Understanding what is in your cabinets

Discover the first step towards reducing toxins in your home with this informative blog post. The author shares their struggle with finding time to research and avoid harmful ingredients in everyday products. However, they stumbled upon a solution - a free app that simplifies the process. By scanning products and reading ingredient ratings, they became more aware of the toxins they were exposed to and took the first steps towards a healthier home. If you're ready to start reducing toxins in your own home, be sure to check out the author's free Guide to Reducing the Toxins in your Home.

sharing my favorite roller labels

Have you ever tuned into an online wellness event and it made you think of a friend or two who could benefit from it? Me too. And we have had a good number of people who have asked if they could invite their friends or someone they knew to check out our education events. The quick answer- absolutely! And to add in some fun... I am sharing my favorite roller labels with those who do! 

festive diy gift ideas & freebie

Y'all it easy to over spend in this season of giving, which is why I love these simple budget friendly diy gift ideas for friends, co-workers and teachers. My favorite diy gift go-to is sugar scrub, a roller of essential oils for either aches or stress, and the yummiest smelling room spray. And how could it not get any more festive with these fun festive labels


a little thank you

I know when you shop with Young Living you may feel like you are shopping big since it is a huge company and all orders ship directly from Young Living. What you may not realize is how much your wellness journey and non-toxic items that you love so much not only impact your family, but ours as well. When it comes to providing customers with a little extra love and care Young Living leaves that to the person who shared with you, to the people in our community sharing their lifestyle, and to me. I may not personally know each and everyone of you that is in our wellness community specifically but I feel like I do. 

free moments recipe card

Ever try a new diffuser blend that quickly became a favorite or make a roller for a specific need that just worked like magic? Writing those recipes down makes remembering them so much easier!  

free grade level flag

When I was looking for back to school ideas and supplies for Raley this year I kept seeing all these super cute grade level flags! It is super easy to get caught up in purchasing all the things, but I kept trying to remind myself "simplicity" and "budget friendly".