Essentials for June 2021

The June Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

For the month of June we are focusing on creating no sweat habits that support our bodies overall and help us move towards our health goals. Here are a few essential items we are using this month and beyond to support our physical, mental and emotional health everyday.

Lavender essential oil - from relaxing to skincare, lavenders a summer must have
Mineral Essence - for overall health & wellness
Mineral Sunscreen - to protect your skin for fun in the sun!
Stress Away Roll-on - an instant beach vacation, no matter where you are
Lavender Lemon Vitality Drops - to stay hydrated while you play
LavaDerm After-Sun Spray - TLC for the sun-kissed (or sunburnt) skin

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil has a scent that's a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean, and calm. It's this dynamic aroma that has made the plant a classic for perfumes, soaps, freshness, and beauty products. Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home - especially during the summer! Lavender essential oil isn't a favorite only because of its classic scent - its also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life.

Lean more about Lavender essential oil in my Oil Spotlight of the Month post.

Mineral Essence

Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils. Ionic minerals are the most fully and quickly absorbed form of minerals available. According to two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling: "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." Learn more about this incredible supplement and use it with every day this month. 

To learn more, check out the June Supplement Spotlight post.

Mineral Sunscreen, SPF 50

Young Living's Mineral Sunscreen is hands-down our favorite sunscreen on the market. It is made of non-nano zinc, so its free from harsh chemicals, safe for kids and adults alike, good for all skin types, blocks both UVA and UVB rays, is water and sweat resistant for up to 80 minutes, and is reef safe. Plus it carries a designation from the American Cancer Society for helping prevent skin cancer. This might just be the best sunscreen you've ever used.

For more, including the usage protocol, check out the June's Ditch & Switch blog.

Stress Away Roll-on

Stress Away Roll-on is a vacation in a bottle. Just a swipe over the wrists can transport you to a relaxing hammock on the beach - at least mentally. The distinct mix of Vanilla and Lime enhances Stress Away's unique and pleasant scent that can help you melt your stress away. This popular blend also includes Lavender essential oil, as well as Cedarwood and Copaiba. These ingredients are expertly blended with the exotic scent of Ocotea, a unique Ecuador-sourced oil, to create a wonder zen-inspired blend.

Lavender Lemon Vitality Drops

Water never tasted so good! YL's Lavender Lemon Vitality Drops let you hydrate naturally without sugar or artificial colors with the delicious flavor of Lavender Lemonade that takes your water to the next level.

Formulated with naturally occurring electrolytes from the Great Salt Lake and all-natural flavors, including Lavender Vitality and Lemon Vitality essential oils, a few drops of YL Vitality Drops will keep you hydrated and feeling great!

LavaDerm After Sun Spray

Refresh and recover from a day in the sun with LavaDerm After-Sun Spray. This naturally derived after-sun spray offers temporary relief from the pain and itching of minor burns, minor cuts, sunburns, scrapes, insect bites, and minor skin irritations, so your family can keep playing all day. Using menthol from mint, this spray soothes and cools the skin, providing immediate relief from the effects of outdoor activity.

Plus, its moisturizing qualities - from ingredients such as aloe, Lavender essential oil, and Helichrysum essential oil - also help prevent peeling and leave skin feeling soft and smooth instead of tacky or sticky. With a vegan-friendly formula made without alcohol, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic colorants, LavaDerm After-Sun Spray is safe for the whole family to use at the beach, on a hike, or during any outdoor activity.

Want to try the essentials for June (Lavender essential oilMineral EssenceMineral SunscreenStress Away Roll-onLavender Lemon Vitality DropsLavaDerm After-Sun Spray), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

DIY - Relaxing Lavender Eye Pillow

Make this today!
DIY Relaxing Lavender Eye Pillows

These eye pillows are a fun DIY and are wonderful to have around the home! You can choose different fabrics or even change the essential oil, but we are partial to Lavender. They are also wonderful when you are experiencing head and neck tension or are needing a little extra TLC!

These eye pillows can be enjoyable just as they are, without warming or cooling. Place them over your eyes and breathe in to relax, relieve stress and help encourage restful sleep. Or you can use the hot or cold. To use cold, place in the freezer for about 20 minutes before use, or keep in the freezer between each use.

To use warm, carefully heat in the microwave for 10 second intervals. Be careful to not let it get too hot. Start with 10 seconds on one side and then flip and do 10 seconds on the other side. the flax seeds inside are great for holding onto heat for an extended period, and healthy will also release more scent oils from the lavender buds.

You will need the following for pillow:
  • 1/4 yard of fabric (you will have extra) Note - make sure the fabric is washed and dried before you begin
  • 1 1/4 cup flax seed
  • 3/4 cup dried Lavender buds
  • 20 or so drops Lavender essential oil
For each pillow, cut 2 layers of fabric measuring 4.5 inches by 10.5 inches. You'll want right sides facing out for frayed edges or right sides in for no frays. Begin by sewing alongside a long edge, making your way all mourned, with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Be sure you leave one short edge open to fill the pillow.

Mix the Lavender buds, flax seed and a few drops of Lavender essential oil in a bowl, then fill the pillow bag until its mostly full. The measurements above should give you the perfect amount. Finally, sew the open edge closed containing the insides.

A few tips..
  • a lightweight fabric will help the smell diffuse better, think a medium weight linen or light cotton.
  • The amount of Lavender and flax seed can be played with. If you desire more buds, go ahead and increase that amount. If you want more flax, have at it.
  • Losing smell? Try cursing the bag in your hands to help more scent release.
  • Other essential oil options: 
Recipe adapted from

Want to create these lovely eye pillows, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Lavender Oil Spotlight - June 2021


June's Oil Spotlight

Lavender essential oil has a scent that's a wonderful blend of fresh, floral, clean and calm. It's this dynamic aroma that has made the plant a classic for perfumes, soaps, freshness, and beauty products. 

Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home, which is why its a part of the Everyday Oils Collection in the Starter Bundle. Lavender essential oil isn't a favorite only because if its classic scent - its also highly versatile. From skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life.

Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in June. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Lavender AT A Glance

  • Has a fresh, floral aroma that pairs well with many other oils
  • Can help cleanse and soothe minor skin irritations
  • Can be soothing to the skin after a day in the sun
  • May reduce the appearance of blemishes
  • Support aging skin
  • Cams and relaxes the mind and body
  • Soothes seasonal respiratory needs


Did you know that lavender is part of the mint family and is one of Young Living's most popular oils? Young Living has three farms that grow lavender, located in Utah, Idaho, and France - ooh la la! Lavender is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the plant, and it takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make one 15 mL bottle of Lavender essential oil.

In Ancient Greece, Pedanius Dioscorides, a physician pharmacologist and botanist, praised the many qualities and uses of Lavender. You can find Lavender essential oil in many Young Living's blends, including Stress Away, Tranquil, RotaVaLa, Forgiveness, and Harmony.

