair types and gentle enough for daily use to lift away product residue, excess oil, and built-up pollutants without stripping moisture from the hair or scalp.
  • Lavender Mint Clarifying Shampoo & Conditioner provides a hydrating and soothing scalp treatment, leaves hair feeling soft, clean, and shiny with a vegan and cruelty-free formula.

Want to try the new products released during the 2021 Virtual International Grand Convention, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

How to Use June's Gifts with Purchase

How to use your
Gifts with Purchase

Do you ever see the monthly freebies Young Living so generously offers us, and wonder, "But what would I do with that?" Well, we've got you covered with these simple tips and DIYs for how to use the freebies.

 The sun is here and we couldn't be more excited! Get ready for all your summer adventures with June's freebies - CitronellaAroma SiezEucalyptus Globulus and Peace & Calming. These simple DIYS, tips and tricks will have you ready for anything this summer may bring. 
And remember - you can always pop the oils into your diffuser for added benefits!

Citronella essential oil

Make a DIY Outdoor Pest Spray
  • 30 drops Citronella
  • 20 drops each Rosemary, Tea Tree, Myrtle, Geranium, Lemongrass
  • Splash of alcohol-free witch hazel
  • Fill with filtered water or fractionated coconut oil (per your preference)
  • Spritz it at sporting events, while camping or anytime you want to enjoy the outdoors annoyance free.
Make Citronella Beeswax Candles
  • Natural beeswax pellets
  • Organic coconut oil (optional) - 1 tsp per jar
  • hemp wicks, wick sticks & a wick centering device
  • glass jars
  • 75 drops Citronella essential oil
Set a wide, shallow dish on the stove with water and heat to medium-low, very gently boiling. While the water heats, prepare your jars by adding a stick to the metal ring of the wick and press firmly into the middle of the bottom of your glass jar. Align the wick holder on the top of the jar to keep the wick from moving to one side.

Pour about 1/3 of the jar full of beeswax pellets, then add 1/2 tsp coconut oil. Repeat the layers, finishing with the beeswax to near the op of the jar. As you fill the jars, make sure that the wick remains in the center. The coconut oil is optional but helps to slow the burning of the beeswax so your candles will last longer.

Once the water is boiling gently, place your jars in and allow the wax and coconut oil to melt. Add more beeswax pellets as needed as the wax melts and naturally lowers.

Once the wax is melted, remove from the water bath and place on a baking rack to cool. Add essential oils, dropping them all around the wax. Allow the wax to cool and harden, then enjoy!

Diffuser Blends - Diffuse this summertime staple on your porch, patio or even camping with a rechargeable diffuser!
  • Patio Weather: Geranium + Citronella
  • Mimosa: Citronella + Tangerine + Lime
  • Herb Garden: Citronella + Lavender + Rosemary
  • Summer Breeze: Citronella + Lemongrass + Tangerine
Add a twist to your summer essentials with a DIY Sun Cream
  • One tube of YL Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50
  • 8 oz fractionated coconut oil
  • 40 drops Citronella
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • 20 drops Carrot Seed
  • Add to a continuous spray bottle and shake well to combine. Apply generously before heading out into the sun!

Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil

Up your laundry game. Add this oil to dryer balls for fresh crisp laundry.

Make a DIY Washing Machine Cleaner. Did you know you are supposed to clean your washing machine regularly to avoid mildew buildup? These recipes are perfect for that.

For a Front Loading Washing Machine
  • 2 tbs borax or natural oxygen bleach
  • 2 tbs washing soda
  • 2 cups white vinegar
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus Globulus and Tea Tree each
Remove the tray dispenser and allow it to soak, fully submerged in hot water. Once the residues are softened, scrub them off with an old toothbrush. Rinse the tray with fresh water, and put it back into the machine. If the tray doesn't have a release button, then pour some vinegar in the tray and scrub with a toothbrush.

