for the love of books

My friend Christine helped me find the perfect books for our girls when I was looking to add a book to each of their stockings over the holidays. When Christine reached out for me to host a book party for her it was a no brainer because I love supporting other families whose values align with ours. I know her son Ryder enjoys these books as well and will have to learn to share them all with his soon-to-be baby brother! 

While there are a variety of books, manipulatives, puzzles, art books and books for literally every subject and holiday I am sharing my favorite Valentine / Friendship inspired books below. We use the upcoming Valentine's Day to focus on friendship, love, acceptance and being kind. Check out these recommendations! 


they need us

Last month when the girls got really sick I could’ve closed them off in their rooms to only attend to them as needed and kept my distance in hopes not to expose myself to anything. But motherhood is getting in the trenches with our children and giving them alllll the extra cuddles as we ask God to take away any glimpse of their burdens and give all their burdens unto ourselves.


toddler gift guide

We are pretty minimal when it comes to holiday shopping, but these are a few items we snagged for Addie. I have the links to each item here on my LTK