Lavender & Emotions from Eryn Jones

Lavender is great for the many common fears we are tempted to give into:
  • Fear and Abandonment, being left alone. By rubbing Lavender over the abdomen and using the mantra "I embrace all life's experiences" can help us be open to self-reliance and our contentment to all things. The opposite of abandonment is not being fully self-reliant, but being connected to everything working together for our good.
  • Fear of Criticism. This one is huge, especially if you are in a line of work where you put yourself out there often (or if you have a high-maintenance toddler too!) Using Lavender as perfume while paring it with mantras and unconditional love for ourselves can be a great practice for developing self confidence.
  • Fear of New Things, fear of moving forward. Sometimes there are big transitions in life and sometimes it seems scary to open ourselves up to change. Lavender has a beautiful way of calming the central nervous system to help us be more open to change and gaining positive momentum.

Daily Habits with Lavender

  • Unwind in the evening with a calming, Lavender-infused neck or back massage. Feeling tense? Add a little Peppermint and Frankincense.
  • Use Lavender as a part of a bedtime routine by rubbing it on the bottoms of your feet and diffusing it next to your bed.
  • Make a relaxing Lavender eye pillow (find the details here)
  • Rub Lavender and coconut oil on the skin after time in the sun or make an after-sun spray or balm.
    • 1/4 cup solid coconut oil (or liquid carrier for a spray)
    • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
    • 20 drops Lavender essential oil
    • Optional: 15 drops Tea Tree essential oil for extra red/hot skin.
  • Add 10 drops of Lavender to 1 cup Epsom salt to a bath to create a relaxing environment. We also love adding Peace & Calming or Frankincense to the mix.
  • Use Lavender seasonally to support the airways when air quality is less than ideal.
    • Seasons Change Roller Blend: 15 drops each Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Copaiba then fill it with carrier oil. Roll over the chest, wrists, or just below the nostrils.
    • Add 5 drops each Lavender and Copiaba to 1 cup fine grain sea salt and dilute with 8-12 oz distilled water to make a DIY nasal rinse solution.
    • Use a drop of Lavender Vitality under the tongue or swiped on the inside of the cheek.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the refreshing scent of Lavender this month!

Join us in using Lavender oil blend daily to create daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional.

Want to try Lavenderbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials for May 2021

The May Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

For the month of May we are focusing on releasing the emotional weights that are tying us down and releasing the physical stress within our bodies! Stress-free summer here we come. Here are a few essential items we are using this month to cultivate the stress-free summer we desire.

White Angelica oil blend - the friend of those walking though hard times
CortiStop - the stress supplement
Feelings Kit - for emotional health and peaceful, easy feelings
Stress Away Relaxing Bath Bombs - to melt the stress away
Tangerine essential oil - for bright, happy vibes
Lavender Bath & Shower Gel - for daily selfceare and stress release

White Angelica Essential Oil

Each essential oil in White Angelica was carefully selected to help promote a positive, peaceful atmosphere when diffused. This oil blend is an incredibly powerful emotional tool for when you are struggling with negative emotions, carrying the weight of others, and processing grief or disappointment. This blend is also wonderful for children who struggle to verbalize their feelings and tend to process through nightmares. Pair it with lavender for a calming, relaxing blend to help release negative emotions.

Lean more about White Angelica essential oil blend in my Oil of the Month post.


When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative health consequences such a feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining optimal health of the cardiovascular system. This is the root cause of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can bring with it negative health consequences such as fatigue, weight gain, and cardiovascular disorders. 

Enter CortiStop.

CortiStop is an herb and essential oil supplement that helps to naturally balance the stress response by calming the body and lowering cortisol levels. As cortisol declines, strength and energy return, and the body moves back to a state of equilibrium.

To learn more, check out the May Supplement post.

Feelings Kit

The Feelings Kit includes six essential oil blends, each of which is a powerful tool for supporting and releasing emotional patters - Harmony, Forgiveness, Present Time, Inner Child, Release and Valor.

Join me this month to utilize these powerful oils instead of turning our comfort vices - shopping, Netflix, food, alcohol, overworking to name a few! Follow the 'Feelings Protocol' in the morning and evening to promote peaceful thought and spiritual harmony.

For more, including the usage protocol, check out the May Ditch & Switch blog.

Stress Away Bath Bombs

No matter how you do it, take a moment for yourself is always a good idea, and one of my favorite way to do that is with a long soak in the bathtub. So, lets ditch the Bath & Body Works or the brightly colored displays at the stores and grab the Stress Away Relaxing Bath Bombs instead. 

Stress Away is one of Young Living's most popular blends and for good reason. This oil is wonderful for creating a calm, relaxing environment. PLUS these natural bath bombs are made without colorants, synethetic preservatives, parabens, or animal-derived ingredients - making them some of the best bath bombs you can get your hands on!

Tangerine essential oil

Bright and happy, this citrus oil has a delightfully sweet aroma that can create a happy, contented mindset. It pairs well with just about anything. Adding White Angelica or the oils in the Feelings Kit can improve your emotional outcome. Citrus oils in general help to promote feelings of creativity, confidence and contentment.

Diffuse Tangerine with:

Lavender Bath & Shower Gel

Infused with Lavender, Lemon, and Davana essential oils, the Lavender Bath & Shower Gel is one of our favorites for elevating the everyday. It cleanses, soothe, and relaxes your skin and is free of chemicals and synthetic preservatives. 

Use it daily in your shower or go the extra mile and pair it with a Stress Away bath bombs for an ultimate relaxing bath. This plant-based formula smells incredible and makes us look forward to a moment of peace in our daily routine.

Want to try the essentials for May (White AngelicaCortiStop, Feelings KitStress Away Relaxing Bath Bombs, TangerineLavender Bath & Shower Gel), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

White Angelica Oil Spotlight - May 2021

White Angelica

May's Oil of the Month

Loving harvested from plants native to exotic destinations around the world, White Angelica is a combination of 10 essential oils that come together to create a one-of-a-kind blend. Geranium, Ylang Ylang, and ROSE provide sweet, floral notes; Bergamot and Melissa offer a boost of bright citrus; and Myrrh, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Hyssop, and Sacred Sandalwood balance the blend with a warm, woodsy base. 

With the aroma of White Angelica, you can create a positive atmosphere and inspire feelings of security and optimism - no matter what life throws at you!

Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in May. My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

White Angelica AT A Glance:

  • Has a sweet, warm floral scent
  • Can be diffused to create a peaceful, comforting environment
  • Can be diffused or work as a perfume to support the emotions
  • May enhance the apperarance of healthy-looking skin
  • Offers skin-beautifying benefits when combined with Young Living's ART Light Moisturizer
  • May be used in Raindrop Massage to facilitate emotional release


Each essential oil in White Angelica was carefully selected to help promote a positive, peaceful atmosphere when diffused.
  • Ylang Ylang has a luxurious, velvety scent and is often used as a key note in perfumes. It has an uplifting, flora aroma.
  • Bergamot is cold pressed front he resin of the fruit and adds a fresh, bright aroma. Citrus oils are well known for their ability to help calm and uplift the emotions.
  • Melissa comes from the leaves of the Melissa herb (also called lemon balm), containing citrus notes and is treasured for its gentle, comforting aroma. It is a powerful emotional oil, helping to facilitate release of negative emotions.
  • Geranium has been used for centuries for its lovely, soft fragrance and skin-benefitting properties. It is also a very uplifting oil for the emotions.
  • Rose gives the blend a touch of sweet nostalgia and offers skin benefits. Rose has been used throughout history in the ancient ar of aromatherapy for the well being of the body and mood-elevating support.
  • Myrrh, Hyssop, Black Spruce, and Sacred Sandalwood balance the sweet and free aroma of the floral and citrus oils with a deep, rich, earthy scent that is incredibly grounding.
White Angelica & Emotions
"The friend of those walking through many emotions, many struggles, and many pressures.  The companion of those struggling to rest peacefully. A release for grief."

