Essential Oil Spotlight

- Has a zesty citrus flavor that's great in diffuser blends, recipes, and DIYs
- Uplifts the emotions and senses
- Contains antioxidants that help support a healthy lifestyle
- Helps support the cardiovascular system
- Is a wonderful choice for combating oily skin
- Limonene
- Linalyl Acetate
- Bergamot + White Angelica
- Bergamot + Sacred Frankincense
- Bergamot + Stress Away
- Bergamot + Vetiver
- Bergamot Essential Oil
- Bergamot Vitality Essential Oil
- Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops + Electrolytes*Note: Bergamot and Bergamot Vitality are the same essential oil. Bergamot Vitality is labeled for ingestion.
- Dream Catcher essential oil blend
- Gentle Baby essential oil blend
- Gratitude essential oil blend
- Harmony essential oil blend
- Joy essential oil blend
- SleepyIze essential oil blend
- Sensation Bath & Shower Gel
- Sensation Hand & Body Lotion
- Relaxation Massage oil
- Rose ointment
- And many more products
- To a large glass jar with a lid add:
- 1 cup Epsom Salt
- ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
- ½ cup Baking Soda
- 30 drops Bergamot (or a mix of desired oils)
To use, add 2-3 Tbsp directly to the laundry.
- 10 mL roller bottle
- 20 drops Bergamot
- 15 drops each Lavender, Cypress, & Rosemary
- Carrier of choice
- 2 oz dropper bottle
- 10 each drops Frankincense, Sandalwood, & Bergamot
- Carrier of choice
- 10 mL roller bottle
- 15 drops Bergamot & Valor
- 10 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
- Carrier of choice
- 10 mL roller bottle
- 10 drops each Valor, Frankincense, Stress Away, & Bergamot
- Fill with carrier
- 1 cup coconut oil
- 1 cup shea butter
- 20-30 drops total essential oils (Bergamot, Grapefruit, Ylang ylang)
Step 1 - In a small pot, combine coconut oil and shea butter on medium heat. Once melted, remove from heat and add essential oils. Mix well.
Step 2 - Let cool in the fridge for 30–45 minutes or until the mixture is no longer clear. It should have a soft texture. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, whip the product for about 2–3 minutes or until it looks like foam and forms peaks. Store in a glass jar at room temperature.
- Mulled Cider - 4 drops Christmas Spirit, 3 drops Bergamot, 2 drops each Clove, Grapefruit
- Golden Hour - 4 drops each Lavender, Frankincense, & Bergamot
- Warm Hug - 3 drops Lavender, Bergamot, Grapefruit + 2 drops Vanilla
- Spring Wreath - 4 drops Eucalyptus, 3 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Lemon, 2 drops Lime
- Deep Breath - 4 drops each Bergamot, Lemon, & R.C.
- "For me Bergamot on my forearms and the tops of my ears is just another layer of help with my emotions. For me it's not about one magic button but several tools that just seem to get the job done. When I use Bergamot in the mix it's a better day!" - Denise O.
- "A favorite oil of mine! It's my keep calm but motivated blend: 5 Bergamot, 2 lavender, 3 peppermint." - Tracy M.
- "It is a favorite of mine in my happiness blend. 9 Stress Away, 7 Bergamot, 6 Orange, 2 Joy" - Sabrina H.
- "Smells soooo good with sacred sandalwood. It calms me!" - Hannah E.
- "So good for anxiety. I like to use it along my hairline, forehead, and temples and feel the stress literally melt down from head to toe." - Chloe B.
- "Been using 3-5 drops of it with 1-2 rosemary as I'm recovering from surgery. The smell keeps me calm and uplifted." - Amanda A.
- "This oil really helped me during my high risk pregnancy. It was calming and grounding and I found myself gravitating to it a lot." - Darrien M.
Want to try Bergamot essential oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in February. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!
Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.
As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend
Easy Button

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
February's gifts with Purchase

- Bergamot 15 mL essential oil - for a month of happy hearts (Bergamot Spotlight)
- Lemon, Pine and R.C. 15 mL essential oils - for diffusing, respiratory health and more!
- Inner Defense Capsules - for strengthening your defenses (Inner Defense Spotlight)
- SulfurZyme Powder - for overall longevity, and healthy skin (SulfurZyme Spotlight)
- Golden Turmeric Powder - for healthy joints and muscles (Golden Turmeric Spotlight)
- NingXia Red 2 pack - for daily energy & vitality (NingXia Red Spotlight)