Put washing soda and borax into the empty drum. Put the washing machine on the hottest setting, and use the most about of water. If the machine has a cleaning cycle, then use that setting. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the machine to see if your model recommends putting the powder in a certain dispenser instead.

After the cycle is finished, pour the vinegar, and the essential oils into the liquid dispenser on the tray. Run another cycle on hot, or cleaning cycle if that machine has that option.

Use a microfiber cloth with vinegar solution to wipe the outside of the machine, the inside of the door, and the seal around the door.

For a Top Loading Washing Machine
  • 1/2 cup borax or natural oxygen bleach
  • 1/2 cup washing soda
  • 1 quart white vinegar
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus Globulus and Tea Tree each
Add borax and washing soda to a full drop of hot water and wash on a heavy duty or cleaning cycle. When the cycle is done, add vinegar and essential oils to the drum. Run another hot water cycle. Let it agitate for a few minutes, let the vinegar water solution sit for 30-60 minutes before finishing the cycle.

While the vinegar is sitting in the machine, dip a clean microfiber cloth into the water and use it to clean the outside of the machine. Also, be sure to clean under the lip where the drum is Clean the dispensers to remove hair, dirt, soap, and other grime. An old toothbrush can help for stubborn areas. Remove and clean the filter in the bottom with hot, soapy water or vinegar.

DIY Mattress & Upholstery Spray
Make a mattress and upholstery spray to freshen all the things - carpets, furniture, dog beds, mattresses, anything really!
  • 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 15 drops each: Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • Filtered water in an 8 ounce glass spray bottle
Diffuser blends - Using Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil for a scent that will remind you of a summer day in the garden.
  • Wildflowers: Eucalyptus Globulus + Lavender + Joy
  • Spa Day: Eucalyptus Globulus + Rosemary + Lemon
  • Aveda: Eucalyptus Globulus + Rosemary + Tangerine
Freshen up your space. For a sunshine scent in the kitchen or bathroom, place a few drops on a cotton ball and put it int he bottom of the trash can before replacing the liner.

Aroma Siez essential oil blend

Enjoy some post-adventure aromatherapy. Combine a few drops of Aroma Siez with V-6 to boost a post-hike massage with this DIY Massage Oil.
  • 30 drops Aroma Siez
  • 20 drops each Peppermint, Copaiba, Lavender, Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Carrier of choice (V-6, coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc)
  • 4 oz pump bottle
Add Aroma Siez to epsom salt for an incredible bath routine that your muscles will thank you for by making these Raindrop Bath Salts:
  • 2 cups epsom salt
  • 1 cup Himilayan sea salt
  • 30 drops each: Aroma Siez, Oregano, Marjoram, Cypress, Thyme, Basil, Lavender, Peppermint, Wintergreen
  • Mix well. To use, scoop out about 1/2 cup of the mixture and run under warm water, adding more Epson salt if desired.
Up your wellness game with a Raindrop Roller:
  • 20 drops each: Aroma Siez, Oregano, Marjoram, Cypress, Thyme, Basil, Lavender, Peppermint, Wintergreen
  • 5 pumps Ortho Ease Massage Oil
  • Carrier of choice in a 10 mL roller bottle
  • Apply as desired over spine, both of feet, and/or lymph nodes. We suggest using every hour for acute needs.
Take a sensory journey on the go. Add a few drops of Aroma Siez to a car diffuser for a summer-ready scent between visit to the farmers market and the kids' swimming lessons.

Diffuser Blends - use these uplifting blend anytime of the day:
  • Perk Up: Aroma Siez + Lemon
  • Recharge: Aroma Siez + Lavender + Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Focused: Aroma Siez + Rosemary + Jade Lemon

Peace & Calming essential oil blend

Up your skin game. Take advantage of the blue tansy glow and add a drop of Peace & Calming to your nightly moisturizer. Whip up this simple DIY Beauty Serum to make it easier in a 2 oz dropper bottle:
  • 20 drops each of Peace & Calming and Frankincense
  • 10 drops Manuka
  • Carrier oil of your choice (jojoba, argon, fractioned coconut, etc)

Treat your pores. Make a soothing skin spray with 2 oz of water and 10 drops of Peace & Calming (optional 10 drops of Lavender) for an easy, sun-ready refresh when the weather gets a little too toasty.

