Hey mama. There are other options out there when littles are sick

In this blog post, the author discusses the importance of reevaluating the contents of your medicine cabinet when it comes to treating your child's illnesses. They suggest considering a more natural approach by incorporating options like Young Living essential oils rather than relying solely on traditional medicines. The author mentions specific products like collidal silver, vitamins, and a homeopathic basic kit as great starting points for those who may be new to natural remedies. They encourage readers to pick one option and begin incorporating it into their medicine cabinet.


When my husband first told me a few weeks back that he put a bandaid over one of Kennedy's boo-boos I paid no attention, just thinking she scratched her arm or something. But to my surprise a week or two later she woke with marks on her face, three to be exact. They were pretty small so I just assumed that she scratched her face some how while in her sleep since her finger nails grow like crazy. After a day or two I noticed those boo boos on her face were getting more noticable and then I realized the boo-boo on her arm that was covered by a two week old bandaid had actually grown larger than the bandaid itself. That is when I began to pay more attention. Thanks to Doctor Google searches "sores on my child's skin" and "child skin infections" we decided it was time to take Kennedy to the doctor to find out what in the world was going on.  

my ride or dies

I feel like once you battle a few things with things that work, that helped make things easiler on you, there is just no going back. Right?

A few of these have done just that for us. So here is a list of my ride or dies that we use multiple times a year for sooo many things. And here is why you need them in your home. After all, I hope you never make the mistake I did - waiting until I needed these on hand before actually getting them in my hands.


wellness education classes for february

" Are you ready for it?" - as Taylor Swift would ask in one of her popular songs. Sorry  I just had to. But February is legit filled with so many amazing opportunities for you to tune in and learn a little something new. See the clickable links below and it'll take you directly to where those classes are being held. Grab your fav beverage, put on some cozy clothes and tune in! 


I don't know about you, but we have no time for the ickies in this house. Plus this mama likes her sleep through the night peace. Here is one way we support our immune systems.