DAY ONE: Ditch Candles (even the good ones) for Diffusing!!!
If you're apart of our Delightful Well Co then more than likely you have a diffuser and oils. But, have you eliminated ALL candles from your home?👀 Often times we get asked about soy or beeswax candles. Sure, they're "better", but there are two very important things to keep in mind
Many of the "better" candles out there contain essential oils, BUT, you don't know where those oils came from. They could be from Amazon or the local drug store, meaning they are adulterated and are not 100% pure.

Secondly, even if you made the candles yourself or are confident the oils are 100% pure, here's what you need to keep in mind. Heating the oils may retain the aroma but the therapeutic value of the essential oil is greatly diminished😳

Why spend all that money to not fully reap the benefits? So stick to diffusing to not only fill your home with pleasant aromas, but to receive amazing therapeutic value as well!!

Below are a few blends we love to diffuse in order to purify the home. If you're new here, the oils from your Happy, Healthy Home Kit can be diffused separately or together. Lemon has such an uplifting aroma and is also great for purifying the air. Thieves, while also purifying the air, has lots of immune boosting benefits. So get those diffusers pumping and let's get rid of those winter germs and welcome in the crisp Spring air!!!
Share with us in the comments what you're diffusing today!!!


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