Take a Tantrum Tamer roller for when your kids (or you!) feel the big emotions that are hard to handle.
  • 20 drops Peace & Calming
  • 10 drops each of Valor, Tangerine, and Pachouli
  • 5 drops Vetiver
  • Fill a 10 mL roller bottle with a carrier oil (jojoba, argon, fractioned coconut oil, etc)
Rest easy with this tried and true DIY Linen & Sheet Spray. Spray on blankets, sheets, movies, stuffed animals, pjs, etc.
  • 30 drops Peace & Calming
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Tangerine
  • Splash of which hazel
  • fill a 2 oz glass spray bottle with filtered water
Diffuser recipes: say good bye to your worries. Add Peace & Calming to your diffuser to wind down at the end of the day:
  • Drift Away: Peace & Calming + Lavender
  • Lullaby: Peace & Calming + Tangerine + Valor
  • Silent Nights: Peace & Calming + Vanilla
Now that you know how to use these Free with Purchase products and you want to get your hands on them, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for June 2021

The June Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

For the month of June we are focusing on creating no sweat habits that support our bodies overall and help us move towards our health goals. Here are a few essential items we are using this month and beyond to support our physical, mental and emotional health everyday.

Lavender essential oil - from relaxing to skincare, lavenders a summer must have
Mineral Essence - for overall health & wellness
Mineral Sunscreen - to protect your skin for fun in the sun!
Stress Away Roll-on - an instant beach vacation, no matter where you are
Lavender Lemon Vitality Drops - to stay hydrated while you play
LavaDerm After-Sun Spray - TLC for the sun-kissed (or sunburnt) skin

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil has a scent that's a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm. It's this dynamic aroma that has made the plant a classic for perfumes, soaps, freshness, and beauty products. Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home - especially during the summer! Lavender essential oil isn't a favorite only because of its classic scent - its also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life.

Lean more about Lavender essential oil in my Oil Spotlight of the Month post.

Mineral Essence

Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils. Ionic minerals are the most fully and quickly absorbed form of minerals available. According to two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling: "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." Learn more about this incredible supplement and use it with every day this month. 

To learn more, check out the June Supplement Spotlight post.

Mineral Sunscreen, SPF 50

Young Living's Mineral Sunscreen is hands-down our favorite sunscreen on the market. It is made of non-nano zinc, so its free from harsh chemicals, safe for kids and adults alike, good for all skin types, blocks both UVA and UVB rays, is water and sweat resistant for up to 80 minutes, and is reef safe. Plus it carries a designation from the American Cancer Society for helping prevent skin cancer. This might just be the best sunscreen you've ever used.

For more, including the usage protocol, check out the June's Ditch & Switch blog.

Stress Away Roll-on

Stress Away Roll-on is a vacation in a bottle. Just a swipe over the wrists can transport you to a relaxing hammock on the beach - at least mentally. The distinct mix of Vanilla and Lime enhances Stress Away's unique and pleasant scent that can help you melt your stress away. This popular blend also includes Lavender essential oil, as well as Cedarwood and Copaiba. These ingredients are expertly blended with the exotic scent of Ocotea, a unique Ecuador-sourced oil, to create a wonder zen-inspired blend.

Lavender Lemon Vitality Drops

Water never tasted so good! YL's Lavender Lemon Vitality Drops let you hydrate naturally without sugar or artificial colors with the delicious flavor of Lavender Lemonade that takes your water to the next level.

Formulated with naturally occurring electrolytes from the Great Salt Lake and all-natural flavors, including Lavender Vitality and Lemon Vitality essential oils, a few drops of YL Vitality Drops will keep you hydrated and feeling great!