Basically, the best way to order! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones. Each month you'll have new picks for every tier.
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As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Just a Drop of Elemi
- A trusty alternative to Frankincense, with a similar grounding and balancing aroma
- Supports a balanced, even complexion
- Helps reduce the appearance of blemishes
- Can be used with massage after exercise to soothe fatigued muscles and joints
- Limonene
- Alpha-phellandrene
- Elemol, Sabinene
- Elemicin
- Alpha-terpineol
- 30 drops Elemi
- Optional 10-15 drops each: Myrrh, Blue Tansy, Cedarwood (for dry skin), Geranium (for brightening), Manuka
- Fill with carrier of choice
- ½ cup cold pressed organic olive oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
- ½ cup organic arnica oil
- 1 Tbsp shea butter
- 2 Tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
- 3-4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles
- 40 drops essential oils: Elemi, Frankincense, Lavender, Patchouli alone or in combination
- Essential oils to add for a masculine scent: Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
Step 1 - Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil & beeswax and allow it to melt, stirring gently.
Step 2 - Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils.
Step 3 - Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into the small containers.
- 1 cup organic oats, ground
- ¼ cup organic powdered milk (or coconut milk) (or goat milk)
- 1 Tbsp liquid castile soap
- 2 tsp Vitamin E oil
- 15 drops Elemi
- 5 drops Lavender or Geranium
- (Optional) 5 drops Frankincense or Helichrysum
Sit and soak for 30 minutes or as long as desired.
- 2lb melt and pour soap base
- ½ cup powdered goat milk
- 2 Tbsp organic raw honey
- 1 Tbsp sweet almond oil
- 60 drops essential oils (Elemi, Cedarwood, Lavender, alone or in combo!)
- Soap molds
Step 1 - Chop soap base into cubes and melt using a double boiler. Whisk in all remaining ingredients and pour into soap molds. Option to add dried flowers. Let sit overnight
- ¼ cup magnesium flakes
- ¼ cup organic oats, ground
- 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
- 10 drops each Elemi, Cedarwood, Lavender
- Mix together and add to bath water. Then add ¼ cup ACV to the water and gently mix.
- 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar
- 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
- 2 Tbsp of Honey
- 1 tsp Lemon Juice
- 3 drops Peppermint
- 5 drops Elemi
Mix ingredients well then rub onto feet. Wrap feet with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove towel and wipe off scrub. Follow with moisturizer if desired.
- 1½ teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
- 10 drops Cedarwood essential oil
- 5 drops Elemi essential oil
Add all the above to an empty 15 ml essential oil bottle and add an AromaGlide Roller Fitment. Roll onto your cuticles anytime, anywhere.
- 15 drops Elemi
- 10 drops Cedarwood
- 5 drops Peppermint
Fill with a carrier of choice. Apply over the heart, back of the neck, on the wrists liberally and frequently.
- 10 drops Juniper (encourages circulation)
- 10 drops Eucalyptus Globulus (supports healthy blood pressure and inflammation levels)
- 10 drops Lavender (calming)
- 10 drops Elemi (supports cardiovascular system)
- 10 drops Marjoram (supports healthy blood pressure)
Combine essential oils in an empty glass roller bottle and top with your favorite carrier oil. Apply over heart and the bottom of feet... center being the vita flex point for health. Inhaling these oils are also helpful for someone who has experienced a heart episode to support emotions.
- 20 drops each Lavender, Cedarwood, Elemi
- Fill with carrier oil of choice
Apply over to the big toe, bottom of the feet, neck and behind ears before bed or more frequently as desired.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Stimulates overall enzyme activity
- Supports and balances digestive health
- Supports healthy pancreatic function
- Assists the body in breaking down and digesting food
- Digestion - Enzymes break down food so that the body can digest it.
- Metabolism - Enzymes help properly metabolize the food so that the body can use the nutrients from the food.
- Respiration - Enzymes assist in getting oxygen where it is needed.
- Nutrient absorption and transportation – Enzymes help the nutrients get to where they are needed.
- Detoxification - Enzymes keep toxic sludge from building up in the body.
- Muscle movement - Enzymes assist in helping the brain communicate with the muscles.
- Hormone production - Enzymes assist in helping the body produce hormones that in turn keep the body functioning.
- Cell Repair - Enzymes assist in repairing cells which can lead to youthful skin.
- Cell division - Enzymes help keep cell division at a normal, healthy rate.
- EssentialZyme specifically supports the pancreas containing pancrelipase and pancreatin. These enzymes are to be taken once a day before your largest meal.
- EssentialZyme-4 is a set of two dual enzyme capsules infused with Ginger, Fennel, Tarragon, and Anise premium essential oils. The plant-based enzymes are designed to release immediately upon entering the stomach, where the environment is conducive to the digestion of plant material. The animal-based enzymes are designed to target release in the lower intestine region, where the environment is better suited for the digestion of animal fats and proteins. In combination, these two capsules aid in the digestion of dietary fats, proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates for optimal nutrient absorption. These enzymes are to be taken with your two largest meals of the day.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Has a fresh, uplifting, citrus aroma
- Helps neutralize unwanted odors
- Cleansing and purifying
- Great addition to cleaning products & DIYs
- Removes sticky adhesives and residues from non-porous surfaces
- Can support the immune system when taken internally
- Has natural mucolytic properties
- Is high in limonene
- Contains antioxidants
- Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
- Gamma-terpinene - a potent antioxidant, Chinese medicine believes that this constituent may halt the advance of unwelcome microbes, reducing the risk of colds and 'flu-like symptoms.'
- Beta-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown beta-pinene to support the body through inflammation, to help calm the mind and to ease the body from the ‘fight or flight' response
- Frustration is closely tied to our expectations (of ourselves, of others, or of a situation or outcome). The other side, or opposite feeling, of Frustration is Accomplishment. Most of the time when we feel frustrated is usually because we fear that we are not going to accomplish what we want to do/ feel/ or have happen! Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils suggests rubbing a drop or two of Lemon along the ribs, near the sternum (above the bile ducts), and focus on moving beyond your limitations or expectations. If we store up enough frustration that does not get resolved it turns to chronic anger, which is highly associated with liver and gallbladder discomfort or problems. So it's good to let the frustration go!
- Lack, or the feeling of emptiness- when we don't feel "Complete". The other side of Lack is Full. This also makes this oil great for the Enneagram 7s and Enneagram 4s! Releasing Emotional Patterns suggests rubbing Lemon over the heart and chest while focusing on our completeness and all that we currently possess.
- Stuck, the opposite of feeling Transformed and moving forward. When we feel stuck we fear experiencing life. So rubbing Lemon on the sinuses can be helpful for branching out and having new experiences and getting un-stuck! Note: do not use Lemon (or other citrus oils) on skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight within two hours.
- Lemon Essential Oil
- Lemon Vitality Essential Oil
Note: Lemon and Lemon Vitality Essential Oil are the same oil. Vitality oils are labeled for ingestion but are the same essential oil.
- 30mL roller bottle
- Fill just over â…“ with Thieves Dish Soap
- Add 1 tsp Hydrogen Peroxide
- Add 15 drops Lemon Essential Oil
- Fill remainder with Thieves Household Cleaner and shake to mix.
- Apply directly to stains to pre-treat.
- To a glass jar with a lid add:
- 1 cup Epsom Salt
- ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
- ½ cup Baking Soda
- 30 drops Lemon Essential Oil (or a mix of desired oils)
To Use - add 2-3 Tbsp directly to the laundry.
- Add 15 drops of Lemon to diluted Thieves Household Cleaner for a daily spray.
- Add 10 drops each Pine & Lemon to Thieves Household Cleaner and dilute for a mop solution.
- Mix 10 drops Lemon oil + ¼ cup Baking Soda + 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner for a kitchen and bath scrub (add more baking soda to consistency as desired)
- Clean a slow moving drain with baking soda, white vinegar and lemon oil. Pour ¼-½ cup baking soda onto the drain, drop 2-3 drops Lemon onto it, pour ¼-½ cup vinegar onto the mixture and cover with a cloth for 10 minutes. Then pour hot water into the drain.
- Lushious Lemon - 2 drops each of: Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lemon Myrtle or Lemon Verbena, & Spearmint + 1 drop of Cinnamon Bark
- Fresh Start - 4 drops each Lemon, Lavender, & Raven or R.C.
- Seasons Change - 3 drops each Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, & Copaiba
- Be Well - 5 drops Thieves, 4 drops Lemon, 3 drops Lavender
- Deep Breath - 4 drops Lemon, 4 drops Rosemary, 3 drops Peppermint
- Seaside Air - 4 drops Lemon, 3 drops Spearmint, 3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Grapefruit
- Baking Cookies - 4 drops Lemon, 3 drops Vanilla, 3 drops Peppermint
- Pink Lemonade - 6 drops Valor, 4 drops Lemon
- “Lemon is amazing for all the sticky things! It also cuts grease on stoves like a boss!”
- “I use it in my wellness roller with Thieves and Oregano, and apply nightly to my feet!”
- “I like putting lemon essential oil in my water! So many benefits like detoxing, energizing, & cleansing.”
- “I love my lemon oil. I clean with it, diffuse it, and have made a mixture with it for perfume. Such a multi- purpose oil!!”
- “My most favorite use for lemon oil was getting permanent marker off a water bottle. Literally one drop & you couldn't even tell. Love lemon for everything!!”
- “Lemon oil in my diffuser at work. Around 1-1:30pm it's like a pick me up happy mood let's get er' done type of enhancer!”
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
DiGize Essential Oil Spotlight