This oil blend is an incredibly powerful emotional tool for when you are struggling with negative emotions, carrying the weight others, and processing grief or disappointment. This blend is also wonderful for children who struggle to verbalize their feelings and tend to process through nightmares. Pair it with lavender for a calming, relaxing blend to help release negative emotions.

Apply to the wrists, over the heart, along the top of the shoulders and/or add to the diffuser as needed.

Daily Habits with White Angelica:

  • Add it to your favorite moisturizer to enjoy its skin-beautifying benefits.
  • Apply it to your wrists and neck like perfume to enjoy a lovely scent and emotional support throughout your day.
  • Make a Peaceful Easy Feeling Roller:
    • 10 drops each Joy, Release, White Angelica, Tangerine, & Lavender
    • Top a 10 Ml roller bottle with a carrier oil of choice
    • Apply to wrists, neck, over the heart for all the emotions!
  • Apply White Angelica before providing a Raindrop Technique or other massage or body work treatment to facilitate emotional release.
  • Use it during yoga or meditation to create a positive and comforting atmosphere. Pair it with positive affirmations or bible verses for an even more powerful experience.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the refreshing scent of White Angelica this month!

Will you join us in using White Angelica oil blend daily to release the worries and emotions weighing us down? Let's create daily habits that support our overall health - physical, mental and emotional.

Want to try White Angelicabut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

The Feelings Kit Ditch and Switch - May 2021

The Feelings Kit

May Ditch & Switch

As the gatekeepers of our home we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products for ourselves and families! 

Join us as we detox our emotions this month and switch out conventional coping mechanisms for healthier, healing options. 

For May, we are focusing on digging deep to release all our comfort vices, sit with and honor our experiences and trauma, and to the emotional work needed to move forward in healing and self love. Instead of turning to things like detachment, Netflix binges, alcohol, food, sugar, shopping, work, projects or any other comfort measures that keep us from truly processing the emotions beneath, we are going to pull out the Feelings Kit and use these oil blends with intention and consistency.


Why use these essential oils (or any Young Living oils at all) for this process? Because of the power of aromatherapy and the limbic system. Our sense of smell is directly related to our emotions and mood. The cranial nerve associated with smell sits next to the hypothalamus - the area of the brain responsible for mood, feelings, and emotional processing.

Further, the Feelings Kit blends contain a combination of essential oils high in compounds that can cross the blood brain barrier to reprogram bad coding from the cells. The other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress.

This is a process, but the great thing about essential is that we have CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with lots of toxins and other things that create more confusion in the cells.

The feelings collection includes six essential oil blends, each of which is a powerful tool for supporting and releasing emotional patterns. Use in the morning and evening to promote peaceful thought and spiritual harmony.

Harmony essential oil blend
(info via Carissa Sherman)

Harmony essential oil blend helps to release toxic benefits and though patterns related to feeling ignored, crushed, hostile, afraid of punishment, beating ourselves up, sarcasm, and stubbornness.

  • When we feel ignored, our perception is that we are not a part of the big picture. We aren't good enough, worthy enough, or able to play our part.
  • When we are crushed, we are collapsing inwardly. Who we are has been forced down and suppressed. We stop seeing our part.
  • When we are hostile, we are quick to see others as the enemy, and everything in life as an opposition to our part. We are trying to play alone, because we can't trust the other parts.
  • Fear of punishment is the opposite of love. When we are beating ourselves up, we actually turn from love into fear. These are opposites.
  • Sarcasm is an emotion that develops from long-term exposure to incongruent words and actions. Example: witnessing hypocrisy, or long periods of time living with someone who brings drama or trouble on themselves, remaining clueless to the cause. This emotion produces "mocking." Instead of harmony, it creates a repetitive and offensive sound that interrupts the notes of others.
To Use:
  • When there are situations where you are experiencing some of the emotions listed above, sit or stand still until you feel where that emotion is causing a sensation in your body. It might feel like pain, twitching, tingling, aching, nausea, heat, cold, or a general tension.
  • Rub harmony over the area (or just nearby if its sensitive), and hold your hand over the spot.
  • Take several deep breaths. This is a simple step to become aware of the mind-body connections. 
Its okay if you don't know how to fix all of these issues right this minute. Begin embracing the idea that you have a part to play, a harmony that only you can add to the relationships and opportunities in your life.

Forgiveness oil blend
(info adapted from Carissa Sherman and Eryn Jones)

The oils in the Forgiveness blend are high frequency oils, Melissa, Geranium, Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Coriander, Angelica, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang ylang, Jasmine, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa and ROSE! These oils work synergistically together to create a calm, uplifting environment when forgiving yourself and others.

This blend can help us release the stagnant, toxic thoughts stuck in our body's memory that act as a safety mechanism. They were encoded in our past when we felt unsafe, and from that point on, all of our senses have been given a warning note that says something like "people will hurt me when they get too close," or "men/women can't be trusted," or "I am not lovable," among other signals. These memories can be triggered by sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, and they show up in our current experiences and pull us down. The most common emotional patterns created are Self-Denial, Revenge, and Distrust.

The problem is that our bodies can't tell the difference in an emotional threat and a physical threat. When we start feeling emotionally vulnerable after these messages have been encoded, the body will send warnings, sometimes thousands of times per day, to keep us alive. We want to reverse these patterns, to restore the blubbering of our original ability to be at PEACE.

Emotions associated with Forgiveness:

Distrust (felt in the gut)
  • Distrust results from being stressed, and stress is caused by many subconscious messages pulling us in different directions. To establish a healthier pattern of trust, we need "integrity," which is where our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can become consistent. No more secret messages internally scattering our thoughts.
  • Old pattern: Distrust.  New pattern: Integrity
  • Affirmation: "I honor truth."
  • We can release old trauma and untruth that is stuck in the body, and we move forward with integrity.
Wanting Revenge (Felt in the head, back of neck)
  • There is no such thing as turning your feelings off or magically being detached, so what we are doing here is to move in a different direction with a new and greater purpose - to detach or remove ourselves from the mission of revenge.
  • When you diffuse Forgiveness, if relationships where you have wanted someone to get paid back resurface in your memory, you can take a moment to establish a thought pattern.
  • Old pattern: Revenge.  New pattern: Detachment (move in a new direction.
  • Affirmation: "I have a new mission. I am letting go of the old."
Self-Denial (felt in back of neck, base of skull)
  • The most common root of denying our own needs is expecting other to know what we need before we have asked. This leads to living with a spirit of neglect, blaming others, and unforgiveness. In fact, it often looks like taking care of everything under the sun EXCEPT for ourselves, and an underlying thought cycle that we are "the only one who does anything around here."
  • Old pattern: Self-denial.  New pattern: Wisdom.
  • Affirmation: "I support myself."
When using Forgiveness blend, meditate on the opposite of the above emotions - supporting yourself, finding awareness to honor your own truth, detaching from allowing someone else to have a say over your worth and value.