LavaDerm After Sun Spray

Refresh and recover from a day in the sun with LavaDerm After-Sun Spray. This naturally derived after-sun spray offers temporary relief from the pain and itching of minor burns, minor cuts, sunburns, scrapes, insect bites, and minor skin irritations, so your family can keep playing all day. Using menthol from mint, this spray soothes and cools the skin, providing immediate relief from the effects of outdoor activity.

Plus, its moisturizing qualities - from ingredients such as aloe, Lavender essential oil, and Helichrysum essential oil - also help prevent peeling and leave skin feeling soft and smooth instead of tacky or sticky. With a vegan-friendly formula made without alcohol, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic colorants, LavaDerm After-Sun Spray is safe for the whole family to use at the beach, on a hike, or during any outdoor activity.

Want to try the essentials for June (Lavender essential oilMineral EssenceMineral SunscreenStress Away Roll-onLavender Lemon Vitality DropsLavaDerm After-Sun Spray), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Mineral Sunscreen Ditch and Switch - June 2021

Mineral Sunscreen

June Ditch & Switch

As the gatekeepers of our home we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products for ourselves and families! 

Join us as we detox our beach bags this month and switch out convention chemical sunscreens for Young Living's Mineral Sunscreen. This switch is a simple one that can have a huge impact on your health and the health of your family.

Chemical Sunscreen
Chemical sunscreens are designed to be absorbed by the op layers of skin as they work in two different ways to help neutralize harmful UV radiation. On one level, it deflects and scatters the sun's harmful rays before they damage skin, while on the other level, they filter the UVA/UVB and convert them into heat, neutralizing them.

Unfortunately, chemical sunscreen may cause skin reactions certain people and can worsen melanoma and rosacea. They also contain one or more of the following active ingredients: oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, or octinoxate, each of which carries its own potential for harm. 

Ingredients of Concern
  • Oxybenzone - (sometimes called benzophenone-3) is one of the most commonly-used sunscreen chemicals, it is linked to endocrine disruption, organ system toxicity, contact allergies, and photoallergies, meaning exposure to light is required to generate an allergic response. In fact, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) recommends avoiding oxybenzone because of concerns that this ingredient may disrupt hormones and cause allergic skin reactions. Oxybenzone is also harmful to aquatic life, in 2018 Hawaii banned it to protect coral reefs.
  • Octinoxate - commonly used UV filter that protects from UVB rays, but not UVA rays. It may be listed as OMC, methoxy-cinnamate or ethylhexyl methoxy-cinnamate and is lined to endocrine disruption as well as reproductive toxicity. Researchers have detected octinoxate in breast milk, urine, and blood. Like oxybenzone, this ingredient was targeted in Hawaii's ban, as it harms coral reefs.
  • Homosalate - a common ingredient that absorbs only UVB rays to prevent direct skin exposure. Homosalate is linked to hormone disruption and may also enhance the absorption and penetration of pesticides, including bug sprays, as well as other harmful ingredients found within sunscreen.
Further, a small randomized clinical trial published in May 2019 in the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that four of these sunscreen chemicals (avobenzone, oxybenzone, otocrylene, and ecamsule) are absorbed into the bloodstream at significantly higher levels than 0.5 nanogram per millimeter (ng/ml). That's far above the amount at which the FDA requires topical medications to undergo safety studies to determine the possible toxic effects.

Mineral Sunscreen
This type of protection relies on two different types of minerals - zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They work by physically deflecting UVA and UVB rays from getting to the surface of the skin. Because of this, their formulas are naturally a little thicker than chemical versions as they are meant to sit on the skin's surface, rather than absorbing beneath it. Unlike chemical sunscreens, which typically take 20 to 30 minutes to absorb into the skin, mineral sunscreens offer immediate protection - no waiting needed. Mineral sunscreens can also be applied on top of makeup and other skin care products.