- Fennel - has been used for a broad range of purposes dating back to ancient Egypt
- Ginger - has a calming aroma
- Peppermint - provides a cooling, uplifting fragrance
- Has an herbaceous, spicy aroma
- Soothing when used topically as part of an abdominal massage
- Includes Peppermint Vitality, which is known to support gastrointestinal function
- Cleansing and soothing to the digestive system
- Contains antioxidants
- Trans anethole
- Limonene
- Menthol
- Zingiberene
- 10 mL roller bottle
- 15 drops DiGize
- Optional: 10 drops each Lemon, Peppermint
- Carrier of choice
When traveling, inhale DiGize directly from the bottle for soothing comfort.
Want to try DiGize essential oil blend, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Infused with rose essential oil
- Helps calm and soothe skin
- Moisturizes skin
- Helps reduce the appearance of redness, fine lines, and wrinkles
- Boosts skin's natural glow
- Ideal for all skin types
- Meets Young Living's Seed to Seal quality standards
- CBD - Pure, potent CBD with 0.0% THC
- Rose Essential Oil - Beautiful, luxurious floral oil that beautifies, soothes, and moisturizes the skin to promote a youthful appearance
- Tamanu Oil - Smooth, nutty oil rich in fatty acids to improve the appearance of the skin and promote an even skin tone
- Grapeseed Oil: Oil rich in omega-6 fatty acids and antioxidants to absorb quickly without leaving the skin feeling oily
- 20 drops Frankincense, Myrrh
- 10 drops Blue Tansy
- Optional - 10 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood (for dry skin)
- Optional - 5 drops Lavender (for oily skin)
- 5 droppersful CBD Beauty Boost
- Carrier oil of choice (jojoba oil for normal to mixed skin, argan oil for dry skin, hazelnut oil for oily skin.)
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in January. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!
Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.
As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend
Easy Button

