The Spring Handbook

With its cool breezes and sunshine-filled days, Spring is a time of renewal and a fresh spirit. After a long winter, we are ready for a little spring refresh! We’re brightening the atmosphere in our homes with citrusy diffuser blends, giving our bodies the support they need with supplements and oral sprays, and focusing on the sunshine and light with daily self care practices and mindfulness. Fill up your diffusers, grab an uplifting roller blend and dig into these tips, tricks, recipes and DIYs for the upcoming season.  


supporting happy, healthy children

My friend Tanya is an amazing homeschooling mama who has more than double the littles that we do & she recently shared all about how she helps support her children of all ages using essential oils. Did you miss it? No worries. I got you!

Unicorn Roller DIY

It’s no secret that essential oils are a powerful tool for our emotional health, and this roller blend is the ultimate in mood support! These oils are incredible for helping us access a different emotional pattern, and adding dried flowers like lavender or rose buds adds to the experience!

easiest way to use your essential oils

I don't know about you but I feel like I am always busy and just prefer things to be as easy as possible. I  know I am not the only one, am I?! One of the easiest ways to use essential oils and reap the benefits is by making super quick and easy roller blends that we can use on the go or just any time period.
essential oils roller diy roller recipes busy mama

it's more than just filling your home with all the yummy smells

Out of our five senses, smell is the only one that activates the limbic system. Guess what smells pretty freaking amazing?! Yep, essential oils! We can diffuse or breathe in essential oils straight from the bottle to open up our amygdala and process our emotions in a healthy way.

diffusing essential oils switch and ditch

our journey

A few years ago I was a kindergarten teacher in Stony Plain, Alberta in Canada who had no clue was clean living looked like, what essential oils were and none of that was even on my radar. I was a Clorox using, Glade plug-in loving, Taco Bell eating (still love me some tacos!) pregnant mama to a busy one year old. That feels like an eternity from now and where are family currently is as far as lifestyle goes. Crazy how something so small could impact our little family in the best way!

I will be honest with ya... when a kindergarten parent gifted me some homemade goodies using essential oils along with a Young Living catalogue I had never heard of essential oils and simply thought that sounded like something hippie people would be into. After all, this same parent gifted me one of my fav gifts for Christmas- a bottle of wine. So I did what any good teacher would do, I used the sugar scrub she gifted me and I felt so much better afterwards. Not only did my neglected skin feel buttery soft, but I felt better emotionally. Then after I used the sleepy spray she also made me a few nights in a row I realized I was sleeping better and also getting up less for bathroom break which is a big deal for a pregnant mama expecting a new babe in just 2 short months. I was intrigued and had to find out more!
Long story short- I was introduced to the Think Dirty App (it's a free app) which I used to scan all the products in our bathrooms that I was using for our toddler and ourselves. I was appalled! Like how could companies even be allowed to sell these items in stores and we are so ignorantly rubbing these things all over our precious babes. This made me angry. Yes, angry. Angry that I had no clue about the fact that ingredients do matter, that they can have lasting impacts on our family, that companies would be okay with marketing and selling these things to families and that I had been using them for years. That is when I had enough and decided to take a small yet simple step to try a little better. That all started with this box of the best & most popular essential oils & diffuser. 

I am not an expert in all things essential oils or healthy living. I will be the first to admit that. I am just a mama that found some things that make our hard times a lot less difficult, and that is possible with these little bottles of plant goodness that has made big impacts in our home. 
Here's a little list of a few things we no longer use-
Neosporin/ Polysporin, Vicks, Clorox anything, Frebreeze anything, Windex, candles, plug-ins, cough syrup, dryer sheets, monistat, throat spray, orajel, anitbiotics for ear infections or UTIs, Pepto Bismol to name a few

Those are just a few that popped in my head and there are still a lot more. Is there still a place for modern medicine? You bet. But is it our first and only option? No way. I now feel so empowered to be the gate keeper of our home and have learned how to better choose options that work best for our family. It's nice to not feel so helpless at every little turn.

And let's not forget... While we currently are living back in Mississippi where I am from, I discovered essential oils while living in my husband's hometown in Alberta, Canada. Young Living is a world wide company and what is so fascinating is that while some of the oils vary that come in your oily starter bundle, they had many of the same purposes. It still amazes me that you can use literally one bottle of essential oil for more than a handful of things. It is convenient and just super cool.

natural options essential oils natural wellness plants