Some of you may be wondering who is this chic who sends me e-mails for those who don't personally know me or maybe you stumbled across this blog and just curious about who I am. Either way, I am so glad you are here and I hope you find some useful information on our community site.
So here's a little bit about me.... 
I was born in Bossier City, Louisiana but raised in Gulfport, Mississippi since I was four years old. It wasn't until I was much older that I got more confident in speaking my opinion, being a little bit bolder in my passions and trying not to care what others thought of me. It also wasn't until I was in my 30's that I discovered that what I had been using my entire life were full of crap ingredients, but we will touch on that later. First, let's chat about how this Mississippi girl met a Canadian.
I began teaching kindergarten in 2010 and since teacher's make v ery little money here in south Mississippi I also waited tables at a restuarant/ bar that I had worked at during college. One evening while working I had heard this weird accent, so naturally I asked this guy where he was from. Let's also add that he was wearing shorts & flip flops in February when it's cold to us locals. Long story short- about a year later we began dating which led to us getting married a year after that. When he retired from playing hockey we moved back to his hometown in Spruce Grove, Alberta Canada for five years. There we had our two oldest daughters and enjoyed the time we had with his family and all the beautiful friends I met there. 
While living in Canada- teaching kindergarten full time, chasing our one year old at the time (Raley), and being super pregnant I had discovered high grade cells on my cervix. At this same time I discovered that I had no idea about the ingredients we were using in our every day products when I was searching for answers about cervical cancer, and that is when a kindergarten parent introduced me to 2 things- The Think Dirty app ( I scanned everything in our bathrooms & under our kitchen sink) and to Young Living (safe, clean products from a company I could trust after thinking "Green" products were clean - insert eye roll.)

I also realized that (mostly importantly) what I was using for Raley had ingredients that could lead to cancer, disrupt her endocrine system and just were not good for her at all. No mama would purposefully want to use those items made for kids full of harsh ingredients on their littles. Fast forward to 6 years later- and we have 3 beautiful, healthy, fisty little girls who we are a lot more mindful of when it comes to what products we use in our home and the food they eat.
I honestly thought we would live in Canada forever, which I was totally okay with but there is also something about having babes and being so far away from your own mama. So in 2015, when Kennedy was 3 months old & Raley was 2, we decided to move back to south Mississippi. Me & Steven always look at life as in that we'll never know until we just do it and we don't want to live in regrets. This mindset also led to a few other things- like Addie, because we totally thought we were done with having children after Raley & Kennedy. It also led to me retiring from my teaching career to be a work at home / homeschooling mama. I am a big believer in that we have to do what makes us happy & fills our souls! I also tend to just run with my gut instinct on basically everything. lol.
You can mostly find me over on Insta- where I share our day to days, mom life, some of our homeschooling journey, sprinkled with a bit of wellness tips & gardening. I enjoy connecting with others on Insta, seeing different viewpoints and learning from others.
I am grateful you are here and that we are able to connect in this space & via social media.


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