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
January's gifts with Purchase

- Lemon, Pine and R.C. 15mL essential oils - for diffusing, respiratory health and more!
- Inner Defense Capsules - for strengthening your defenses
- SulfurZyme Powder - for overall longevity, and healthy skin
- Golden Turmeric Powder - for healthy joints and muscles
- NingXia Red 2 pack - for daily energy & vitality.

Basically, the best way to order! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones. Each month you'll have new picks for every tier.
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As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- 10mL glass spray bottle
- 1 drop each Longevity Vitality, Thieves Vitality, & Frankincense Vitality
- 2 drops Orange Vitality & Lemon Vitality
- Splash Thieves Mouthwash, optional
- Filtered water
Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spritz into your mouth daily or as desired!
- 10mL glass spray bottle
- 1 drop each Oregano Vitality, Thyme Vitality, & Peppermint Vitality,
- 2 drops each Lemon Vitality & Orange Vitality
- Splash Olive Oil
- Filtered Water
Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spritz into your mouth daily or as desired! Note: this one may tingle a bit!
- 10mL roller bottle
- 10 drops each Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Aroma Siez, Lavender, & Valor
- Fill with carrier oil of choice
Apply over lymph nodes, along spine, bottom of the feet as desired
- 1 cup magnesium flakes
- 3 drops each Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Marjoram, Cypress, & Lavender
- 2 drops Peppermint, Wintergreen, & Aroma Siez
Add oils and magnesium together in a glass jar and mix. Place the jar under hot, running water to diffuse out into bath water. Soak as long as possible!
- 10mL glass spray bottle
- 20 drops each Kidpower & Spearmint
- 5 drops Vanilla
- 2 drops Wintergreen
- Fill with Witch Hazel
Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spritz onto wrists and neck before heading out the door!
- 1/4 cup organic fractionated coconut oil
- 3/4 cup organic cane sugar
- 15 drops Winter Nights essential oil blend
- 10 drops Vanilla oleoresin
Mix Winter Nights & Vanilla with fractionated coconut oil in a glass container, then add organic cane sugar to the bowl and stir until combined.
To use, massage into skin in a circular motion and rinse well. After exfoliating, moisturize with Young Living's Winter Nights Hand and Body Lotion or DIY Body Butter.
- 8-12 ounce glass container glass container
- 1/2 cup solid refined, organic coconut oil
- 1/2 cup organic mango butter (or a mix of shea butter and mango butter)
- 1/2 cup organic jojoba oil
- 5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil
- 10 drops Neroli or Geranium essential oil
- 15 drops Tangerine essential oil
Place coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl and whip with a handheld or stand mixer until fluffy and smooth. Slowly add in the jojoba oil, then the essential oils, mixing as you add. Whip for about five minutes or so. The longer you mix, the fluffier it will become!

