toddler gift guide

We are pretty minimal when it comes to holiday shopping, but these are a few items we snagged for Addie. I have the links to each item here on my LTK


holiday gift guide

You know that saying "Tell me I'm pretty and buy me a coffee"? Okay so I don't know if that is actually a saying but that is basically how I feel about holiday shopping. Give me a few different ideas with a few different price ranges. I prefer that easy button, ya know.

When it comes to gift giving for our family and friends we like to keep it simple and minimal. I have put together a few gift guides just for you! Whether it's giving those you care about most more health conscious gifts (gone are the days where those watermelon Disney character bath bubbles are cool, am I right?!), shopping for littles, your friends, your co-workers I have put together some ideas in hopes to make your holiday shopping a bit easier.