I don't know about you, but we have no time for the ickies in this house. Plus this mama likes her sleep through the night peace. Here is one way we support our immune systems.

a first and always favorite, quick and easy recipe

When a kindergarten parent gifted me sugar scrub, bath salts and room sprays for an end of the year gift my first thought was, "Awe. That's cute!". Now also understand, this same parent gifted me wine at Christmas and I had no clue what essential oils were. She had told me she used essential oils (whatever those were) in the recipes and I was a complete skeptic. But y'all... after using that sugar scrub one time in the shower I was hooked! And apparently my husband was too since it disappeared pretty quickly. As soon as I ran out I contacted her and the rest is history ( I got a starter bundle of the most popular essential oils & my eyes were opened to all the toxins we were using as a family).