DAY THREE: Hand Soap

Although the Happy, Healthy Home Kit does not come with hand soap, Young Living makes it super easy to make this swap in your home with three amazing scents to choose from: Thieves, Lavender, and my personal favorite, Lushious Lemon!!

Their hand soap is formulated with naturally derived, plant-based ingredients for gentle cleansing that moisturize the skin, not dry it out. Our skin is the largest organism on our body. Products we use daily, especially multiple times a day, should be the ones we swap out first.

Add some Young Living Hand Soap to your next order, along with one of the refill bottles to ensure you never run out. In the meantime, you can make your own from home using a few basic ingredients and the oils from your kit.
What scent are you going to go with, Thieves, Lemon, or a little of both?!


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