Fine. Fine. I Will Put Down the Pop-Tarts

For a few years my husband would try to introduce healthier foods to me here and there throughout our dating and first years of marriage. I was a little hesitant since I was pretty picky and a junk food lover. I had slowly began adding more vegetables into my diet thanks to him and my liking to stir fry dinners. While I was pregnant with our second daughter, it seemed he was coming across more articles explaining why certain foods were no good for us... the ingredient of high fructose corn syrup and my pregnancy craving of strawberry pop tarts were two things I specifically remember him pointing out to me during that time. I mean how in the world does a pregnant mama who craves pop tarts on a daily just give them up so easily anyways?! 

what does your toxic drip look like?

Toxins enter the body so easily....

For example, we breathe them, absorb them across our skin, & ingest them. This results in their ability to accumulate in the body. This is termed bioaccumulation. It may help us to visualize this concept if we liken our body to a glass of water and visualize these toxic exposures as drops. Toxic drip, after toxic drip, bio-accumulates into our body and fills our glass. Eventually, we have collected enough toxic drops (exposures), until our glass overflows. This is the tipping point, when we have reached the toxic threshold. This also is when symptoms of imbalance appear, or worse, we are diagnosed with a disease.
- Aroma Home

This made me think... Hmmm. I wonder what others' toxic drips looks like. This doesn't mean we have to be 110% perfect and have absolutely no toxic drip. That's extremely difficult this day in age, but to me it's more about being aware and trying our best to lessen it. For me it looked like.... Big Sexy shampoo & conditioner, Bath & Body Works body wash, Gillette shaving cream, Dove bar of soap, Clearasil face wash, Dove deodorant, ProNamel toothpaste, Mac makeup, Urban Decay make up and Maybelline makeup. It also looked like using Clorox wipes, literally a Frebreeze plug-in for every room, Febreeze spray, Windex on all the windows and candles through out our home to just name a few. Three and a half years ago I would have never imagined that I would feel so empowered as the gatekeeper to our home!