- Jasmine, Neroli, Ylang ylang or Joy
- Winter Nights
- Rosemary, Basil or Eucalyptus
- Palo Santo, Frankincense, or Sacred Mountain
- Gently rub the skin between your toes to create warmth in the area. Massage in four to five drops of your chosen oil, spending about three to five seconds between each toe.
- With the oil still on your fingers and palms, massage the bottoms of your feet, spending thirty seconds on each one.
- Move up to your wrists and gently massage the area with your thumb; spend ten to fifteen seconds on each wrist.
- Next, move to the ears; use your fingers to massage the area behind your ears in circles for fifteen seconds.
- Floating up to the forehead, massage your temples with your forefingers in circles for ten seconds.
- Finally, cup your palms over your nose and mouth and take five deep inhales.

- Choose a diffuser blend below, and set it near your mat.
- Apply oils to the crown of the head (it won't make your hair greasy if you don't rub it in, just drop it!), wrists and heart.
- Breathe deeply, repeat a positive mantra or focus on a word or intention you want to bring into your life.

- 15 drops Evergreen Essence Essential Oil Blend
- 10 drops Vanilla Oleoresin
- 10 drops Tangerine Essential Oil
Add essential oils to a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add a splash of witch hazel & top with water! Spritz on all the things!
- Foaming hand soap bottle or recycle a YL one!
- 2 Tbsp Liquid Castile Soap
- 10 drops each Peppermint &Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil
- 5 drops Vetiver essential oil
- 1 tsp Vitamin E oil
Add essential oils, Vitamin E oil and Castile Soap to the bottle, then top with water leaving 1" at the top
- Organic wool dryer balls
- Ylang ylang, Vanilla & Cinnamon Bark pre-mixed in a dropper bottle, about 10-15 drops of each
Add 4-5 drops of essential oils to each dryer ball. Let the dryer balls air dry for about an hour or to speed up the process you can dry them alone. This will allow the oil to absorb into the wool and not transfer to your clothes.
When it's time to dry your clothes - toss the dryer balls into the dryer with your clothing. Refresh the oils every 4-5 loads or more often if you prefer a stronger scent.
- About 5 oranges or a mix of oranges, clementines and grapefruit for varied sizes and colors
- Essential oils: Cinnamon Bark, Vanilla, Clove, Believe, & Thieves
- Fresh cranberries and cinnamon sticks (optional)
Step 1 - Slice your oranges in circles to ¼ to ½ inch in thickness and arrange them on a non-stick surface or parchment paper. Pour 2-3 drops of essential oils on each slice, then set them in a cool oven and turn the temperature onto the lowest setting your oven will allow. (If your oven does not go below 300, set it there and use a wooden spoon to prop the oven open slightly and allow some heat to dissipate.)
Step 2 - Leave the slices in the oven for about 5 hours, then shut the oven off and leave the oranges in there overnight or until completely cool. They will be fairly dry, but will continue to dry out over time. You don't want to over dry them in the oven because they can start to burn!
Step 3 - Once they are dry, string them with some twine, alternating with a few varying sized slices and a cranberry or two, a tied cinnamon stick, whatever you like!

- Iced Balsam Forest - 5 drops Idaho Grand Fir + 3 drops Pine + 3 drops Eucalyptus
- Melted Marshmallow - 5 drops Tangerine + 3 drops Jasmine or Joy + 3 drops Vanilla
- Cozy Winter Cabin - 4 drops Cedarwood + 3 drops Peppermint + 2 drops Tangerine + 1 drop Vetiver
- Cuddle Weather - 4 drops Lavender + 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce + 2 drops Clove + 2 drops Peppermint
- New Year - 5 drops Grapefruit + 4 drops Lavender + 3 drops Vanilla
- Present Time - 5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce + 3 drops Neroli or Tangerine + 3 drops Ylang Ylang
- Sacred Space - 5 drops Sacred Mountain + 4 drops Lavender + 2 drops Frankincense
- Morning Meditation - 4 drops Palo Santo + 3 drops Peppermint + 3 drops Lavender + 2 drops Rosemary
- Rose Colored Glasses - 4 drops Joy or Jasmine + 4 drops Orange + 3 Frankincense
- Winter Air - 4 drops Cedarwood + 4 drops Palo Santo + 3 drops Peppermint

