beginner prep box

You'd think growing up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast that I would've heard of a prep box before, especially with hurricane seasons here. It wasn't until 2020 that I became more aware of people who created some sort of prep/ survival box for their family in case of natural disasters or situations. This summer I began creating a super basic prep box that I plan to continue adding to in small steps. Gradually a few things here and there for our family makes the most sense for us financially, but I think it is a really good idea for every family to begin collecting prep items as they can. I am going to share with you what is in our prep box so far, as well as a few of my favorite "preppers".


your household cleaner is a generational game changer

Did you know that something as simple as our household cleaner can have a generational impact?! Who would've guessed that. That is something I definitely never knew or ever considered as a young adult and even as a new parent. But toxins from things like our household cleaners can carry on from 2 - 3 generations!!!


free grade level flag

When I was looking for back to school ideas and supplies for Raley this year I kept seeing all these super cute grade level flags! It is super easy to get caught up in purchasing all the things, but I kept trying to remind myself "simplicity" and "budget friendly".

Back to School ready

Raley is beginning her homeschool co-op shortly which means it is time for us to get back-to-school ready. I'm a list person when it comes to being prepared, so I put together a few "things I need to get" when it comes to becoming back to school ready. 



I don't know about you, but we have no time for the ickies in this house. Plus this mama likes her sleep through the night peace. Here is one way we support our immune systems.

a few of my favorite things

The end of summer is approaching which means back to school or full swing back into those routines that may have been pushed to the side during the summer. This is also a time where many stock up on some of their personal favorites so I thought this would be a great time for me to share just a few of mine with you! 

I don't know about you, but this mama doesn't have time to get sick and in the odd event that I do I need to bounce back quick! Here is a list of a few of my favs that not only help our wellness, but just get through the daily grinds.


DIY Summer Glow Face Mask

Keep the glow of sun-kissed skin all year long with this simple and effective DIY face mask! Frankincense and myrrh are both incredible oils for your skin, especially when used daily. The combination of frankincense, myrrh, honey, organic, full-fat yogurt helps to remove impurities, lock in moisture, and smooth skin tone, leaving you with a healthy glow! Find the printable here and happy printing! 


Unicorn Roller DIY

It’s no secret that essential oils are a powerful tool for our emotional health, and this roller blend is the ultimate in mood support! These oils are incredible for helping us access a different emotional pattern, and adding dried flowers like lavender or rose buds adds to the experience!

Fine. Fine. I Will Put Down the Pop-Tarts

For a few years my husband would try to introduce healthier foods to me here and there throughout our dating and first years of marriage. I was a little hesitant since I was pretty picky and a junk food lover. I had slowly began adding more vegetables into my diet thanks to him and my liking to stir fry dinners. While I was pregnant with our second daughter, it seemed he was coming across more articles explaining why certain foods were no good for us... the ingredient of high fructose corn syrup and my pregnancy craving of strawberry pop tarts were two things I specifically remember him pointing out to me during that time. I mean how in the world does a pregnant mama who craves pop tarts on a daily just give them up so easily anyways?! 

for the love of thieves

As you may know by now I am a mama that likes to get the most bang for my buck. This means making our nontoxic cleaners and such last as long as they can. Many people avoid switching to safer products and ditching their ones filled with crap because let's be honest, it sounds pretty pricey. Or was that just me?! But I was relieved to discover that it doesn't have to be so expensive, especially when I learned a few tricks to make our items last a lot longer! 

saving affording toxin free products mom on a budget thieves plant based cleaner detergent switch and ditch
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