Use the mantras below as you apply the oil, sit with the feelings until you feel a shift. Oils are very powerful in helping to create new pathways in the brain.

Mantras to pair with Forgiveness blend:
  • I have courage to honor my truth.
  • I learn from all experiences.
  • I forgive (others or myself).
  • I support myself.
  • I am worthy.

Inner Child oil blend
(info via Carissa Sherman)

Inner Child essential oil blend releases emotions that distort memories in our cells. Think of this like a picture or video of past events where little edits were made to present something threatening, even if that was not the case. The symptoms of this vary widely, but we might notice some patterns:

  • When someone tries to be honest, especially friends/family, we continually hear their voice criticizing us for months afterward.
  • We find ourselves revisiting the same short list of past hurts on a regular basis, telling stories about what someone did or said to us, thinking each time that if we just vent... the pressure of that pain or offense will let up.
  • We create an image of ourselves (typically a bad one) and no matter what we do to take care of ourselves, that recording makes sure we stay ashamed, disappointed, and hopeless, or...
  • We finally start feeling better about ourselves because we have fulfilled an imaginary list of "things that will make us feel accomplished" - only to find that the stress of keeping up with that list starts to slowly steal from our relationships or our sanity.
Inner Child blend is sometimes referred to as "The Therapist." When you visit a therapist, they do their work, not by talking, but through listening. They encourage you to share the feelings, past, and thoughts that make up you inner workings. To process through how you came to your patterns, actions, and current beliefs.

Many times there were situations where someone as a child felt unseen, unheard, or unvalued. In order to move forward, it is important to look back and allow that inner child to speak. When we consider what a child will need, we begin to see our own needs more clearly. It's obvious to us that a child who has experienced something new or difficult would require additionally help and attention to deal with that event.

Some practicalness for this blend are:
  • Overcoming the trauma of abuse
  • Promoting acceptance
  • Accepting our own needs
  • Stimulating an emotional healing process
  • Releasing obsessive habits and patterns
  • Supporting the mind, body, and emotions during periods of transition.
  • For children who struggle with intense fear, trouble letting go and moving on, or who have been uprooted or experienced a traumatic change - this oil will be a huge support.
To Use:
  • Place several drops of Inner Child in your diffuser. you can also apply some around the navel and rub a drop into your palms to inhale directly.
  • Use this blend on and around you consistently. Our emotion patterns that took a lifetime to form aren't going to get unraveled completely in one day.

Present Time oil blend

Present Time is an oil blend of Neroli, Spruce and Ylang Ylang in a base of almond oil, making it wonderful for direct application or diffusing. Present Time helps you focus on the here and now, so you can get beyond the past and move forward. When paired with the other oils from the Feelings Kit, this is a powerful tool for truly bing present with your current experiences and releasing the pain of the past.

Neroli: used by the ancient Egyptians fo rite healing of mind, body and spirit. Neroli is stabilizing and strengthening to the emotions, promotes peace, confidence and awareness, brings mental awareness to alleviate anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Spruce: opens and releases emotional blocks, fosters a sense of balance and founding.

Ylang Ylang: promotes relaxation balances male and female energies, restores confidence and equilibrium, alleviates insomnia.

This blend of oils creates a strong, encouraging scent to increase the ability to focus on the present moment. As busy people, parents, care givers, employees, etc. we can become so focused on the next deadline, task or responsibility, and it becomes very easy to lose sight of what is directly in front of us. The stack of papers or dishes or laundry seems so time sensitive that we rush through the people in front of us - children, spouses, partners, friends, even ourselves. Present Time helps us to allow ourselves to give and receive in the present even when we have been hurt in the past.

Release oil blend

Release is a blend of Ylang Ylang, Olive oil, Lavandin, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Blue Cypress, Davana (a POWERFUL emotional oil), Kaffir Lime, Ocotea, Jasmine, Chamomile, Blue Tansy (highly supportive and calming to the Central Nervous System), and ROSE. These oils are high frequency and powerful for allowing us to tap into the root of our emotional distress, honor the past experiences and release the pain to move forward in our full potential.

Release is a helpful blend to aid in releasing anger and memory trauma from the liver in order to create emotional wellbeing. It helps open the subconscious mind through pineal stimulation (sandalwood and tansy stimulate the pineal gland) to release deep-seated trauma.

For our purposes, trauma can be defined as "any situation where you got less than you needed and were not equipped to process it." These traumas actually get stored deep within our cellular memory, and we can use the limbic system of the brain to help shift our thoughts and emotions around these traumas and patterns.

Helps Release feelings of:
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Being held back
  • Rebellion
  • Feeling wronged
  • Fear of success
  • Loss of identity
Helps promote feelings of:
  • Cleansing
  • Freedom
  • Harmony
  • Unconditional love
To Use:
  • Diffuse throughout the day.
  • Diffuse with lavender at bedtime.
  • Apply topically to wrists, over the heart, to the edge of ears and feet.
  • Remember to use it EVERY DAY! Repeat a positive affirmation that rings true to your situation.
  • Affirmations: "I am safe. I am loved. I am valued. I am enough just as I am right now."

Valor oil blend

Valor's woodsy, positive scent comes from a blend of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense. Valor is helpful for many emotions around our fight or flight response, thus it's battle-worthy name. In fact, this oil is inspired by oils that Roman soldiers would bathe in before battle. The oils would sit atop the water in their bath houses and this special blend was added before a big battle. When they rose from the water, the oils would soak and stay on their skin to help prepare them for something big and scary ahead.

This blend can also be a key oil in overcoming emotional abuse and recovering from trauma. It's a powerhouse when facing a trial or season of adversity because its natural properties help align the body both emotionally and physically. Remember emotions and trauma are often stored in the physical tissues and fascia of our bodies and oils help release stuck emotions and tension at a physical level from specific parts of the body:

  • Feeling resigned (like you can't fight it) - diaphragm
  • Feeling like you are losing a battle - just below lower lip
  • Fear of conflict - abdomen, just above right and left hips
  • Feeling aggressive - abdomen, just above right and left hips
  • Feeling defensive - stomach
Valor has properties that get to the core control centers of the negative emotional programs. When we're ready to make a change, to start challenging that 'fight or flight' survival mode with a better way of thinking and living, this is the perfect oil.

Using Valor for emotional support can be as simple as applying some to your shoulders, the bottoms of your feet, the back of your neck, or anywhere that you're experiencing tension or a stressful tightness in your body. One great technique is to place a drop or two of Valor between your wrists (palm-up side) and then hold them together for a few minutes.

It's ultimate diffuser oil with it's deep, grounding scent. If you're taking time to relax, meditate, or work on your spiritual and emotional health, you can just hold your wrists together while you're sitting quietly.

The Feelings Protocol

It has been said that when there's a conflict between reason and feeling, we humans always tend to side with feeling. As Dr Gary Young has said, "99% of life’s decisions are made from feelings."

That’s why if we want our lives to be guided by good decisions that lead to health, happiness, and contentment, we need to be aware of and in control of our present feelings. By focusing on fixing our feelings, we can fix most aspects of our lives - physical, mental, and spiritual.