- 8 cups apple juice or cider
- 4 cups orange juice
- 1 cup pineapple juice
- 9 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitality
- 6 drops Cardamom Vitality
- 4 drops Clove Vitality
- 4 drops Nutmeg Vitality
- 3 drops Citrus Fresh Vitality
- Sliced oranges
- Cinnamon sticks
Add all ingredients to a large pot and stir to combine. Heat until simmering. Simmer for 30 minutes. Serve warm in a mug. Garnish with sliced oranges and cinnamon sticks.
- 12 ounces brewed, strong organic coffee
- 1/4 cup milk of choice
- 1 tbsp organic maple syrup (add more to taste)
- Organic ground cinnamon for dusting
- 1 drop Cinnamon Bark Vitality essential oil
- 1 scoop Inner Beauty Collagen
- Optional: Electric milk frother
Step 1 - Grab your favorite coffee mug and line the bottom with maple syrup, about 1 tablespoon. Pour the brewed coffee on top and stir gently to mix.
Step 2 - Add the milk and essential oil (if using) to the frother, hit the button once, and wait while it warms.
Step 3 - When ready, pour the milk into your coffee, top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a small drizzle of maple syrup or a small sprinkle of raw sugar if desired!
- 4 cups milk of choice
- 8 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tsp honey, or more to taste
- 4 drops Lavender Vitality essential oil
- 4 cups milk of your choice
- 8 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tsp honey, or more to taste
- 2 drops Peppermint Vitality essential oil
- 4 cups milk of your choice
- ½ cup honey or agave
- 2 Mexican chocolate tablets
- ¾ cups masa harina (corn flour)
- 2 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitality essential oil
- 2 drops Orange Vitality essential oil

- Air dry clay
- Craft paper
- Rolling pin
- Craft paint (we like the metallic colors!) + brushes
- Modge Podge gloss or other sealer
- Various leaves from your yard
Step 1 - Cut out a piece of air dry clay, then roll it out onto craft paper to about 1/2 inch thick, making sure your leaf will fit. Then, press your leaf (vein side down) onto the clay. Remove the leaf from the clay, and cut around the outline with a knife, then remove the excess clay from around your imprint.
Step 2 - Go around the perimeter of the leaf and gently press the sides up and in to create a small edge. Allow the clay to air dry and harden on a baking rack for 24 hours.
Step 3 - Paint! Once the paint is dry, cover with a coat of Modge Podge gloss, then dry for 24 hours. After the sealer is dry, have your children sign the back and write the year.
- 2 cups flour (can use gluten-free if desired)
- 1 cup salt
- 2 tsp cream of tartar
- 1 Tbsp olive or coconut oil
- 2 cups cold water
- 5 drops essential oil: Lavender, Peace & Calming, Tangerine, and/or Believe
- Natural food coloring, optional
Step 1 - Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, and water in a medium saucepan. Stir over medium heat for about 5 minutes, until the dough has reached the right consistency.
Step 2 - Let cool, split into 3 balls, and knead in essential oils and optional food coloring until it is distributed evenly throughout each ball of playdough. Store in an airtight container.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Small saucepan
- Baking sheet
- Unbleached parchment paper
- Candy thermometer (optional)
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 cup organic coconut or granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon raw honey (ideally local honey)
- 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- 5 drops Lemon Vitality
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger (can add more for taste)
- 2 drops Ginger Vitality
- 1/8 tsp ground cloves
- 1 drop Clove Vitality
- Powdered sugar or cornstarch for coating
- Gather your ingredients, then line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Combine all ingredients except the powdered sugar/cornstarch in a saucepan and heat to 300F. Whisk frequently while cooking to prevent sticking and check the coloring and consistency of the solution.
- After about 10-20 minutes, test the consistency by dropping a small of the solution amount into ice water. If the cough drop cracks, the solution is ready. If it is still chewy, then cook the mixture for 5 more minutes. Repeat as needed.
- Remove from the heat completely, add essential oils, and allow the mixture to cool slightly. Then, drop small circles onto the parchment-lined baking sheet and allow to cool completely.
- Once cooled, dust lightly with powdered sugar or cornstarch (to prevent sticking together). Alternatively, wrap each cough drop in wax paper. Store in an airtight container away from heat or moisture.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
Longevity Supplement Spotlight

- Helps prevent oxidative stress from free radicals
- Contains a proprietary blend of essential oils with antioxidants that help maintain cell integrity
- Thyme essential oil may help protect DHA levels, a nutrient that supports brain function
- Clove essential oil contains antioxidant properties and eugenol
- Frankincense essential oil may support general health and well-being
- Orange essential oil contains d-limonene and may support the immune system
- Take 1 softgel once daily with food in the morning or as needed.
Want to try Longevity softgels, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
Digest & Cleanse Supplement Spotlight

