Cleansing 101

This blog post provides an in-depth discussion on the topic of cleansing and why it is important for our overall health and well-being. The article emphasizes the need to address the root cause of health issues rather than simply silencing symptoms. It also highlights the importance of opening up elimination pathways in our bodies, particularly the colon, and provides tips on how to achieve this through the use of Young Living products, such as Digest & Cleanse Softgels and Essentialzyme.

Additionally, the post emphasizes the connection between physical, mental, and emotional health and encourages readers to embrace wholeness throughout the cleansing process. It highlights the role of essential oils in supporting the body's natural functions and suggests Young Living's 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse as a great starting point. The blog post concludes by addressing the importance of having the right attitude and mindset during the cleansing process and emphasizes the need to view cleansing as a lifestyle rather than a quick fix. It also highlights the availability of resources such as the Life Steps app and the support from the Young Living community.

Detox Baths

This blog post discusses the benefits of detox baths and provides various recipes using Young Living essential oils. Detox baths are a great way to support the body during times of illness, skin issues, or when you're feeling off. By combining essential oils, baking soda, and magnesium flakes or Epsom salts in hot water, you can help flush out toxins and promote overall wellness

The blog post also provides specific recipes for different needs, such as the "Flew-Away Detox Bath" for immune support, the "Raindrop Detox Bath" for general wellness, and the "Skin Soother Detox Bath" for skin issues. Additionally, there are recipes tailored for children and specific concerns like muscle love, aches, immune support, and digestion. Detox baths can be a powerful tool to support overall health and well-being.