DAY TWO: Thieves Household Cleaner ConcentrateIf someone is new to clean living and they were to ask an existing Young Living customer or Brand Partner what to try first I can guarantee you that the #1 answer would be Thieves Household Cleaner.

The number of uses for this product is UNREAL and you're going to learn about a lot of them over the next month. It gives us so much peace knowing we can clean our home top to bottom with a plant based product that's safe for our two and four legged children.

In the Happy, Healthy Home Kit you receive a 16 oz glass amber spray bottle, already customized with a pretty label. You can also find some spray bottles on Amazon. Follow the recipe below and get going on the Spring Cleaning Calendar we posted on Day 1!!

Adding any extra oils to your Thieves Spray for a customized scent?! Share with us in the comments what you're adding and what area of your home you're cleaning first!!


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