- Includes Peppermint and Caraway essential oils, which have been used for centuries to ease occasional digestive discomfort
- Formulated with Lemon essential oil, which has been used as a traditional method to stimulate digestion
- Supports digestion with Fennel, Anise, and Ginger essential oils, known for digestive support
- Supports overall digestive health
- Helps cleanse and support the body's natural digestive processes
- Take 1 softgel 1 - 3 times daily with water 30 - 60 minutes prior to meals. 
Want to try Digest & Cleanse, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Has a woodsy, refreshing, slightly floral aroma
- Includes wonderfully grounding tree oils
- Helps encourage feelings of faith, strength, and vitality
- Is a great way to get the benefits of tree oils in a blend
- Idaho Grand Fir - This tree oil has a refreshing aroma that evokes the nostalgia of smelling a freshly cut Christmas tree. It is a grounding oil that is wonderful for meditation, the respiratory system, and has been used to support the immune system and healthy skin.
- Coriander - Coriander is a spice oil that contains antioxidants and may provide digestive support, immune support, and has cleansing properties.
- Bergamot - This citrus oil has an aroma that is both uplifting and calming, and it has cleansing and purifying properties.
- Frankincense - Frankincense has been used for over 3,000 years for many things - immune support, beauty and skincare, and emotional health.
- Idaho Blue Spruce - This tree oil soothes tired muscles when applied topically with massage, supports healthy testosterone levels, and has a grounding aroma.
- Ylang Ylang - This floral oil is traditionally known for its romantic appeal. It has a calming and balancing aroma that is uplifting, and it also promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin and shiny hair.
- Geranium - This floral oil is commonly used in perfumes for its uplifting aroma, and it is incredible for skincare needs.
- Linalool
- Beta pinene
- Alpha pinene
- Bornyl acetate
- 25 drops Believe
- 15 drops Tangerine
- 10 drops each Lavender, Vanilla
- Fill with carrier oil
- Yarn or twine
- Large, foraged pinecones from the yard
- Thieves Household Cleaner
- Believe essential oil
Step 1 - Collect pine cones and lightly spritz them with diluted Thieves Household Cleaner to get rid of any unwanted pests. Allow to dry overnight.
Step 2 - Wrap twine or yarn around the pinecones, all the way into the center weaving between the individual scales. You can use festive, colorful yarn for a fun twist or neutral yarn or twine.
Step 3 - Drop 5 drops of essential oil onto the yarn/twine of each pinecone. Place in a basket beside the fireplace and add a few to the fire whenever you build one.
- Add Believe to reed diffuser sticks and place in your tree
- Drop onto any porous ornaments
- 30 drops Believe
- Optional: 15 drops Tangerine
- Splash witch hazel
- Fill with filtered water
- ½ cup cold pressed organic olive oil (or 1 cup if not using arnica oil)
- ½ cup organic arnica oil
- 1 Tbsp shea butter
- 2 Tbsp unrefined extra virgin coconut oil
- 3-4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles
- 30 drops essential oils
- Essential oils to add for a masculine scent: Sandalwood, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
Step 1 - Using a double boiler, place several inches of water in the bottom and place a bowl or pan on top. Turn the heat to low-medium and add the olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil & beeswax and allow it to melt, stirring gently.
Step 2 - Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Add Vitamin E oil and essential oils.
Step 3 - Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to cool but not harden, then pour into the small containers.
- 1½ teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
- 10 drops Believe essential oil
- 5 drops Frankincense essential oil
Add all the above to an empty 15 ml essential oil bottle and add an AromaGlide Roller Fitment. Roll onto your cuticles anytime, anywhere.
- 1 cup magnesium flakes
- ½ cup Epsom Salt
- 20 drops Believe
- 10 drops Lavender
- Optional: 10 drops Frankincense essential oil
- Optional: dried lavender, rose buds, rosemary
Add to a glass jar and mix well. If gifting or storing add ¼ cup baking soda or Himalayan salt to help prevent clumping.
- 4 oz pump bottle
- 20 drops Believe essential oil
- 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
- 10 drops Cypress essential oil
- Carrier of choice
- 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
- 20 drops Believe
- 10 drops each Tangerine, Lavender
- Fill with distilled water and invert to gently mix.
- ½ cup Organic uncooked rice
- ¼ cup Epsom Salt
- 1 cup Dried lavender buds
- Muslin cotton drawstring pouches, approximately 5 inches long by 4 inches wide
- 20 drops each Lavender & Believe essential oil
- 10 drops Sage essential oil
Step 1 - In a medium bowl, mix rice, Epsom salt, flower buds, and essential oil to thoroughly scent the mixture.
Step 2 - Spoon mixture into your muslin pouch.
Step 3 - Place anywhere you want to add a fresh scent.
Step 4 - Refresh your pouch every 2-3 weeks by opening it up and adding more drops of essential oil
- To an airtight glass jar add:
- 1 cup Baking Soda
- ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
- 15-20 drops each Believe & Lavender
Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Copaiba is one of our favorite calming oils! It is soothing yet gentle and adds a warm, welcoming aroma to the mix - perfect for managing the emotions of the season!
- Wintergreen and Peppermint are crisp, clean scents that help focus the mind and support healthy airways - another thing we often need in the winter months.
- Ohh Vanilla. This oil just feels like a giant warm hug. It is calming and soothing to both the mind and body and is a quintessential winter scent!
- Bergamot, Orange, and Tangerine are some of our favorite oils for emotional support! Citrus oils in general are calming and uplifting, and they are high in limonene, which provides incredible immune support! Plus, they smell amazing.
- Eucalyptus is one of our favorite oils for respiratory needs! This crisp, sweet oil opens the airways while also creating the atmosphere of your favorite spa.
- Lavender, Jasmine, and Ylang ylang are also great emotional tools as they are calming and also promote connection with others and to your inner self. The holiday and winter season can bring up emotional triggers, and these oils can help us process. When we lean in and become curious about how we're feeling we can sort through the mess of emotions to find underlying needs and also find healing.
- Grapefruit and Orange are bright, happy oils that uplift the spirits and just make you smile. They are also high in limonene, which is great for the immune system - just what winter needs.
- The floral, calming scents of Lavender and Ylang ylang are dominant in this blend and help soothe our senses while promoting connection with others - perfect for your New Year's celebration and all season long.
- If there were one oil that we could recommend for respiratory support, camphor would be it! This oil is wonderful for opening the airways, and it lends a slightly earthy, crisp aroma to this delicious blend.
- Cistus is another crisp, slightly spicy oil that adds a bit of bubble to this blend. It is a wonderful immune support tool! It is cleansing and purifying.
- Diffuse any of these winter-scented essential oil blends to feel cozy or celebrate the season.
- Use these blends in place of unhealthy synthetic-scented candles or multi-oil diffuser blend recipes.
- Make a room spray by filling a 4-ounce spray bottle with distilled water, a dash of salt, and 30 drops of oil.
- Create cozy, winter-inspired bath salts with 5 drops of your chosen blend, 1 tablespoon bath gel, and 1 cup Epsom salt. (Always mix the oil thoroughly into the bath gel before adding to bath water.)
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Under the Mistletoe Lip Balm Set - for soft, happy, healthy lips.
- Vanilla Oleoresin - for feeling like being enveloped in a warm hug.
- Believe Essential Oil Blend - for emotional wellness & festive feels.
- Northern Lights Black Spruce Essential Oil - to bring the feeling of a winter forest.
- Digest & Cleanse - for happy, healthy bellies.
- NingXia Red 2 pack - for daily energy & vitality
- Add a bottle of Evergreen Essence for holiday diffusing!

