I don't care how toxic my home is says no one ever

It wasn't until I was 8 months pregnant with high grade cells on my cervis, while chasing around our two year old that I began to question the ingredients in items we were bringing into our home.
Sometimes we need to understand the risks of having a home filled with toxic ingredients before willingly switching over to non-toxic products. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but it's also refreshing!

Fast forward seven years later and I am so happy I decided to take small simple steps to reduce our family toxic overload. If you want a simple step by step guide to reducing the toxins in your home don't miss my free Simple Steps Guide to Reducing the Toxins here.
If this momma of three who works full time can do it, you can too! I know your future self and littles will thank you for taking this simple step. We can do better when we know better.

supporting our wellness: first steps

Medical Freedom is not saying we do not need our doctors or medicine. We personally love our pediatrician, and am very grateful for the many benefits and advances medicines have provided for our family and others we know. But what it is to our family is just simply having the ability to have open conversations with our health care providers, being able to ask them questions regarding our bodies, our health and our options. It's about being empowered to read books and articles written by a wide range of experts with wide range of perspectives on different topics, so that we can be informed when having discussions with our health care providers. Each person is uniquely created and different which is why what works for one family may not look the same for another. Most decisions in life are not a one size fits all. 

I am going to share a few ways our family has made decisions to be a little more empowered, but like all things, we need to understand we each have to evaluate our individual needs and take steps that work best for us and at a pace that works best for us.