And the perfect way to do this? Young Living’s Feelings Kit! Yup! 

The primary protocol is to apply these feelings oils before work and every night before bed. Try this for 30 days and notice all the delightful changes the Feelings Kit Protocol will bring into your life.

If you are wrestling with big emotions or trying to process hard situations, here is a great protocol developed by Gary Young that you can follow using the Feelings Kit:

Step 1Apply Valor to the bottoms of your feet to balance your feelings.
Valor's inspiring and calming aroma will help you greet each morning with a positive attitude or refocus at the end of a challenging day.

Step 2 - Apply Harmony on the chakra points to allow negative energy to escape. Harmony's uplifting to the mind, helps you become more creative and confident.
There are seven points along the spine:
  1. Coccyx
  2. Sacrum
  3. Lumbar
  4. Dorsal (heart)
  5. Cervical (where the neck meets your shoulders)
  6. Medulla (hollow place at the center base of the skull)
  7. Pineal (center of forehead)
Step 3 - Apply Forgiveness clockwise on the navel and let go of negative emotions.
Sometimes when others do us harm (or when we do harm on others), we struggle to forgive (them or even our own mistakes). But we owe ourselves forgiveness. To forgive means to free ourselves from negative emotions. To forgive is an act of self-love. Here are 5 steps to forgiveness:
  1. Forgive yourself for allowing the person to affect your health and happiness.
  2. Forgive the other person for any harm he/she may have caused you (this doesn't need to be done in person, as this is just an inner-adjustment on your part).
  3. Give the other person permission to forgive you.
  4. See the good in the situation.
  5. Be thankful for the experience and the lessons you gained from it.
Step 4 - Apply Present Time to the wrists and behind the ears to lift the burdens of the world.
Nothing good can be obtained by living in the past. "Today" is where we need to live to achieve true happiness and fulfillment. And Present Time helps with that - it is so empowering - it creates a feeling of being in the moment.

Step 5 - Apply Release over the front and back liver in a circular motion and wait as feelings of frustration are lifted.
Peace is achieved when we release ourselves from the negative emotions. Release blend facilitates the ability to let go of such emotions, promoting harmony and balance.

Step 6 - Apply 1-2 drops of Inner Child just under your nose to open the pathway to connecting with your inner self.
"When you are a child, all things are possible. There are no limitations," says Dr. Gary Young. Stimulate your memory and reconnect with your authentic self through the sweet fragrance of Inner Child. This is an essential step to achieve emotional balance.

Step 7 - Reapply Valor essential oil to complete the cleansing of feelings and provide completeness and balance.
Relax and unwind for a few minutes more and let yourself shift into a new state. Through time, you will be amazed at how big changes can come in a gentle way.

Join us this month as we dig deep to release our vices, sit with and honor our past experiences, and do the emotional work needed to move forward in healing and self love.

Want yo try the Feelings Kit, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Cortistop Supplement Spotlight - May 2021

Supplement Spotlight


Stress stored and fought by the body is possibly the number one health danger. It is truly a killer. Making sure we have our tools to help our bodies physically and emotionally deal with stress is one of the biggest changes we can make in our health!

What happens when you're stressed? Your adrenal glads go into overdrive and your cortisol levels go up. High levels of cortisol cause the body to scavenge for protein to convert into glucose to provide energy for the brain to deal with the perceived stress (also severely depresses the immune system). 

So adrenaline kicks in.

Adrenaline is your fight or flight hormone (also helps to control blood pressure, sweating, etc). Your adrenals can spike creating a feeling of energy then crash with extreme fatigue when they run out of materials to work with. You feel fine in the morning, but when contemplating work will get extremely tired. The thought of work can wear them out; any type of stress will cause the adrenal glads to over react (extremely tense nervous) or fail to respond (suddenly/extremely tired).

When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative health consequences such as feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of the cardiovascular system. When cortisol levels are chronically high, it affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, basically affecting all your hormones and disrupting the natural feedback loop. This causes the body to be less sensitive to the 'stop signal', and creates a viscous cycle of elevated stress signals. This is the root cause of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can bring with it negative health consequences such as fatigue, weight gain, and cardiovascular disorders.

Enter Cortistop

CortiStop is an herb and essential oil supplement that helps to naturally balance the stress response by calming the body and lowering cortisol levels. As cortisol declines, strength and energy return, and the body moves back to a state of equilibrium.

Triggers for elevated cortisol levels:

  • Excess heat/cold
  • alcohol abuse
  • coffee drinking
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • malnutrition
  • personal reltionships
  • surgery
  • physical/emotional trauma
  • diseases
  • big life events (job changes/problems, moving, etc.)

Learn More

Here is a closer look at each ingredient in CortiStop and how it supports our system:
  • Pregnenolone: shown to reduce corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in experimental models. CRH is the first step in the production of stress hormone cortisol. Pregnenolone is also a precursor hormone from which all other hormones are created It is important for the body's production of progesterone, which blocks cortisol receptors.
  • DHEA: another precursor for progesterone, DHEA is often reduced as a consequence of stress.
  • Phosphatidylcholine: may protect the brain, liver and stomach during times of stress; also a key component for every cell in the body.
  • Phosphatidylserine: helps to balance the Hypothalamus-Pituitary Axis, benefits cognitive function, and may blunt cortisol production. The effects may be more pronounced in people under chronic stress.
  • Black cohosh: a phytoestrogen that helps counteract the effects of cortisol, helps stop stress responses, and may elevate mood.
  • Clary sage: another phytoestrogen that supports hormone balance and helps uplift the mood.
  • Frankincense: a grounding and uplifting oil that also works as an antioxidant within the body.
  • Fennel and peppermint: help soothe the stomach and aid in digestion.
Who Should Use CortiStop?
  • Women who need support or feel the effects of adrenal fatigue.
  • Men can take this supplement when needed! Dr. Purser, the doctor who formulated Progessence Plus, taught in a session on men's health that there is a place for men to be on this supplement in times of high stress and anxiety.
  • NOT recommended during pregnancy. Use while breastfeeding at your discretion and need.


  • Take 2 tablets in the morning before breakfast. 
  • If desired, for extra benefits, take another 2 capsules before bed. 
  • Use daily for 8 weeks. Discontinue use for 2-4 weeks before resuming.

Join us this month as we use CortiStop this month and beyond to support healthy cortisol levels and release the stress weighing us down!

Want to try CortiStop, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Easy Breezy Diffuser Recipes - May 2021

Easy Breezy Stress-Free Summer 
May Diffuser Recipes

Summer is upon us and we are looking for an easy, breezy stress-free season! Diffusing is a great way to create a peaceful, uplifting environment, and the blends for May are perfect for that!

We have blends for every time of day to support your heath - physical and emotional. So join as we release our stress, cultivate peace and rest easy this month!

Check it - many of these recipes contain the FREE with Purchase oils in May. Get the everyday products you need and get free oils to use in the diffuser too!

Happy diffusing!!

Not sure what to do? Click here to get started.

As always, I'm here to support you!
Your Oily Girlfriend


This combination is perfect for times when you want to be focused and inspired! Valor, Lime and Envision are three powerhouse oils for creating an uplifting, inspiring environment and cultivating confidence Add all three to the diffuser for an incredible blend!