Why we love YL's Mineral Sunscreen
  • Contains naturally derived plant and mineral based ingredients, including non-nano zinc oxide, so it's not absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Available in broad-spectrum SPF 50 protection.
  • Filled with skin-loving essential oils like Helichrysum, Carrot Seed, and Frankincense that put a protective barrier on your skin and help retain the skin's natural moisture while out in the sun.
  • Has a non-greasy, lightweight formula that goes on smoothly (aka no white residue).
  • Stays water and sweat resistant for 80 minutes
  • Carries an official global certification from the National Skin Cancer Foundation and is recommended for daily use to help prevent skin cancer.
  • It is safe for ALL skin types and won't clog pores.
  • It is reef safe! An estimated 14,000 tons of sunscreen go into the ocean each year and most (all chemical based ones) kill coral reefs. It is such a problem that Hawaii passed a bill banning ingredients that harm coral reefs.
What about SPF?
SPF (sun protection factor) is a measurement of sunburn protection. So if your skin would normally burn after 10 minutes in the sun, wearing an SPF 10 sunscreen would theoretically allow you to stay in the sun for 100 minutes (10 x 10) without burning. A higher SPF doesn't always equate to that much more protection. Also, note that SPF is a measure of protection against UVB rays only, and we need protection against UVA rays which is why we want "broad spectrum" sunscreen.
  • SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
  • SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
  • SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays
  • SPF 100 blocks 99% of UVB rays
Daily Sunscreen Use & Savvy Minerals
When it comes to the delicate skin on our face, we want to be sure we're protected, especially in the summer sun. Young Living's sunscreen works great as a base underneath your Savvy Minerals by Young Living makeup to offer the SPF boost you want.
  • Wash and prime your face, then apply the SPF 50 Mineral Sunscreen all over your face and rub it gently but completely. You may find it helpful to lightly set the sunscreen with a dusting of Diamond Dust before applying the rest of your makeup.
  • Apply the rest of your Savvy Minerals as usual. Or, skip the full face look and tint your sunscreen with your Savvy Foundation. Quick and easy for summer days!
Join us this month as we overhaul our beach bags and choose a healthier sunscreen for ourselves and our families.

Want try SPF 50 Mineral Sunscreen, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Mineral Essence Supplement Spotlight - June 2021

Mineral Essence

Supplement Spotlight

According to the two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling: "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency".

Trace minerals are incredibly important for our overall health. The body requires nearly two thirds of all the elements currently know to man in order to support optimal health, cognitive function and overall performance. Keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task. The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals, ideally from the diet, but given current farming practices, it just isn't enough.

Traditionally eating fresh, sprouted grains, fruits and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil has been the primary supply for a full spectrum of ionic minerals. Unfortunately in today's world, naturally occurring, nutrient rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Decades and decades of vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth's minerals to the surface where they have been washed away. Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields where minerals have been depleted, but man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life.

And just like so many other areas of our health, we can achieve our goals with supplementation. Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils. It contains sixty ionic minerals including iron, zinc, silicon, fluoride, boron, lithium, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, chloride, selenium, Thallium, calcium, and potassium. Added in is Peppermint, Cinnamon bark, and Lemon essential oils. The addition of essential oils helps the body absorb all these ionic minerals, making them more bioavailable (and useful) to our bodies instead of just passing through.

The following deficiencies have been linked to many health issues - including those that affect our emotional health - and all of these deficiencies can be improved with Mineral Essence.
  • IRON - affects around 20% of women and 50% of pregnant women. Pair with Master Formula Master Formula for ideal results.
  • SELENIUM - a key component of thyroid health. Pair with Master Formula for ideal results.
  • MAGNESIUM - some sources say up to half the population is deficient in magnesium. One serving of Mineral Essence provides 80% of our daily requirements.
  • ZINC - this mineral is used by more enzymes than any other mineral our bodies need and is used for everything from gut health to DNA repair.

