stomach bug protocols

It seems like the stomach bug hits our home at least once a year these past 3-4 years, and just like we always have Band-aids , hydrogen peroxide and dye-free ibuprofen on hand in our medicine cabinet, I always make sure we have the necessities on hand that help our family during the stomach bug. 
If you have ever had any tummy issues and gave DiGize essential oil a try then you've probably already experienced how much this oil is needed to have on hand in your home. When the girls first start showing signs of the stomach bug I put 15-20 drops of DiGize essential oil + top with coconut oil in a 10ml glass roller for easy use. I roll the mixture on their bellies every 30-60 min. The more the merrier in my experience. I apply DiGize oil every 30-60 min until I notice they are no longer throwing up. Most times once our girls are no longer throwing up I  no longer need to apply the oil. This past time the bug hit our middle child a bit harder so we kept using DiGize oil 3-4xs a day until she no longer felt nauseous.
Mountain Savory is an essential oil I had on hand (got for free thanks to Subscribe & Save) but never thought I would use. It wasn't until the hubby had gotten C*V** a while back when I pulled out my giant reference guide and under the word virus, this oil was suggested. The book recommended using this oil along the spine since that is where viruses can be held. So now any time a virus is in our home or going around I pull out this oil to apply along the spine.
The third essential oil we use during the stomach bug or just any type of ickies going around is Frankincense essential oil. I put this oil straight on the bottom of everyone's feet 2-4xs a day for immune support. This oil helps raise the frequencies in our body and since illness begins at 57-60 MHz it is super important to raise those frequencies. Eating fresh fruits & veggies also help support our body in increasing our frequencies. You can find the items in our family's stomach bug toolbox HERE

And lastly, we want to make sure we are taking advantage of supplements when there are bugs going around. We grab our Silver supplement from Doctor's Nutrition since it is local to us. We also find Mary Ruth's probiotics helpful as well of course.... because hello gut support. And depending on your little, if they're willing to take chewables or not (mine aren't quiet there with the chewables yet), but vitamin D + Super C are great additions. This goes for you as well. I personally take the Inner Defense supplement as well for myself because I don't have time to get sick. Someone has to hold back their hair, clean up the messes and make sure everyone is oiled up... Am I right?!