- NingXia Red - November's Ditch and Switch
- NingXia - September 2021 Product Spotlight
- NingXia Red kit - the easy button
Want to try the essentials for December (Under the Mistletoe Lip Balm Set, Vanilla Oleoresin, Believe Essential Oil Blend, Northern Lights Black Spruce Essential Oil, Digest & Cleanse, NingXia Red 2 pack), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Check it - many of these recipes contain the Gifts with Purchase oils in December. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!
Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.
As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend
Easy Button

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

- Fresh Air - Citrus Fresh, Peace & Calming, Orange
- Meditation Space - Peace & Calming, Frankincense, Orange
- Peace, Be Still - Valor, Peace & Calming
- Fresh Breeze - Bergamot, Peace & Calming, Jade Lemon
- Holiday - Peace & Calming, Lime, Tangerine, Lavender

- Idaho Balsam Fir - Has an empowering aroma
- Nutmeg and Black Pepper - Have an energizing aroma
- Rosemary - Has a stimulating aroma

- Inspired - Valor, Lime, Envision
- Goodnight Moon - Valor, Tangerine, Frankincense
- Moon & Stars - Valor, Patchouli, Lavender, Tangerine
- Calm & Collected - Valor, Stress Away
- Blueberry Pie - Valor, Cinnamon Bark, Vanilla
As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend
December's gifts with Purchase

- Under the Mistletoe Lip Balm Set - for soft, happy, healthy lips.
- Vanilla Oleoresin - for feeling like being enveloped in a warm hug.
- Believe Essential Oil Blend - for emotional wellness & festive feels.
- Northern Lights Black Spruce Essential Oil - to bring the feeling of a winter forest.
- Digest & Cleanse - for happy, healthy bellies.
- NingXia Red 2 pack - for daily energy & vitality
- Add a bottle of Evergreen Essence for holiday diffusing!

Wonder how to use your gifts with purchase? Check out this post to see all the things.
Basically, the best way to order! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones. Each month you'll have new picks for every tier.
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As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend