Have you ever brought your child in for an ear infection and the doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the ear infection, and like expected - the antibiotics help clear up your child's ear infection? This is what most of us experience the first few times we use antibiotics to "treat" things like ear infections and strep throat for example. But over time and after a few rounds of antibiotics, sometimes these antibiotics don't work like they used to as our children's bodies have gotten used to them. We've experienced this in the past with ear infections and again this year with strep throat. Every time the doctor will prescribe a different brand of antibiotic to help fight off whatever isse we are having, but after trying our third round of a different type of antibiotic I decided I had had enough. I thought - there has to be something else we can do to help our daughter's body fight against her strep throat. That is when I decided to see what other options we could use for our daughters when the antibiotics don't work.
If you have never watched one of Barabara O'Neil's videos on YouTube for natural remedies I highly suggest it. She is full of knowldge and explains why and how our body works. Upon her suggestions I cut up garlic cloves, wrapped them in a paper towel and put a wrapped paper towl of chopped up garlic cloves in each of our daughter's socks. Three times a day I would put drops of collidal silver on the inside of our daughter's throat for her to ingest, along with her taking her daily multivitamins by Mary Ruth's Organics. Our daughter went from crying through the night from the pain of her sore throat, two days of a 101 fever to feeling much better with no fever after using these recommendations to help her body fight her strep throat. During this time we also watched sugar intake to keep it at a bare minimum since our immune systems lower when we ingest too much sugar. 


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