supporting happy, healthy children

My friend Tanya is an amazing homeschooling mama who has more than double the littles that we do & she recently shared all about how she helps support her children of all ages using essential oils. Did you miss it? No worries. I got you!

back to school jammies

What is the point in having three daughters if you can't make them match at times?! I kid. Well kinda. When we chatting about Raley heading to her homeschool co-op this year I wanted to make it extra special as we chatted about how excited we were for this new "school year". What better way to start by making it special than with matching jammies & painting apple cookies one morning! While on my search for back to school themed jammies I was surprised at how many options there were and just how adorable many of them were... so I am sharing some of my favorite finds with you.