30 Days 30 Ways

Ready to transform your home with the power of Thieves!?! Over the next 30 days you'll learn 30 ways to use your Thieves products as you ditch & switch all your household cleaning products.

To join along you'll need the items from the Happy, Healthy Home Kit, which includes the following:
+Thieves Household Cleaner
+Thieves Dish Soap
+Thieves Laundry Detergent
+Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub
+16 oz glass spray bottle
+Lemon Essential Oil
+Thieves Essential Oil
Plus a few other home/pantry staples.You can grab the kit here if you don't already have it: https://www.youngliving.com/.../make-a-shift-happy...

We would love for you to share with us along the way the things you're making, cleaning progress, and/or before & afters, so don't be shy!!
Below we've included some Spring Cleaning calendars for you to use to help keep track of your progress. We've also included a couple stickers for you to use on Instagram in case you want to share your progress in your stories. Be sure to tag @brittanyweidlich if you do so we can cheer you on!!
Now comment below with your best cleaning gif, turn on your favorite jams, and let's get a jump start on Spring Cleaning!!!


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