Y'all it easy to over spend in this season of giving, which is why I love these simple budget friendly diy gift ideas for friends, co-workers and teachers. My favorite diy gift go-to is sugar scrub, a roller of essential oils for either aches or stress, and the yummiest smelling room spray. And how could it not get any more festive with these fun festive labels

Sugar Scrub Recipe:
1 cup of coconut oil (not the liquid kind)
1/2 cup of sugar
20-30 drops of your fav essential oil
(My fav is adding 20 drops of orange or citrus fresh essential oil + 10 drops of vanilla essential oil or baking vanilla)
Mix well. (It mixes best with hands since the warmth helps soften the coconut oil)
Put in a jar + add label & cute ribbon to make more festive.

Aches Roller with Essential Oils:
15 drops of PanAway essential oil
15 drops of Peppermint essential oil
top with fractionated coconut oil

Emotional Roller:
15 drops of Valor essential oil
15 drops of Lavender essential oil
5 drops of Stress Away essential oil
5 drops of Vetiver essential oil
5 drops of Joy essential oil
top with fractionated coconut oil

There are so many room spray recipe options on the festive recipe card here. My favorites that I made this year was Christmas Movies and Baking Cookies. I put 10 drops of each oil suggested for the recipe in a glass spray bottle, 1 tbsp of witch hazel and top with water. I like to add some yarn or ribbon to it to make it a little extra special.


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