supporting our wellness: first steps

Medical Freedom is not saying we do not need our doctors or medicine. We personally love our pediatrician, and am very grateful for the many benefits and advances medicines have provided for our family and others we know. But what it is to our family is just simply having the ability to have open conversations with our health care providers, being able to ask them questions regarding our bodies, our health and our options. It's about being empowered to read books and articles written by a wide range of experts with wide range of perspectives on different topics, so that we can be informed when having discussions with our health care providers. Each person is uniquely created and different which is why what works for one family may not look the same for another. Most decisions in life are not a one size fits all. 

I am going to share a few ways our family has made decisions to be a little more empowered, but like all things, we need to understand we each have to evaluate our individual needs and take steps that work best for us and at a pace that works best for us. 

Fine. Fine. I Will Put Down the Pop-Tarts

For a few years my husband would try to introduce healthier foods to me here and there throughout our dating and first years of marriage. I was a little hesitant since I was pretty picky and a junk food lover. I had slowly began adding more vegetables into my diet thanks to him and my liking to stir fry dinners. While I was pregnant with our second daughter, it seemed he was coming across more articles explaining why certain foods were no good for us... the ingredient of high fructose corn syrup and my pregnancy craving of strawberry pop tarts were two things I specifically remember him pointing out to me during that time. I mean how in the world does a pregnant mama who craves pop tarts on a daily just give them up so easily anyways?!