The Basics Series
Where to Apply Your Oils?

If you're not sure how to get started using essential oils and natural products, you're in the right place! Not only is site full of resources, recipes, DIYs, tips and tricks just for you, we've got you covered with this printable card that you can print out and keep right next to your oil stash or save directly to your phone.

Each Young Living essential oil bottle has dilution recommendations printed right on the label. Some oils that are very gentle, like Lavender and Copaiba, don't require dilution except for the most sensitive skin. Most oils will be diluted in equal parts with a carrier oil, like V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, but some are 'hot' oils and can cause a tingling sensation if applied without a carrier. These include Thieves, Peppermint, and Oregano among others and are usually diluted more. Of course, you can always dilute more or less depending on your personal preference.

  • Energy & Focus - crown of your head, back of your neck, chest or forearms
  • Respiratory Support - behind your ears, down the spine, check, neck and throat
    Immune Support - down the spine, bottoms of the feet, Vitality oils internally
  • Restful Sleep - big toe, forearms, forehead, wrists
  • Focus - temples, back of neck, around your ears
  • Emotional support - rub oils in hands and breathe in deeply, over the heart, behind and on the ears
  • Overwhelm - lower back, back of neck, shoulders and neck
  • Digestion - 1-2 drops in the belly button, rub clockwise on the stomach
A couple of quick tips:
  • Add an AromaGlide Roller Fitment to your favorite, most used oils to make them convenient roll-ons. If you have an oil you like to dilute, wait until its 1/3 or 1/2 empty then add a carrier and a Roller Fitment.
  • Make your own roller blends using your favorite oils, carrier oils and empty 10 mL roller bottles (or empty 5 mL and 15 mL bottles too). This way you can easily take them with you wherever you go.
  • Keep pre-diluted blends on hand for all ages in your household.
  • Pair topical use of your oils with diffusing and internal use, especially for acute needs.
Print this guide and keep it handy!

And if you're looking for supplies to make some of your favorite DIYs, check out my The Basics - DIY Supplies List for a list of where to purchase some of our favorite DIY supplies.

Want to give it a try, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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