Learn More

Mineral Essence makes you feel amazing and gives our bodies needed minerals. Minerals are critical to enzyme function, hormone production, bone building and breakdown  creating long luxurious hair and nails, and transmission of nerve signals." Dr. Lindsey Elmore

Here is a closer look at each ingredient in Mineral Essence and how it supports our system:
  • Calcium - essential for healthy bones and teeth, assist in blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.
  • Chromium - assists in the metabolism of glucose and regulates blood sugar.
  • Cobalt - promotes the formation of red blood cells.
  • Copper - promotes normal red-blood cell formation, connective tissue formation and central nervous system function. By storing and releasing iron, copper contributes to hemoglobin formation.
  • Iodine - required by the thyroid hormone to support metabolism.
  • Iron - important in red blood cell formation, energy and cognitive function.
  • Magnesium - supports nerves and muscles and activates over 100 enzymes.
  • Molybdenum - contributes to grown and development.
  • Phosphorous - works with calcium and contributes to healthy bones and teeth.
  • Potassium - regulates heartbeat, fluid balance, and helps muscles contract.
  • Selenium - an essential component of a key antioxidant enzyme, also necessary for normal growth and development.
  • Sulfur - required for muscle protein and helps with soft, healthy hair.
  • Zinc - found in every fluid, tissue, cell and organ throughout the human body with high concentrations in the brain. Inadequate intake can affect over 200 enzymes involved in digestion, metabolism, reproduction and wound healing.
  • Cinnamon essential oil - antiviral, antibacterial and a strong antioxidant. It also contains high levels of phenols - oxygenating compounds which function as catalysts.
  • Lemon essential oil - promotes leukocyte production, which is an important factor in the immune system.
  • Peppermint essential oil - antibacterial and a first-rate support for the immune system, also supports digestion.


Take 5 half-droppers (1 mL each) morning and evening or as needed as a mineral supplement. May be added to 4-8 oz of distilled/purified water or juice before drinking. We recommend adding to cranberry juice if needed as the supplement has a spicy, mineral flavor. Shake well before using and refrigerate after opening.

You can also apply this to skin or use in an epsom salt bath to allow for absorption through the skin. Note, however, that this route of administration will provide less absorption than ingestion.

Note: This product contains royal jelly, which may cause allergic reactions, especially in those with bee or honey allergies.

Join us this month as we use Mineral Essence this month and beyond to support overall health and wellness and feed our bodies with the good things it needs!

Want to try Mineral Essence, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

DIY - Relaxing Lavender Eye Pillow

Make this today!
DIY Relaxing Lavender Eye Pillows

These eye pillows are a fun DIY and are wonderful to have around the home! You can choose different fabrics or even change the essential oil, but we are partial to Lavender. They are also wonderful when you are experiencing head and neck tension or are needing a little extra TLC!

These eye pillows can be enjoyable just as they are, without warming or cooling. Place them over your eyes and breathe in to relax, relieve stress and help encourage restful sleep. Or you can use the hot or cold. To use cold, place in the freezer for about 20 minutes before use, or keep in the freezer between each use.

To use warm, carefully heat in the microwave for 10 second intervals. Be careful to not let it get too hot. Start with 10 seconds on one side and then flip and do 10 seconds on the other side. the flax seeds inside are great for holding onto heat for an extended period, and healthy will also release more scent oils from the lavender buds.

You will need the following for pillow:
  • 1/4 yard of fabric (you will have extra) Note - make sure the fabric is washed and dried before you begin
  • 1 1/4 cup flax seed
  • 3/4 cup dried Lavender buds
  • 20 or so drops Lavender essential oil
For each pillow, cut 2 layers of fabric measuring 4.5 inches by 10.5 inches. You'll want right sides facing out for frayed edges or right sides in for no frays. Begin by sewing alongside a long edge, making your way all mourned, with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Be sure you leave one short edge open to fill the pillow.

Mix the Lavender buds, flax seed and a few drops of Lavender essential oil in a bowl, then fill the pillow bag until its mostly full. The measurements above should give you the perfect amount. Finally, sew the open edge closed containing the insides.

A few tips..
  • a lightweight fabric will help the smell diffuse better, think a medium weight linen or light cotton.
  • The amount of Lavender and flax seed can be played with. If you desire more buds, go ahead and increase that amount. If you want more flax, have at it.
  • Losing smell? Try cursing the bag in your hands to help more scent release.
  • Other essential oil options: 
Recipe adapted from tidbits-cami.com

Want to create these lovely eye pillows, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Lavender Oil Spotlight - June 2021


June's Oil Spotlight

Lavender essential oil has a scent that's a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean and calm. It's this dynamic aroma that has made the plant a classic for perfumes, soaps, freshness, and beauty products. 

Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home, which is why its a part of the Everyday Oils Collection in the Starter Bundle. Lavender essential oil isn't a favorite only because if its classic scent - its also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life.

Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in June. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Lavender AT A Glance

  • Has a fresh, floral aroma that pairs well with many other oils
  • Can help cleanse and soothe minor skin irritations
  • Can be soothing to the skin after a day in the sun
  • May reduce the appearance of blemishes
  • Support aging skin
  • Cams and relaxes the mind and body
  • Soothes seasonal respiratory needs


Did you know that lavender is part of the mint family and is one of Young Living's most popular oils? Young Living has three farms that grow lavender, located in Utah, Idaho, and France - ooh la la! Lavender is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the plant, and it takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make one 15 mL bottle of Lavender essential oil.

In Ancient Greece, Pedanius Dioscorides, a physician pharmacologist and botanist, praised the many qualities and uses of Lavender. You can find Lavender essential oil in many Young Living's blends, including Stress Away, Tranquil, RotaVaLa, Forgiveness, and Harmony.

Lavender & Emotions from Eryn Jones

Lavender is great for the many common fears we are tempted to give into:
  • Fear and Abandonment, being left alone. By rubbing Lavender over the abdomen and using the mantra "I embrace all life's experiences" can help us be open to self-reliance and our contentment to all things. The opposite of abandonment is not being fully self-reliant, but being connected to everything working together for our good.
  • Fear of Criticism. This one is huge, especially if you are in a line of work where you put yourself out there often (or if you have a high-maintenance toddler too!) Using Lavender as perfume while paring it with mantras and unconditional love for ourselves can be a great practice for developing self confidence.
  • Fear of New Things, fear of moving forward. Sometimes there are big transitions in life and sometimes it seems scary to open ourselves up to change. Lavender has a beautiful way of calming the central nervous system to help us be more open to change and gaining positive momentum.

Daily Habits with Lavender

  • Unwind in the evening with a calming, Lavender-infused neck or back massage. Feeling tense? Add a little Peppermint and Frankincense.
  • Use Lavender as a part of a bedtime routine by rubbing it on the bottoms of your feet and diffusing it next to your bed.
  • Make a relaxing Lavender eye pillow (find the details here)
  • Rub Lavender and coconut oil on the skin after time in the sun or make an after-sun spray or balm.
    • 1/4 cup solid coconut oil (or liquid carrier for a spray)
    • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
    • 20 drops Lavender essential oil
    • Optional: 15 drops Tea Tree essential oil for extra red/hot skin.
  • Add 10 drops of Lavender to 1 cup Epsom salt to a bath to create a relaxing environment. We also love adding Peace & Calming or Frankincense to the mix.
  • Use Lavender seasonally to support the airways when air quality is less than ideal.
    • Seasons Change Roller Blend: 15 drops each Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Copaiba then fill it with carrier oil. Roll over the chest, wrists, or just below the nostrils.
    • Add 5 drops each Lavender and Copiaba to 1 cup fine grain sea salt and dilute with 8-12 oz distilled water to make a DIY nasal rinse solution.
    • Use a drop of Lavender Vitality under the tongue or swiped on the inside of the cheek.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the refreshing scent of Lavender this month!

Join us in using Lavender oil blend daily to create daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Lavenderbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

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