Start your morning off right with this bright, crisp blend of Starter Bundle oils! PanAway is one of our favorite oils to diffuse, especially for the emotion of exhaustion. The blend of mint oils is incredibly alerting and uplifting, and pairs well with bright, happy Lemon! This blend isn't just for mornings though. Add it to your diffuser whenever you need a fresh start!

Imagine lying in a hammock, late summer sun on your skin, a warm breeze blowing... the perfect scenario for an afternoon nap. This blend of Starter Bundle oils are reminiscent of just that! Bright Lemon, calming Lavender and beauty Stress Away combine for a blend that is wonderful for creating restful vibes.

Summer sunshine, citrusy treats, the scent of flowers on a warm breeze - the essentials of summer - and this blend has all of the above. This combination is perfect for any time of day, but we especially love it in the mornings for helping everyone start off on the right foot.

Nothing says rest and relaxation more than a spa-like environment. Bring the spa to your home with these two Starter Bundle oils. Citrus, eucalyptus and a little mint are the perfect spa-inspired blend. Added bonus if you diffuse this combination during a shower or bath so the steam from the hot water enhances the experience.

Summer is upon us and we are cultivating peaceful, easy feelings all season long! White Angelica is a wonderful blend for releasing the things that drag us down, and this combination is perfect for letting go of the weight of the world and being fully present with your current surrounds.

Moms and essential oils is such perfect paring, and this duo of Starter Bundle oils is perfect for your yoga practice. Diffuse this blend before, during and after your session to inspire feelings of relaxation and intentionality. Breathe deeply as you sit and meditate and let yourself be grounded.

We can't truly rest when our emotions are in a tangle, and this blend is helpful for releasing the weight of the world that we place on our shoulders. (This also makes a great roller blend!) White Angelica is a wonderful oil for emotional support, especially the feeling of overwhelm or carrying a half load.

In our modern world, stillness and rest don't come easy. We have to be intentional about finding time to slow down, disconnect and simply be still. When you are intentional with this practice, the noise of the outside world dies down, and you can find inner rest. Add these Starter Bundle oils to your diffuser, get comfy and just be still!

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day is Just Around the Corner!

I have some great ideas that will help you show every mother in your life how special she is to you! Make sure you add a few things on your April Wellness Box so you can be ready for Mother's Day next month.

Whether she needs a little time to relax, some extra energy from taking care of ALL THE THINGS, some time for papering, a little emotional TLC or just some good old fashioned rest, here are a few ideas that we love!

Grab these amazing items to make up a specialized gift basket for all the moms in your life.

Create Relaxation

This blend of Copaiba, Vanilla, and Lime is like an instant beach vacation that's perfect anytime. We love the convince of the roll-on, and the lovely packaging makes the perfect gift.

For the mom who loves to relax with a long, hot soak, these Stress Away Bath Bombs are essential! All the zen vibes and none of the chemical found in conventional products. And a quick hack - cut the bath bombs into quarters for even more fun.

Moms carry so much. They are the keepers of schedules, emotions, menus, responsibilities, and more. And they often need a big, deep bath to release it all. We love this essential oil blend for daily use. The mix of floral oils makes a lovely perfume!

Give the Gift of Energy

Energy, wellness, vitality. That sums up NingXia Red pretty well, but if you're looking for more, check out April's Essentials post for more about this superfood supplement! Antioxidants are essential for energy, and NingXia is packed with them.

Ever heard of 'mom brain'? It's a real thing - women actually lose grey matter in the brain during pregnancy! All in all the things moms are juggling and no wonder we need a little help. Enter Nintro! We like to call this little shots 'brain fuel' because they help us focus.

Super B vitamins are the real MVP when its comes to energy levels. B Vitamins are crucial for all of us, and this B complex supplement is hands down the best on the market! Super B Vitamin is the Supplement Spotlight for April.

Pamering is Key

This highly floral, distinctively feminine bath and shower gel is perfect for daily pampering and for a long, luxurious soak in the tub! Pair it with one of the items below for a gift that any mom will love!

Give mom a little TLC with this delicious body butter that leaves your skin so soft and smooth! The combination of coconut and lime is perfect for warm weather and summer skin, and the large tub lasts all season long!

An absolute MUST have when it comes to skincare! CBD and rose essential oil combine in this serum that is the envy of all high end skincare products! Simply add a few drops to a daily moisturizer or use it to make a personalized glow serum.

All Moms Need Emotional TLC

One of our favorite essential oil for daily emotional support, Joy is a floral oil that pairs well with Tangerine or Frankincense. Plus, it is incredible on its own and makes a wonderful perfume. This blend is especially helpful for new moms and during the postpartum phase.

The ultimate in emotional support, this kit includes six essential oil blends that can be used together each day to facilitate emotional release and healing - Valor, Harmony, Forgiveness, Present Time, Inner Child and Release.

The friend of those walking through hard times, this essential oil blend is a powerful emotional tool that also doubles as a lovely perfume. It pairs well with Lavender and Orange and it just as lovely diffused as it is worn!

Rest is Best!

Infused with Lavender, Davana, Lemon and Myrrh essential oils, this bath and shower gel is a favorite for daily use as well as a nice long bubble bath. Let mom sit and soak in the tub with the diffuser going for a little rest (and maybe even a nap).

This is a perfect sequel to a lavender shower or bath, and it leaves your skin so soft and nourished. The calming scent of lavender helps the mind and body relax. Find rest, especially after a full day of being a mom!

The ultimate in zen rollers, the CBD Calm Roll-On is CBD infused with calming oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Orange, Ylang Ylang and Vetiver. Not only does this roller smell incredible, it brings an instant sense of calm and rest.

Want to create these lovely bundles, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Essentials - April 2021

The April Essentials are Here!
What should I order?

For the month of April we are focusing on all things energy, fitness and vitality! We all want energy and vitality, and creating daily health habits will help us have it. Here are a few essential items we are using in April to achieve that goal.

Here are a few essential items we’re using in April!

Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil has a soothing, recognizable scent, but Peppermint is so much more than a fresh aroma! This oil can be diffused to create a stimulating, focused atmosphere for daily tasks. You can also apply it topically to create a cool, tingling sensation on the skin, which can be very soothing after hard physical activity. Lean more about Peppermint essential in my 
Oil of the Month post.

  • Diffuse Peppermint while working or around kids while doing their homework for an environmental that is focused and energized.
  • Add Peppermint to Epsom salts and hot bathwater and enjoy the revitalizing scent and soothing aromatic steam.
  • Inhale or apply it to your chest before and during a tough workout for a stimulating scent.
  • Apply it topically to fatigued areas following physical activity for a cooling sensations.
NingXia Red
Add a daily shot of NingXia Red to your routine to enjoy the benefits of this powerful, whole-body supplement. There are MANY reasons we love this wolfberry puree. NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness - plum, arena, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, pure vanilla extract and Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, and Yuzu essential oils.

The benefits of NingXia Red include support fo the energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body health and eye support. A daily shot of 2-4 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants!

Deep Relief Roll-on
Deep Relief is one of Young Living's most popular blends, and for good reason! With nine muscle-loving essential oils, including Dorado Azul, Peppermint, and Wintergreen, its the perfect gym or travel companion. Apply Deep Relief to muscles for a refreshing, cooling sensation and invigorating scent that will give the aches and tension a little TLC! Find out more in April's Ditch and Switch blog post.

Pure Protein Complete
Pure Protein Complete is a full-spectrum protein supplement that combines a proprietary five-protein blend, amino acids, and ancient peat and apple extract to deliver 25 grams of protein per serving in tow delicious flavors, Vanilla Spice and Chocolate Deluxe. Both are delicious and never chalky. 

Pure Protein contains a mix of cow and goat whey, pea protein, egg white protein, and organic hemp seed protein that provides a full range of amino acids to support overall protein utilization in the body. Ancient peat and apple extract, along with a powerful B-Vitamin blend, completes the formula. Together, they support ATP production, the energy currency of the body.

Balance Complete
Balance Complete is a superfood-based meal replacement that is both a powerful nutritive energizer and a cleanser. Offering the benefits of NingXia wolfberry powder, brown rice bran, barley grass, extra virgin coconut oil, aloe very, cinnamon powder, and our premium whey protein blend which means 

Balance Complete is high in fiber, high in protein, and contains the good fats, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals needed for a nutritionally dynamic meal. Balance Complete also features Young lIving's proprietary V-Fiber blend, which supplies an amazing 11 grams of fiber per servings, absorbs toxins, and satisfies the appetite while balancing the body's essential requirements.

Super B Tablets
Super B is a comprehensive B Vitamin complex contains all eight essential energy-boosting B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12). It features Orgen-FA, a natural folate source derived from lemon peels, and methycobalamin, a more bioavailable source of B12. Combined with Nutmeg essential and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, Super B not only assists in maintaining health energy levels, but it also supports mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function!

B Vitamins are essential to health and well-being and each B Vitamin performs a unique and separate function in the body. B Vitamins are not stored in the body, so supplementation is critical.
For more whey we love Super B Tablets, check out the April Supplement Spotlight blog post.

Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream
Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream is THE cream you want for all the aches, pains and sore things! This plant-based formula combines the power of Wintergreen essential oil with he exclusive Cool Azul essential oil blend and NO synthetic ingredients, fragrance, or fillers. 

The methyl salicylate found in Wintergreen helps alleviate pain deep in the muscles and joints, and natural methanol found in Peppermint provides a cooling effect. Commonly used OTC muscle rubs simply make your skin tingle, but Cool Azul Pain Cream will actually help support your muscles when they need it and give your relief!

For more on this incredible OTC product, check out April's Ditch and Switch blog post.

Want to try these essentials (Peppermint Essential Oil, NingXia Red - 2 Pack, Deep Relief Roll-onPure Protein Complete - Vanilla and Chocolate - choose Balance Complete if vegetaria), Super B Tablets, Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Peppermint Oil Spotlight - April 2021


April's Oil of the Month

Energy, vitality, and fitness - things we all want, right? We want healthy, strong bodies, minds and spirits, which is why we are committed to using our favorite Young Living oils and products consistently and frequently! And peppermint essential oil is definitely one of our most used for this purpose.

Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in April! My goal is to use up an entire bottle for my personal use.

Peppermint AT A GLANCE:

  • Cools fatigued muscles after physical activity
  • Produces a focused environment when diffused
  • Provides a refreshing experience when mixed with your favorite shampoo or when applied to skin after a warm day in the sun
  • Creates an invigorating and refreshing experience when inhaled

Key Constituents

  • Menthol
  • Menthone
  • Menthofuran
  • 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol)
  • Isomenthone
  • Neomenthol
  • Menthyl acetate


Peppermint also has a strong emotional benefits. The bright, crisp aroma is wonderful to inhale to soothe anxious feelings, uplift the spirits and calm racing thoughts and restlessness.  When we inhale oils, the area of our brain dealing with memory and mood is affected, so diffusing or applying peppermint oil can help us tremendously. It's wonderful paired with citrus oils for a vibrant, uplifting aroma!



  • Add a drop or two to the back of the neck to support alertness and focus! Also diffuse during school, homework or work time.
  • Add peppermint to an Epsom salt bath and/or use for a post-workout massage to ease and support tired muscles.
  • Add a few drops to dryer balls for the fresh smelling laundry.
  • Apply with coconut oil to the chest and back to support the airways. This is wonderful before lying down at bedtime. You can also add Lemon, Lavender, RC, and Raven.
  • Add a drop directly to the belly button to lower body temperature when needed.
  • Make a Tension Roll-On. Give tired, tense, or sore muscles some love! One great thing about Peppermint is that it actually helps support our muscles and tendons through the strain versus simply making the skin tingle like convention pain creams. In a 10 mL roller bottle add:
    • 10 drops Peppermint
    • 10 drops PanAway
    • 10 drops Copaiba
    • 5 drops Oregano or Marjoram
    • Top off with a carrier oil. Apply frequently and consistently
    • Avoid getting too close to the eyes. If you get it in your eyes, rub with coconut oil or other carrier oil.
  • Make a Digest Roll-On. Throughout history, peppermint has been used to calm and soothe digestive needs, so adding it to your digestive blends makes sense! There's a reason all the items on the GI isle at the drugstore are peppermint-flavored. In a 10 mL roller bottle add:
    • 10 drops Peppermint
    • 10 drops Lemon
    • 10 drops DiGize
    • Top off with carrier oil. Apply over the abdomen as needed!


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the refreshing scent of peppermint this month!


Will you join us in using Peppermint oil daily to support our health and cultivate energy and vitality! Lets create great daily habits that support our overall health!

Want to try Peppermintbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Pain Cream Ditch and Switch - April 2021

April's Ditch & Switch


As the gatekeepers of our home we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products for ourselves and families! 

Join us as we detox our homes and switch out conventional products for cleaner, greener and better options! 

For April, let’s make a simple swap that can make a big difference - Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream! Say goodbye to all the stinky muscle rubs and grab a tube of Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream!

Lets talk about conventional over the counter pain and muscle rubs for just a second. Did you know that products that are cool and hot simply contain ingredients that make your skin tingle so you forget about the muscle pain beneath it? They don't actually help support muscles, tendons and tissues that are in need of help. Plus they are filled with less than ideal ingredients like petrolatum, artificial colorants and fragrance.

Here's a quick low-down on the real “F word” - fragrance. Fragrance is a very loosely defined term when it comes to use in personal care and household products. Fragrance and synthetic perfumes are problematic because companies aren’t required to disclose the exact ingredients in the fragrances. Even ‘natural fragrance’ is problematic. Just because something is natural, doesn’t mean we want to rub it on our skin (ie: formaldehyde - a naturally occurring compound that we don’t want on our skin!). So the 'fragrance' listed in those muscle rubs could be just about anything... and we don't want to rub that all over our skin, especially when we need some relief!

Enter Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream! This is one of our absolute favorite products, especially when pair with a little Deep Relief or the CBD Muscle Rub Balm! Pulled or overtired muscles, tension headaches, arthritis, back aches, any ache or pain really! Just a dab of the pain cream, rub in well and roll on your Deep Relief a few minutes later and you're good to go!

The Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream blends Wintergreen oil and Peppermint oil with other high quality ingredients that are amazing for your whole body. The pain-relieving benefits come about in two ways: methyl salicylate found in Wintergreen helps alleviate pain deep in the muscles and joints, a natural method found in Peppermint provides a lovely cooling effect. This formula doesn't just make your skin tingle like other OTC pain creams - it actually gets to the muscles to help relieve the pain and support healing. It is also considered an over the counter product, making Young Living the only essential oil company to have OTC items!


  • Free from fragrance, petrolatum and other chemicals
  • Plant-based formula featuring methyl salicylate from Wintergreen essential oil and menthol from Peppermint essential oil
  • Actually supports the muscles and tissues beneath the skin
  • Has a lovely cooling effect
  • Contains aloe vera and isn't drying to the skin


To use, simply apply to the affected area up to three or four times a day. If you need a little extra, alternate with Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream and/or Deep Relief Roll-on!

Join us this month as we make this simple swap that will impact  your health and wellness routine!

Want to try Cool Azul Pain Relief Creambut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

The Easy Button - Health, Wellness & Abundance at the Best Deal

Who wants to pay full price when you can get the same thing at a discount? Young Living has several options to help you get started and snag the best deal possible. Even if you already have your own Young Living account, there are still some money-saving tricks you need to know!

Good Deal

Head over to and add items to your cart! You will pay the higher amount shown and set up a retail account. You can upgrade to a wholesale membership at any time if you wish to get a 24% discount on all your purchases! 

Better Deal

Go ahead and upgrade that retail account to wholesale OR dive right in with the starter kit of your choice! These starter kits get you that coveted 24% wholesale discount on all your purchases plus access to even MORE membership perks like Essential Rewards and community support. Choose the kit that’s right for you!

Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit $165
  • Includes 12 of the most popular oils, 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier Sachets, Thieves Spray, 2 AromaGlide Roller Fitments, 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. Samples
  • Choice of diffuser: Desert Mist or Dewdrop, Rainstone (add $45)
  • The Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit qualifies for FREE shipping

CBD Regular Strength Premium Starter Kit $165
CBD Extra Strength Premium Starter Kit $250
KidScents Little Oilers Premium Starter Kit $135

Premium Starter Kit with NingXia Red $135

Premium Starter Kit with Thieves $125
  • Includes Thieves 15 ml, Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, 2 Thieves Household Cleaners, 2 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, 2 Thieves Sprays, 2 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifiers
  • The Thieves Starter Kit qualifies for FREE shipping

Basic Starter Kit $35 
  • Includes Stress Away 5 ml, AromaGlide Roller Fitment, 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier Sachets, Thieves Mints, 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. Samples
  • The Basic Starter Kit qualifies for FREE shipping when an additional 100 PV is added

Best Deal

Grab a Premium Starter Kit AND say YES to Essential Rewards right away  - Young Living's customizable subscription box program! You will earn 10 spendable points on your starter kit, get FREE shipping on your order, and be THAT much closer to earning your first loyalty gift with Young Living!

Essential Reward Perks

  • Loyalty gifts (FREE oils)
  • Earn points that convert to product credit
  • Completely customizable from month to month
  • Access to exclusive discounted ER bundles
  • Qualifies you to receive $ for referring friends
  • FREE shipping on orders of 100 PV or more
  • Get bonus freebies depending on your monthly order total 

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As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

The Holiday Starter Bundle is Here! - 2020

The Holiday Starter Bundle is Here!

Say hello to the limited time Holiday Starter Bundle! A great starter bundle to share with friends and family OR for your own family as you travel this holiday season (and throughout the year)! It includes nine oils that are perfect for travel - available only for a limited time. Item #35327 Wholesale $150, 100PV

This bundle includes:
  • Lemon 5 mL - So fresh and clean, Lemon is one of my favorites to diffuse! It smells like rays of sunshine and invites in possibilities and creativity. its also a favorite for cleaning and purifying! Lemon pairs well with Peppermint, Thieves, Joy, and other citrus oils.
  • Peppermint 5 mL - Bright, fresh and clean, Peppermint is another quintessential holiday oil! It has a refreshing aroma that helps to sharpen and focus the mind, clear the airways and invite a sense of calm. Is also a favorite for tense muscles and joints! Pair Peppermint with Thieves or Grapefruit in the diffuser for an uplifting holiday blend.
  • Frankincense, 5 mL - the perfect oil for the holiday season. Eartly. Grounding. Inviting. Apply to the back of the neck or crown of the head to calm the brain and though process. Add to your moisturizer for glowing skin. Diffuse with Thieves for a festive holiday blend.
  • Joy 5 mL - Combining Jasmine, Geranium, Rose, Tangerine and other uplifting oils, this blend is perfect for the holiday season! In fact, it is one of Young Living's most popular uplifting blends! Wear as a perfume, diffuse with Frankincense or citrus oils, and invite your mind to see the beauty and joy around you.
  • Lavender 5 mL - Lavender helps create a relaxing, uplifting, sap-like atmosphere any time of the day, but I especially love it at night with frankincense. Lavender is also a favorite for supporting injured skin! Grab a hot pan while baking? Add some coconut oil, Lavender, and Frankincense! 
  • Bergamot 5 mL - Bergamot's effervescent citrus aroma makes it a great addition to your morning routine and to liven up your holiday chores! Bergamot has a primarily tart and uplifting aroma, with sweet and relaxing elements, making it a popular addition to perfumes and diffuser blends! Pair it with Joy, Lavender, Lemon, or Grapefruit.
  • Grapefruit 5 mL - Diffuse this mood-lifting oil with Bergamot, Lemon, and Thieves for a jolt of holiday cheer! Grapefruit is a favorite oil for simple cheer! Grapefruit is a favorite oil for simple DIYs too. Make a room or mask spray to keep things fresh and clean all day long or a sugar scrub to keep or give to a loved one.
  • Peace & Calming 5 mL - Peace & Calming is a gentle, sweet blend of Blue Tansy, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang, and is one of Young Living's most popular blends. It makes a wonderful perfume or an addition to a relaxing epsom salt bath, and its calming, sweet aroma is perfect for sleeping in heavenly peace this season.
  • Sweet Aroma Diffuser - This compact, fresh, and modern diffuser offers big features without taking up precious counter space - making it perfect for holiday travel. Breathe in the sweet aroma of essential oils with two diffusion modes and set a festive mood for your home with 10 different lighting options.
  • Leopard-Print Carrying Case - This adorable case is perfect for taking your diffuser and oils on the go! This zippered carrying case will hold our Sweet Aroma diffuser and has slots for your essential oils as well.
  • Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer 1 oz - Clean your hands naturally without drying them out! This waterless hand sanitizer is infused with Young Living's Thieves essential oil blend, so your hands will be fresh and clean without any chemicals or drying agents.
Check out the amazing products in the Young Living 2020 Holiday Catalog - for a limited time. Don't wait, or you'll. miss out.

Grab this amazing bundle for yourself or a loved one. Click here to get started. 

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

YL Bath Bombs - Ditch And Switch Nov 2020



As gatekeepers of our home, we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products for ourselves and our families! Join us as we detox our homes and switch out conventional precuts for cleaner, greener, and better options! For November, let's clean up our bath routine with Young Living's BATH BOMBS!

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